Search Results for Tag : dacoity
Calcutta High Court: Penal Liability not Attracted if Person Harbours Dacoits in General(28.12.2019)
Calcutta High Court has ruled that penal liability would not be attracted if a person harbours dacoits in general and it must be proved that he had ha.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Dacoity
Gujarat HC: Commission of Robbery by 5 or More Persons Essential to Constitute Dacoity(02.02.2022)
Gujarat High Court has refused to set aside the order of the Sessions Court acquitting the accused persons, while affirming that the commission of rob.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Dacoity
MP HC Dismisses Application in Dacoity Case Seeking Custody of Recovered Stolen Cash(14.03.2022)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has dismissed an application moved by a Complainant in a dacoity case, seeking custody of the recovered stolen cash to the t.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Application in Dacoity Case
Calcutta HC: Charge of Retaining Stolen Articles Fails, If Prosecution Fails to Prove Dacoity(19.05.2022)
Calcutta High Court has observed that if the prosecution has failed to prove the charge of dacoity then the charge under Section 412 of the Indian Pen.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Section 412, dacoity
Bombay HC Enhances Punishment, Sentences Watchman to Death for Employer's Dacoity & Murder(11.04.2022)
Bombay High Court has sentenced death penalty to a watchman found guilty of dacoity and the calculated and cold blooded murder of his employers, a pla.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, death penalty, dacoity, cold blooded