Supreme Court: States Have the Power to Regulate Industrial Alcohol  ||  Ker. HC: If a Legislation Confers Benefit on Some Persons it Can be Applied Retrospectively  ||  All. HC: When Warrant of Arrest is Issued, Applicant Not Entitled to Invoke Extraordinary Power  ||  Del. HC: Non-Signatory's Action Aligning With Signatories Impresses that it’s a Veritable Party  ||  SC: Order Passed Under Public Premises Act Doesn’t Bar Invocation of Arbitration Clause  ||  SC Reserves Judgement on Striking Down UP Madarsa Education Act, 2004  ||  Supreme Court: HDFC Bank is a Juristic Person, Question of Mens Rea Does Not Arise  ||  Mad. HC: Family Court should Ensure Conducting Proceedings Without Insisting Presence of Parties  ||  Delhi High Court: Court Can Waive of Requirement to Furnish Surety, if Satisfied  ||  Del. HC: Standard Required to be Met by Post Award S.9 Relief is Higher than Pre-Award S.9 Relief    

Search Results for Tag : order

Top Story

BBIN passenger vehicle movement promoting cross border participation and economic benefits regains momentum(15.01.2018)

As a landmark step, Bangladesh, India and Nepal have agreed on the operating procedures for passenger vehicle movement in the sub-region under the Ban.....

Tags : Agreement, Passenger vehicle, Cross border

International Cases

Appeal may be dismissed when issues are of such a nature that, decision sought will have no practical effect or result(20.05.2019)

In present appeal, counsel were at the outset of the hearing, asked to address the Court on the preliminary question whether the Full Court’s order mu.....

Tags : Rescission order, Grant, Legality

Financial settlements between spouses reopened for non-disclosure of assets(14.10.2015)

The United Kingdom Supreme Court considered the effects of material non-disclosure at financial settlement between husband and wife on divorce in

Tags : Divorce, settlement, non-disclosure, financial, order

Applicant in any proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act bears onus of proving matters necessary to establish grounds for making the order applied for(14.06.2019)

Present is an application by the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police pursuant to Section 49 of the Proceeds of Crime Act, 2002 for the court.....

Tags : Forfeiture order, Proceeds, Conditions

A custody order must not be made unless the alleged offence is punishable by imprisonment and the judge is satisfied that, such an order is appropriate(27.09.2017)

In facts of present case, The charges against Accused are that, he attempted to unlawfully kill his wife contrary to Section 283(1) of the Criminal Co.....

Tags : Trial, Mental fitness, Custody order

Deliberate disobedience of an order does not require a specific intention to break the law(14.08.2019)

Present proceedings arise from a dispute about noise disturbance between the owners of units in a block of units in Bay View Terrace. Unit 1 is a grou.....

Tags : Compliance, Direction, SAT Order

A freezing order should not be made unless risk of dissipation is established(22.08.2019)

The Applicants are the brother and sister-in-law of the late Terry Ray Woodley (the deceased). They are also creditors of his estate. The first Respon.....

Tags : Freezing order, Remedy, Entitlement

A person subject to a supervision order who, without reasonable excuse, contravenes a requirement of the order commits an offence(09.03.2018)

The Respondent has a history of violent sexual offending. He was last convicted of a serious sexual offence on 1st September, 2017. The offence was co.....

Tags : Sexual offence, Detention order, Continuation

Power of Court to extend time for compliance with a springing order has to be exercised cautiously(12.12.2019)

In present case, the Appellant was convicted on 27th November, 2017, after a trial before Corboy J and a jury for the murder of Mark Colin Koller (the.....

Tags : Springing order, Time, Extension

Any order for further and better discovery is discretionary and the discretion must be exercised having regard to the objectives of case management(25.06.2020)

Present is the Plaintiff's application for discovery orders. The Plaintiff is seeking orders requiring the second Defendant to discover all applicatio.....

Tags : Discovery orders, Entitlement, Jurisdiction

When order is ambiguous, a sensible interpretation of the order is to be preferred instead of an impractical approach(02.10.2020)

The matter concerned the interpretation of a Court order regarding security and the release of the MV ‘Unity’ from arrest. On 23 December 2016, the Kw.....

Tags : Court’s order, Compliance, Interpretation

If the Reserve Bank is satisfied that contraventions occurred, it may ultimately declare the attached funds forfeit to the State(20.07.2021)

In present matter, on 15 June 2017 the Appellant, the South African Reserve Bank (the Reserve Bank) issued a blocking order against two bank accounts .....

Tags : Provisions, Contravention, Blocking order

Courts should not grant adverse orders without providing the affected parties an opportunity to be heard(23.09.2021)

The issue before the SCA was whether the punitive cost order granted by LCC depriving the land claimants’ Legal Representatives of their fees in a lan.....

Tags : Adverse order, Cost, Legality

A maintenance order had the same legal consequences which flowed from an order made in a civil action(21.01.2022)

The appeal stemmed from the judgment of the High Court, the court made a declaratory order to the effect that the maintenance obligations contained in.....

Tags : Maintenance order, Prescription Act, Applicability

A pre-sentence order cannot be made if, at the time it is made, a sentence of immediate imprisonment is the only appropriate sentencing option(22.01.2019)

Present is a State appeal against the imposition of a pre-sentence order. The appeal is brought pursuant to Section 24(1)(a) of the Criminal Appeals A.....

Tags : Pre-sentence order, Imposition, Validity

Creditor and shareholder of holding company of insolvent insurer has no locus standi to seek curatorship of insurer under Section 54 of Insurance Act(24.10.2022)

In present matter, on 6 November 2018, the Prudential Authority, a juristic person that operates within the administration of the South African Reserv.....

Tags : Liquidation orders, Curatorship, Legality

As the blocking orders were still extant at the time of the winding-up of the companies, it is competent for the Reserve Bank to issue the relevant forfeiture orders(23.01.2023)

The Reserve Bank issued three separate forfeiture orders relating to the monies standing to the credit of Sun Candle Products (Pty) Limited (Sun Candl.....

Tags : Liquidation, Forfeiture orders, Validity

Inability to quantify a claim at early stage is not necessarily a bar to the grant of a freezing order(13.07.2023)

The Plaintiff has commenced proceedings by writ filed claiming that the defendant has breached contractual and fiduciary duties arising out of his con.....

Tags : Contract, Freezing order, Grant

Court cannot release an offender on a supervision order unless satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that the offender will substantially comply with the standard conditions of the order(28.08.2023)

Present is a contravention hearing under the High Risk Serious Offenders Act, 2020 (HRSO Act) in respect of the Respondent, Edward Latimer. As at the .....

Tags : Supervision order, Release, Conditions

High Court has jurisdiction to grant a forfeiture order in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act(03.05.2021)

In present matter, on 28 July 2017, the high Court granted an ex parte application for a preservation order, in terms of Section 38 of the Prevention .....

Tags : Jurisdiction, Unlawful activity, Forfeiture order

Admissibility and weight to be given to a previous consistent statement is a legal issue, not a factual one(06.05.2024)

The Respondent was arraigned in the high court on charges of corruption. The State alleged that, the Respondent had committed the crime of ‘corrupt ac.....

Tags : Corrupt activities, Discharge order, Legality

Notifications & Circulars

TRAI releases draft Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable Services) (Eighth) (Addressable Systems) Tariff Order, 2016(10.10.2016)

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today released draft Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable Services) (Eighth) (Addressable Sy.....

Tags : Tariff order, draft, Release

Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Removal of Difficulties Order, 2017(04.01.2017)

Whereas difficulties have arisen in giving effect to the provisions of clause (c) sub-section (2) of Section 10A of the Mines and Minerals (Developmen.....

Tags : Difficulty, Removal, Order

Special Investigation Team(11.04.2017)

SIT has been constituted in pursuance of the Order dated 4.7.2011 of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India passed in Writ Petition (Civil) No.176 of 2009. Th.....

Tags : SIT, Constitution, Order, Supreme Court

CCI issues important order under Lesser Penalty Provisions in the cartel case by leading Indian Zinc-Carbon Dry Cell Battery Manufacturers(19.04.2018)

The Competition Commission of India ('CCI') passed Final Order imposing penalty on three leading Indian Zinc-Carbon Dry Cell Battery manufacturers-Eve.....

Tags : Order, Issuance, Penalty Provisions

SEBI order in the matter of M/s Magnox Infraprojects Limited(17.08.2015)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India passed an order restraining M/s Magnox Infraprojects Limited and its directors from dealing in the securiti.....

Tags : Sebi, order, restraint, refund

Competition Commission of India (CCI) issues order against South Asia LPG Company Pvt. Ltd. (SALPG) for abuse of dominant position for terminalling services at Visakhapatnam Port(11.07.2018)

The case primarily concerned access to upstream LPG terminalling infrastructure at Vishakhapatnam Port, which comprises several components viz. unload.....

Tags : Order, Issuance, Abuse, Dominant position

Representation from all India Saccharin manufacturing Association-implementation of Hon'ble Gujarat High Court order dated 07.02.2018 in Special Civil Application No. 1399 of 2018(25.10.2018)

Kind attention is invited to the Civil Notice dated 12.02.2018 in the Special Civil Application No. 1399/2018 in the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat and.....

Tags : Representation, Association, Order, Implementation

Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Amendment Order, 2017(30.10.2017)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (l) and (2) of article 371 D of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following Order furthe.....

Tags : Recruitment, Order, Amendment

Auto Let Export Order under Express Cargo Clearance System(07.09.2020)

1. In order to facilitate exports by courier and to enhance the global competitiveness of India's exporters, Board has decided to allow the facility o.....

Tags : Auto Let Export Order, Cargo Clearance

Central Consumer Protection Authority passes order against Amazon for allowing sale of domestic pressure cookers in violation to mandatory standards on its e-commerce platform(04.08.2022)

CCPA is continuously monitoring the consumer protection landscape in the country. Recently, CCPA issued advisory to all e-commerce platforms with rega.....

Tags : CCPA, Order, Amazon

Directions of High Court of Delhi at New Delhi on Exclusions related to Genetic Disorders(19.03.2018)

In the matter of M/s United India Insurance Company Limited Vs Jai Parkash Tayal (RFA 610/2016 & CM Nos. 45832/2017) Hon'ble High Court of Delhi at Ne.....

Tags : Directions, High Court, Exclusions, Genetic Disorders

CCI issues cease and desist order against Kraft Paper Manufacturers and their four associations for indulging in anti-competitive practices(12.10.2022)

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) issued a final order today against four regional associations of Kraft Paper manufacturers, including their .....

Tags : Order, Issuance, Anti-competitive practices

Customs (Waiver of Interest) Second Order, 2023(11.04.2023)

WHEREAS, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs, had by Order No. 1/2023 - Customs (N.T.) dated 06.04.2023 made the Customs (Waiver of Intere.....

Tags : Waiver, Interest, Second Order

RBI launches Quarterly Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey: October-December 2021 (Round 56)(04.01.2022)

The Reserve Bank of India has launched the 56th round of its Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey (OBICUS). The survey is for the .....

Tags : Quarterly Order Books, Inventories, Launch

Flux Cored Solder Wire (Quality Control) Order, 2023(18.09.2023)

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government, after consulting t.....

Tags : Quality Control, Order, 2023

Amendment in the Acetone (Quality Control) Order, 2020(16.08.2021)

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government hereby makes the fo.....

Tags : Amendment, Acetone (Quality Control) Order, 2020

Exit Order In Respect of Delhi Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) ( De-recognized)(23.01.2017)

SEBI vide Circular dated May 30, 2012 had issued Guidelines for exit of stock exchanges. This contained details of the conditions for exit of de-recog.....

Tags : Order, Exit, Stock Exchange

RBI to make FEMA compounding orders public(26.05.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India will provide information on compounding orders passed after 1 June 2016.

The step, seen as a further shaming tac.....

Tags : fema, compounding, rbi, order

National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2021(01.12.2021)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 46 of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Act, 2021 (17 o.....

Tags : National Bank, Financing Infrastructure, Order, 2021

TRAI notifies Tariff Amendment Orders relating to commercial subscribers(08.09.2015)

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India notified tariff amendment orders relating to television services for commercial subscribers. Under the order.....

Tags : Trai, amendment order, commercial subscribers

India calls for further enhancing affordable access to medicines and facilitating easier movement of health professionals across national borders(31.03.2020)

India has called for working towards creating a global framework for further enhancing affordable access to medicines for fighting pandemics and facil.....

Tags : Access, Medicines, Movement, Health professionals, National borders

E-Pension Payment Order: New Step in the Right Direction(14.05.2018)

Furthering the Digital India-initiatives of Govt. of India, Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions), Allahabad has started issuance of ele.....

Tags : E-Pension, Payment Order, Issuance

SEBI orders: Torsa Agro Projects Limited, Alchemist Holdings Limited and illiquid stock options(20.08.2015)

Torsa, Agro Projects Limited and Alchemist Holdings Limited, their promoters and directors have been restrained and prohibited from buying, selling or.....

Tags : Sebi, order, restrain, market

SEBI Orders: Aspen Projects, Royal Twinkle Star Club, Aditya Global Industries and Nikhara Bharath Construction Company(25.08.2015)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India passed orders restraining the following companies and their directors from dealing in the securities market.....

Tags : Sebi, order, restraint, modification

Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressor and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2020(18.05.2020)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 16 read with sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standard.....

Tags : Amendment Order, Air Conditioner, Public interest

RBI proposes fresh Regulations under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 for Cross Border Mergers: Invites comments from stakeholders(26.04.2017)

The Reserve Bank today has placed on its website the draft guidelines proposed to be issued on cross border merger transactions pursuant to the Rules .....

Tags : Cross Border, Mergers, Regulations, Proposal

RBI Working Paper No. 02/2019: Cross-border Trade Credit: A Post-Crisis Empirical Analysis for India(08.05.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India today placed on its website a Working Paper titled "Cross-border Trade Credit: A Post-Crisis Empirical Analysis for India" u.....

Tags : Cross-border, Trade Credit, Analysis

Removal of Licensing Requirements, Stock Limits and Movement Restrictions on Specified Foodstuffs (Amendment) Order, 2019(06.08.2019)

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955), the Central Government hereby makes the followin.....

Tags : Removal, Licensing Requirements, Amendment order


Mere filing of revision against order of appellate authority would not empower Respondent to deny release of goods in question(14.09.2016)

In instant case, Joint Commissioner confiscated goods, however, allowed Petitioner to redeem goods on payment of Redemption fine and imposed a penalty.....

Tags : Appellate order, Implementation, Goods, Release

Unless proved contrary, service of notices sent properly addressed, prepaid and by registered post would be deemed to be proper service.(17.10.2016)

Instant appeal filed by Appellants aggrieved against order passed by Additional District Judge, whereby, application filed by Appellants under Order I.....

Tags : Ex-parte order, Validity, Notices, Service

A concluded agreement is not contemplated to be the starting point of offer period(02.12.2016)

Challenge in present appeal is to an order of Securities Appellate Tribunal, reversing order of Adjudicating Officer holding Respondents guilty of con.....

Tags : Contravention, Penalty, Reversal of order

Hindustan Motors continues to roll on its last cylinder(28.09.2015)

Hindustan Motors was granted reprieve against an order of the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction restraining it from disposing of its a.....

Tags : Hindustan motors, sick, company, formal order

Proposed externee is entitled, before an order of externment is passed under Section 56 of Bombay Police Act, 1951, to know material allegations against him(02.08.2017)

Present Petition is filed with prayer that, externment order passed by Respondent No. 3 - Sub-Divisional Magistrate, and order passed by Divisional Co.....

Tags : Externment order, Initiation, Legality

MACT not conferred with power to review its own order on merits(25.08.2015)

The Court dismissed a petition calling for a correction of an error by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in passing an order on the basis that the dr.....

Tags : Mact, substantive review, order

MACT not conferred with power to review its own order on merits(25.08.2015)

The Court dismissed a petition calling for a correction of an error by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in passing an order on the basis that the dr.....

Tags : Mact, substantive review, order

Judicial orders are required to be both speaking as well as reasoned orders(11.07.2018)

By way of present petition, challenge has been laid to the order dated 16th January, 2018 passed by the Court of learned Civil Judge, vide which an ap.....

Tags : Time, Extension, Non-speaking order

A Government servant has no vested right to remain posted at a place of his choice(08.10.2018)

In present matter, while the Petitioner was serving as Inspector and posted in the Armourer, Maligaon Headquarter, the Respondent No. 4 had issued ord.....

Tags : Post, Transfer order, Validity

Madhya Pradesh Rajya Suraksha Adhiniyam, 1990 does not prohibit Additional District Magistrate to pass externment order(29.01.2019)

In facts of present matter, the Additional District Magistrate, has passed an order externing Respondent for a period of one year from the district co.....

Tags : Externment order, Jurisdiction, Additional District Magistrate

A decision on debatable point of law or fact cannot be corrected by way of rectification(11.11.2019)

Present order disposes of an application praying for rectification of mistake in final order. Learned Counsel for the applicant has submitted that, pr.....

Tags : Final order, Rectification, Entitlement

Landlord flummoxed by distinction between compromise and consent order(02.06.2016)

A compromise reached between parties, leading to petition dismissed as withdrawn, cannot be enforced by the court under the aegis of a contempt petiti.....

Tags : rent control, compromise, consent order, undertaking

No person can be sent on deputation without his consent(19.12.2019)

The Petitioner joined the Respondent department as TGT (NM) in the year, 2006 and thereafter served in various places in the State. On 8th April, 2019.....

Tags : Deputation, Relieving order, Legality

An appeal is a continuation of proceedings of original Court and Court of first appeal must record its findings only after dealing with all issues of law as well as fact(12.02.2020)

Present is the Plaintiff's appeal challenging the judgment passed by the High Court, whereby the High Court has confirmed the judgment and decree pas.....

Tags : Contract, Specific performance, reasoned order

Courts should not interfere with a transfer order made in public interest unless the same is in violation of any mandatory statutory rule(23.06.2020)

The Petitioner is aggrieved by her transfer from the Thrissur Regional Centre to Tirur Campus of the first Respondent. The Petitioner challenges Exhib.....

Tags : Transfer orders, Judicial review, Scope

A Government servant holding a transferrable post cannot claim a vested right to remain posted at a particular place(29.06.2020)

Present Writ Petition has been filed by the Petitioner, challenging the Transfer Order whereby the Petitioner has been transferred from Dehradun to Bh.....

Tags : Transfer order, Right, Interference

Domestic transactions with an Associate Enterprise (AE) would not constitute “Specific Domestic Transactions” for the purpose of Section 92BA of IT Act(29.06.2020)

The captioned appeal has been filed at the instance of the Assessee against the order of the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, (‘Pr.CIT’), arising.....

Tags : Assessment, Revisional order, Legality

Court cannot step in and substitute the decision of the Corporation in administrative exigencies(24.07.2020)

The Petitioner has filed present writ petition seeking to set aside transfer order and to exempt him from rotational transfer on compassionate grounds.....

Tags : Transfer order, Malice, Proof

Every judicial or quasi-judicial order passed by Court must be supported with reasons in support of its conclusion(08.04.2019)

The Appellant filed an eviction petition against the Respondents. By order, the Civil Judge decreed the suit and passed the decree for eviction agains.....

Tags : Judicial order, Reasoning, Absence

Where a penalty is imposed on employee for a conduct which led to conviction on criminal charges, the employer can independently take disciplinary action against employee(25.02.2020)

The present appeal arises from a judgment of a Division Bench of the High Court of Gujarat. The Division Bench, in a Letters Patent Appeal arising fro.....

Tags : Final orders, Passing of, Restrain

Before entertaining a writ petition and passing any interim orders, Court must carefully weigh conflicting public interests(24.06.2020)

The present appeals are directed against the interim order passed by the High Court whereby in an intra-court appeal, the High Court passed an order o.....

Tags : Public interest, Interim order, Legality

If the delay is properly explained and no third party rights are being affected, the writ court under Article 226 of the Constitution may condone the delay(06.11.2020)

The Appellant is aggrieved by indefinite order of blacklisting. The High Court dismissed the writ petition in limine, only on the ground of delay, as .....

Tags : Blacklisting order, Legality, Delay, Condonation

A common order for summoning in different cases cannot be passed, when parties are unrelated(18.11.2020)

Vide the present petition; the Petitioners have sought quashing of the summoning order and all subsequent proceedings qua complaint case under Section.....

Tags : Summons, Common order, Validity

Once assessee has raised a legal issue challenging validity of notice under Section 148 of IT Act irrespective of non-appearance of assessee, Commissioner of Income Tax has to adjudicate legal issues(17.03.2021)

The Assessing Officer while passing the order under Section 147 read with Section 143 (3) of Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act) has made an addition of Rs......

Tags : Assessment, Additions, Exparte order

Contempt action ought to proceed only in respect of established wilful disobedience of the order of the Court(03.06.2021)

Present cases assail the orders issued by the Chief Engineer, pursuant to the judgment of present Court dated 15th November, 2018. This Court by the a.....

Tags : Direction, Disobedience, Court’s order

IBC bars jurisdiction of civil courts in respect of any matter in which NCLT or NCLAT is empowered by Code to pass any Order(18.11.2019)

The present civil appeals have been filed by the Appellant-Resolution Professional appointed by the National Company Law Tribunal for the Corporate De.....

Tags : Auction, Assets, Interim order, Jurisdiction

Arbitration tribunal cannot pass an ex-parte order on mere filing of an interim application as the Arbitration Act mandates sufficient advance notice for any hearing(13.10.2021)

Present is an appeal filed under Section 37 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996 (Arbitration Act) assailing an ex-parte order passed by the l.....

Tags : Ex-Parte order, Legality

Judicial re-writing of a statutory rule is unwarranted in the exercise of the jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution, particularly in interlocutory proceedings(27.09.2021)

Present appeals arise from an interim order of a Division Bench of the High Court in a batch of petitions. The writ petitions have been instituted bef.....

Tags : Rule, Interim order, Legality

Power under Section 482 is not available to the Court to countenance the breach of a statuary provision(22.04.2021)

The appeal is directed against order passed by the Hon'ble High Court. In the impugned order, the High Court has allowed an interlocutory application .....

Tags : Interim order, Powers, High Court

Issuance of notice under Section 143(2) of IT Act is mandatory in reassessment cases also(04.03.2022)

In present case, the original assessment of the assessee was made after scrutiny under Section 143(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (IT Act) and assesse.....

Tags : Reassessment order, Notice, Validity

An employee in a transferable job has no vested right to remain posted at one place(07.03.2022)

The present petition has been filed seeking setting aside of the order passed by the learned Central Administrative Tribunal, ('CAT') dismissing the p.....

Tags : Transfer order, Powers, Validity

When the proceedings are at a nascent stage, scuttling of the criminal process is not merited(26.04.2022)

The challenge in present appeals is to the judgment and order whereby the Delhi High Court dismissed the application under Section 482 of the Code of .....

Tags : Summoning order, Quashing, Grant

Slight deviation from guidelines forgivable at judicial review(06.06.2016)

Manipur High Court dismissed challenge by a constable of the police force against his dismissal order, which he claimed was passed without an enquiry .....

Tags : judicial review, administrative order, national security, deviation, guidelines

High Courts should not allow admissions in medical/ dental colleges lacking approval(11.04.2017)

In instant case, Respondent, a dental college, submitted its scheme for grant of permission to start post-graduate course of Orthodontics and Dentofac.....

Tags : Interim order, Validity

High Court within whose jurisdiction the Assessing Officer has passed the order, shall continue to exercise the jurisdiction of appeal(18.08.2022)

Present appeals give rise to an important question concerning appellate jurisdiction of High Courts under Section 260A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 aga.....

Tags : ITAT order, High Court, Jurisdiction

Prosecution cannot be instituted in absence of sanction of the Insurance Commissioner(19.09.2022)

The present petition is filed under section 482 of Code of Criminal procedure, 1973 (Cr.P.C.) for quashing of complaint filed by the Respondent for th.....

Tags : Summoning order, Sanction, Quashing

Suo motu power of revision could be exercised by the Revisional Authority, when an order made in proceeding is prejudicial to the interests of the State(01.02.2023)

Present appeal, by special leave registers a challenge to an order passed by the High Court dismissing Civil Writ Petition presented by the Appellant .....

Tags : Revisional Authority, Powers, Assessment orders

The date of the Panchnama last drawn would be the relevant date for considering the period of limitation of two years(24.03.2023)

The respective assessees have preferred the present appeals feeling aggrieved with the impugned common judgment and order passed by the High Court, by.....

Tags : Assessment orders, Panchnama, Time limit

In the absence of any contrary term in the service contract, a transfer order is a normal incidence of service(05.06.2023)

Present Petition takes exception to the judgment passed by the learned Member, Industrial Court, Mumbai, whereby the learned Member dismissed the comp.....

Tags : Transfer order, Business exigencies, Legality

For exercise of the power under Section 319 of Cr. PC, the evidence on record must show the involvement of a person in the commission of a crime(02.06.2023)

Present appeal, by special leave, takes exception to an order of the High Court. The impugned order dismissed an appeal filed by the Appellant under S.....

Tags : Summoning order, Power, Requisite satisfaction

Reasons must be recorded in the summoning order, if the matter is arising out of complaint case(11.09.2023)

Instant application has been filed with the prayer to stay the entire proceedings in Complaint Case under Section 498-A, 323 of Indian Penal Code, 186.....

Tags : Proceedings, Summoning order, Legality

Once employee opted for VRS and his decision had been accepted by Corporation, he cannot be permitted to take plea of ignorance about terms and conditions of Scheme(13.07.2023)

The Petitioner vide the instant Writ Petition is impugning the validity of the retirement order issued by the Respondent Corporation. Petitioner is se.....

Tags : Retirement order, Pensionary benefits, Entitlement

Substance of a document is discernible from its terms rather than the label or its nomenclature(19.10.2023)

Present appeal, is preferred by Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd. ("IL&FS" or "the borrower") aggrieved by an order of the National C.....

Tags : Freeze order, Document, Nature

Inherent power under Section 151 of CPC, can be invoked in appropriate cases to re-open the evidence or to recall witness for further examination(11.03.2024)

The present petition has been filed by the Petitioners under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, 1950 for setting aside the impugned order passe.....

Tags : Recall order, Permission, Grant

Prior show cause notice granting reasonable opportunity of being heard is essential element of all administrative decision-making(18.08.2023)

Instituting present proceeding under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1950, a challenge has been laid by the petitioner to an order to the ex.....

Tags : Debarment order, SCN, Issuance

Present Court should not interfere in findings of fact recorded by the Labour Court, unless same are so perverse as to be completely against the materials on record before it(02.02.2018)

Instant writ petition has been filed by the Petitioner challenging the award and its notification dated 22nd August, 2015 passed by the Respondent Nos.....

Tags : Dismissal order, Charges, Proof

Non-consideration of the decision of High Court or of Supreme Court is a 'mistake apparent from record', which could be rectified under Section 254(2) of the IT Act(14.12.2022)

By way of present Miscellaneous Applications under Section 254(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 ( IT Act), the assessee seeks recall of the common order.....

Tags : Assessment, Common order, Recall

Sessions Judge is empowered to call for and examine record of any proceeding before any subordinate criminal court situated within its jurisdiction(23.02.2018)

Appellant filed a complaint before the jurisdictional police station under Sections 420, 467, 468, 471, 120B, 506 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) and.....

Tags : Complaint, Cognizance, Remand order, Validity

In a contempt proceeding before a contemnor is held guilty and punished, Court has to record a finding, that disobedience was wilful and intentional(19.01.2021)

The present contempt petition arises out of an unfortunate family dispute between a father on one hand and his two sons from his first wife on the oth.....

Tags : Court Order, Disobedience, Non-compliance

Unless there is preference given to Crown debt by a statute, dues of a secured creditor have preference over Crown debts(06.03.2020)

In present case, the Appellant filed the Writ Petition in the High Court seeking a restraint order against the Tax Recovery Officer-Respondent No. 4 f.....

Tags : Attachment order, Enforcement, Legality

Arbitration tribunal empowered to recall order ‘in the interest of justice’(08.07.2016)

An arbitration tribunal can exercise its inherent powers to “secure the ends of justice”, the Chhattisdarh High Court said, allowing claims that the t.....

Tags : chhattisgarh, arbitration, order, recall, interest of justice

Courts should render all aid to the aggrieved party to enable him to derive the full benefits of the order(28.07.2015)

The High Court held that the jurisdiction of the Civil Court did not need to be invoked in order to enforce its order. In a matter where Deccan Chroni.....

Tags : sarfaesi, police, enforce, order, possession

Election Commission shall complete election before expiration of duration of five years' period(29.05.2017)

Aggrieved by order passed by Respondent No. 1 on 9th May, 2017, whereby elections to Shimla Municipal Corporation have been postponed, Petitioner has .....

Tags : Office order, Provisions, Violation

A transfer would not be annulled, if the same is made in the ordinary course of business or in good faith and for valuable consideration(25.10.2017)

Present appeal is against the notice of the Official Liquidator and against the report of the One Man Committee constituted by this Court. It is only .....

Tags : Prohibitory orders, Knowledge, Report, Validity


Madras High Court Annuls Assessment Order Solely Based on Data obtained from Web Portal(23.05.2017)

Madras High Court has set aside an assessment order which was solely based on data obtained from Web Portal of Commercial Taxes Department and reitera.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Assessment Order

Delhi High Court Comes To Aid Of Man With Rare Life Threatening Disorder(09.05.2019)

Delhi High Court while coming to the aid of a man suffering from a rare life-threatening neuromuscular disorder has allowed the clinic from where he h.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Disorder

SC Stays Orders of Kerala & Allahabad HCs Restraining Centre from Recovering Tax(20.03.2020)

Supreme Court has stayed the general orders passed by the High Courts of Allahabad and Kerala which restrained the Centre from recovering revenue dues.....

Tags : Supreme Court, High Court Orders on Recovering Tax

Calcutta HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed by It and Courts Subordinate to It(25.03.2020)

Calcutta High Court has extended the subsistence of all the interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it till 30th April, 2020, provid.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed by HC and Subordinate Courts(25.03.2020)

Kerala High Court has extended the subsistence of all the interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it till 14th April, 2020, in view .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi High Court Extends Interim Orders till 15th May(26.03.2020)

Delhi High Court has extended till 15th May, 2020 all interim orders passed by it or by District Courts that were about to expire on or after March, 2.....

Tags : Delhi High Court,Extension of Interim Orders

Karnataka HC to Authorities: Provide Free Treatment for LSD Disorder(26.07.2016)

Karnataka HC has ordered State run Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru to treat free of cost those children who are affected by Lysosom.....

Tags : Karnataka HC, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru, LSD Disorder

Delhi High Court: Externment Order Brings in Societal & Personal Deprivation(12.05.2017)

Delhi High Court has quashed an externment order against an accused, observing that such orders bring in societal and personal deprivation.

Tags : Delhi High Court, externment order

SC Closes Cases After Agreement to Allow Passage for Non-COVID-19 Patients from Kerala(08.04.2020)

Supreme Court has closed a bunch of Petitions regarding the Karnataka's border blockade, after the Centre told the Court that passage would be allowed.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Karnataka's Border Blockade

Centre Authorises States to Notify Orders Under Essential Commodities Act Without Its Concurrence(08.04.2020)

Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs has authorized the States/ Union Territories to notify orders under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, by relaxin.....

Tags : Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Orders Under Essential Commodities

Jharkhand HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate to It Till 30th April(09.04.2020)

Jharkhand High Court has extended the life of all interim orders, including provisional bail orders, passed by it or the Courts subordinate to it, til.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Karnataka HC: Media Must Ensure That Court Orders Are Not Misquoted in Matters Concerning COVID-19(14.04.2020)

Karnataka High Court has observed that the media, in particular the electronic media has to be very careful while reporting Court orders, concerning C.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Reporting of Court Orders

Bombay HC and Subordinate Courts Extend All Interim Orders Till June 15(17.04.2020)

Bombay High Court has extended all interim orders passed by it or Courts subordinate to it till 15th June, 2020 due to the extension of nationwide lo.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Punjab and Haryana HC Slams MHA over Inaction on BSF Report(14.01.2016)

Punjab and Haryana HC has pulled up Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for not acting on a Border Security Force (BSF) report highlighting the urgen.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC, Border Security Force (BSF) report , Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

Madras HC: Consumer Forums Can Set Aside Their Own Ex parte Orders(21.12.2016)

Madras High Court has ruled that every proceeding before Consumer Disputes Redressal Forums is deemed to be a judicial proceeding and, therefore, they.....

Tags : Madras High Court, ex parte orders, Consumer Forums

Supreme Court: No Judge can Claim to Never have Passed "Wrong Order"(04.10.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that no judge can claim that he or she has never passed a "wrong order" while observing that disciplinary action should not.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Wrong Order

J&K HC Seeks Copies of Order Passed by JKST to Registrar Vigilance of Court(15.10.2020)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has sought copies of all the orders passed by the Jammu and Kashmir Special Tribunal (JKST) to the Registrar Vigilance of.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Copies of Order Passed by JKST

SC: 'Residence Order' Not for Continuing Civil Proceedings in Relation to Same Subject Matter(16.10.2020)

Supreme Court has held that the pendency of proceedings under Domestic Violence Act, 2005 or any Residence order interim or final, passed under it, is.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Residence Order

Karnataka HC Dismisses Plea Filed by Air Force Wing Commander to Set Aside Transfer Order(19.10.2020)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed the petition filed by a Wing Commander of the Indian Air Force who has served the nation in the Kargil Operation, s.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Transfer Order

NGT Slams Telangana Government for Furnishing Fake Orders(28.11.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has pulled up Telangana Government for misleading Tribunal by furnishing a fake order during a hearing on ongoing case i.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Telangana Government, fake order, Himayatsagar, Osmansagar

Supreme Court Dismisses Petition Challenging Telecom Regulator's Tariff Order(31.10.2018)

Supreme Court has dismissed the plea challenging the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's March, 2017 regulations and tariff order relating to fixa.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Telecom Regulator's Tariff Order

Delhi HC Orders Government to review Cadre Restructuring of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force(08.09.2020)

Delhi High Court has passed an order directing the Government to review its cadre restructuring exercise pertaining to the General Duty Cadre and the .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

Telangana HC Extends All Interim Orders Till October 1(09.09.2020)

Telangana High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed by this Court, as well as by the District and other Subordinate Courts till 1.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

P & H HC Sets Aside Dismissal Order for Want of Reasons for Dispensing with Inquiry(09.09.2020)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that in absence of sufficient reasons recorded in writing dispensing with the requirement of holding inquiry in.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Dismissal Order

SC: Writ Petition Not Maintainable Against Judicial Order Passed by High Court(11.09.2020)

Supreme Court has held that a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1949 would not be maintainable in order to challenge which.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Writ Petition Against Judicial Order

J&K HC: Mere Reproduction of Police Dossier in Detention Order Can't Justify Detention(17.09.2020)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has quashed a detention order detaining one Surinder Singh under Section 8 of the Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978 s.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Reproduction of Police Dossier in Detention Order

Kerala High Court Put Stay on Filling of Paddy and Backwaters for Tourism Project(09.03.2016)

Kerala High Court has stayed Government order to fill vast tract of ecologically sensitive paddy-field and backwaters at Kumarakam in Kottayam, known .....

Tags : Kerala High Court , Government order

Orders From HC’s Official Website Have Sanctity: Bombay HC(13.02.2018)

Bombay High Court has said that orders uploaded on its official website have sanctity and trial courts that insist on production of a certified copy a.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Orders

Delhi Court Refuses RK Pachauri’s Plea For Gag Order on Media(15.02.2018)

A Delhi Court, while observing that “the media by its reporting should throw more light rather than generate heat”, has refused to put a gag order on .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Media, Gag Order

Karnataka HC Quashes BBMP Order on Advertisement Rules(07.02.2019)

Karnataka High Court has quashed the August 6, 2018 resolution passed by the BBMP Council imposing a one-year ban on advertisements in the city.

Tags : Karnataka High Court, BBMP Order on Advertisement Rules

Delhi HC Sets Aside LCC’s Order on Sexual Harassment Complaint(07.02.2019)

Delhi High Court has set aside an order of a Local Complaints Committee (LCC) which had rejected an employee’s sexual harassment at work place complai.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, LCC’s Order on Sexual Harassment Complaint

Telangana High Court Extends Operation of All Interim Orders(01.12.2020)

Telangana High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed by this Court, as well as by the District and other Subordinate Courts till 1.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till January 5(03.12.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed by it and by the Courts/ Tribunals subordinate to it, till 5th January, 2021.

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Awards Jail Term to Husband For Defying Maintenance Order(24.03.2017)

Delhi High Court has held husband guilty of committing contempt of court for disobeying Supreme Court order to pay Rs 1 lakh per month as ad interim m.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Order

CRIMINAL - “Sufficient Ground” for Withdrawal Of Suit in O 23 R 1(b) CPC Not Limited To Formal Defect: Orissa HC(19.03.2019)

Orissa HC while answering a reference arising out of conflicting judgments held that expression "sufficient grounds" occurring in Order 23, Rule 1(b) .....

Tags : Orissa HC, Withdrawal of Suit, CPC, Order 23 Rule 1(b)

CIVIL - “Sufficient Ground” for Withdrawal Of Suit in O 23 R 1(b) CPC Not Limited To Formal Defect: Orissa HC(19.03.2019)

Orissa HC while answering a reference arising out of conflicting judgments held that expression "sufficient grounds" occurring in Order 23, Rule 1(b) .....

Tags : Orissa HC, Withdrawal of Suit, CPC, Order 23 Rule 1(b)

Delhi HC Issues Notice on Court Master's Plea for Allegedly Tampering with SC Order(31.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued a notice to Delhi Police in a plea challenging the removal of a Court Master in Supreme Court who was allegedly found tamp.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Court Master's Removal, Tampering of Supreme Court Order

Kerala HC: Any Application Seeking ‘Order of Prior Recognition’ to be in Form II(28.01.2021)

Kerala High Court has directed that any application made by a School seeking an "Order of Prior Recognition" under the terms of Rule 14 of the Kerala .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Application Seeking ‘Order of Prior Recognition’

Delhi HC Directs Registrar Under PMLA to Ensure Orders to be Uploaded Within 48 Hours(29.01.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Registrar of Adjudicating Authority under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) to ensure all orders m.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Uploading of Orders

Supreme Court Stays TRAI's Tariff Order(09.05.2017)

Supreme Court has granted a stay on Tariff Order of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on a plea that said regulations issued by Trai stand .....

Tags : Supreme Court, TRAI Tariff Order

Karnataka High Court: Prohibitory Orders Illegal(14.02.2020)

Karnataka High Court has termed the city’s Police Commissioner’s prohibitory orders preventing five or more people to thwart anti- Citizenship Amendme.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Prohibitory Orders

Kerala High Court Sets Aside Insurance Court’s Order for Being Violative of Statutory Provisions(18.02.2020)

Kerala High Court has set aside an order passed by Insurance Court on the ground that the procedure adopted by the Court is violative of Section 75(2B.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Insurance Court Order Set Aside

SC Issues Notice in Amazon Plea Challeging Delhi HC Stay on Future-Reliance Retail Stake Sale(22.02.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice in the plea by Amazon challenging Delhi High Court's stay on the implementation of its own order passed by the Single .....

Tags : Supreme Court has issued notice in the plea by Amazon challenging Delhi High Court's stay on the implementation of its own order passed by the Single Judge bench of Justice Midha, which had directed status quo order on the Future - Reliance retail stake sale deal of nearly Rs. 25000 crore.

Calcutta HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till March 31(24.02.2021)

Calcutta High Court has extended the subsistence of all the interim orders passed by it and the courts subordinate to it till 31st March, 2021.

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay HC: Order Under Prevention of Corruption Act to Demonstrate Application of Mind(25.02.2021)

Bombay High Court has ruled that an order granting permission or sanction to prosecute an individual under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 must.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Order Under Prevention of Corruption Act

Bombay HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till 30th April(27.03.2020)

Bombay High Court has passed an order extending the life of all interim orders passed by Courts in the State until 30th April, 2020, in view of the pa.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till 26th April(27.03.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended all interim orders passed by it and by the Courts subordinate to it, which expired subsequent to 19th March, 2020 ti.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Madras HC Extends Life of Interim Orders Till 30th April(27.03.2020)

Madras High Court has extended the life of all the interim orders passed by it, that were subsisting as on 20th March, 2020, till 30th April, 2020, in.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Telangana HC Extends Interim Orders Till 7th June(30.03.2020)

Telangana High Court has issued a notification ordering that all the courts/ Tribunals subordinate to it will remain closed with immediate effect, unt.....

Tags : Telangana HC, Interim Orders

Tripura HC Extends Interim Orders Till 30th April(30.03.2020)

Tripura High Court on Friday extended the life all the interim orders, orders granting bail, parole, etc., passed by it and all the courts subordinate.....

Tags : Tripura HC, Interim Orders

Gujarat HC Extends Interim Orders Till 15th June(30.03.2020)

Gujarat High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by it and by the courts subordinate to it, that expired subsequent to 19th March.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, Interim Orders

Madras High Court Disapproves Sec.144 CrPC Prohibitory Order in Puducherry(05.04.2021)

Madras High Court has disapproved of the prohibitory order passed by Puducherry Administration/Collector exercising her powers under Section 144 of th.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Prohibitory Order in Puducherry

RBI Stop to Barter Trade on Indo-Myanmar Border(06.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to officially stop barter system, which is trading of goods without exchange of money, at Indo-Myanmar border......

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Barter Trade , Indo-Myanmar Border

SC Raps Bombay HC for Not Making Available Order Copies to Litigants on Time(04.11.2016)

Supreme Court has expressed unhappiness over careless attitude of Bombay High Court for not making available copies of Order to litigants in a time-bo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bombay High Court, Order Copy

SC Seeks Government Reply on Sealing of Borders(18.05.2020)

Supreme Court has sought responses from the Centre and Governments of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Delhi on a Petition which raised the issue of restric.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Sealing of Borders

Kerala HC Extends Interim Orders Till June 30(19.05.2020)

Kerala High Court has extended the subsistence of all the interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it till 30th June, 2020.

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Karnataka HC Directs State to Issue Orders to Provide Covid Test Results Within 24 Hours(19.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has directed the State Government to issue appropriate orders to all recognised laboratories to provide test results to patients .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Orders to Provide Covid Test Results

Delhi High Court Extends Interim Orders Passed By It & Subordinate Courts Till July 16(22.04.2021)

Delhi High Court has suo moto extended the interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it, which were subsisting as on 19th April 2021 o.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Supreme Court has issued notice to Centre, State Governments, Union Territories and the parties who h(23.04.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Centre, State Governments, Union Territories and the parties who have approached the High Courts to show-cause why .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Uniform Orders Over Covid Related Issues

SC Seeks Common Law Against Cross-border Cattle Smuggling(26.04.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Centre to extend to the India-Bangladesh border areas the rules framed to counter cross-border cattle smuggling to Nepal.

Tags : Supreme Court, cross-border cattle smuggling

Delhi HC Asks State to Identify Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(10.04.2019)

Delhi High Court has asked Delhi Government to identify children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), one of the most commo.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Gauhati HC Sets Aside Ex Parte Order of Foreigners Tribunal Declaring Person as Foreigner(02.03.2020)

Gauhati High Court has set aside ex parte order of Foreigners Tribunal declaring a person as foreigner noticing that the Tribunal had declared a perso.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Ex Parte Order of Foreigners Tribunal

Delhi High Court Sets Aside Trial Court Order Which Misread Direction(02.03.2020)

Delhi High Court has clarified that there is a difference between "addition" of charge and "alteration" of charge under Section 216 of the Code of Cri.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Trial Court Order Which Misread Direction

SC: Paragraph 3A of Foreign Tribunal Order Attracted Where Proceedee Fails to Appear(25.03.2021)

Supreme Court has stated that Paragraph 3A of the Foreigners (Tribunal) Order, 1964, in so far as it contemplates a period of 30 days to apply to the .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Paragraph 3A of Foreign Tribunal Order

Calcutta High Court Decides Not to Extend Life of Interim Orders Beyond March 31(30.03.2021)

Calcutta High Court has decided that it will not extend the life of interim orders, that were earlier extended in view of the lockdown induced by Covi.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Interim Orders

Delhi HC Refrains from Passing Interim Order in Photocopy Case(07.10.2016)

Delhi HC has refrained from passing interim order in an appeal filed against a Single-Judge verdict allowing photocopying of textbooks for educational.....

Tags : Delhi HC, interim order, photocopying, copyright

CIC: Draft Orders of Judges Cannot be Disclosed(10.10.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that draft orders prepared by judges are confidential and cannot be disclosed to RTI applicants.

Tags : CIC, RTI, draft orders, judges

SC: High Courts Shall Not Pass Order of 'No Coercive Steps' While Dismissing Petition u/s 482 CrPC.(14.04.2021)

Supreme Court has stated that while dismissing/disposing of the quashing petition under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and/or und.....

Tags : Supreme Court, High Courts, Order of 'No Coercive Steps'

Supreme Court Deprecates Passing of Orders with Caveat to Not Consider as Precedent(14.04.2021)

Supreme Court has deprecated the practice of passing orders suffixed with the caveat that the said order is not to be treated as a precedent on the gr.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Orders with Caveat to Not Consider as Precedent

Allahabad HC: Externment Order is Serious Inroad on Citizen’s Liberty(15.04.2021)

Allahabad High Court has observed that an externment order is a "serious inroad on citizen's liberty" and that the innate declaration that a person is.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Externment Order

Karnataka HC Extends Interim Orders Passed By It And All Subordinate Courts Till May 29(19.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has extended the operation of all interim orders passed by it or the subordinate courts and Tribunals that are due to expire till.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Himachal High Court Seeks Rescue Report on Tunnel Collapse(21.09.2015)

HP High Court has ordered Border Roads Organisation and Central Govt. to file a status report in ongoing operation to rescue three labourers trapped i.....

Tags : HP High Court , Border Roads Organisation,Central Govt.

Rajasthan High Court Dismisses PIL Against Blood Donation Camp Order(24.09.2015)

Rajasthan HC has dismissed PIL challenging State Govt.’s order for organising blood donation camps in all government and private colleges on September.....

Tags : Rajasthan HC,Blood Donation Camp Order

Supreme Court Seeks Centre’s Reply on Border Restrictions(27.05.2020)

Supreme Court has sought the Centre’s response to two PILs seeking to do away with restrictions put up by Uttar Pradesh and Haryana on entry of people.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Border Restrictions

Supreme Court Seeks Answer on Delhi Border Chaos(28.05.2020)

Supreme Court has asked the Centre, Delhi Government and Delhi Police to explain the chaos at Anand Vihar bus terminal on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh bord.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Border Chaos

Calcutta HC Seeks Details Regarding Law and Order Situation in State(10.05.2021)

Calcutta High Court has sought the details regarding the latest status of the law and order situation in the State, dealing with a public interest pet.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Law and Order Situation in State

Gauhati High Court Extends Interim Orders Till June 1(11.05.2021)

Gauhati High Court has extended the interim orders passed by it, its outlying Benches and other subordinate Courts and Tribunals till 1st June, 2021, .....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Calcutta HC Condemns Outsourcing 'Recording of Judicial Orders' to Police Personnel(02.08.2017)

Calcutta High Court has frowned upon Magisterial practice of outsourcing recording of judicial orders to police personnel, and framed guidelines for “.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Recording of Judicial Orders

Delhi HC Extends Operation of Subsisting Interim Orders Amid COVID-19 Situation(13.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has extended the operation of all the subsisting interim orders till 31st August, 2020, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situatio.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Orders

Delhi HC Extends Interim Orders Till August 31(14.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has extended till 31st August, 2020, all interim orders, including bails granted to accused in various cases.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till July 31(15.07.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended all the interim orders passed by it and by the Courts subordinate to it that expired subsequent to 19th March, 2020 .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Himachal Pradesh HC Rejects Woman Forest Guard's Challenge Against Transfer Order(16.07.2020)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has dismissed a Writ Petition filed by woman Forest Guard challenging a transfer order, stating that women are capably man.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Woman Forest Guard, Transfer Order

Bombay HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till August 31(16.07.2020)

Bombay High Court has extended operation of all interim orders passed by the High Court and subordinate Courts till 31st August, 2020.

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala HC Stays Orders to Close Dairy Farms & Remove Meat from School Children's Diet(23.06.2021)

Kerala High Court has stayed the operation of two orders passed by the Lakshadweeep administration under its new administrator Praful Khoda Patel. The.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Orders to Close Dairy Farms & Remove Meat from School Children's Diet

Orissa HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It and Courts Subordinate to It Till June 18(06.05.2020)

Orissa High Court has extended all interim orders passed by the High Court and by the Courts subordinate to it that expired subsequent to 24th March, .....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Interim Orders

SC Dismisses Plea Challenging Salary Cut Orders of Police(06.05.2020)

Supreme Court has dismissed a plea seeking quashing of Government orders of salary cuts towards Police personnel. The Court has further noted that the.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Salary Cut Orders of Police

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till June 3(08.05.2020)

Allahabad High Court has further extended all interim orders passed by it and by the Courts subordinate to it that expired subsequent to 19th March, 2.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

SC Stays Orissa HC Order on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing for Migrants to Enter Odisha(11.05.2020)

Supreme Court has stayed the order passed by the Orissa High Court which directed that migrant workers should be allowed entry to Odisha only after te.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Orissa HC Order on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing

Kerala HC Stays Order of ADM, Lakshadweep Directing APP to Attend Legal Cell at Secretariat(26.05.2021)

Kerala High Court has stayed an order of the Additional District Magistrate (ADM), Lakshadweep, directing the Assistant Public Prosecutor (APP) at the.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Order of ADM, Lakshadweep Directing APP to Attend Legal Cell

SC: HC Can Issue Protective Orders While Dismissing Anticipatory Bail in Exceptional Circumstances(31.05.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that a High Court, while dismissing anticipatory bail applications, can issue protective orders only when there are excepti.....

Tags : Supreme Court, High Court, Protective Orders

Madras HC Irks over Delay in Decision on Tamil as Compulsory Subject(17.11.2015)

Madras HC has observed that competent authority has to expeditiously take decision on exempting minority institutions from Government Order making Tam.....

Tags : Madras HC, Tamil as Compulsory Subject, , Government Order

Hyderabad HC Directs AP Government to Preserve Bodies of Maoists Killed Near Andhra-Odisha Border(25.10.2016)

Hyderabad High Court has directed Andhra Pradesh Government to preserve bodies of Maoists killed in a gun battle on Andhra-Odisha border till October .....

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, Maoists, Andhra-Odisha border

Delhi HC Sets Aside LG Order Cancelling Bungalow Allotted to AAP(23.08.2017)

Delhi HC has set aside an order of the Lieutenant Governor cancelling the allotment of a bungalow to the Aam Aadmi Party in the heart of the capital, .....

Tags : Delhi HC, LG Order, AAP

Karnataka HC Extends Interim Orders Till September 30(06.08.2020)

Karnataka High Court has further extended the operation of all interim orders passed by it or the subordinate Courts and Tribunals that are due to exp.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Says 'Hindu Resentment' Order of Delhi Police Caused No Prejudice(10.08.2020)

Delhi High Court has refused to quash the order of the Special Commissioner of Police, which cited 'resentment among Hindu community in the wake of ar.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, 'Hindu Resentment' Order

Gauhati High Court Further Extends Interim Orders Till June 25(16.06.2021)

Gauhati High Court has extended by two weeks all interim orders passed by the High Court and all other subordinate Courts and Tribunals till 25th June.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala High Court Extends Validity of All Interim Orders Till June 29(18.06.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the validity of interim orders passed by this Court till June 29 2021, owing to continuation of lockdown in the State t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Validity of Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till May 10(24.04.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended all interim orders passed by it and by the Courts subordinate to it that expired subsequent to 19th March, 2020, til.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Madras HC Extends Life of Interim Orders Till June 1(27.04.2020)

Madras High Court has extended the life of all the interim orders passed by it that were subsisting as on 20th March, 2020, till 1st June, 2020.

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

SC: Appellate Courts Must Not Pass Orders of Remand in Routine Manner(28.04.2020)

Supreme Court has reiterated that re-trial should not be ordered in a routine manner, and that the Appellate Court must not pass orders of remand in a.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Remand Orders

Punjab & Haryana High Court Extends Life of Interim Orders, Directions till June 30(29.04.2021)

Punjab & Haryana High Court has decided to extend all interim orders/ directions passed by it and Courts subordinate to it till 30th June, 2021. The o.....

Tags : Punjab & Haryana High Court, Life of Interim Orders

Andhra Pradesh High Court Extends Life of All Interim Orders Till June 30(29.04.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has decided to extend all interim orders passed by it and other Subordinate Courts /Tribunals in the State, that were subsis.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Life of All Interim Orders

Telangana High Court Extends Interim Orders Passed By It And Subordinate Courts Till June 30(03.05.2021)

Telangana High Court has extended the life of interim orders till 30th June, 2021, noting that the country is reeling under the second wave of the COV.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay High Court Extends All Interim Orders Till June 30 or Further Orders(07.05.2021)

Bombay High Court has unconditionally extended all interim orders till June 30, 2021, or until further orders, unless specifically dealt with by a jud.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Extends Operation of Subsisting Interim Orders Till October 31(24.08.2020)

Delhi High Court has extended the operation of all the subsisting interim orders till 31st October, 2020, in light of the ongoing pandemic.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

SC: Appeal Against NCDRC Order Passed in Execution Proceedings Not Maintainable(02.09.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that an appeal before it against an order which has been passed by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Appeal Against NCDRC Order

J&K HC: Magistrate Precluded from Ordering Investigation After Taking Cognizance(02.09.2020)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has ruled that once a Magistrate takes cognizance of an offence, he is, thereafter, precluded from ordering an investigatio.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Ordering Investigation

Madras HC Affirms Orders Convicting and Sentencing Auto-Rickshaw Driver for Sexual Harassment(13.07.2021)

Madras High Court has affirmed the orders of a lower Court convicting and sentencing an auto-rickshaw driver to seven years of rigorous imprisonment f.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orders Convicting and Sentencing Auto-Rickshaw Driver for Sexual Harassment

Madras HC Clarifies Extension of Interim Orders Not to Continue Beyond July 15(13.07.2021)

Madras High Court has clarified that its earlier orders extending the life of interim orders due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic shall not continue b.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala High Court Extends Interim Orders Till 26th July Amid Ongoing Pandemic(14.07.2021)

Kerala High Court has further extended the life of interim orders up to 26th July 2021, considering that it was pertinent to extend these orders amids.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Madras HC: Order Denying Bail Under UAPA Can be Challenged Only by Appeal Under NIA Act(15.07.2021)

Madras High Court has held that an order passed by a Sessions Court denying bail to an accused under the Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act 1967 (UAP.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Challenge to Order Denying Bail

Supreme Court Seeks Name For G K Pillai’s Replacement As Chairperson of Border Fencing Committee(13.09.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Centre to suggest a name to replace former home secretary G K Pillai as the chairperson of a committee to oversee the fenci.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Border Fencing Committee

MP HC Directs Inquiry into Passing of Order by Lower Court Judge Despite Transfer of Case(22.10.2018)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed an inquiry to be conducted against all those involved, including a lower court judge, in the passing of an orde.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Transfer Order

Karnataka HC Issues Notice to Karnataka & Kerala Govternments Over Blocking of Border Checkpost(27.07.2020)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the Government of Karnataka and Government of Kerala on a Petition filed seeking opening of the Saradka bord.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Blocking of Border Checkpost

J&K HC Initiates Suo Moto Contempt Against Govt. Departments for Non-Compliance of Interim Orders(04.08.2020)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has initiated suo moto contempt proceedings against Department of Health and Medical Education and the Jammu & Kashmir Publ.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Non-Compliance of Interim Orders

Kerala High Court Extends Interim Orders, Interim Bails, Orders u/s 138 NI Act(04.06.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the interim orders granted on 19th May, 2021, till 15th June, 2021, including orders relating to Section 138 of the Neg.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Interim Orders, Interim Bails, Orders u/s 138 NI Act

Bombay High Court Extends Life of All Interim Orders Till July 9(11.06.2021)

Bombay High Court has further extended the life of all interim orders passed in Maharashtra and Goa till 9th July, 2021 or until further orders in vie.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Supreme Court Sets Aside HC Order Granting Bail to Murder Accused(29.07.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that setting aside a High Court order granting bail to murder accused. The Court has observed that in a case where an earli.....

Tags : Supreme Court, HC Order Granting Bail to Murder Accused

Gauhati HC Directs to Call for Reports on Implementation of Orders Passed by State(30.07.2021)

Gauhati High Court has directed the Director of Social Welfare Department, Government of Nagaland to call for reports on the implementation of orders .....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Implementation of Orders Passed by State

Karnataka High Court Extends All Interim Orders Passed Till August 23(03.08.2021)

Karnataka High Court has extended the interim orders passed by the Karnataka High Court (Principal Seat and Benches at Dharwad and Kalaburagi), all th.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Rajasthan HC: Orders Passed by Rent Tribunal Not Amenable to Writ Jurisdiction(03.08.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has held that orders passed by Rent Tribunal are not amenable to the writ jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 of the.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Orders Passed by Rent Tribunal

Madras HC Imposes Stay on Office Order Directing Suo Matters to be Listed Before Bench of 3 Members(05.08.2021)

Madras High Court has imposed a stay on an office order issued by the Registrar General of the Principal Bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT), w.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Stay on Office Order Directing Suo Matters

Supreme Court Stays HC Demolition Order Against Adarsh Society(11.01.2017)

Supreme Court has allowed Adarsh Housing Society’s appeal against High Court’s demolition order of 31-storey structure for allegedly violating green n.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Adarsh Housing Society, Demolition Order

Bombay High Court Removes Restriction of MSHSD for Sale of Biodiesel as a Transportation Fuel(30.11.2018)

Bombay High Court has relieved the restriction of Motor Spirit high-speed diesel (MSHSD) control order, 2005, for sale of Biodiesel as a transportatio.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, MSHSD Order, Biodiesel as a Transportation Fuel

J&K HC: Favourable Court Order Does Not Give Cause of Action to Revive Case(28.10.2020)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has made it clear that a Court order, that might be favourable to any person's case, does not give him a cause of action .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Favourable Court Order

Bombay HC Extends Operation of Order Allowing Advocates to Travel in Local Trains(30.10.2020)

Bombay High Court has extended the operation of its previous order allowing all advocates registered with the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa and r.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Order

Bombay HC Extends All Interim Orders Relating to Eviction, Demolition & Dispossession(30.10.2020)

Bombay High Court has directed extension of all interim orders relating to eviction, demolition and dispossession by the High Court as well as subordi.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders on Eviction, Demolition & Dispossession

SC: Order of Dismissal Can be Passed Even if Delinquent Official Acquitted of Charge(30.10.2020)

Supreme Court has upheld dismissal of police constable, reiterating that order of dismissal can be passed even if the delinquent official had been acq.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order of Dismissal

Karnataka HC Dismisses Appeal Filed by BDA Challenging Order to Allot Plot of Land(25.08.2021)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed an appeal filed by the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) challenging an order of the single bench by which it d.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Order to Allot Plot of Land

High Court can't Stay/Quash an Order in Anticipation, Before That Order is Passed: SC(08.01.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that a High Court cannot stay or/and quash the orders in anticipation, before they are passed by an authority.

Tags : Supreme Court, Quashing orders in anticipation

SC Refuses to Entertain SLP Against Delhi HC Stay on Order to Reserve ICU Beds(10.11.2020)

Supreme Court has refused to entertain the special leave petition filed by the Delhi government against Delhi High Court's stay on the government orde.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order to Reserve ICU Beds

Supreme Court Refuses to Entertain Plea for Opening Singhu Border(07.09.2021)

Supreme Court has refused to entertain a plea filed by residents of Sonipat seeking opening of the roads connecting Delhi and Haryana at Singhu border.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Plea for Opening Singhu Border

SC Issues Notice in Plea Challenging NGT Order Refusing To Stop Illegal Felling Of 500 Trees(07.09.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice in an appeal filed by the Naharpur Residents Welfare Association challenging the order passed by the Principal Bench, .....

Tags : Supreme Court, NGT Order Refusing To Stop Illegal Felling Of 500 Trees

SC Declines to Intervene in Order Refusing to Restrain Shulurmattam Police in Nilgiris District(08.09.2021)

Supreme Court has declined to intervene in a Madras High Court order refusing to restrain the Shulurmattam police in the Nilgiris district from conduc.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Refusing to Restrain Shulurmattam Police

Karnataka HC Directs State to File Detailed Reply to Application Seeking Modification of Govt Order(08.09.2021)

Karnataka High Court has directed the state government to file a detailed reply, within four weeks, to an application seeking modification of a GO dat.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Application Seeking Modification of Govt Order

Telangana HC Extends Life of Interim Orders Passed By It, District & Subordinate Courts Till July 31(19.07.2021)

Telangana High Court has extended the life of interim orders passed by it, all district and other subordinate Courts till 31st July, 2021.

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Seeks Status Report on Impact of Extension of Interim Orders on Undertrial Prisoners(20.07.2021)

Delhi High Court has sought status report from the Delhi Government on the impact of extension of interim orders, and interim bails granted to the und.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Impact of Extension of Interim Orders on Undertrial Prisoners

Calcutta HC: Magistrate Cannot Mechanically Impose Condition to Order Dispensing Personal Appearance(20.07.2021)

Calcutta High Court has held that magistrate cannot mechanically impose conditions to an order dispensing the personal appearance of accused under Sec.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Order Dispensing Personal Appearance

Karnataka HC Confirms Interim Order Passed by Coordinate Bench of Court on July 8(21.07.2021)

Karnataka High Court has confirmed the interim order passed by a coordinate bench of the court on July 8, 2020, by which it had stayed the government .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Interim Order Passed by Coordinate Bench of Court

Karnataka HC Confirms Interim Order Staying Government Orders on Online Classes(22.07.2021)

Karnataka High Court has confirmed the interim order passed by a coordinate bench of the Court on 8th July, 2020, by which it had stayed the governmen.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Interim Order Staying Government Orders on Online Classes

Madras HC Extends Interim Orders Till August 31 Except For Orders Pertaining to Encroachment(28.07.2021)

Madras High Court has observed that the life of all interim orders shall be extended till 31st August, 2021 except for orders pertaining to encroachme.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It Till December 1(21.10.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed it or by the Courts/ Tribunals subordinate to it till 1st December, 2020.

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Refuses to Quash Registrar General's Order Mandating Submission of Court Fee(21.10.2020)

Delhi High Court has refused to set aside the order passed by the Court's Registrar General whereby submission of Court fee and duly attested affidavi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Registrar General's Order

Kerala HC: No Blanket Order Should be Passed Under S.438 CrPC to Prevent Arrest(26.10.2020)

Kerala High Court has held that when no crime is registered against a person, it is not permissible to grant him/her anticipatory bail, on the reason .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Blanket Order Preventing Arrest

Kerala HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Karnataka to Reopen Borders Adjacent to State of Kerala(28.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has dismissed a plea seeking Karnataka to reopen its borders adjacent to the State of Kerala and to allow entry of passengers from K.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Reopen Borders Adjacent to State of Kerala

Punjab and Haryana HC Upholds Eviction Order Passed Against Son and Wife(28.09.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has upheld an eviction order passed against a son and his wife at the instance of the father under the Maintenance and W.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Eviction Order Passed Against Son and Wife

Tripura HC Issues Notice to State Govt Over PIL Challenging Order To Prohibit Political Gathering(29.09.2021)

Tripura High Court has issued a notice to the State government on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition challenging the order of the District Ma.....

Tags : Tripura High Court, Order To Prohibit Political Gathering

CIVIL - Bombay HC Issues Directives Regarding Foreign Nationals Overstaying by Obtaining Bail Orders(05.03.2019)

Bombay High Court has issued some important directives to deal with issue of foreign nationals who are found to be overstaying or who are found withou.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Foreign Nationals Overstaying by Obtaining Bail Orders

Supreme Court: No One can be Inflicted with Adverse Order without Opportunity of Hearing(16.12.2019)

Supreme Court has observed while quashing an order passed by the Uttar Pradesh Government directing its Medical and Health Department to stop purchase.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Adverse Order

Delhi HC: Common Order for Summoning Cannot be Passed When Parties are Unrelated(20.11.2020)

Delhi High Court has clarified that a common order for summoning Respondents, in different cases filed by a common Petitioner, cannot be passed when t.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Common Order for Summoning

Kerala HC: Order of Commercial Court u/s 9 of Arbitration & Conciliation Act Appealable(25.11.2020)

Kerala High Court has held that an order under Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 passed by a Commercial Court below the level of.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Order of Commercial Court

Orissa High Court Extends Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate to It Till January 15(27.11.2020)

Orissa High Court has directed to extend the validity/life of all interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it till 15th January 2021.

Tags : Orissa High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi Court Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Order Discharging CM Arvind Kejriwal in Assault Case(02.11.2021)

Delhi Court has issued notice on a revision petition filed by Former Delhi Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash challenging the order discharging Chief Minis.....

Tags : Delhi Court, Order Discharging CM Arvind Kejriwal in Assault Case

Will Not Allow Hadiya’s Husband to Meet Her, Says Hadiya’s Guardian and College Principal(29.11.2017)

Will Not Allow Hadiya’s Husband to Meet Her, Says Hadiya’s Guardian and College Principal

Tags : The Supreme Court ordered the college administration to treat Hadiya like any other student and as per hostel rules, but remained silent on whether Shafin Jehan, Hadiya’s husband, or her parents would be allowed to meet her while she completes her studies.

SC: SLP Against Rejection of Review Order Cannot be Entertained When Main Judgment is Not Challenged(06.10.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that a special leave Petition challenging the order of High Court rejecting the review Petition cannot be entertained when .....

Tags : Supreme Court, SLP Against Rejection of Review Order

Delhi HC Dismisses Plea by ITBP Personnel Seeking Redeployment in Afghanistan(09.08.2021)

Delhi High Court has dismissed petitions filed by 30 Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel seeking redeployment in Afghanistan, which is now und.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indo Tibetan Border Police Personnel

SC Dismisses Appeal Against Order of Granting Marriage Certificate Through Video Conferencing(10.08.2021)

Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal filed by the State of Haryana challenging the Punjab and Haryana High Court's order of granting marriage certifi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order of Granting Marriage Certificate

Bombay HC Extends Protective Orders Against Evictions and Dispossessions Till August 30(11.08.2021)

Bombay High Court has refused to continue its unconditional extension of all interim orders in Maharashtra beyond 30th August, 2021, given the improvi.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Protective Orders Against Evictions and Dispossessions

Karnataka HC Extends Interim Order Restraining Makers of Documentary ‘Wild Karnataka’(13.08.2021)

Karnataka High Court has extended the interim order passed by it on 29th June 2021 by which it had restrained the makers of the documentary 'Wild Karn.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Interim Order Restraining Makers of Documentary ‘Wild Karnataka’

Madras HC Directs Registry to Upload Orders/Judgments Soon After Judges Sign Them(17.01.2019)

Madras High Court has directed its registry to upload judgments and orders soon after they are signed by the judges.

Tags : Madras High Court, Upload Orders/Judgments Soon After Judges Sign Them

Supreme Court Admits Trai Plea Against TDSAT Predatory Pricing Order(22.01.2019)

Supreme Court has agreed to hear Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's (TRAI) plea challenging Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal’s .....

Tags : Supreme Court, TDSAT Predatory Pricing Order

Delhi High Court:Detailed Order is not Essential under Sec 228 of CrPC if there is Prima Facie Ground(20.11.2019)

Delhi High Court has ruled that the order of the trial court on charge need not be a lengthy or a detailed one. Such an order should only indicate tha.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Detailed Order

SC Dismisses Plea Seeking Setting Aside of Order Holding Conversion Solely for Marriage Invalid(17.12.2020)

Supreme Court has dismissed a plea seeking setting aside of an Order passed by Allahabad High Court which held that conversion solely for the purpose .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Holding Conversion Solely for Marriage Invalid

Special NDPS Court: Blanket Order to Bar Courts from Taking Cognizance of Affidavit Cannot be Passed(26.10.2021)

Special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Court, Mumbai has observed that it cannot pass blanket orders to bar courts from taking cognizance .....

Tags : Special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Court, Mumbai, Blanket Order to Bar Courts

SC Issues Notice on SLP Against Calcutta HC Setting Aside Order of CJM at Alipore(26.10.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice on a Special Leave Petition (SLP) against an order of the Calcutta High Court setting aside the order of the Chief Jud.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order of CJM at Alipore

Chhattisgarh HC Extends Interim Orders Till 15th May(31.03.2020)

Chhattisgarh High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by it and by the Courts subordinate to it, which have expired or will expir.....

Tags : Chhattisgarh HC, Interim Orders

Centre Notifies Act Providing Domicile Reservation for Govt. Jobs in Jammu & Kashmir(01.04.2020)

Ministry of Home Affairs has promulgated the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of State Laws) Order, 2020, which comes into force with imme.....

Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of State Laws) Order, 2020

P&H HC Directs Subordinate Judicial Authorities to Ensure Compliance of Orders Granting Bail(02.04.2020)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has directed the subordinate judicial authorities to devise a reliable mechanism to update the contact details of all th.....

Tags : Punjab & Haryana High Court, Compliance of Orders Granting Bail

Kerala HC Directs Union Govt to Remove Karnataka's Border Blockade for Emergency Medical Cases(02.04.2020)

Kerala High Court has directed the Union Government to remove the border blockade imposed by Karnataka to allow entry for patients from Kerala to acce.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Karnataka's Border Blockade, Emergency Medical Cases

J&K&L HC Issues Guiding Factor to Magistrates to Pass Conviction Orders Under NI Act(29.11.2021)

Jammu & Kashmir And Ladakh High Court has issued certain guiding factors for Magistrates to consider when they pass conviction orders under Section 13.....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir And Ladakh High Court, Conviction Orders Under NI Act

SC Asks Centre to Fence Indo-Bangla Border to Check Infiltration(09.03.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Centre to release funds for fencing of India-Bangladesh border to prevent a cross-border influx of illegal Bangladesh national.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indo-Bangla Border

Calcutta HC Recommends Action Against District Judge for Material Irregularity in Judicial Order(16.01.2020)

Calcutta High Court has recommended administrative action against a District Judge for material irregularity and impropriety in a judicial order. The .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Impropriety in Judicial Order

Bombay High Court Passes Take Down Order Against Youtuber(17.01.2020)

Bombay High Court has passed an interim order of 'takedown' against a social media video logger on prima facie findings that he had given reckless and.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Take down Order, You tuber

Delhi HC: Order Terminating Arbitration Proceedings Not an Award(15.01.2021)

Delhi High Court has ruled that an order terminating arbitration proceedings under Section 32(2)(c) of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 is not.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order Terminating Arbitration Proceedings

SC: Injunction Orders Cannot be Passed Against Third Parties Without Hearing Them(22.11.2021)

Supreme Court has held that injunction orders with respect to a suit property cannot be passed in detriment to the interest of third parties who are d.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Injunction Orders

Telangana HC: E-Copies of Bail Orders Sufficient for Release; Certified Copies Not Necessary(22.11.2021)

Telangana High Court has dispensed with the requirement of certified copies of bail orders observing that the indefeasible fundamental right of an acc.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, E-Copies of Bail Orders

Equalisation Levy of 6 % to Come in Force from Tomorrow(31.05.2016)

Equalisation levy of 6 per cent on services pertaining to cross border digital transactions will come into effect from June 1.

Tags : Equalisation levy , cross border digital transactions

Allahabad HC Closes Suo Moto PIL for Extension of Limitation & Interim Orders During Lockdown(07.01.2021)

Allahabad High Court has closed the suo moto Public Interest Litigation registered by it for extension of limitation and interim orders expiring durin.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Limitation and Interim Orders

Karnataka HC Extends Interim Orders and Order of Closure till January 31(08.01.2021)

Karnataka High Court has extended the interim orders passed by the Karnataka High Court, all the District Courts, Civil Courts, Family Courts, Labour .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC Asks National Faceless Assessment Centre on Withdrawal of Final Order(08.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has asked the National Faceless Assessment Centre if it will withdraw a final assessment order, passed without issuing any show cause.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Withdrawal of Final Order

Bombay HC Sets Aside Special NIA Court's Decision Staying Own Bail Order for Bookie Naresh Gaur(09.12.2021)

Bombay High Court has paved the way for release of Naresh Gaur, the first recipient of bail in the Ambani Terror Scare and Mansukh Hiran Murder Case. .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Bail Order for Bookie Naresh Gaur

Bombay HC: Sessions Court Cannot Stay Own Bail Order Under CrPC(09.12.2021)

Bombay High Court has held that a sessions court cannot stay its own order granting bail to an accused under the criminal procedure code, 1973.

Tags : Bombay High Court, Stay on Own Order

Kerala High Court Directs State to Separate 'Crime Investigation' & 'Maintenance of Law & Order'(21.04.2017)

Kerala High Court, taking a note of ‘sad state of affairs’ prevailing in State in matter of crime investigation, has asked Government to take some con.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance of Law and Order, Crime Investigation

Kerala High Court Directs State to Separate 'Crime Investigation' & 'Maintenance of Law & Order'(21.04.2017)

Kerala High Court, taking a note of ‘sad state of affairs’ prevailing in State in matter of crime investigation, has asked Government to take some con.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance of Law and Order, Crime Investigation

SC: Application Under Order IX Rule 13 CPC Can be Allowed Only When Sufficient Cause(05.03.2021)

Supreme Court has observed application under Order 9 Rule 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 cannot be automatically granted and can be allowed o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Application Under Order IX Rule 13 CPC

SC: Blanket Order of Protection from Arrest Cannot be Passed by High Court(10.03.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that a blanket order of protection from arrest cannot be passed by the High Court while dismissing a petition filed under S.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Blanket Order of Protection from Arrest

SC: SLP Filed Only Against Review Order Not Maintainable(10.03.2021)

Supreme Court has reiterated that Special leave Petitions filed only against the order of the High Court in Review Petition is not maintainable.

Tags : Supreme Court, SLP Filed Only Against Review Order

SC: No Statutory Appeal Against Order u/s 14B of Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act(06.01.2022)

Supreme Court has held that no statutory appeal lies against an order passed under Section 14B(1) of the Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act, 1959, ref.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Appeal Against Order u/s 14B of Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act

Supreme Court Stays CBI Inquiry on Arunachal CM Nabam Tuki(26.08.2015)

Supreme Court has stayed Gauhati High Court order for CBI inquiry on Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki, alleged of corruption charges during.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Gauhati High Court order ,Nabam Tuki

Gujarat HC Says 'No' to Re-Assessment When Appeal against Original Assessment Order is Not Disposed(29.06.2017)

Gujarat High Court has held that re-assessment u/s 147/148 of Income Tax Act cannot be made when original assessment order is challenged on appeal and.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Assessment Order

SC: Writ Petition Not Maintainable Against Orders Passed by State Consumer Commission(16.03.2021)

Supreme Court has opined that a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1949 challenging judgments and orders passed by the Stat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Orders Passed by State Consumer Commission

Delhi HC: Any Affected Party May Prefer Appeal Against Order Of Tribunal Under Senior Citizen Act(17.03.2021)

Delhi High Court has held that any person, affected by an order passed by a Maintenance Tribunal under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Seni.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Appeal Against Order Of Tribunal

Lok Sabha Passes Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021(22.03.2021)

Lok Sabha has passed the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021, that seeks to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, .....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021

Calcutta HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate to It Till February 28(19.01.2022)

Calcutta High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by the High Court and courts subordinate to it, including the Tribunals till Fe.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala High Court Extends Validity of All Interim Orders Till February 21 Amid COVID-19 Surge(19.01.2022)

Kerala High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by all courts and tribunals falling under the supervisory jurisdiction of the Hig.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Validity of All Interim Orders

Karnataka HC Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Travel Restrictions at Kerala Border(26.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the Union Government and State government on a Public Interest Litigation challenging the restrictions on th.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Travel Restrictions at Kerala Border

Karnataka High Court Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Travel Restrictions at Kerala Border(01.03.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the Union Government and State government on a Public Interest Litigation challenging the restrictions on th.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Travel Restrictions at Kerala Border

SC Upholds Selection of Candidate Suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder to Delhi Judicial Service(14.12.2021)

Supreme Court has upheld the selection of a candidate suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder to Delhi Judicial Service 2018 under the category of p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Candidate Suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder

Karnataka High Court Refuses to Quash Border Security Force Transfer Order(14.12.2021)

Karnataka High Court has refused to interfere in an order issued by Border Security Force (BSF) to a serving inspector, directing him to move from Ben.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, BSF Transfer Order

Delhi HC Issues Notice on Ansal’s Plea Challenging Trial Court Order Refusing to Suspend Sentence(15.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has issued notice on the pleas filed by real estate barons Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal challenging a trial court order which had ref.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order Refusing to Suspend Sentence

Gauhati High Court Imposes Interim Stay on Assam Govt's Order to Evict 244 Villagers(21.12.2021)

Gauhati High Court has restrained the Assam government from evicting 244 people from Dhekiajuli town in Assam's Sonitpur district. The Court has direc.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Order to Evict 244 Villagers

NCLAT Chennai Bench Stays Insolvency Process Against Tata Projects Limited(07.01.2022)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Chennai Bench has stayed the order against Tata Projects Limited to initiate Corporate Insolvency Resolution .....

Tags : NCLAT, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process, Stay Order

NCLAT: Stage for Considering Default in Order at Time When Matter Taken Up u/s 100 IBC(07.01.2022)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that when an application is filed under Section 95 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the A.....

Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Stage for Considering Default in Order

MP High Court Stays CWC Order to Shift 44 Children from Orphanage(10.01.2022)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has stayed the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), district Sagar (M.P.) decision to shift 44 children from a Christian orphanage.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Order to Shift 44 Children from Orphanage

Madras HC: Under Writ Jurisdiction, No Interference with Preliminary Enquiry Ordered by CCI(10.01.2022)

Madras High Court has held that under the writ jurisdiction there should be no interference with a preliminary enquiry ordered by the Competition Comm.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Interference with Preliminary Enquiry Ordered by CCI

Kerala High Court Dismisses Appeal Against Interim Order Staying Order Fixing Bottled Water Prices(12.01.2022)

Kerala High Court has dismissed the appeal challenging a Single Judge decision that stayed the government order fixing the price of bottled water in t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Order Fixing Bottled Water Prices

Karnataka HC: Victim/Complainant Does Not Have Right to Challenge Every Order of Trial Court(13.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has held that a victim/ complainant does not have the right to challenge each and every order that is passed by the trial Court. .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Right to Challenge Every Order of Trial Court

Delhi HC Seeks Response on Steps Taken to Ensure NGT Orders Banning Sale of Chinese Manjha(23.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has sought response of the Centre as well as the Delhi Government over the steps taken by them to ensure that the orders of National .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, NGT Orders Banning Sale of Chinese Manjha

Supreme Court Dismisses Jharkhand Govt's Plea Assailing HC Order Quashing Detention Orders(22.12.2021)

Supreme Court has dismissed a special leave petition assailing Jharkhand High Court's order of declaring continuous detention after expiry of first th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, HC Order Quashing Detention Orders

Allahabad High Court Quashes Detention Order Against Murder Accused(24.12.2021)

Allahabad High Court has quashed a detention order passed against a murder accused by exercising powers under the National Security Act, 1980 as it ob.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Detention Order Against Murder Accused

Delhi HC: Presence at Preferred Jurisdiction Material Fact for Execution of Maintenance Order(23.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has observed that the presence of a person at preferred jurisdiction at the time of application for maintenance against him under Sec.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Execution of Maintenance Order

SC: If Order Granting Bail Bereft of Relevant Reasons, Entitled to be Assailed Before Higher Forum(24.12.2021)

Supreme Court has held that if an order granting bail was bereft of relevant reasons then the same would entitle the prosecution or the informant to a.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Granting Bail Bereft of Relevant Reasons

Karnataka HC Issues Circular Directing Officers to Follow Supreme Court's Limitation Extension Order(20.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has issued a circular directing Officers and Officials working on the judicial side at Principal Bench, Bengaluru, Benches at Dha.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Limitation Extension Order

Allahabad High Court Extends All Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate to It Till Feb 28(20.01.2022)

Allahabad High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by the High Court and Courts subordinate to it, including the Tribunals till F.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC: Judicial Officers Expected to Follow Order on Virtual and Hybrid Hearings(21.01.2022)

Delhi High Court has said that it expects the judicial officers of the district and sessions courts to follow the order passed by it regarding holding.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order on Virtual and Hybrid Hearings

Karnataka HC Dismisses Appeal Challenging Order to Reduce Interest on Home Loan(27.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed an appeal filed by Canara Bank (E-Syndicate Bank) challenging an order of the Single judge by which it was directed.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Order to Reduce Interest on Home Loan

Delhi High Court: Belated Filing Of Documents By Defendant Not Permissible Without Leave Of Court(28.01.2022)

Delhi High Court has observed that provisions of Order VIII Rule 1(3) Civil Procedure Code, 1908 make it clear that document which ought to be produce.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order VIII Rule 1, Civil Procedure Code 1908

SC Issues Notice to Show Cause Why Uniform Orders Over Covid Related Issues Not to be Passed(23.04.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Centre, State Governments, Union Territories and the parties who have approached the High Courts to show-cause why .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Uniform Orders Over Covid Related Issues

Madhya Pradesh High Court Extends Interim Orders Till June 15(26.04.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has suo moto extended the interim orders passed by it and the Courts subordinate to it, which were subsisting as on 10th Mar.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Calcutta HC Extends Interim Orders Passed By It and Subordinate Courts Till June 30(26.04.2021)

Calcutta High Court has extended the interim orders till 30th June, 2021 passed by the Court, in view of the recent Covid surge and restricted functio.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till May 31(26.04.2021)

Allahabad High Court has extended all the interim orders passed by various Courts and Tribunals in the State, which were subsisting on 15th March 2021.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Gujarat HC: It Is The Right Of Accused Under NDPS Act To Be Searched In Presence Of Magistrate(08.03.2022)

Gujarat High Court has confirmed the order of the acquittal by the lower Court on the ground that the Respondent-Accused was not made aware of his rig.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Acquittal Order, Right of Accused

Delhi HC: Courts Should Not Interfere with Transfer Order Made in Public Interest(10.03.2022)

Delhi High Court has said that Courts should not readily interfere with the transfer order which is made in the public interest and for administrative.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Transfer Order

Gauhati High Court Further Extends Interim Orders Till July 14(28.06.2021)

Gauhati High Court has extended all interim orders passed by the High Court and all other subordinate Courts and Tribunals till 14th July, 2021.

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Calcutta High Court Extends Interim Orders Passed By It and Subordinate Courts Till July 20(30.06.2021)

Calcutta High Court has extended interim orders of stay passed by the Court which were due to expire during the ongoing Covid restrictions further til.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala HC Further Extends Interim Orders Till 13th July Amidst Ongoing Covid Restrictions(30.06.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended interim orders of stay passed by the Court in custody matters which were due to expire during the ongoing Covid restric.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Madras High Court Extends Life of Remands, Bails, Paroles, Interim Orders Till July 15(01.07.2021)

Madras High Court has extended life of remands, bails, paroles, interim orders subsisting as on 30th April, 2021 till 15th July, 2021.

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay HC Upholds TRAI's Tariff Order Except One Condition in TV Channels' Challenge(01.07.2021)

Bombay High Court has upheld the constitutional validity of Section 11 of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Act, 1997 regarding the reg.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, TRAI's Tariff Order

Orissa HC: No Prohibition on Third Party to Proceed Even After Rejection of Impleadment(04.05.2022)

Orissa High Court has ruled that there is no prohibition to bring an application under Order 21 Rules 97, 99 and 101 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Order 21, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, Order 1

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed by It & Courts Subordinate to It Till October 31(20.08.2020)

Allahabad High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed it or by the Courts/ Tribunals subordinate to it till 31st October, 2020.

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Telangana HC Extends Life of Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till July 16(05.07.2021)

Telangana High Court has decided to extend the life of interim orders passed by it and Courts subordinates to it till 16th July, 2021.

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Life of Interim Orders

Karnataka High Court Extends Interim Orders Till August 2(05.07.2021)

Karnataka High Court has further extended the interim orders passed by the High Court, all district courts, family courts, labour courts, industrial t.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay High Court Further Extends Life of All Interim Orders Till August 13(05.07.2021)

Bombay High Court has extended the life of all interim orders till August 13, 2021 or until further orders, unless specifically dealt with by a judici.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Kerala HC Permits New Govt Order Fixing Room Rent at Private Hospitals to Operate for 6 Weeks(09.07.2021)

Kerala High Court has decided to allow the operation of the Government Order dated 7th July, 2021 for a period of six weeks to evaluate the efficiency.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, New Govt Order Fixing Room Rent at Private Hospitals

CESTAT: Order for Confiscation of Goods Cannot be Made through Corrigendum to Original Order(25.05.2022)

Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Chennai bench has held that the corrigendum to original order can only correct typo error.....

Tags : CESTAT, confiscation, Original Order

Allahabad HC Extends Interim Orders Passed By It and Subordinate Courts Till August 2(31.05.2021)

Allahabad High Court has decided to extend all interim orders, etc. till 2nd August, 2021, noting that the Covid-19 situation has still not improved a.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Gauhati HC Extends Interim Orders by It and Subordinate Courts Till June 15(01.06.2021)

Gauhati High Court has further extended by two weeks all interim orders passed by the High Court and all other subordinate Courts and Tribunals till 1.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

ITAT, Delhi: Revision of Orders Prejudicial to Revenue Not to be Invoked for Computational Error(02.06.2021)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi has ruled that the provision related to revision of orders prejudicial to revenue under Section 263 of the.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Revision of Orders

ITAT, Kolkata: Limitation for Revisionary Jurisdiction Runs from Assessment Date Order(06.04.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Kolkata has observed that the limitation period for exercising revisionary jurisdiction runs from the date of assessmen.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Kolkata, limitation period, revisionary jurisdiction, assessment order, Section 263 of Income Tax Act, 1961

Delhi HC: Application for Leave to Serve Interrogatories Need Not be Decided Ex-Parte(07.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that no prescription in law, either statutory or precedential, that inhibits from issuing notice under Order XI Rule 1 of Co.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, statutory, precedential, Order XI Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, prescription in law

Punjab & Haryana High Court: Appointment of Local Commissioner Does Not Adjudicate Rights of Parties(11.04.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that an order declining to appoint a Local Commissioner does not decide any issue nor does it adjudicate an.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Local Commissioner, revisable order

Chhattisgarh HC: Attachment Order u/s 146 CrPC Can't Be Passed on Apprehension of Breach of Peace(25.04.2022)

Chhattisgarh High Court has observed that on mere apprehension of breach of peace, without explaining the circumstances, an attachment order under Sec.....

Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Attachment Order u/s 146 CrPC

Allahabad HC: Order of Externment Cannot be Passed Against Person on Single Incident(25.04.2022)

Allahabad High Court has observed that only on the basis of a single incident, an order of externment can't be passed against a person under Section 3.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Order of Externment, Single instance

Delhi HC: High Court's Supervisory Jurisdiction Over Orders Under Order 39 Rules 1&2 Restricted(26.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that the scope of interference in exercise of its supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 227 of the Const.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Article 227, Constitution of India, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, Order XXXIX, supervisory jurisdiction

Allahabad HC: Clerical Mistake in Verification of Pleadings Can be Rectified U/O VI Rule 17 CPC(28.04.2022)

Allahabad High Court has ruled that a clerical/procedural mistake that has occurred in the authentication of pleadings can be rectified by moving the .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, pleadings, Order VI Rule 17, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Allahabad HC: Clerical/Procedural Mistake in Pleadings Can be Rectified Under Order VI Rule 17 CPC(29.04.2022)

Allahabad High Court has observed that a clerical/procedural mistake that has occurred in the verification of pleadings can be rectified by moving the.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Order VI Rule 17, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, pleadings

Gauhati HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed by It and Subordinate Courts Till July 19(16.07.2021)

Gauhati High Court has extended all interim orders passed by the High Court and all other subordinate Courts and Tribunals till 19th July, 2021 in the.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Calcutta HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate to It Till August 20(19.07.2021)

Calcutta High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by the High Court and courts subordinate to it, including the Tribunals till 20.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi HC: Oral Examination of Any Party to Suit is Matter of Discretion Under Order X CPC(16.05.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that under Order X of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC), the question of whether any of the parties to the suit is re.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order X, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Delhi HC: Striking Off Tenant's Defense Under Order XVA CPC Doesn't Justify Default in Rent Payment(17.05.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that a tenant's failure to pay rent as directed by the court under Order XVA(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, rent, Order XVA(1), Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Allahabad HC Nullifies Dismissal Order Passed Against Police Constable(20.05.2022)

Allahabad High Court quashed an order passed against an Uttar Pradesh Police Constable removing him from service allegedly because he entered into an .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Dismissal Order, Dismissal from Service

ITAT: Revisional Order Based on Suspicion is Invalid(20.05.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Chennai Bench, has held that the revisional order under Section 263 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 cannot be merely.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Revisional Order, Suspicion

Wife Entitled to 'Residence Order' Only If She Establishes Domestic Violence: SC(30.01.2019)

Supreme Court has upheld a Calcutta High Court judgment which held that wife is entitled to claim residence in shared household only when she could es.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Wife Entitled to 'Residence Order

Supreme Court Asks J & K Administration to Review All Restrictive Orders Within Seven Days(10.01.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the Jammu and Kashmir Administration to review all orders of restrictions imposed in Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Restrictive Orders

Delhi HC: ITAT Ought to Set Aside Ex-Parte Order(24.12.2020)

Delhi High Court has held that the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) is ought to set aside ex-parte order, irrespective of final order decided the .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ex-Parte Order

Bombay HC: Arbitral tribunal Cannot Pass Ex-Parte Order on Mere Filing of Interim Application(19.10.2021)

Bombay High Court has held that an arbitration tribunal cannot pass an ex-parte order on the mere filing of an interim application as the Arbitration .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Ex-Parte Order

SC: Specific Role of Accused Not Required in Order Granting Prior Approval U/s 24(1)(a) KCOCA(22.10.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that the specific role of the accused is not required to be stated in the order granting prior approval under Section 24(1).....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Granting Prior Approval U/s 24(1)(a) KCOCA

AP HC: Collection of Personal Info. as Per Existing Standing Orders is Violative of Right to Privacy(18.07.2022)

Andhra Pradesh High Court held that the opening of rowdy sheets to brand persons as "rowdies", collection and display of their photos, domiciliary vis.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Privacy, Police Standing Orders

Supreme Court: High Court's Leave Must For Filing Appeal Against Acquittal Order By Victim(13.04.2017)

Supreme Court has said that a victim in a criminal case cannot file an appeal against an order of acquittal without permission of High Court concerned.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Acquittal Order

CIVIL - Freedom of Religion can't Trump Demands of Public Order: Madras HC(18.03.2019)

Madras High Court has observed that the right to freedom of religion cannot trump the demands of public order, while dismissing a plea against restric.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Freedom of Religion, Demands of Public Order

Bombay HC: Even if Remand Order is Illegal, Still Writ of Habeas Corpus Not Effective Remedy(27.01.2020)

Bombay High Court has dismissed a Writ of Habeas Corpus observing that even if the Magistrate had acted rather mechanically remanding the accused in j.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Writ of Habeas Corpus, Illegal Remand Order

SC: Swift Rejection of Mercy Petition Cannot be Ground for Judicial Review of President’s Order(29.01.2020)

Supreme Court has held that the quick consideration of the mercy petition and swift rejection of the same cannot be a ground for judicial review of th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review of President's Order

Rajasthan HC Issues Notice on Illegal Mining Near International Borders of Rajasthan(05.02.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has issued notices to central and state governments seeking replies on illegal mining near international borders of Rajasthan. Co.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Illegal Mining Near International Borders of Rajasthan

Guj HC: Benefit Accrued to Litigant by Interim Order Can’t be Claimed if Litigation End Against Them(22.08.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that merely because of some benefit has accrued to the litigant because of operation of interim orders; the litigant canno.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Interim Order, Benefit

Calcutta HC Extends All Interim Orders Passed By It & Courts Subordinate To It Till September 15(16.08.2021)

Calcutta High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by the High Court and courts subordinate to it, including the Tribunals till 15.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Allahabad HC Directs Registrar General to Issue Circular on Use of “Printed Proforma” for Orders(16.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has directed the Registrar General to issue a circular/ memorandum to all the District Judges in the State of Uttar Pradesh intim.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Use of “Printed Proforma” for Orders

Allahabad HC: HC Can Nullify Order of Conviction in Criminal Revision in Cheque Bounce Case(16.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has held that High Court can nullify an order of conviction passed by it in a Criminal Revision in a Cheque bouncing case, by usi.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Order of Conviction in Criminal Revision in Cheque Bounce Case

Orissa HC: Appeal Can’t be Dismissed on Sole Ground of Non-Submission of Certified Order(05.07.2022)

Orissa High Court has held that the GST Appellate Authority cannot dismiss an appeal merely on the technical ground that the certified order is not su.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, GST Appellate Authority, Certified order

SC: Power to Pass Judgment on Admissions Cannot be Claimed as a Matter of Right(07.07.2022)

Supreme Court has held that the power to pass judgment on admissions under Order XII Rule 6 of Code of Civil Procedure is discretionary and cannot be .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Discretionary, Order XII Rule 6

Allahabad HC: Courts Shouldn't Stay Termination & Dismissal Order During The Pendency of Proceedings(13.07.2022)

Allahabad High Court has held that by way of an interim order, the order of suspension termination, dismissal, and transfer etc. should not be stayed .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Interim Order, Termination & Dismissal

Madras High Court Quashes Criminal Defamation Case Against DMK Leader Kanimozhi Karunanidhi(09.11.2021)

Madras High Court has quashed a criminal defamation case filed against DMK leader Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, for allegedly levelling unfounded corruption .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Uploading of Orders Passed U/S 14 of SARFAESI Act

Delhi High Court Asks CMMs to Ensure Prompt Uploading of Orders Passed U/S 14 of SARFAESI Act(09.11.2021)

Delhi High Court has asked all the Chief Metropolitan Magistrates in city courts to ensure that the orders passed by them under Section 14 of the Secu.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Uploading of Orders Passed U/S 14 of SARFAESI Act

Kerala HC Declines to Grant Leave to File Appeal Against Interim Order in Church Dispute(11.11.2021)

Kerala High Court has declined to grant leave to an applicant to file an appeal against an order of a Single Judge in the Church dispute.

Tags : Kerala High Court, Interim Order in Church Dispute

Madras High Court Refuses to Interfere with Order Permitting Theatres to Operate at 100% Capacity(12.11.2021)

Madras High Court has dismissed by a writ petition filed for quashing the Government order permitting 100 per cent occupancy in cinema theatres and mu.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Government Order Permitting Theatres

Delhi High Court Stays Sessions Court's Bail Order Castigating Police Investigation(15.11.2021)

Delhi High Court has stayed an order passed by a Sessions Court in bail proceedings, wherein it had pulled up an Investigating Officer of the Delhi Po.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bail Order Castigating Police Investigation

Delhi HC: Department Failed To Pass Re-Assessment Order Within Prescribed Time Limit(14.10.2022)

Delhi High Court has quashed the show-cause notice and the reassessment order as the department failed to pass the reassessment order within the presc.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, prescribed, reassessment order

SC Issues Notice in Plea Challenging MP HC’s Order of Staying Reservation Notification(30.11.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice in the Special Leave petition assailing Madhya Pradesh High Court's interim order of staying the notification related .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order of Staying Reservation Notification

SC: Irregularity in Order Taking Cognizance Will Not Vitiate Criminal Proceedings(30.11.2021)

Supreme Court has held that an irregularity in the order taking cognizance will not vitiate the proceedings in a criminal trial in an appeal filed aga.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Irregularity in Order Taking Cognizance

Bombay High Court Upholds Maintenance Tribunal's Power to Pass Eviction Orders(02.12.2021)

Bombay High Court has observed that the Maintenance Tribunal under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 can pass an or.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Power to Pass Eviction Orders

Manipur HC Sets Aside Legislative Assembly Speaker's Disqualification Order Against An MLA(06.12.2021)

Manipur High Court has set aside a disqualification order passed by the Speaker, 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly against an MLA, Tongbram Robindro S.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Disqualification Order Against An MLA

Madras HC On Orderly System: Menial Jobs Below the Dignity of Uniformed Personnel(23.11.2022)

Madras High Court has held that trained Uniformed Personnel are expected to perform the combatant duty and other law and order duties in the interest .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orderly System, Uniformed Personnel

Calcutta HC Imposes Stay on Rustication Order of 3 Students of Visva Bharati University(10.09.2021)

Calcutta High Court has imposed an interim stay on the rustication order of three students of Visva Bharati Univeristy (VBU) and permitted them to joi.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Rustication Order of 3 Students of Visva Bharati University

MP HC Quashes Detention Order on Ground of Not Informing Detenu of Right of Representation(10.09.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has quashed a detention order on the ground that it did not contain a stipulation informing the detenue about his right to p.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Quashing of Detention Order

Gauhati High Court Sets Aside Ex-Parte Order Declaring Man as Foreigner(14.09.2021)

Gauhati High Court has observed that citizenship, being an essential right of a person, ordinarily, should be decided based on merit by considering th.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Ex-Parte Order Declaring Man as Foreigner

Madras High Court Withdraws Order Mandating Bumper to Bumper Insurance for New Vehicles(15.09.2021)

Madras High Court has modified its earlier order dated 4th August, 2021 that had mandated bumper to bumper insurance for all new vehicles for a period.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Order Mandating Bumper

Madras HC Directs Implementation of Abolition of Orderlies System in Police(26.07.2022)

Madras High Court has directed the Principal Secretary to Government, Home Department to take immediate steps to remove uniformed officers serving as .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orderlies System, Police

Delhi HC: Arbitral Tribunal Has Power to Vacate/Modify its Earlier Order(04.08.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that arbitral tribunal does not have the power of substantive review of its order; however, it does have the power to vacate.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitral Tribunal. Vacate/Modify, Interim Order

Karnataka HC Quashes Govt Order Declaring Pockets of Land as Forest Land(17.09.2021)

Karnataka High Court has quashed the government’s order of declaring certain pockets of land, including those used for grazing of cattle by Sri Ramach.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Govt Order Declaring Pockets of Land as Forest Land

SC Refuses to Interfere Plea Challenging Madras HC Order Extending Remand Order(20.09.2021)

Supreme Court has refused to interfere in the plea challenging Madras High Court's order extending its remand orders to the effect of permitting the i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Extending Remand Order

Supreme Court Directs States/UTs to Accept E-Authenticated Copies of Orders(24.09.2021)

Supreme Court has approved the use of an electronic system named FASTER (Fast and Secured Transmission of Electronic Records) for transmission of e-au.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Accept E-Authenticated Copies of Orders

Bombay High Court Extends Interim Orders Passed by Courts and Tribunals Till October 8(24.09.2021)

Bombay High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by courts and tribunals in Maharashtra and Goa till 8th October 2021, indicating .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Interim Orders Passed by Courts and Tribunals

Del. HC Lays Down Factors to be Considered While Dealing With Application for Stay on Eviction Order(10.10.2022)

Delhi High Court has set out the various factors that are necessary to be taken into consideration by the appellate authority under the Senior Citizen.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Senior Citizen Act, Eviction Order

J&k&L HC: Situation in Kashmir Doesn’t Permit Disclosure of Confidential Info. in Detention Order(10.10.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that the disclosure of confidential and sensitive information in the grounds of detention of a person.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Detention Order, Confidential Information

Delhi HC: Failure on Wife’s Part to Disclose Mental Disorder Before Marriage Constitutes Fraud(27.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has annulled marriage between a husband and wife after 16 years observing that the failure on wife's part to disclose her mental diso.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Failure on Wife’s Part to Disclose Mental Disorder

Delhi HC Directs to Ensure Implementation of Orders to Remove Illegal Encroachers(28.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the authorities including South Delhi Municipal Corporation, Delhi Development Authority and Delhi Police to ensure that.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Orders to Remove Illegal Encroachers

Calcutta HC: Writ Petition Not Maintainable as Alternative Remedy for Challenge to GST Order(30.12.2021)

Calcutta High Court has held that the writ petition not maintainable as statutory alternative remedy available for challenging Goods and Services Tax .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Alternative Remedy for Challenge to GST Order

Andhra Pradesh High Court Strikes Down Government Orders on Fixation of Fees(30.12.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has struck down the fixation of fees under Government orders as gross violation of statutory rules and principles of natural.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Government Orders on Fixation of Fees

SC: Magistrate Must Ensure if Complaint Constitutes Only Civil Wrong Before Summoning Accused(04.01.2023)

Supreme Court has held that when the violation of law alleged is clearly debatable and doubtful, the Magistrate must ensure clarification of the ambig.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Summoning Order, Complaint

Rajasthan High Court Extends Limitation Period/ Interim Orders During Lockdown Period(17.05.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has issued a circular stating that all Courts in the State shall continue to function completely through virtual mode. All inter.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Extension of Limitation Period/Interim Orders

Tripura HC: Non-Placing and Non-Consideration of Bail Orders Vitiates Subjective Decision(21.03.2022)

Tripura High Court has observed that non-placing and non-consideration of bail orders, wherein bail had been granted to detenu in cases referred to in.....

Tags : Tripura High Court, Non-Placing and Non-Consideration of Bail Orders

Calcutta HC Directs Income tax Department to Re-Consider on Quashing Revision Order(24.03.2022)

Calcutta High Court has directed the income tax department to re-consider the issue and pass a speaking order within 12 weeks, while quashing an order.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Quashing Revision Order

Calcutta HC Directs AO Re-Consider Matter and Pass Speaking Order Within 12 Weeks(25.03.2022)

Calcutta High Court, while quashing a non-speaking order passed by the income tax department under section 143 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, has direct.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Passing of Speaking Order

JKL HC: Standing Order Issued by State for Regulation of Stone Crushing Units is a Valid Legislation(06.03.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while observing that Standing Order issued by J&K Government in 2021 for regulation of the stone crushing unit.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Stone Crusher, Standing Order

Madras HC Extends Life of Remands, Bails, Paroles, Interim Orders Subsisting as on April 30(18.05.2021)

Madras High Court has resolved to extend interim orders subsisting as on 30th April, 2021 till 30th June, 2021. Additionally, the Court has extended a.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Extension of Remands, Bails, Paroles, Interim Orders

Karnataka HC Upholds Order Banning Sand Extraction from Rivers During Rainy Seasons(19.05.2021)

Karnataka High Court has upheld the order of the Department of Mines and Geology prohibiting sand extraction from rivers during rainy season, observin.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Order Banning Sand Extraction from Rivers

Kerala HC Extends Life of Interim Orders and Interim Bails Till May 31(21.05.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the life of its interim orders, orders from matters relating to Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Life of Interim Orders and Interim Bails

Madras HC Directs State to Ensure All State Orders on Covid-19 to be Uploaded on Govt Website(21.05.2021)

Madras High Court has directed the State to ensure that all of the State Government's communications in relation to Covid-19 - orders, notifications b.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orders on Covid-19

Calcutta HC Modifies Order of Conviction to Attempt to Rape in Case Concerning 11 Yr Old Girl(02.03.2022)

Calcutta High Court has observed that penetration even of the slightest degree is necessary to establish the offence of rape and accordingly held that.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Modification of Order of Conviction

Delhi HC to NCLT: Upload Orders in Expeditious Manner(03.03.2023)

Delhi High Court while considering nature of orders passed by tribunal, especially those by which moratorium is declared and IRPs are appointed, has d.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, NCLT, Orders

Bombay HC: Appeal from Order Passed by CESTAT on Rates of Duties Would Lie Before Supreme Court(15.04.2022)

Bombay High Court has ruled than an appeal from an order passed by the Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), involving the questi.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Appeal from Order Passed by CESTAT, Rates of Duties

Delhi HC: Petition u/s 9 A&C Act Not Maintainable Against Procedural Orders of Arbitral Tribunal(15.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that a petition under Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (A& Act) for interim measures of protection, .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Procedural Orders of Arbitral Tribunal

Bombay HC: Orders U/S 60 Maharashtra Police Act Are Quasi-Judicial, Must be Supported by Reasons(22.04.2022)

Bombay High Court has observed that the order of Divisional Commissioner on externment under the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 are not administrative .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Maharashtra Police Act, 1951, administrative orders, quasi-judicial

Bombay HC: Orders U/S 60 Maharashtra Police Act are Quasi-Judicial, Must be Supported by Reasons(22.04.2022)

Bombay High Court has observed that the order of Divisional Commissioner on externment under the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 are not administrative .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Maharashtra Police Act, 1951, administrative orders, quasi-judicial

Delhi HC: Can Pass Attachment Order Before Award by Arbitral Tribunal if Circumstances Warrant So(17.04.2023)

Delhi High Court while observing that attachment order can be passed before an award is rendered by Arbitral Tribunal if circumstances so warrant, has.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitral Tribunal, Attachment Order

Kerala HC: Writ Petition Under Article 226 Against NCLT Order Not Maintainable(25.09.2020)

Kerala High Court has held that writ jurisdiction under Article 226 cannot be invoked to challenge an order passed by the National Company Law Tribuna.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Challenge to Order of NCLT

Karnataka HC Extends All Interim Orders Till November 29(30.09.2020)

Karnataka High Court has further extended the operation of all interim orders passed by it or the subordinate Courts and Tribunals, that are due to ex.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay HC Extends Interim orders Till October 31(01.10.2020)

Bombay High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed by the High Court and its subordinate Courts in Maharashtra and Goa till 31st Oc.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Interim Orders

Telangana HC Extends All Interim Orders Till November 06(01.10.2020)

Telangana High Court has extended the operation of interim orders passed by this Court, as well as by the District and other Subordinate Courts till 6.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Delhi High Court Extends Life of Interim Orders Till September 24(17.08.2021)

Delhi High Court has extended the life of its interim orders till 24th September, 2021 in suo moto petition registered on the extension of interim ord.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Extension of Life of Interim Orders

SC Refuses to Stay Bombay HC Judgment Upholding Provisions of Tariff Orders by TRAI(19.08.2021)

Supreme Court has refused to stay the Bombay High Court's judgment which upheld most provisions of the Tariff Orders issued by the Telecom Regulatory .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Provisions of Tariff Orders by TRAI

SC: HC Can’t Quash Magistrate's Order U/S 14 SARFAESI Act, While Exercising Power U/S 482 CrPC(10.07.2023)

Supreme Court has held that petition filed under Section 482 of CrPC to quash an order passed under Section 14 of the SARFAESI Act is not sustainable,.....

Tags : Supreme Court, SARFAESI, Magistrate's Order, Quash

Madras HC Refuses to Pass Interim Order on Basis of Oral Submissions(29.07.2021)

Madras High Court has refused to pass any kind of interim order on the basis of oral submissions that the State government was gearing up to implement.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Interim Order on Basis of Oral Submissions

ITAT: Additional Purchase Price fixed for Sugarcane Under Control Order Not Allowed as Deduction(14.06.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune bench has held that additional purchase price fixed for sugarcane under Clause 5A of Control Order not allo.....

Tags : ITAT, Control Order, Deduction

Delhi HC: Disclosing Elaborate Reasons for Passing Interception Orders May Affect Intelligence(14.06.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that the disclosure of elaborate reasons for interception orders would be against the modified disclosure requirements of pr.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interception Orders, Procedural Fairness

Delhi HC: Disclosing Elaborate Reasons for Passing Interception Orders May Affect Intelligence(14.06.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that the disclosure of elaborate reasons for interception orders would be against the modified disclosure requirements of pr.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interception Orders, Procedural Fairness

Raj HC: Procedural Safeguards Provided by Statute Must be Followed Strictly(24.07.2023)

Rajasthan High Court while quashing interception orders for phone tapping of a private individual issued by authorities in the state in 2020-2021, obs.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Procedural Safeguards, Interception Orders, Phone Tapping

SC: Settlement Between Union & Employer Wouldn’t Override Model Standing Orders(26.07.2023)

Supreme Court has held that employer and employee union cannot enter into a contract overriding the statutory contract embodied in the certified Stand.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Employee Union. Contract, Model Standing Orders

Delhi HC Quashes Delisting Order Issued by Railways Without Show Cause Notice(10.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has quashed a delisting order issued to an entity by the Railways without any show cause notice and reasonable opportunity to defend .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delisting Order Issued by Railways

J&K&L High Court Upholds Detention Order of Habitual Offender(13.12.2021)

Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh High Court has upheld the detention order of a habitual offender on the grounds that he has been creating a sense of alarm an.....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh High Court, Detention Order of Habitual Offender

Del. HC: Lack of Speed Not Sufficient to Initiate Contempt Action for Disobedience of Judicial Order(01.11.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that the lack of speed in implementing a judicial order would not be sufficient for a court to take contempt action against .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Contempt, Judicial Order

Kerala HC Quashes Transfer Order of Judge Who Made ‘Sexually Provocative Dress’ Remark(02.11.2022)

Kerala High Court has set aside the order for transfer of Kozhikode Principal District & Sessions Judge, S. Krishnakumar, who made controversial 'sexu.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Sexually Provocative Dress, Transfer Order

Del. HC: Summon Can’t be Issued for Non-Compliance Of Maintenance Order u/s 31 DV Act(05.12.2023)

Delhi High Court while observing that purpose of Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is to provide monetary sustenance to the victim, and not the incarceratio.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Order, Summon

SC Issues Notice on Kerala Govt Challenge Against HC Order Quashing 80:20 Distribution(29.10.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice on the special leave petition filed by the State of Kerala challenging the Kerala High Court's order which quashed the.....

Tags : Supreme Court, HC Order Quashing 80:20 Distribution

Kerala HC: Appeal Against Ad-Interim Order in Pending Writ Petition Not Maintainable(01.11.2021)

Kerala High Court has reaffirmed that an appeal to a Division Bench cannot lie against an ad interim order passed by a Single Judge when the main writ.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Appeal Against Ad-Interim Order

Allahabad HC: Peshkars/Court Readers to Write Court Order in Legible Manner(01.11.2021)

Allahabad High Court has observed that it is the bounded duty of the Peshkars/ Court Readers to write the Court order in a legible manner, failing whi.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Court Orders

J&K&L HC: State's Apprehension of Accused Getting Bail Can’t Lead to Preventive Detention(22.09.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while quashing a preventive detention order, has observed that offence of cheating and fraud, without having w.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Preventive Detention, Public Order

Cal. HC: Court Must Interfere with Arbitrator’s Interim Orders Only When it is Palpably Perverse(28.11.2023)

Calcutta High Court has observed that Section 37 Court in appeal must see an interim order passed by arbitral tribunal within prismatic efficacy of th.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Interim Orders, Section 37

Ker. HC: Transfer Order Must be Issued After Giving Opportunity of Hearing(28.11.2023)

Kerala High Court has observed that if a transfer is effected it results in civil consequences stigmatizing a teacher by categorizing her of misbehavi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Transfer Order, Natural Justice

Karnataka High Court has upheld the amendments made to the Karnataka Essential Commodities Public Dis(14.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has upheld the amendments made to the Karnataka Essential Commodities Public Distribution System (Control) Order 2017, fixing min.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Karnataka Essential Commodities Public Distribution System (Control) Order 2017

Karnataka HC Upholds Amendments to Karnataka Essential Commodities Order 2017(14.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has upheld the amendments made to the Karnataka Essential Commodities Public Distribution System (Control) Order 2017, fixing min.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Karnataka Essential Commodities Public Distribution System (Control) Order 2017

Bombay HC Quashes Order of Assistant CGST Commissioner Refusing Refund of GST(17.01.2022)

Bombay High Court has quashed and set aside an order of the Assistant Commissioner of CGST refusing refund of GST paid by a private export company on .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Order refusing Refund of GST

J&K&L HC: Failure to Supply Copy of Detention Order Doesn’t Vitiate Authority’s Decision(02.01.2023)

Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while dismissing a habeas corpus petition, has held that failure on the part of detaining authority to supply a .....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Habeas Corpus, Detention Order

SC: Voluntarily Surrendering Accused Can’t be Taken In Custody When Court Hasn’t Summoned Him(19.02.2024)

Supreme Court has observed that accused who has voluntarily surrendered cannot be taken into custody when Court has not issued a summoning order again.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Summoning Order, Custody

SC: HC Should Be Extremely Circumspect in Interfering With Orders Passed Under Arbitration Act(09.04.2021)

Supreme Court has reiterated that a High Court while exercising jurisdiction under Article 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India, 1949 should be ex.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interfering With Orders Passed Under Arbitration Act

Supreme Court Stays NGT Order Imposing Cost on RICO for Causing Damage to Environment(16.02.2022)

Supreme Court has stayed National Green Tribunal's order imposing on Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited a penalty.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Order Imposing Cost on RICO

Delhi HC: While Seeking Review of Orders Passed in Civil Suit, Grounds of Order XLVII to be Satisfied(18.02.2022)

Delhi High Court has observed that while seeking review of orders passed in a civil suit, the grounds mentioned in Order XLVII Rule 1 of the Code of C.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review of Orders Passed in Civil Suit

Kerala High Court Extends Validity of All Interim Orders Till March 16(23.02.2022)

Kerala High Court has extended the life of all interim orders passed by the High Court and all courts and tribunals falling under the supervisory juri.....

Tags : Delhi CourtKerala High Court, Validity of All Interim Orders, Restoration of Temples, Qutub Minar Complex

Bombay HC to Subordinate Courts: Pass Speaking Order While Deciding Bail Pleas(13.02.2023)

Bombay High Court has held that bail is a matter of discretion to be exercised by Magistrate, who is expected to apply his mind after considering mate.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Bail, Speaking Order

Kar HC: Before Passing Extern. Order It is Mandatory to Provide Hearing, Material Relied on to Acc.(08.04.2024)

Karnataka High Court has held that before passing an externment order against the accused, it is mandatory to grant reasonable opportunity and also to.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Externment Order, Accused

Bombay High Court Extends All Interim Orders of the HC, Subordinate Courts Till May 7(19.04.2021)

Bombay High Court has directed all interim orders of the Bombay High Court, subordinate courts and tribunals to be unconditionally extended till May 7.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

Bombay HC: Don't Deny Remdesivir to Covid Patients Admitted in Non- Covid Hospitals(19.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has directed the State Government to issue appropriate orders to all recognised laboratories to provide test results to patients .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Orders to Provide Covid Test Results

Madras HC: Reasonable Delay in Communication of Order Not Non-Compliance(08.02.2022)

Madras High Court has held that a reasonable delay in communication of the order will not be counted as non-compliance of the limitation prescribed un.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Reasonable Delay in Communication of Order

Jharkhand HC: Writ Court Does Not Sit in Appeal Against Orders in Departmental Proceedings(09.02.2022)

Jharkhand High Court has reiterated that the writ Court does not sit in appeal against the orders passed in departmental proceedings, particularly whe.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Orders in Departmental Proceedings

Allahabad High Court Issues Show Cause Notice to A Civil Judge for His Failure to Sign Order Sheet(11.02.2022)

Allahabad High Court has issued a show cause notice to the Presiding Officer of the Court of Civil Judge (Junior Division), South, Lucknow, asking him.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Failure to Sign Order Sheet

Mad HC: In Absence of Prohibitory Order u/s 144 CrPC People Assembling and Demonstrating Not Offence(28.03.2024)

Madras High Court has held that in the absence of a prohibitory order under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, assembling few person.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Prohibitory Order, Section 144 CrPC, Demonstration

Punjab And Haryana High Court Withdraws Order Extending Life of Interim Orders(10.03.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has withdrawn April 2021 order extending the life of interim orders pertaining to the functioning of courts, orders of e.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Order Extending Life of Interim Orders

Calcutta HC Suspends Order Cancelling GST Registration on Vague Show Cause Notice(15.03.2022)

Calcutta High Court has suspended the order cancelling goods and service tax (GST) registration on the grounds that the allegations contained in the s.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Order Cancelling GST Registration

SC: Non-Service of AO Inconsequential if Assessee Otherwise Had Knowledge About Them(18.03.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that Attachment order will not be vitiated merely because assessment orders (AO) were not served on the assessee, if the as.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Assessment Order, Assessee

SC Questions Trial Court Practice of Remanding Accused When They Appear in Response to Summons(22.03.2023)

Supreme Court while questioning the practice followed by Courts to remand accused to custody, moment they appear in response to summoning order, has o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Remand, Custody, Summoning Order

Cal. HC: Magistrate Can’t Issue Automatic Order to Stop Investigation Upon Expiry of 6 Months(27.03.2023)

Calcutta High Court has held that Magistrate can stop investigation if Investigating Officer fails to satisfy Magistrate that in interests of justice .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Magistrate, Automatic Order, Investigation

P&H HC: Model Code of Conduct Can’t Stand in Way of Execution of Judicial Order(27.04.2024)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that no code of conduct issued by the Election Commission of India or any order or instructions issued by any o.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Code of Conduct, Judicial Order, Election Commission

Delhi High Court: Suit Property Can't Be Attached Under Order 38 Rule 5 CPC Mechanically(31.03.2022)

Delhi High Court has reiterated that the power under Order XXXVIII Rule 5 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 cannot be exercised mechanically or merely .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order XXXVIII Rule 5, Code of Civil Procedure, High Court, Suit Property

Gujarat HC: FIR Registration Can’t Have Any Nexus with Breach of Maintenance of Public Order(01.04.2022)

Gujarat High Court has observed that simpliciter FIR registration by itself cannot have any nexus with the breach of maintenance of public order, whil.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, breach of maintenance, public order

Gujarat HC: No Show Cause Notice Issued Along With Draft Assessment Order u/s 144B(04.04.2022)

Gujarat High has observed that the issuance of a show cause notice along with the draft assessment order is absolutely important before passing an ord.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, draft assessment order, Section 144B of the Income Tax Act

Guj. HC: CCI’s Investigation Order Doesn’t Affect Rights and Liability of Party(04.04.2023)

Gujarat High Court while dismissing petition filed by J.K. Paper Ltd. challenging an investigation order by Competition Commission of India (CCI) obse.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Competition Commission of India, Investigation Order

Kerala HC: TRAI’s New Tariff Order is in Public Interest(05.04.2023)

Kerala High Court while dismissing plea challenging TRAI’s new Tariff Order wherein broadcasters increased channel prices for cable TV operators for i.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, TRAI, New Tariff Order

All. HC: Inconsistency in Bail Orders Having Similar Facts Undermine Public Confidence in Judiciary(06.06.2024)

All. HC has observed that when courts grant bail to one accused and deny it to another under similar circumstances without providing clear justificati.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Public Confidence, Bail Orders

Guj. HC: State Authorities Need to Introspect Their Casual Attitude in Passing Detention Order(08.05.2023)

Gujarat High Court while observing that State Authorities are passing orders in a casual manner, has stated that State Authorities should introspect a.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Detention Order, State Authorities

SC: Can’t Freeze Company’s Bank Account for Investigation Against Unrelated Party(10.05.2023)

Supreme Court while setting aside a freezing order imposed on a Foreign Institutional Investor company, has held that when appellant company is in no .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Freezing Order, Criminal Investigation

Bombay High Court: Mere Filing of Earlier Litigation Not a Ground to Interdict Order of Transfer(04.07.2024)

Bombay High Court has observed that the mere filing of earlier litigation is not a reason to infer the existence of mala fides for interdicting order .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Order of Transfer, Earlier Litigation

Sik HC: Issue of Limitation Involving Question of Facts & Law, Can’t be Decided as Preliminary Issue(05.07.2024)

Sikkim High Court in an application under Order XIV Rule 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, has held that if the issue of limitation involves a m.....

Tags : Sikkim High Court, Order XIV Rule 2, Issue of Limitation, Preliminary Issue

Bom. HC: Student Who Missed HSC Improvement Exam Due to Depression, Allowed to Re-Take Exams(08.07.2024)

Bombay High Court, in the interest of justice, has allowed a student to re-take the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) improvement exam. The student c.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Higher Secondary Certificate, Internet Gaming Disorder

Ker. HC: Penalty for Breach of Protection Order Appli. Where Order is in Addition to Residence Order(09.07.2024)

Ker. HC has observed that while granting protection to a woman in a domestic relationship, if her right to a shared household is protected expressly, .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Residence Order, Shared Household

SC: Absolute Breakdown of Constitutional Machinery of State in Manipur(02.08.2023)

Supreme Court while observing that the investigation by Manipur police in relation to the ethnic violence has been tardy due to considerable lapse bet.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Manipur, Breakdown, Law and Order, Ethnic Violence

Kar. HC Stays Single Bench Order That Imposed 50 Lakh Cost on X Corp(10.08.2023)

Karnataka High Court Division bench has stayed a Single bench order that dismissed X Corp's (formerly Twitter) challenge against blocking orders issue.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Blocking Orders, X Corp

CBIC Allows Export of Goods from Bangladesh to India by Rail in Closed Containers(20.05.2022)

Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has allowed the export of goods from Bangladesh to India by rail in closed containers. The carrier will be.....

Tags : Calcutta HC Restrains WB Minister's Daughter from Continuing as Teacher until Further Orders

Jammu And Kashmir High Court: Preventive Detention Cannot Be Made By Stating Vague Grounds(20.05.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court quashed an order for detention while examining that detention in preventive custody on the basis of such vague and ambigu.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Detention Order, Grounds of Detention

Kar. HC Dismisses Twitter’s Plea Challenging Blocking Order Issued by MeiTY(30.06.2023)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed the plea filed by Twitter challenging the blocking orders issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Tec.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Twitter, Blocking Order, Information Technology Act

Mad. HC: Can’t Issue Detention Order if Driver in Possession of Valid E-Way Bill(06.08.2024)

Madras High Court has held that detention order cannot be initiated if an invoice, bill of supply, delivery challan, or bill of entry and a valid e-wa.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Detention Order, E-Way Bill

Supreme Court: Blacklisting Orders Must be Justifiable and Proportionate(09.08.2024)

SC has held that orders of blacklisting are a drastic remedy and they need to be justifiable and proportionate. It further observed that debarring a p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Blacklisting Orders, Civil Death

Mad. HC: Can’t Term Speeches Criticising Govt. and its Policies as Threat to Public Order(09.08.2024)

Madras High Court has observed that speeches criticising the ruling government, its policies and actions or exposing corrupt or illegal actions in the.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Public Order, Criticising

Cal. HC: Consolidated Claim from Different Purchase Order Containing Arbitration Clause Not Invalid(18.05.2023)

Calcutta High Court has held that arbitration clauses in different purchase orders that are linked to a single main contract can be treated as a conso.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Arbitration, Purchase Orders, Main Contract

Ker. HC: Not Proper to Arrest Accused Before Verifying if Any Interim Order Subsits in Bail Plea(25.05.2023)

Kerala High Court has observed that it is not proper on the part of the Police Officer to arrest an accused, without verifying from the office of the .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Arrest, Bail Application, Interim Order, Verify

JKL HC: Rejection Of Plaint Under Order 7 Rule 11 CPC Can’t be Challenged(25.05.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that provision of Revision under Section 115 CPC cannot be used to challenge an order of Rejection of.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Order 7 Rule 11, CPC, Revision

Tel. HC: HC has Limited Power in Matter of Granting Permission to Withdraw Appeal(18.07.2024)

Tel. HC has held that the power of High Court in matter of granting permission to withdraw an appeal under Order XXIII Rule 1(3) of CPC is very limite.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Withdrawal, Order XXII of CPC

Ker. HC: Can Quash Detention Order if Representation of Detenue Isn’t Considered Timely(23.07.2024)

Kerala High Court has held that if the representation of detenue under the Kerala Anti-Social Activities Prevention Act (KAAPA), 2007 is not considere.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, KAAPA, Detention Order

Supreme Court: Stay Should be Granted in Bail Order Only in Exceptional Cases(23.07.2024)

Supreme Court has held that though court may have power to grant stay on bail, it must be done only in exceptional circumstances. Normally bail orders.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bail Order, Exceptional Circumstances

J&K&L HC: Elaborate Reasons Not Necessary While Issuing Entrustment Orders(08.08.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that merely because elaborate reasons have not been given in entrustment orders passed by Superintend.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Prevention of Corruption Act, Entrustment Orders

Madras HC: Personnel Trained to Shoot Guns Made to Make Dosas for Higher Officials(16.08.2022)

Madras High Court has expressed deep dissatisfaction that even after 75 years of Independence, the State could not effectively eradicate the colonial .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orderlies, Uniformed Officers

Karnataka High Court Extends Interim Orders Till February 8(01.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has extended the interim orders passed by the High Court, all the District Courts, Civil Courts, Family Courts, Labour Courts, In.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Extension of Interim Orders

SC Upholds Selection of Candidate Suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder to Delhi Judicial Service(14.12.2021)

Supreme Court has upheld the selection of a candidate suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder to Delhi Judicial Service 2018 under the category of p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Candidate Suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder

Karnataka High Court Refuses to Quash Border Security Force Transfer Order(14.12.2021)

Karnataka High Court has refused to interfere in an order issued by Border Security Force (BSF) to a serving inspector, directing him to move from Ben.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, BSF Transfer Order

Madras HC Orders Complete Abolition of Orderly System from TN Police in Four Months(24.08.2022)

Madras High Court has directed the authorities to ensure that the orderly system is completely abolished within a period of four months; and to remove.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Orderlies System, Police

J&K&L HC: Acts Which Gravely Prejudice Public Order Qualify as Acts Prejudicial to Security of State(26.08.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that every act which is prejudicial to the security of the state would qualify to be an act prejudici.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Public Order, Security of State

Kar. HC: Acquittal Order Can’t be Put in Challenge by Stranger to the Case(22.09.2023)

Karnataka High Court has held that a fresh investigation upon acquittal or conviction of the accused cannot be ordered for an askance by persons who w.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Acquittal Order, Investigation, Stranger

Karnataka HC: Ex-Parte Order of German Court Granting Custody to Mother Not Acceptable(03.10.2023)

Karnataka High Court while refusing to accept an ex-parte order passed by a court in Germany, granting custody of a 9 year old child to his mother who.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Custody, Ex-Parte Order

Delhi HC: CPC Contemplates Execution of Foreign Decree And Not an Order(21.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that remedy before the foreign arbitral tribunal would not be inefficacious when the bulk of the assets of a party are locat.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Order, Foreign Seated Arbitration

Cal. HC to State: Ensure No Untoward Incident Take Place During TMC Martyrs’ Day Rally(21.07.2022)

Calcutta High Court has directed the State Police to ensure that peace and law and order is maintained during Trinamool Congress' (TMC) Martyrs' Day r.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Law and Order, TMC Rally

Delhi HC: Authority Exercising Judicial or Administrative Powers Must Pass Speaking Order(21.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that any order passed, whether in the exercise of judicial or administrative powers vested in the authority, must be speakin.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Speaking Orders, Judicial and Administrative

Del. HC Seeks Explanation from Trial Court for Passing Non-Reasoned Bail Order in POCSO Case(01.09.2023)

Delhi High Court while directing Registry to seek an explanation from a trial court judge for passing a non-reasoned order granting bail to a POCSO ac.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bail Order, POCSO, Non-Reasoned

JKL HC: Can’t Argue for Quashing of Detention Order When it is Challenged Before its Execution(10.10.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that if petitioner challenges detention order even before it was executed, it is not open for them to.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Detention Order, Execution

CESTAT, Delhi Quashes Service Tax Commissioner Order Confirming Recovery of CENVAT Credit(26.08.2021)

Customs, Excise, and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Delhi has quashed the Service Tax Commissioner’s Order confirming recovery of CENVAT cre.....

Tags : Customs, Excise, and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Order Confirming Recovery of CENVAT Credit

Bombay HC Extends Life of Interim Orders Passed by Court and Tribunals Till September 30(31.08.2021)

Bombay High Court has further extended the life of all interim orders passed by courts and tribunals in the State till 30th September, 2021 to protect.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Life of Interim Orders

AP HC Imposes Stay on Further Proceeding on Govt Order for Cancellation of Allotment(02.09.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has imposed a stay on further proceedings arising from the G.O.Ms. No.316 issued by the government on December 18, 2019 for .....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Proceeding on Govt Order for Cancellation of Allotment

JKL HC: Detention Orders on Irrelevant Grounds are Violative of Constitutional Rights(27.10.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that inclusion of an irrelevant, non-existent, obscure, or vague ground is an invasion of the constit.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Detention Orders, Constitutional Rights

MP HC: Proclamation Order Must Grant 30 Days to the Person Absconding or Concealing Himself(30.10.2023)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that as per Section 82 of CrPC, the Court while publishing a written proclamation requiring a person absconding or .....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Proclamation Order, Absconding

Delhi HC: Order by Arbitrator Allowing Meeting at Other Place Will Not Change Seat of Arbitration(08.06.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that order passed by the Arbitrator stating that the arbitral proceedings shall be conducted at any other place would not ch.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Seat of Arbitration, Arbitral Order

Ker HC: Can't Direct a Judge to Hear Particular Number of Cases a Day(12.06.2023)

Kerala High Court while observing that judicial order cannot be issued to Chief Justice about the manner in which the cases are to be listed in the Hi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Judge, Cases, Judicial Order

Supreme Court: Court Can Look Into the Real Reason Behind Termination of Employee(26.08.2024)

Supreme Court has held that the mere non-mention of the background situation in termination order cannot, by itself, be determinative of the nature of.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination Order, Background Situation

Supreme Court: Registry to Give Explanation When Case Not Listed Despite Specific Orders(28.08.2024)

Supreme Court has observed that when there is a specific order of the Court that a particular petition shall be listed, the minimum expectation from t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Specific Orders, Registry

Del HC: Regular Training to be Provided to Officers Holding Summary Security Force Court Proceedings(29.08.2024)

Del. HC has directed mandatory regular trainings of officers holding the Summary Security Force Court (SSFC) proceedings under the Border Security For.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Regular Trainings, SSFC, Border Security Force

SC: Travesty of Justice if Convict is Unable to Get Benefit of Bail for Inability to Furnish Surety(19.09.2024)

SC has held that it would be a travesty of justice if convict is unable to secure the benefit of bail order for his inability to furnish local surety......

Tags : Supreme Court, Article 21, Bail Order

Del. HC: Mere Global Reputation Not Sufficient to Answer Claim of Transborder Reputation(01.12.2023)

Delhi High Court while observing that mere global reputation/asserted goodwill of Trade Mark is not sufficient to answer a claim of transborder reputa.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Transborder Reputation, Trade Mark

Ker HC: Detention Order Must Reflect How Public Order Would be Vitiated if the Person isn’t Detained(20.11.2023)

Kerala High Court has held that detention order must reflect how public order would be vitiated if the person concerned is not detained invoking the p.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Detention Order, Anti-Social Activities

Kar. HC: Order Continues to be Operational Until Declared Void by Competent Authority(01.12.2022)

Karnataka High Court has held that even a void order unless certified by the magistra dicta as being void, would continue to be operational

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Void, Order

J&K&L HC: Retrospective Operation of Government’s Executive Order Cannot Be Permitted(02.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that retrospective operation of a Government Order cannot be permitted particularly where it is merel.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Retrospective, Executive Order

J&K&L HC: When WP Dismissed in Default is Restored, Orders Passed Therein are Revived(07.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that as corollary to the restoration of a writ petition, dismissed in default, all orders passed woul.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Default, Orders, Restored

All. HC: Notice Given to Municipality Not Mandatory if it Will Defeat Purpose of Injunction Suit(05.02.2024)

Allahabad High Court has upheld rejection of an application under Order 7 Rule 11 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 on grounds that notice under Sectio.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Injunction Suit, Order 7 Rule 11 of CPC

J&K&L HC: Satisfaction of Detaining Authority Must be Based on Scrutiny of Police Report(09.11.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that in absence of material supporting allegations or specifying details of incident, it can’t be hel.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High, Satisfaction, Police Order

Ker. HC: Second Appeal Under CPC Admissible on Substantial Question of Law & Not on Equitable Grounds(25.01.2024)

Kerala High Court has held that High Court shall admit and hear second appeal under Order XLII Rule 1, 2 read with Section 100 Code of Civil Procedure.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Section 100 CPC, Order XLII CPC, Second Appeal

Supreme Court: Contempt Proceedings Should be Initiated Against Party Violating Status Quo Order(01.02.2024)

Supreme Court has held that where the status quo order was wilfully violated by any party then instead of vacating the stay of execution proceedings, .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Contempt Proceedings, Interim Order

SC: Accused Should be Summoned Only After Recording Satisfaction About Sufficient Grounds To Proceed(01.02.2024)

Supreme Court has observed that a Magistrate while issuing the summoning order should not act in a casual manner, rather they should be satisfied that.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Summoning Order

SC Stays HC’s Interim Order Staying Assam-Meghalaya Border Pact(09.01.2023)

Supreme Court has stayed interim order passed by Meghalaya High Court which had put stay on the execution of Assam-Meghalaya border pact, which was en.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interim Order, Assam-Meghalaya Border Pact, MoU

Kerala HC: Can’t File HC Petition For Same Detention Order Even on Raising New Grounds(29.02.2024)

Kerala High Court has held that if the substantial challenge in a Habeas Corpus (HC) petition is against the same detention order, the very same court.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Habeas Corpus, Detention Order

Supreme Court: Stay Orders of High Court on Trials Not to Get Vacated Automatically(29.02.2024)

Supreme Court while overruling its 2018 judgement Asian Resurfacing of Road Agency Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation (MAN.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Stay Orders, Interim Orders

Kar. HC: Deflection From Terms of Compromise Will Lead to Re-Imposition of Conviction Order(04.03.2024)

Karnataka High Court has held that when a person has been convicted under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and such conviction is set aside on the.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Re-imposition, Conviction Order

Delhi High Court: First-Come-First-Serve Criteria Under Election Symbols Order, 1968 Upheld(05.03.2024)

Delhi High Court has upheld the criteria of ‘First-Come-First-Serve’ that allots free symbol to an unrecognized political party under the Election Sym.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, First-Come-First-Serve, Election Symbols Order

Patna HC: Govt Counsel Cannot Defend Order Passed by Adjudicating Authority(31.01.2022)

Patna High Court has held that when an order passed by the adjudicating authority is challenged before the Court, the same cannot be defended by the G.....

Tags : Patna High Court, Order Passed by Adjudicating Authority

MP HC: Municipal Commissioner Competent to Issue Detention Order for Black-marketing(04.02.2022)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that a Municipal Commissioner was competent to issue the order of detention U/S 3(2) of Prevention of Black Marketi.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Detention Order for Black-marketing

Delhi HC: Final Orders of AFT Can Be Challenged Before High Court(02.02.2023)

Delhi High Court, full bench has held that final orders of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) can be challenged before High Court.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Armed Forces Tribunal, Final Order

Del. HC: Man Held Guilty of Contempt for Obtaining Permission to Cut Tree on Basis of Forged Docs.(11.04.2024)

Delhi HC has held a man guilty of contempt of court in a matter where the man obtained permission for felling of a tree on the basis of forged and fab.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Forged Documents, Judicial Order, Contempt of Court

Bombay HC: Court Setting Aside Magistrate's Order for Police Investi. Won’t Lead to Quashing of FIR(15.04.2024)

Bombay High Court has held that if a revision court sets aside a Magistrate’s order to conduct a police investigation in a cognizable offence under Se.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Section 156(3) of CrPC, First Information Report, Magistrate's Order

Ker. HC: Assessment Order Quashed on Finding that Assessee Not Provided Effective Hearing(16.04.2024)

Ker. HC quashed an assessment order passed under the Income Tax Act, 1961, and held that since the assessee was not able to log in through link for vi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Assessment Order, Income Tax Act, 1961, Principles of Natural Justice

Allahabad HC: Clerical/Procedural Mistake in Pleadings Can be Rectified Under Order VI Rule 17 CPC(29.04.2022)

Allahabad High Court has observed that a clerical/procedural mistake that has occurred in the verification of pleadings can be rectified by moving the.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Order VI Rule 17, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, pleadings

Kar HC: Disciplinary Authority Must Look Into Past Conduct of Workman While Passing Dismissal Order(29.05.2024)

Karnataka High Court has observed that the disciplinary authority, while taking into consideration the findings of the inquiry officer and passing the.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Disciplinary Authority, Dismissal Order

SC: Without Examining Lawfulness of 'Minutes of Order' Filed by Advocates, Orders Cannot be Passed(01.05.2024)

Supreme Court has held that High Court must apply its mind to the minutes of order in order to ensure that the rights of the third parties are not aff.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Minutes of Order, Lawfulness

SC: Trial Judges Should Take Participatory Role in Trial & Not Act as Mere Tape Recorders(06.05.2024)

SC has observed that it is the duty of the court to arrive at truth and subserve the ends of justice. Courts have to take a participatory role in tria.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Tape Recorders, Participatory Role

Supreme Court: Notice Issued to IBBI Over Ambiguity in Uploading NCLT Orders(10.05.2024)

SC has issued notice to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) on considerable ambiguity concerning service of orders passed by National Comp.....

Tags : Supreme Court, IBBI, NCLT Orders

All. HC: Collector Being Quasi-Judicial Authority Has No Statutory Power to Review/Recall Order(21.05.2024)

All HC has held that Collector (Stamp) cannot recall or review his own order as no such power has been conferred under Section 47-A of Indian Stamp Ac.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Quasi-Judicial Authority, Review Order

SC: Court Can’t Take Over the Law And Order Situation(11.07.2023)

Supreme Court while hearing plea pertaining to Manipur violence observed that skepticism of the parties cannot lead us to take over the law and order .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Manipur violence, Law and Order

Ker HC: Authority Can’t Issue Detention Order Without Determining Nature of Bail Conditions(12.07.2023)

Kerala High Court has observed that detaining authority must consider if bail conditions are sufficient to prevent detenu from continuing to indulge i.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Detention Order, Bail Conditions

JKL HC: Can’t Pressurize Party Seeking Remedy Against Unfavorable Order by Initiating Contempt(17.04.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while observing that right to avail appropriate remedy under law can’t be construed as obstruction in course o.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Contempt, Unfavorable Order, Pressurize

Meghalaya HC: Cannot Pass Attachment Order if No Evidence of Likelihood of Breach of Peace(27.06.2024)

Meghalaya High Court has observed that if there is no direct evidence of any likelihood of breach of peace, the inability of the Magistrate concerned .....

Tags : Meghalaya High Court, Attachment Order, Breach of Peace

Gujarat HC: Mere Registration of FIRs by Itself Can't Have Nexus With Breach of Public Order(05.05.2022)

The Gujarat High Court stated while drawing a distinction between the term 'public order' and 'law and order' that mere registration of FIR/s agains.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Public Order, Law and Order

Allahabad HC: Reassessment Order Not Valid If Notice by Assessing Authority Is Without Jurisdiction(09.05.2022)

Allahabad High Court has held that once the notice under Section 148 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 issued by the assessing authority was declared withou.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Section 148, Income Tax Act, 1961, re-assessment order

Uttarakhand HC Directs State to Maintain Law & Order Amid Communal Tensions in the State(16.06.2023)

Uttarakhand High Court has directed State to ensure that law and order is maintained in all parts of the state amid spike in communal tension and also.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Communal Tensions, Law & Order

MP HC: Maintenance Obligations Towards Wife Cannot be Escaped by Husband Due to Temporary Disability(31.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a maintenance order, has held that husband’s temporary disability does not absolve him of his matrimonial ob.....

Tags : MP High Court, Maintenance Order, S. 125 of CrPC

Bom. HC: Patanjali Ayurveda to Deposit Rs. 50 Lakhs for Breach of Injunction Order(10.07.2024)

Bombay High Court has directed Patanjali Ayurveda to deposit Rs. 50 Lakhs over violation of an injunction order through which Patanjali was restrained.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Patanjali Ayurveda, Injunction Order

SC: Hazardous to Apply Princ. of Order XXI of CPC Where Illegal Auction Sale by State is in Question(11.07.2024)

SC has held that in cases where the legality of an auction sale conducted by the State is questioned on ground of mala fides, undue favour for extrane.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Illegal Auction Sale, Order XXI Rule 90

Supreme Court: Presumption of Non-Application of Mind if Bail Order Lacks Reasons(12.07.2024)

Supreme Court has held that where an order refusing or granting bail does not furnish the reasons that inform the decision, there is a presumption of .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bail Order, Presumption

Mad. HC: Tamil Nadu Govt. Criticized for Invoking Preventive Detention Laws on ‘Mere Apprehension’(21.08.2024)

Mad. HC has criticized the TN Government for invoking preventive detention laws on mere apprehension of disturbance to public order and observed that .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Tamil Nadu Government, Preventive Detention, Public Order

SC: Head of Department to be Liable on Department’s Failure to Comply With NGT Order(19.09.2024)

SC has observed that if a Government Department fails to comply with the order of NGT, by a legal fiction under sub-section (1) of Section 28 of Natio.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Head of Department, NGT Order

Raj. HC: PO Omitting to Mention Date of Arrest in Order Rejecting Bail is a Significant Oversight(24.09.2024)

Rajasthan High Court has observed that the date of arrest of accused is an integral and crucial part of a bail order and the Presiding Officer omittin.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Presiding Officer, Bail Order

SC: Government Order Modifying Previous Order Would be Applicable Prospectively(03.10.2024)

SC has observed that if a subsequent Govt. Order is a modification of the earlier Govt. Order, its application would be prospective as retrospective a.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Government Order, Vested Rights

MP HC: Can’t Subject Transfer Order to Judicial Review Unless Found to be Influenced by Malafide(08.10.2024)

MP HC has observed that it is well settled in law that an employer is the best judge to organize its work force and it is also well settled in law tha.....

Tags : MP High Court, Judicial Review, Transfer Order

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