Search Results for Tag : investments
SAT Sets Aside SEBI Order of Imposing Penalty on Reliance Petroinvest(09.12.2015)
Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside an order by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) against Reliance Petroinvestments in a ca.....
Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Reliance Petroinvestments
SEBI Bans 27 Entities from Capital Markets(06.01.2016)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has barred 27 entities from the securities market for indulging in fraudulent trading in shares of Gemst.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Gemstone Investments, Spectacle Infotek
CCI Nods for Investment by FIL Capital(22.01.2016)
Competition Commission of India (CCI) has granted approval to proposed investment by FIL Capital Investments (Mauritius) II Limited in Cipla Health Li.....
Tags : Competition Commission of India, FIL Capital Investments, Cipla Health Limited
CCI Approves HealthFore-Oscar Investments Deal(12.02.2016)
Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved e proposed merger of healthcare IT solutions provider HealthFore Technologies with Oscar Investment.....
Tags : Competition Commission of India , HealthFore Technologies, Oscar Investments
RBI Bans Investments in ‘Non-cooperative Countries’(27.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has prohibited Indian entities from making direct investments in any entity located in 'non co-operative countries and ter.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-cooperative Countries, investments
Notifications & Circulars
RBI introduces the Voluntary Retention Route for Investments by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs)(01.03.2019)
The Statement on Development and Regulatory Policies in the Monetary Policy Statement dated October 05, 2018 had announced a separate scheme called 'V.....
Tags : Voluntary Retention Route, Investments, FPIs
Mauritius, Singapore Investments Fully Taxable for Capital Gains(01.04.2019)
Capital Gains on investments made in India through companies in Mauritius and Singapore will become fully taxable from 1st April because of revisions .....
Tags : Capital Gains, Mauritius, Singapore Investments, Double-Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs)
ITAT, Mumbai: Interest on Investments in Co-operative Bank Eligible for Deduction(24.02.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has held that the interest income earned by a co-operative society on its investments held with a co-oper.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Interest on Investments in Co-operative Bank
Credit Rating-Applicable for Infrastructure Investments(05.01.2021)
In exercise of powers under Regulation 14(2) of the IRDAI (Investments) Regulations, 2016 the Authority directs Insurers to classify Infrastructure in.....
Tags : Credit Rating, Applicability, Infrastructure Investments
Curtain raiser for fourth International Solar Alliance General Assembly(18.10.2021)
Annual assembly to deliberate on operationalisation of PM Modi 's 'One Sun One World One Grid' initiative, USD 1 trillion in solar investments
Tags : Annual assembly, Solar investments, GEA
Initiatives to boost domestic and foreign investments(16.12.2021)
Government has taken various steps to boost domestic and foreign investments in India. These include reduction in Corporate Tax Rates, easing liquidit.....
Tags : Initiatives, Domestic, Foreign investments
E-wallet investments in Mutual Funds(23.03.2023)
1. SEBI, vide Circular Ref. no.- SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/39 dated May 8, 2017, permitted use of e- wallet for investment in Mutual Funds within the.....
Tags : E-wallet, Investments, Mutual Funds
Monitoring of Investments in Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)(28.07.2023)
The Authority vide its circular IRDA/F&I/ClR/INV/172/08/2013 dtd.23rd August,2013 had permitted insurers for investments in Category I and II AIFs (wi.....
Tags : Monitoring, Investments, AIF
Investments in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)(19.12.2023)
1. Regulated entities (REs) make investments in units of AIFs as part of their regular investment operations. However, certain transactions of REs inv.....
Tags : Investments, AIFs, REs
Notification regarding investments in Alternative Investment Funds(27.03.2024)
1. This is with reference to the circular DOR.STR.REC.58/21.04.048/2023-24 dated December 19, 2023 ('Circular') on the captioned subject, in terms of .....
Tags : Investments, AIFs, Instructions