Ori. HC: In Maintenance Proceedings it is Mandatory to File Affidavit Disclosing Assets  ||  Gau. HC Asks State if Minor Mineral Rules Stipulate Action Against Contractor for Illegal Mining  ||  Ker. HC: No Bar on Cheque Dishonour Proceedings Due to Moratorium During Insolvency Process  ||  Calcutta HC Orders Fresh Trial in Cases Related to Murder & Possession of Illegal Weapons  ||  Kar. HC: Union to Inform about Further Steps Taken to Stop Illegal Use of ‘Proton Mail’  ||  Del. HC: Arbitral Award Upheld against IRCTC in Issue Over Reimbursement For Catering Services  ||  Del. HC: Arbitral Award Upheld against IRCTC in Issue Over Reimbursement For Catering Services  ||  Bom. HC: Can Apply Business Efficacy Test if Ambiguity in Arbitration Agreement  ||  Madras HC: Directions Issued to Clear Backlog of Cheque Bounce Cases  ||  SC: Amendment to CST Act Ceasing Right of Govt. to Grant Exemption to be Applicable Prospectively    

Search Results for Tag : fine


Delhi High Court Imposes Fine Rs 40,000 for ‘Wasting Court’s Time’(30.09.2015)

Delhi High Court has fined a woman with Rs 40,000, for “wasting the court’s time” by filing two pleas challenging bail granted to three men, whom she .....

Tags : Delhi High Court , Fine

Bombay HC Slams Fine of Rs 25,000 on a Man who Filed Plea against Illegal Structures(08.10.2015)

Bombay HC has slammed a fine of Rs 25,000 on an individual who had filed a PIL against illegal constructions in Kurla, but was himself found erecting .....

Tags : Bombay HC,fine,PIL against illegal constructions

NGT Slams Major Refinery for Encroachment on Wildlife Corridors in Kaziranga's Non-Development Zone(12.10.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has slammed Numaligarh refinery in Assam for violating forest laws and blocking encroaching on wildlife corridors in Kaz.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Numaligarh refinery

NGT Announces Rs 5,000 Fine on Using Plastic in Chandigarh(07.12.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) in order to make the city pollution-free, has announced a fine of Rs 5,000 on anyone found using or dealing with plastic.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , Chandigarh , Rs 5,000 Fine on Using Plastic

NGT Continues Stay on Expansion by Numaligarh Refinery(09.12.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has refused to stay its order restraining Numaligarh Refinery Limited from carrying out any construction activity in the.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Numaligarh Refinery Limited


CCI order against airlines’ cartelisation stayed(09.02.2016)

The Competition Appellate Tribunal stayed an order of the Competition Commission of India against various airlines for having cartelised in the freigh.....

Tags : Compat, airlines, freight, cartel, fine

Notifications & Circulars

External Commercial Borrowings - Revised Framework(30.03.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India notified amendments to the External Commercial Borrowings regime to encourage longer term lending, particularly for infrastr.....

Tags : ecb, infrastructure, mining, refinery

Blast from the Past

Raw or refined, market should know difference between goods(12.10.1962)

After the Central government levied excise duty on readymade garments and textile bearing a brand name, and sold with a price tag of over Rs. 1000, it.....

Tags : excise, manufacture, refined oil

Raw or refined, market should know difference between goods(12.10.1962)

After the Central government levied excise duty on readymade garments and textile bearing a brand name, and sold with a price tag of over Rs. 1000, it.....

Tags : excise, manufacture, refined oil

Celebrity Endorsements(01.08.2017)

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution, which examined the Consumer Protection Bill, 2015, has recomme.....

Tags : Celebrity, Endorsements, Offence, Fine

Journalists Appeal Against Jail Term For 'Breach of Privilege', Karnataka High Court to Hear on Monday(29.11.2017)

Journalists Appeal Against Jail Term For 'Breach of Privilege', Karnataka High Court to Hear on Monday

Tags : The Assembly, during its ongoing winter session, re-confirmed the one-year-jail term and Rs 10,000 fine for writing articles that "breached the privilege of MLAs".

B.C. Supreme Court Strikes Down Indefinite Solitary Confinement in Prisons(18.01.2018)

B.C. Supreme Court has ended a law that allowed federal institutions to indefinitely confine prison inmates.

Tags : Supreme Court, Solitary Confinement

Uttarakhand High Court: Abolish Solitary Confinement of Death Convicts(01.05.2018)

Uttarakhand High Court has held that the practice to keep the convict in custodial segregation/solitary confinement before the exhaustion of his const.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Solitary Confinement

Saudi ARAMCO and ADNOC sign MoU for participating in the Ratnagiri Refinery project in Maharashtra(25.06.2018)

Saudi Aramco and ADNOC signed an MoU today to jointly develop and build an integrated refinery and petrochemicals complex at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra......

Tags : MOU, Signing of, Refinery project

Default sentence is not to be merged with or allowed to run concurrently with a substantive sentence(20.09.2018)

Present appeal challenges the decision passed by the High Court affirming the conviction and sentence of the Appellant (original Accused No. 6) for of.....

Tags : Conviction, Fine, Imposition

Solitary Confinement of Death Convict Prior to Rejection of Mercy Petition Palpably Illegal: SC(02.05.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that solitary confinement of a person sentenced to death prior to the rejection of mercy petition is palpably illegal.

Tags : Supreme Court, Solitary Confinement

World gets the redefined units of measurement of kilogram, Kelvin, mole and ampere(20.05.2019)

After decades of ground-breaking laboratory works, the world's scientific and technical community, in a landmark and historic decision taken in the re.....

Tags : Redefined units, Measurement, kilogram, Kelvin, mole and ampere

SEBI Levies Rs 40.5 Lakh Fine on 7 Firms(26.11.2019)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed a total fine of Rs 40.5 lakh on seven companies for indulging in fraudulent trading in the illiquid.....

Tags : SEBI, Fine

NAA Levies Fine of Rs 230 Crore on J&J(26.12.2019)

National Anti-Profiteering Authority has imposed Rs 230.41 crore fine on global healthcare major Johnson and Johnson for profiteering from cut in goo.....

Tags : NAA, Fine

SC: Appeal Against Composite Sentence of Imprisonment and Fine Does Not Abate on Death of Accused(22.01.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that, if the Accused-Appellant dies during the pendency of a criminal appeal against a composite sentence of imprisonment a.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Appeal against Composite Sentence of Imprisonment and Fine

Bombay High Court Allows Egyptian Man's Habeas Corpus Plea Against In-Laws(31.01.2020)

Bombay High Court has allowed a criminal writ Petition filed by Khaled Kassem, an Egyptian citizen who sought the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Writ of Habeas Corpus, Illegal Confinement of Child

Imprisonment in default of payment of fine awarded on an accused in different cases cannot be ordered to run concurrently(20.03.2020)

The question that arises for consideration in this petition is, whether imprisonment in default of payment of fine awarded on an accused in a case can.....

Tags : Fine, Payment, Default

Rajasthan HC Asks Child Welfare Committee to Compensate Girl for Illegally Confining Her(09.04.2020)

Rajasthan High Court has ordered the Chairperson of a Child Welfare Committee to pay compensation of Rs. 50,000 against the confinement of a girl in t.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Illegal Confinement of Girl in Children Welfare Home

International Cases

Leave to appeal can only be granted by present Court, if failure to make a conviction order amounts to a miscarriage of justice(07.08.2020)

The Appellant seeks leave to appeal against sentence. On 8 November 2019, following a plea of guilty, the Appellant was convicted for attempting to co.....

Tags : Conviction, Fine, Legality

NGT Imposes Rs. 286 Cr Fine on HPCL, BPCL, AEGIS & SEALORD(18.08.2020)

National Green Tribunal has imposed a fine of Rs.286 Crore on four companies namely Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporat.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Fine on HPCL, BPCL, AEGIS & SEALORD

Patna HC: Minor Girl's Stay at Remand Home Not Unlawful Confinement/Detention(21.10.2020)

Patna High Court has observed that if by judicial order, a girl has been sent to Remand Home treating her to be minor, then her stay in the Remand Hom.....

Tags : Patna High Court, Stay at Remand Home, Unlawful Confinement/Detention

DGFT Removes Import Restrictions on Refined Palm Oil, Refined Palm Olein, Potatoes(02.07.2021)

Director-General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has temporarily removed import restrictions on refined palm oil, refined Palm Olein, Potatoes. According to a.....

Tags : Director-General of Foreign Trade, Import Restrictions on Refined Palm Oil, Refined Palm Olein, Potatoes

Solitary confinement of a person under 18 is not automatically a violation of Article 3 of the ECHR(09.07.2021)

In present case, on 10 December 2016, the Appellant, AB, pleaded guilty to offences of indecent exposure and sexual assault, and was remanded in custo.....

Tags : Solitary confinement, Rights, Violation

AP HC Sentences ACP to Imprisonment and Fine in Contempt Case(19.07.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has sentenced K. Srinivasa Rao, who had worked as the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in Vijayawada, to four weeks im.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Imprisonment and Fine in Contempt Case

SC: Condition of Pre-deposit of Fine Cannot be Imposed to Hear Revision Petition Filed by Convict(09.08.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that deposit of fine amount cannot be made a condition precedent for hearing revision petition under Section 397 of the Cri.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Condition of Pre-deposit of Fine

Kerala HC: Goods Can be Released on Payment of Fine in Lieu of Confiscation(03.12.2021)

Kerala High Court has held that the goods can be released on payment of the fine in lieu of confiscation during the process of adjudication and post-a.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Payment of Fine in lieu of Confiscation

CESTAT, Chennai: Redemption Fine Cannot be Imposed When Goods Allowed to be Re-exported(24.02.2022)

Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Chennai has held that the redemption fine cannot be imposed when the goods are allowed to.....

Tags : Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Redemption Fine

CESTAT, Mumbai: Voluntarily Acceptance of Higher Value Exempts Importer From Confiscation Liability(05.05.2022)

Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has reiterated that voluntarily acceptance of a higher value and willing to pay the customs d.....

Tags : Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, customs duty, Customs Act, 1962, enhanced rate, redemption fine

J&K&L HC: Non-Incorporation of Finer Elements of Pleadings Under MV Act Not Necessarily Fatal(18.08.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that finer elements of pleadings, which are required to be mentioned in proceedings like a civil suit.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Finer Elements, Fatal, Motor Vehicles

NGT Imposes Rs. 3500 Crores Fine on State Of West Bengal for Continuing Environmental Damage(05.09.2022)

National Green Tribunal has imposed a heavy fine of Rs. 3500 as environmental compensation on the State of West Bengal for causing continuous damage t.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Environmental Compensation, Fine

A court may punish contempt of court by committal of the contemnor to prison, or by imposing a fine on the contemnor(19.09.2022)

In present case, on 2 September 2022, present Court convicted the first contemnor, Robert Noel Morrison, (Mr. Morrison Snr.) and the second contemnor,.....

Tags : Contempt, Fine, Imposition

SC Commutes Death Sentence of Ex Cop Accused of Rape & Murder of a Housewife(07.11.2022)

Supreme Court while taking into account the illegal solitary confinement for ten years and its ill effects on the well-being of the accused has commut.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Solitary Confinement, Commute

SC: Offending Anchors Must be Taken Off Air(16.01.2023)

Supreme Court while hearing pleas related to hate speech incidents has observed that offending anchors should be taken off air and hefty fines should .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Hate Speech, Anchors, Fines

Cal. HC: Keeping Inmates in Separate Cell Due to Threat Perception is Not Solitary Confinement(24.08.2023)

Calcutta High Court has held that keeping multiple inmates in the same prison cell, away from the main population due to jail authorities’ perception .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Inmates, Solitary Confinement

Kerala High Court: Discretion of Appellate Court to Waive/Deposit of Minimum 20% Fine(29.03.2024)

Kerala High Court has held that under Section 148 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, it is at the discretion of the Appellate Court to either order a .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Section 148 of NI Act, Appellate Court, Fine

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