Search Results for Tag : private bank
RBI’s Nod Mandatory to Buy 5% or More in Banks(20.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that its prior approval will be required for acquisition of shares or voting rights in a private bank for increas.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , private bank
Notifications & Circulars
Revised directions for acquisition of shares and voting rights in private banks(19.11.2015)
The Reserve Bank of India issued revised guidelines requiring prior approval for acquiring share or voting rights in private sector banks. Two amendme.....
Tags : Private bank, voting rights, acquisition, fit and proper
Reserve Bank of India (Issue and Pricing of Shares by Private Sector Banks) Directions, 2016(21.04.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India issued Master Directions on the issue and pricing of shares by private sector banks. Under the provisions, pricing of shares.....
Tags : private bank, share issue, pricing
Reserve Bank of India (Amalgamation of Private Sector Banks) Directions, 2016(21.04.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India notified Master Directions regarding amalgamation of two banking companies or of a banking company and an NBFC. For both, am.....
Tags : amalgamation, private banks, nbfc
RBI Issues New Guidelines Over Private Bank CEO Remuneration(05.11.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has told private banks to raise the variable portion of remuneration to at least half of the total for their chief executives a.....
Tags : RBI, Private Bank CEO