Chhattisgarh HC: Husband’s Unnatural Sex with Wife is not an Offence  ||  NCLT: No Establishment of Creditor-Debtor Relation from Arrangement Involving Joint Profit-Sharing  ||  NCLAT: Project Management Committee Constituted under Agreement Doesn’t Absolve CD from Obligations  ||  NCLAT: When S. 54C App. is Filed 14 Days after S.7 Application, the Latter should be Decided First  ||  Del. HC: There Must be Full Co-operation of Police with Municipal Bodies to Implement Traffic Plans  ||  Cal. HC: Installation of CCTV Cameras in Residential Portion without Consent Violates Privacy Right  ||  All HC: Restaurant Not Responsible for Quality of Raw Material Purchased from Registered Manufac.  ||  Guj. HC: Grievance Related to MGNREGA Scheme to be Raised under Statutory Scheme Provided Therein  ||  Delhi HC: DU and BCI to Evolve Mechanism for Online Classes  ||  SC: No Liability on Lottery Distributor to Pay Service Tax    

Search Results for Tag : Term

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Oversight Committee darkens MCI future(02.05.2016)

“…That the need for major institutional changes in the regulatory oversight of the medical profession in the country is so urgent”, the concluding lin.....

Tags : Medical council, oversight, determining fee, private institution


An express order of confirmation is imperative to give the employee a substantive right to post(05.09.2016)

Appellant was initially appointed as a driver on temporary basis. By letter dated 29th June, 1987 Appellant was given regular appointment on post of d.....

Tags : Probation, Termination

Appointment cannot be treated as final when terms and conditions mentioned therein not fulfilled(12.08.2016)

Appellant was appointed as "Chemical Examiner Grade-I" in Customs and Central Excise Department, subject to fulfilling terms and conditions mentioned .....

Tags : Appointment, Conditions therein, Termination, Legality

Notifications & Circulars

Refund to Terminal Excise Duty (TED) under Deemed Exports where Duty has been paid from CENVAT Credit and ab-initio waiver is not available(22.09.2016)

The Para 7.03 (c) of FTP 2015-20 provides for refund of Terminal Excise Duty if exemption is not available. The Para 7.05 (ii) of FTP 2015-20 states t.....

Tags : Terminal Excise Duty, Refund, Deemed Exports

Ossification test cannot be regarded as conclusive for ascertaining age of a person(30.11.2016)

Present appeals by special leave impugns judgment passed by High Court, whereby appeal filed by Appellants was dismissed affirming their conviction un.....

Tags : Age determination, Medical Opinion, Admissibility

Amending of PNDT Act(29.11.2016)

The PC & PNDT Act, 1994 was enacted for prohibition of sex selection before or after conception and for prevention of misuse of pre-conception and pre.....

Tags : Sex determination, Enactment, Amendment

24-week pregnancy allowed to be terminated on ground of danger to life and certain inability of fetus to survive extra uterine life(16.01.2017)

Petitioner No.1 approached this Court under Article 32 of Constitution of India seeking directions to Respondents to allow her to undergo medical term.....

Tags : Pregnancy, Termination, Direction

Mandate of an Arbitrator "shall terminate" by or pursuant to agreement of parties(25.01.2017)

This is a joint application by both Petitioner and Respondents under Section 14(2) read with Section 15 of Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. Both .....

Tags : Arbitrator, Mandate, Termination

Employer has to judge suitability of services of probationer; Court cannot substitute its decision for that of employer(31.01.2017)

By this writ petition, Petitioner impugns order of the Delhi School Tribunal, by which Delhi School Tribunal dismissed appeal filed by Petitioner agai.....

Tags : Service, Termination, Validity

Terms and Conditions of Policy have to be Strictly Construed to Determine Extent of Liability of Insurer(20.02.2017)

Instant revision petition has been filed against the impugned order passed by Haryana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Appeal No. 1192/.....

Tags : Claim, Eligibility, Terms and conditions, Policy

Lien of a person on a post lapses on a person acquiring lien on another post(07.03.2017)

By instant writ petition, Petitioner seeks the relief of quashing of letter dated 18th January, 2016 whereby Respondent No.1/erstwhile employer/Kalind.....

Tags : Termination. Lien, Absorption

For every minor irregularity, a tender is not to be cancelled(20.03.2017)

Present writ petition has been filed challenging termination letter passed by Respondent-IRCTC terminating temporary license awarded to Petitioners fo.....

Tags : Temporary license, Termination, Validity

Online Registration Mechanism for Securities Market Intermediaries(02.05.2017)

Dear Sir/Madam, 1. Hon'ble Minister of Finance, Government of India, in his speech while presenting the Budget for FY 2017-18 on February 01, 2017, a.....

Tags : Registration, Online, Market intermediaries

Courts can always apply reasonable amount of guesswork to balance equities in order to fix a just and fair market value(07.07.2017)

Present appeals are filed by land owners against final judgment and order passed by High Court of Karnataka, whereby High Court allowed appeals in par.....

Tags : Acquisition, Compensation, Re-determination, Validity

Where more than one court has jurisdiction, it is open for parties to exclude all other Courts(07.02.2018)

The Respondent No. 1 floated a notice inviting tender for the civil and electrical work of Super Specialty Hospital, wherein several bids were invited.....

Tags : Jurisdiction, Seat, Determination

Honest guess work will always be required for calculating the mesne profits(19.01.2018)

Instant Regular First Appeal under Section 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) is filed by the Appellant/tenant/Oriental Insurance Company L.....

Tags : Mesne profits, Determination, Grant

Multiplier should depend on the age of the deceased and not on the age of the dependants(09.02.2018)

In a motor accident which occurred on 22nd September, 2009, Ajit Singh, who was at the relevant time 23 years of age died. His parents, who were in th.....

Tags : Compensation, Determination, Multiplier

Cabinet approves determination of Fair and Remunerative Price payable by Sugar Mills for 2018-19 sugar season - A Farmer Friendly Step(18.07.2018)

Keeping in view the interest of sugarcane farmers, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved.....

Tags : Fair price, Determination, Sugar mills

Tenant cannot be evicted for defaulting rent without determination Of ‘Provisional Rent’ by Court(21.08.2018)

In instant appeal, The Appellant-Plaintiff is the landlord of the suit premises, whereas the Defendant is the tenant. The Plaintiff filed Suit for evi.....

Tags : Rent, Determination, Eviction

Once a set of medical standards for recruitment has been prescribed, it is not open to Court to tinker with said standards(16.10.2018)

The present writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India has been preferred by the Petitioners assailing their termination from the CI.....

Tags : Guidelines, Termination, Validity

Declared price/transaction value is required to be accepted unless there are valid reasons for rejection of such value(18.01.2019)

Present two Appeals have been filed by Revenue from the common impugned order passed by the Commissioner of Customs (Appeals), by which Commissioner a.....

Tags : Assessable value, Determination, Validity

Words used in advertisement should be given a literal meaning and same is to be considered strictly(05.02.2019)

Present appeal was filed against the impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court by which the Division Bench has dismissed the said appeal an.....

Tags : Termination, Eligibility criteria, Validity

International Cases

Where a range of meanings are available and it is possible to light on one meaning which is not defamatory, Court is not obliged to select non-defamatory meaning(03.04.2019)

The Respondent to present appeal, Ronald Stocker, is the former husband of the Appellant, Nicola Stocker. Their marriage ended in acrimony in 2012. Mr.....

Tags : Defamatory statement, Re-determination, Words

Termination shall not take effect unless approved by Vice-Chancellor(08.05.2019)

In facts of present case, the Appellant, a lecturer in a private unaided college affiliated to the Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCS University),.....

Tags : Termination, Prior approval, Vice-chancellor

Stock variation beyond permissible limits is a critical irregularity entails termination of dealership(07.11.2019)

The challenge in the present appeal is to an order of the Division Bench of the Gauhati High Court passed in writ appeal maintaining an order of the S.....

Tags : Stock variation, Dealership, Termination

Matriculation certificate is an authentic document for ascertaining date of birth of an employee cannot be doubted unless it is proved to be forged(06.03.2020)

In present case, correctness and sustainability of the order passed in Writ Petition is put to challenge wherein the learned Single Judge allowed the .....

Tags : Birth certificate, Authenticity, Determination

Cabinet approves extension of repayment date for short term loans for agriculture and allied activities by banks(01.06.2020)

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval to extend repayment date upto 31.08.2020 for Standard Short.....

Tags : Repayment date, Extension, Short term loans, Agriculture

An Arbitrator shall be ineligible, if his close family member has significant financial interest in one of the parties or an affiliate of one of the parties(25.09.2020)

The Petitioner is seeking termination of the mandate of the Presiding Arbitrator under Sections 14 and 15 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 199.....

Tags : Presiding Arbitrator, Mandate, Termination

Prescription shall commence to run as soon as the debt is due(21.09.2020)

Present case is about whether or not a claim to divide the fruits of a universal partnership can prescribe in terms of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969.....

Tags : Universal partnership, termination, Prescription

Termination of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Isononanol (INA, 2-Propylheptyl Alcohol (2-PH) and 2-Ethyl Hexanol (2-EH)(11.11.2020)

Having regard to the Customs Tariff Act 1975 as amended from time to time (hereinafter also referred to as the "Act") and the Customs Tariff (Identifi.....

Tags : Termination, Anti-dumping, Investigation

Potentiality of acquired land has to be taken into consideration to determine market value(23.03.2021)

The present appeals arise out of an order passed by the High Court whereby a compensation of Rs. 297 per square yard was awarded for the land acquired.....

Tags : Acquisition, Compensation, Determination

Government of India guaranteed term loan extended by SBI to the Government of Sri Lanka- Settlement in INR(19.05.2022)

1. Attention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category-I) banks is invited to Regulations 3 and 5 of Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Recei.....

Tags : Term loan,Extension, Settlement

A writ lies only when there is a right, and without a right, a writ is not maintainable(31.05.2022)

In present matter, aggrieved by the termination of the membership of the Petitioner by the Saket Sports Complex, the instant writ petition has been fi.....

Tags : Membership, Termination, Legality

Order of blacklisting can be scrutinized not only on the touchstone of the principles of natural justice but also on the doctrine of proportionality(05.04.2022)

The challenge raised in present writ petition is to the order passed by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) terminating the contract that was issued t.....

Tags : Contract, Termination, Validity

Once the order of termination was approved by the Industrial Tribunal, the findings recorded by it are binding between parties(30.09.2022)

Present appeal is against the impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court of Judicature by which the Division Bench of the High Court has dis.....

Tags : Award, Termination, Misconduct

Findings recorded in the disciplinary enquiry without following principles of natural justice are perverse(30.09.2022)

By the present petition, the Petitioner challenges order, by which penalty of dismissal from service is imposed upon her. It is submitted that, the fi.....

Tags : Penalty, Termination, Legality

Prayer Clause is a sine qua non for granting decree of refund of earnest money(14.12.2022)

The present appeal is directed against the judgment passed by the High Court whereby a second appeal preferred by the Appellants was dismissed and jud.....

Tags : Sale Agreements, Termination, Specific performance

High Courts are not precluded from considering the determination of the arm’s length price finalised by the Tribunal(19.04.2023)

The present batch of Civil Appeals arise out of judgments and orders passed by the various High Courts, dismissing the appeals challenging the finding.....

Tags : Arm length price, Determination, Jurisdiction

Import of Watermelon Seeds under ITC(HS) 12077090 of ITC(HS), 2022 Schedule-I (Import Policy) for the period upto 31.10.2023(08.06.2023)

In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade hereby notif.....

Tags : Import, Watermelon Seeds, Time period

Cabinet approves Terms of Reference for the Sixteenth Finance Commission(29.11.2023)

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, has approved the Terms of Reference for the Sixteenth Finance Commission. The 16th Finance Commission.....

Tags : Terms of Reference, Approval, Finance Commission

If the findings of the disciplinary authorities are arrived at after ignoring the relevant material, the court in judicial review can interfere(04.12.2023)

The Appellant was a Constable with the Rajasthan Armed Constabulary, 9th Battalion, Jodhpur. He was appointed on 15th December, 1991. A First Informat.....

Tags : Termination, Penalty, Legality

When the finding of guilt recorded by the Inquiry Officer is based on perverse finding the same can always be interfered(15.02.2024)

The District Judge placed the appellant under suspension vide order and initiated a departmental inquiry. The Inquiry Officer vide memorandum served t.....

Tags : Termination, Charges, Proof

Termination of services of an employee without holding disciplinary enquiry violates principles of natural justice(16.04.2024)

Instant appeals are directed against the judgments passed by the High Court.The High Court, vide judgment dismissed the Writ Petition filed by the App.....

Tags : Termination, Natural justice, Violation

Mere non-communication of acceptance of resignation to the employee would not render termination invalid(25.04.2024)

In the facts of present case, Respondent No. 1 is an educational society. The Appellant came to be appointed as an Assistant Teacher and was dischargi.....

Tags : Termination, Acceptance, Legality

Abandonment of claim cannot be readily inferred, there must be convincing circumstances on record which lead to an inevitable inference about the abandonment(16.05.2024)

In present appeal, the issue involved is about the legality and validity of the order of termination of the arbitral proceedings under Clause (c) of S.....

Tags : Arbitral proceedings, Termination, Legality


Sex Determination: Supreme Court Asks Centre, Three Search Engines to Meet(14.12.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Centre to hold a meeting with stakeholders like search engines Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, to find a solution to ensure th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Sex Determination

Direction by Government to install an additional one million new PoS terminals by 31st March 2017 in order to facilitate the move towards cashless transactions(06.12.2016)

As part of the plan to expand the digital payments eco-system and facilitate the move towards cashless transactions, the Government has decided that a.....

Tags : PoS terminals, Installtion, Direction

Allahabad HC Allows Termination of 23 Week Pregnancy of 12 Year-Old Rape Survivor(14.09.2022)

Allahabad High Court while allowing Writ Petition that was filed before it to terminate the 24-week-old pregnancy of a 12-year-old rape survivor, stat.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Rape Survivor

Taxability of surplus on sale of shares and securities - Instructions in order to reduce litigation(29.02.2016)

The Central Board of Direct Taxes issued instructions in situations when Assessing Officers hold whether surplus generated from sale of listed shares .....

Tags : capital asset, shares, determination, litigation

Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Crop Loans during the year 2016-17(26.12.2016)

As you are aware the Government of India (GoI) has been implementing the Interest Subvention Scheme (the Scheme) since 2006-07. In terms of the extant.....

Tags : Crop loans, Short term, Scheme

Delhi HC: Order Terminating Arbitration Proceedings Not an Award(15.01.2021)

Delhi High Court has ruled that an order terminating arbitration proceedings under Section 32(2)(c) of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 is not.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Order Terminating Arbitration Proceedings

Determination of specified instruments as debt instruments(16.10.2019)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (7) of section 6 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the Central Government .....

Tags : Determination, Debt instruments, Non-debt instruments

Court cleans up pre-natal sex determination legislation(17.02.2016)

Section 2(p) of the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 defining a Sonologist or Imaging Speci.....

Tags : Pre-natal, sex determination, ultrasound, qualifications

Delhi HC Rejects Twenty Year Old’s Plea For Medical Termination of Twenty Eight Week Pregnancy(06.02.2024)

Delhi High Court while dismissing a plea moved by a 20-year-old unmarried woman seeking medical termination of her pregnancy of 28 weeks has observed .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Congenital Abnormality

CBDT Notifies Determination of Income of Specified Fund of Units Held by Non-Residents(11.08.2021)

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has inserted Rule 21AJ under Income-tax Rules, 1962 which provides for the determination of income of a specified.....

Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Determination of Income of Specified Fund of Units Held by Non-Residents

Orissa High Court: Time of Essence in Matters of Medical Termination of Pregnancy(19.11.2021)

Orissa High Court, while refusing to allow a gang-rape survivor to terminate her over 26-week pregnancy, has noted that time is of the essence in matt.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Matters of Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Allahabad HC Allows for Termination of Pregnancy of 14-Yr Old Rape Victim(16.09.2021)

Allahabad High Court has allowed the termination of pregnancy of a 14-year old girl noting that she was a victim of rape who was carrying an unwanted .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Termination of Pregnancy of 14-Yr Old Rape Victim

SC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Appointment of Full-Term Member for National Commission for SC/ST(11.01.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice on a plea seeking appointment of full-term Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other members of the National Commissions for S.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Appointment of Full-Term Member for National Commission for SC/ST

Kerala High Court Denies Medical Termination of Pregnancy for 14 Yr. Old(06.12.2023)

Kerala High Court while denying permission for medical termination of pregnancy to a 14-year-old minor girl who was almost nine months pregnant.

Tags : Kerala High Court, termination of pregnancy

Patna HC Grants Bail to Intermediate Topper Scam Accused Bachcha Rai(15.02.2017)

Patna High Court has granted conditional bail to Amit Kumar alias Bachcha Rai in intermediate topper scam.

Tags : Patna High Court, Intermediate Topper Scam

Delhi HC: Rape Victim Must be Produced Before Hospital Within 24 Hours for Conducting MTP Procedure(10.08.2023)

Delhi High Court while issuing guidelines for dealing with cases of medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) of victims of rape, has stated that Investi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Guidelines

Amendment of MTP Act comes into force: Medical Termination of Pregnancy can now be done up to 24 weeks.(26.09.2021)

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021 came into force w.e.f 24th September, 2021 bringing a relief to certain categories of women.....

Tags : Termination, Pregnancy, Extension, 24 weeks

Kerala HC: Rape Survivors Eligible for Medical Termination of Pregnancy(16.11.2016)

Kerala High Court has held that a rape survivor is eligible for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) as unwanted pregnancy is a threat to her life.

Tags : Kerala High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy , rape survivor

Introduction of Unit Area Method System Through NDMC Bye-laws Invalid: SC(24.01.2019)

Supreme Court has upheld the Delhi High Court judgment that quashed the NDMC (Determination of Annual Rent) Bye-laws, 2009, that had introduced the sy.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NDMC, Unit Area Method System, Determination of Annual Rent Bye-laws, 2009

Karnataka HC Stays KSLU's Decision of Conducting Intermediate Semester Exams for LLB Students(15.11.2021)

Karnataka High Court has by way of interim relief stayed the circulars issued by the Karnataka State Law University (KSLU) by which it was to conduct .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Intermediate Semester Exams for LLB Students

Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Notifies Customs Tariff Amendment Rules, 2021(04.02.2021)

Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has notified Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dump.....

Tags : Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs, Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury) Amendment Rules, 2021

RBI Permits Lending Institutions to Allow 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans(27.03.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has announced that all commercial banks and non-banking financial companies are permitted to allow 3-month moratorium on the pay.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans

Review of framework for public issuance of Convertible Securities(01.12.2015)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has released a discussion paper reviewing the framework for public issuance of convertible securities. The .....

Tags : Convertible securities, review, debt, term

Madras HC: Terminated Employee Entitled to Back Wages till Submission of Inquiry Report(21.11.2016)

Madras High Court has stated that a bank employee terminated from service is entitled to have back wages till inquiry report is submitted to him.

Tags : Madras High Court, Terminated Employee, Back Wages

Discrimination on grounds of religious belief and political opinion is unlawful(17.12.2018)

The claimant was employed by the Respondent on a regular but not formal basis from March 2016 until 16 May 2016, on which latter date he signed a cont.....

Tags : Discrimination, Termination, Compensation

Kar. HC Directs Hospital to Consider Medical Termination of 13 Yr Old Rape Victim's Pregnancy(14.11.2022)

Karnataka High Court has directed a hospital in Bengaluru to examine a 13 year old rape victim and consider terminating her pregnancy of 25 weeks.

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Pregnancy, Medical Termination

SC: Wife Conceiving Out of Forced Sex Can Seek Abortion Under MTP Act(29.09.2022)

Supreme Court while observing that rape must be held to include ‘marital rape’ for purpose of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, has held tha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Marital Rape

SC Expresses to HCs, Tribunals for Abstaining from Use of Watermarks on Judgments(23.03.2021)

Supreme Court has expressed that High Courts and Tribunals must abstain from placing water-marks on their orders and judgments as it significantly ham.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Use of Watermarks on Judgments

Raj. HC: Officials Can Be Ind. Proceeded Against Even If Charges Not Confirmed After GCM Proceedings(13.02.2024)

Rajasthan High Court has held that if certain charges are not confirmed after General Court-Martial (GCM) proceedings, the Chief of Army Staff and oth.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, General Court-Martial, Termination of Services

Determination regarding non-payment of sum by the employer in relation to his employees as the further sum payable by the employer every month to the Deposit-Linked Insurance Fund(15.03.2017)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (4) of section 6C of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,.....

Tags : Employer, Non-payment, Determination

Rate of exchange of one unit of foreign currency equivalent to Indian rupees(18.08.2016)

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 14 of Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), and in supersession of notification of the Central Board of Excise an.....

Tags : Foreign currencies, Conversion, Rate of exchange, Determination

SC Allows Commercial Court to Continue Hearing in Cargo Handling in Essar Bulk Terminal Case(15.09.2021)

Supreme Court has allowed a commercial court to continue hearing in its cargo handling and payment dispute with Essar Bulk Terminal in Hazira, Gujarat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Essar Bulk Terminal Case

SC: Employee Can be Terminated for Suppression or False Information Regarding Suitability(27.09.2022)

Supreme Court has held that an employee can be terminated from service if it is found that he had suppressed or given false information in regard to m.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Employee, Termination, False Information

All HC: Hiding Criminal History Valid Reason For Cancellation of Candidature/Termination of Service(29.01.2024)

Allahabad High Court has held that suppression of information about conviction/acquittal or arrest by an individual seeking employment can lead to can.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Cancellation of Candidature, Termination of Service

Supreme Court: Relevant Date for Determination of Compensation Payable is Date of Accident(14.02.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that the relevant date for the determination of compensation payable under the Employee's Compensation Act 1923 is the date.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Relevant Date for Determination of Compensation

SC: Employee Getting Terminated Without Disciplinary Enquiry Violates Principles of Natural Justice(19.04.2024)

Supreme Court while reinstating the Registrar at GB Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, has held that termination of services of an employee.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Enquiry, Natural Justice, Termination

SC:Termination of Workmen on the Ground That Their Appointment is Illegal Will Amount to Retrenchment(29.05.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that Section 25F of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 will be applicable even in cases of workmen terminated on the ground .....

Tags : SC, Workmen, Termination

SC Says, Our View Not Enough to Render Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004 Invalid(10.03.2016)

Supreme Court has clarified that its ruling on the Presidential Reference on validity of Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004, would not render .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004

SC: Not Permissible to Rewrite Contract While Interpreting Terms of Insurance Policy(01.11.2021)

Supreme Court observed that it is not permissible to rewrite the contract while interpreting the terms of the Insurance Policy. The Court has said tha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Terms of Insurance Policy

Supreme Court: Landlord Not Precluded from Making Application for Fair Rent Determination(03.02.2020)

Supreme Court has held that a landlord is not precluded from making an application for determination of fair rent during the currency of agreed rent b.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Fair Rent Determination, Application by Landlord

Allahabad High Court Upholds Termination of Government Teacher's Services(17.12.2021)

Allahabad High Court has upheld the order of the District Basic Education Officer terminating the services of a woman Government Teacher who was found.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Termination of Government Teacher's Services

Long-Term Employees Benefits Deductible While Computing Book Profit: ITAT(15.04.2019)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Kolkata bench has held that long term employees benefits such as gratuity, leave encashment, ex-gratia & bonus e.....

Tags : ITAT, Long-Term Employees Benefits

Gujarat HC: Employee Cannot Be Terminated Without Full Departmental Inquiry(14.02.2022)

Gujarat High Court has allowed the Petition challenging the order terminating the Petitioner's services has observed that employer is not allowed to .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Termination of Employment

Delhi HC Cancels Qualification Clause in Law Against Sex Determination Tests(19.02.2016)

Delhi High Court has struck down a clause in Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994, laying down post-graduate qualification for.....

Tags : Delhi High Court , Sex Determination Tests

Delhi HC: Can Refer to Arbitration a Dispute Under ‘Non-Binding Term Sheet’(23.12.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that dispute between parties under an agreement titled as "Non-Binding Term Sheet" can be referred to arbitration, as the ar.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration, Non-Binding Term Sheet

Punjab and Haryana HC: Terminally Ill Can’t be Denied Insurance Claim(25.05.2016)

Punjab and Haryana HC has ruled that family of a terminally-ill person, who decides to stop treatment against medical advice and dies, cannot be denie.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC, terminally-ill person, Insurance

RBI Working Paper No. 4/2018: Economic Activity and its Determinants: A Panel Analysis of Indian States(26.07.2018)

The Reserve Bank of India today placed on its website today a Working Paper titled "Economic Activity and its Determinants: A Panel Analysis of Indian.....

Tags : Economic Activity, Determinants, Panel Analysis

Delhi HC Permits Minor Rape Survivor to Terminate 26 Weeks Pregnancy(21.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has permitted a minor victim of sexual assault to terminate her pregnancy of 26 weeks old pregnancy. The Court highlighted that in ex.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Sexual Assault, Pregnancy, Termination

SC: Married Couples Must Take Adequate Timely Precautions to Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies(12.10.2023)

Supreme Court while allowing the medical termination of pregnancy of a married woman observed that it is expected of married couples to take adequate .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pregnancy, Termination

Kar. HC: Grievance Redressal Committees of Startups & IT Co. Can't Decide Disputes qua Termination(29.09.2022)

Karnataka High Court has held that the Grievance Redressal Committees established by various Startups and IT companies, in compliance with State gover.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Grievance Redressal Committees, Termination

Rajya Sabha Passes Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020(17.03.2021)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020, in light of the need and demand for increased gestational limit an.....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020

SC Stays MP HC Judgment Entertaining 3rd Writ Petition Against Termination After 20 Yrs(13.05.2021)

Supreme Court has stayed the judgments of a Single Judge and Division Bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court by which, entertaining a third writ petit.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Writ Petition Against Termination

Jh. HC: Deliberate Departure from Terms of Contract May Amount to Malafide Action by Arbitrator(10.04.2023)

Jharkhand High Court has observed that deliberate departure from the contract amounts not only to manifest disregard of its authority or misconduct on.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Departure, Terms of Contract, Arbitrator

Kerala HC Allows Termination of 28 Week Pregnancy of 14 Year Old Rape Survivor(22.08.2022)

Kerala High Court while allowing a Writ Petition that was filed to terminate the 28 week old pregnancy of a 14 year old rape survivor has held that co.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Rape Survivor

Charging Exorbitant Fee can Lead to Termination of Arbitrator's Mandate: Rajasthan HC(07.01.2019)

Rajasthan High Court has terminated the mandate of an arbitrator for charging exorbitant fee beyond the prescribed limit.

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Termination of Arbitrator's Mandate

Application of general law may produce a more favourable result for claimant than statutory planning assumptions(22.02.2017)

Instant appeal concerns assessment of compensation for compulsory acquisition of two parcels of grazing land, formerly owned by present Appellant (“cl.....

Tags : Acquisition, Compensation, Determination

In case the employee is confirmed in service, holding Departmental enquiry is necessary before passing of termination order(03.03.2021)

Present writ petition has been filed challenging the termination order and the order in appeal passed by the Respondent Nos.1 and 3 respectively. Peti.....

Tags : Departmental inquiry, Termination, Validity

Telangana High Court: No Serious Error by Intermediate Board(20.06.2019)

Telangana High Court has rejected the petitions filed separately by Balala Hakkula Sangham, represented by its president P Achyuta Rao, and Rapolu Bha.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Intermediate Board

Karnataka High Court Permits Minor Rape Victim to Terminate 22.5 Weeks Old Foetus(09.03.2022)

Karnataka High Court has permitted a minor rape victim to terminate her 22 weeks 3 days old pregnancy, upon noting that continuation of the same can d.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Termination of 22.5 Week Old Foetus

Delhi HC: Pregnancy Out of Consensual Relationship Can’t be Terminated After 20 Weeks(18.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that an unmarried woman, whose pregnancy arises out of a consensual relationship, is clearly not covered by any of the Claus.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Unmarried Woman, Pregnancy, Termination

Kerala HC: Use of Term “Gomatha’ as Synonym for Meat in Cooking. Hurts Religious Feelings(24.11.2020)

Kerala High Court has observed that use of term "Gomatha" as a synonym for meat in a cookery show is prima facie likely to hurt the religious feelings.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Use of term “Gomatha” for Cooking Meat

Kerala HC Allows Woman Separated from Husband to Terminate 21-Week Pregnancy(27.09.2022)

Kerala High Court while permitting a woman claiming to be separated from her allegedly abusive husband to terminate her 21-week-old pregnancy, has hel.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Husband’s Consent

Delhi High Court Directs Private Company to Compensate Woman Terminated From Service(17.02.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed a private company to pay Rs 1.2 Lakhs to a woman, whose services were allegedly terminated because she had raised sexual.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Compensation to Woman Terminated From Service

RBI Increases Short-Term Borrowing Capacity of Central Government(21.04.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has increased the short-term borrowing capacity of the Central Government by over 65% to temper market fears that excessive borr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Short-Term Borrowings of Government

Madras HC: Adjudication is Conclusive to Incidental/Connected Subject Matter of Litigation(31.03.2022)

Madras High Court has held that the principle of res judicata prevents the parties to a judicial determination from litigating the same question again.....

Tags : Madras High Court, principle of res judicata, judicial determination

Initiation of a midterm review investigation limited to change of name of producer/exporter from Singapore regarding anti-dumping duty imposed on specified products from mentioned countries(18.09.2023)

1. An application for change of name has been filed by INEOS Phenols Singapore Pte Ltd. (herein after referred to as "applicant"). The applicant is a .....

Tags : Initiation, Midterm review, Investigation

AAR: Marketing and Pre-Sales Technical Support Services will be Classified as Intermediary Services(19.11.2019)

Authority on Advance Rulings, Karnataka has ruled that the Marketing and Pre-sales Technical Support Services will be classified as Intermediary servi.....

Tags : AAR, Intermediary Services

Madras HC Allows Termination of Pregnancy of 14-Year-Old Rape Survivor(07.05.2018)

Madras High Court has allowed the termination of pregnancy of a 14-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped five months ago.

Tags : Madras High Court, Termination of Pregnancy

Bombay High Court Orders Constitution of Medical Boards for Medical Termination of Pregnancy(04.01.2022)

Bombay High Court has directed the state Government to forthwith constitute medical boards based on the Amended Act on medical termination of pregnanc.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Constitution of Medical Boards for Medical Termination of Pregnancy

SC: Quantity of Neutral Substance Not to be Excluded in Determination of Commercial Quantities(17.02.2022)

Supreme Court has observed that the quantity of the neutral substance is not to be excluded and to be taken into consideration along with the actual c.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Determination of Commercial Quantities

Kerala High Court Permits 10 Yrs Old Rape Survivor to Medically Terminate 30 Weeks Pregnancy(11.03.2022)

Kerala High Court has come to the aid of a 10-year old girl who was allegedly sexually abused by her father, by permitting her to undergo medical term.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Minor Rape Survivor

Karnataka HC Allows Woman to Terminate 31 Week Pregnancy Due to Multiple Abnormalities in Foetus(22.11.2019)

Karnataka High Court has permitted a 24 year old woman to terminate her 31 week pregnancy after it was found that the foetus had multiple abnormalitie.....

Tags : Karnataka HC, Pregnancy, Terminate

Doctor can Terminate Pregnancy Exceeding 20 Weeks Without Permission if Mother in Danger: Bombay HC(05.04.2019)

Bombay High Court has held that a registered medical practitioner may medically terminate pregnancy which has exceeded 20 weeks, without permission fr.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Mother in Danger

J&K&L HC: Enquiry Before Termination Not Necessary if Appointment Obtained Fraudulently(06.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that if an appointment is non-est in the eyes of law or is based upon forgery and fraud, it is not ne.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Termination, Fraudulently

Calcutta HC Allows Medical Termination of Approximately 35 Weeks Old Foetus(18.02.2022)

Calcutta High Court has allowed termination of 34 weeks 6 days old foetus of a woman after taking into consideration that there are remote chances of .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy

SC: Sale of Entire Running Business With Assets, Liabilities Is Not 'Short-Term Capital Assets'(19.04.2017)

Supreme Court has held that Section 50 (2) of Income Tax Act will not apply to a case where entire running business with assets and liabilities is sol.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Short-Term Capital Assets

Order to Terminate Pregnancy of Minor Rape Survivor, Recalled by Supreme Court(30.04.2024)

Supreme Court has recalled its earlier decision of allowing a minor rape survivor to terminate twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy after health-related co.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Minor Rape Survivor, Termination, Pregnancy

Del. HC to Police & Medical Board: Explain Pros & Cons of Abortion to Rape Victims in Mother Tongue(06.11.2023)

Delhi High Court has directed Police and Medical Board that in cases of medical termination of pregnancy in rape cases, the pros and cons of the medic.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Rape Victims, Termination of Pregnancy

CCI Nods for JVs to Set Up LNG Terminal in AP(17.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved two Joint Ventures (JVs) involving GAIL India and Andhra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation for .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Joint Ventures , LNG Terminal

Delhi HC: Sexual Harassment During Childhood Have Insurmountable Long-Term Effects(20.12.2022)

Delhi High Court while upholding dismissal of teacher accused of molestation, has observed that in matters relating to sexual harassment of children, .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Sexual Harassment, Children, Long-Term Effects

Guj. HC: Terminated Employee Not Automatically Entitled to Back Wages Upon Acquittal(15.03.2023)

Gujarat High Court has held that when an employee is terminated due to criminal prosecution against him, he is not automatically entitled to back wage.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Termination, Back Wages, Acquittal

Bombay High Court: Can't Be Lenient in Cases of Sex Rules Violation(21.08.2017)

Bombay High Court has voiced concern over declining sex ratio and said a lenient approach cannot be taken while deciding matters pertaining to violati.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, sex determination laws

Delhi HC: Termination of Probationer During Period of Probation is Not Retrenchment(17.08.2020)

Delhi High Court has states that termination of a probationer during the period of probation does not amount to retrenchment within the meaning of Sec.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of Probationer

Del. HC: Goodwill/Reputation Acquired After ‘Terminus Ad Quem’ is of No Consequence(02.01.2024)

Delhi High Court has observed that terminus ad quem, by which date the plaintiff has to prove the acquisition of the requisite goodwill for a plea of .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Goodwill, Terminus Ad Quem

Lok Sabha Passes Bills Enabling Extension of Term of CBI, ED Directors Up To 5 Years(10.12.2021)

Lok Sabha has passed Central Vigilance Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the Delhi Special Police Establishment (Amendment) Bill, 2021, to amend t.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Extension of Term of CBI, ED Directors

Del. HC: Woman Has Right To Say 'Yes' Or 'No' To Being Mother In Rape Cases(27.01.2023)

Delhi High Court has observed that denying a woman the right to medical termination of pregnancy in sexual assault cases, would amount to “denying her.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, woman, termination, pregnancy

Matters which come purely under the realm of a contract between two parties are not amenable to writ jurisdiction(22.06.2020)

The Appellants/Petitioners are aggrieved by the judgment passed by the learned Single Judge dismissing a writ petition filed by them praying for issua.....

Tags : Alleged misconduct, Termination, Legality

Bombay HC Grants Liberty to Woman to Undergo Medical Termination of Pregnancy(18.08.2021)

Bombay High Court has granted liberty to a woman to undergo medical termination of her pregnancy, who was alleged suffering from domestic violence rep.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Bombay HC Directs Shifting of Terminally Ill Undertrial Prisoner in Naxal Blast Case(09.09.2021)

Bombay High Court has allowed a terminally ill prison inmate suffering from stage four cancer to take palliative care or pain management at a hospice .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Shifting of Terminally Ill Undertrial Prisoner

President Kovind Says 'Unacceptably Low' Number of Judges from Weaker Sections in Higher Judiciary(29.11.2017)

President Kovind Says 'Unacceptably Low' Number of Judges from Weaker Sections in Higher Judiciary

Tags : Telling the higher judiciary that it was its "sacred duty" to "groom" district and sessions judges and raise their skill so that more and more of them can be elevated to High Courts, President Kovind said "We need to take long-term measures to remedy this situation."

CIVIL - Calcutta HC Allows Woman to Terminate 29-week Pregnancy(19.02.2019)

Calcutta High Court has permitted a 42-year-old woman to terminate her 29-week pregnancy because her foetus was diagnosed with Down Syndrome

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Terminate 29-week Pregnancy

Delhi HC: Arbitral Tribunal Cannot Recall the Order Terminating the Arbitral Proceedings(20.10.2022)

Delhi High Court has observed that once the arbitral tribunal terminates the arbitration proceedings on account of claimant withdrawing its claims, it.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, arbitral, termination

Madras HC Rejects PIL Challenging Use of 'Derogatory Terminologies' for Persons with Disabilities(26.04.2021)

Madras High Court has disposed of a Public Interest Litigation Petition without giving any directions/relief which sought removal of the 'derogatory t.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Use of 'Derogatory Terminologies' for Persons with Disabilities

Telangana High Court Directs State Govt to Declare Re-verified Intermediate Results by May 27(16.05.2019)

Telangana High Court has directed the State Government and the Board of Intermediate Education to declare the results of re-verified answer scripts an.....

Tags : Telengana High Court, Intermediate

Delhi High Court Disposes Plea Alleging Dead Rat in Amul Buttermilk Packet(10.09.2021)

Delhi High Court has refused to entertain a woman's plea alleging that a dead rat or rotten chicken flesh was found in Amul's buttermilk Packet, there.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Dead Rat in Amul Buttermilk Packet

Journalists Appeal Against Jail Term For 'Breach of Privilege', Karnataka High Court to Hear on Monday(29.11.2017)

Journalists Appeal Against Jail Term For 'Breach of Privilege', Karnataka High Court to Hear on Monday

Tags : The Assembly, during its ongoing winter session, re-confirmed the one-year-jail term and Rs 10,000 fine for writing articles that "breached the privilege of MLAs".

SC Calls for Status Report from Union, Internet Intermediaries on Steps Against Child Pornography(20.09.2022)

Supreme Court has directed Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati to furnish status report of Government and internet intermediaries to the Cour.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Child Pornography, Intermediaries

Rajasthan High Court: Fully Developed Foetus Has Right to Life Under Article 21 of Constitution of In(25.01.2024)

Rajasthan High Court while denying minor rape survivor to terminate thirty one weeks pregnancy has held that fully developed foetus has the right to l.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Article 21 of Constitution, Fully Developed Foetus, Termination of Pregnancy

SC: Writ Jurisdiction Can be Applied When Contractual Terms Imposed by State are Arbitrary(09.02.2023)

Supreme Court while invalidating GAIL's Condition imposed on IPCL, has held that if the State in its contractual dealings fails to exercise a degree o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Writ Jurisdiction, Contractual Terms, Arbitrary

SC: Multiple Life Terms to Run Concurrently, Not Consecutively(19.07.2016)

Supreme Court has ruled that if a convict is awarded multiple life imprisonment then they shall run concurrently and not consecutively.

Tags : Supreme Court, Multiple Life Terms

Allahabad HC: Courts Shouldn't Stay Termination & Dismissal Order During The Pendency of Proceedings(13.07.2022)

Allahabad High Court has held that by way of an interim order, the order of suspension termination, dismissal, and transfer etc. should not be stayed .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Interim Order, Termination & Dismissal

SC Issues Notice in Plea Against Judgment Upholding Termination of Power Purchase Agreement by Adani(17.09.2021)

Supreme Court has issued notice in a curative petition filed by Gujarat Urja Vikas Ltd(GUVL) against the judgment dated 2nd July 2019 that upheld term.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination of Power Purchase Agreement

Karnataka High Court Permits KSLU to Conduct Intermediate Semester Examination for LLB Students(25.11.2021)

Karnataka High Court has permitted Karnataka State Law University (KSLU), to hold the intermediate semester examination for LLB students. However, the.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Intermediate Semester Examination for LLB Students

Delhi High Court Seeks Pin Pointed Pollution Plan From AAP Govt(27.02.2017)

Delhi High Court has directed AAP Government to give a "pin-pointed" action plan for cleaning an open drain near Anand Vihar Inter State Bus Terminus .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Anand Vihar Inter State Bus Terminus

SC: Award Passed by Lok Adalat Cannot be Basis for Redetermination of Compensation(04.02.2022)

Supreme Court has held that the Award passed by a Lok Adalat under Section 20 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 cannot be the basis for rede.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Redetermination of Compensation

Gujarat HC Confirms Staff Termination Orders, Recruited by Ex-ACJ Sahai(16.12.2015)

Gujarat HC has upheld terminations of 94 high court employees by HC administration, holding their recruitment by former Acting Chief Justice V M Sahai.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, Staff Termination, Ex-ACJ Sahai

Burden to show that a body is owned, controlled or substantially financed by appropriate Government is on applicant seeking information(09.03.2017)

Complainant filed an application under Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) on 7th April 2014 with CPIO, Institute of Rural Management (IRMA), see.....

Tags : Information, Public Authority, Determination

Supreme Court Seeks Reply from Search Engines Over Ads On Sex Determination of Foetus(19.08.2015)

Supreme Court has sought reply from search engines like Google India, Yahoo India and Microsoft Corporation (I) Pvt Ltd on a plea that they were viola.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Google India, Yahoo India,sex determination

SC: Writ Petition Challenging Termination of Teacher Maintainable Against Private Unaided Institution(10.06.2019)

Supreme Court has held that a writ petition challenging the dismissal of services of a teacher is maintainable against a private unaided educational i.....

Tags : SC,Termination

Cabinet approves extension of the term of the Fifteenth Finance Commission up to 30th November, 2019(17.07.2019)

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the extension of the term of Fifteenth Finance Commission up to 30th November, .....

Tags : Finance Commission, Term, Extension

SC: Delhi HC Not Barred from Hearing Plea Challenging LG's Order Terminating Services of Consultants(31.10.2023)

Supreme Court has clarified that its order dated 20.07.2023 (MANU/SC/0781/2023) didn’t consider correctness of termination of appointments, and thus D.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Lieutenant Governor, Terminating Services

Termination of anti-dumping original investigation concerning imports of "Soda Ash" from United Arab Emirates and Russia(18.01.2022)


As per the Custom Tariff Act,1975 as amended from time to time (hereinafter also referred as the "Act") and the Custom Tariff (Id.....

Tags : Termination, Anti-dumping, Import

JKL HC: Counter-Signing Authority's Denial Won't Lead to Termination Without Enquiry(13.03.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that when issuing authority verifies the experience certificate, mere denial of counter signature on .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Termination, Counter Signing, Enquiry

Cal HC: Death to be Presumed of Employee Untraceable for 7 Years, Heirs Entitled to Terminal Benefit(27.05.2024)

Calcutta High Court has held that the law is well settled that in case a person is untraceable for more than seven years, his death may be presumed, m.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Terminal Benefit, Legal Heirs

Delhi HC Annuls NDMC Bye-Laws, Ask Civic Agency to Refund Excess Property Tax(21.08.2017)

Delhi High Court has struck down New Delhi Municipal Council (Determination of Annual Rent) Bye-laws, 2009, and asked NDMC to refund the excess tax co.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, New Delhi Municipal Council (Determination of Annual Rent) Bye-laws

J & K HC Allows Minor Rape Victim to Medically Terminate Pregnancy of 26 Weeks(13.08.2020)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has permitted a minor rape victim to terminate her pregnancy of 26 weeks on grounds that pregnancy was likely to cause gr.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Termination of Pregnancy

Bombay HC Asks Medical Board's Opinion After Rape Survivor Seeks Termination of Pregnancy(13.04.2020)

Bombay High Court has directed the medical board at Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandrapur to give an opinion regarding arrangements that.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Rape Survivor Seeks Termination of Pregnancy

Supreme Court Permits 24-Week Pregnant Woman to Terminate Pregnancy(17.01.2017)

Supreme Court, while coming to rescue to a 24-week pregnant woman facing danger to her life due to abnormality in foetus, has granted her permission t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, foetus, Terminate Pregnancy

Arbitrator has power to recall his earlier order of termination of proceedings if sufficient cause is shown by claimant(30.12.2017)

By present petition, the Petitioners have prayed for condonation of delay, in filing petition and prays that, the Procedural Order Sheets passed by th.....

Tags : Arbitral proceedings, Termination, Validity

If Exclusion Terms of Policy Not Told to Insured, Insurer can’t Repudiate Claim on its Basis: SC(22.04.2019)

Supreme Court has held that if the terms of exclusion of policy are not communicated to the insured, the insurer cannot rely on them to repudiate a cl.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Insurance Policy, Exclusion Terms of Policy

Rajasthan HC Sets Aside Decision of ICAI Cancelling CA Intermediate Exam Result of Woman(19.05.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has set aside a decision of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), cancelling the CA intermediate exam result of.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, CA Intermediate Exam Result of Woman

Kerala HC Sets Aside Conviction on Grounds of Non-Determination of Soundness of Mind of Accused(15.06.2021)

Kerala High Court has set aside conviction and sentence passed against the accused in a matter of matricide and double filicide, on the ground that th.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Non-Determination of Soundness of Mind of Accused

MP HC: Minor Rape Victim Allowed to Terminate Pregnancy of 28 Weeks(29.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has allowed a minor rape victim to terminate 28 weeks pregnancy and observed that conscious decision has been taken by the g.....

Tags : MP High Court, 28 Weeks Pregnancy, Termination

MP High Court: Minor Denied Permission to Terminate 28-Week Pregnancy(25.07.2024)

MP HC has denied a minor to terminate 28- weeks pregnancy and observed that in view of the medical report given by the Board coupled with the fact tha.....

Tags : MP High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, 28 Weeks Pregnancy

Del. HC to LNJP Hospital: Don’t Disclose Identity of Minor Girl Seeking Abortion in Report to Police(02.05.2023)

Delhi High Court has directed Medical Superintendent of LNJP Hospital to not disclose identity details of a 14-year-old, who is seeking termination of.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Identity, Minor

RBI relaxes LTD guidelines for co-operative banks(07.07.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India relaxed guidelines for raising and redeeming Long Term (Subordinated Deposits by co-operative banks, replacing them instead .....

Tags : long term deposit, cooperative bank, disclosure

Meg. HC: State Must Prepare Long-Term Plans for Electricity Crisis in the State(28.07.2023)

Meghalaya High Court while observing that there is no band-aid solution which may be resorted for State’s electricity crisis, has stated that it is ho.....

Tags : Meghalaya High Court, Electricity Crisis. Long Term Plan

Pat. HC: Service Terminated Merely on Implication of Criminal Case, Unjustified(04.07.2024)

Patna High Court has observed that terminating the services of an employee merely on the basis of implication in a criminal case, without giving the w.....

Tags : Patna High Court, Terminating Services, Criminal Case

Central Government hereby makes a declaration to extend term of office of Khasyol Cantonment Board for a further period of one year(03.05.2017)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of Section 13 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 (41 of 2006), the .....

Tags : Declaration, Extension, Term

SC: Matters Exclusively Within Jurisdiction of Statutory Authorities are Not Arbitrable(13.12.2024)

SC has stated that matters falling exclusively within the jurisdiction of statutory authorities are not arbitrable and dispute related to wages and te.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Statutory Authorities, Termination of Employee

AP HC Calls Upon State to Respond on Plea Seeking Stay on S.S.C. and Intermediate Examinations(03.05.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has called upon the State Government and impleaded the Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education and the Andhra Pradesh Bo.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Stay on S.S.C. and Intermediate Examinations

MTP Cases: Expert Opinion Must be Given by Medical Professional Without Fearing Legal Repercussions(08.07.2024)

Delhi High Court has observed that medical professionals must give their expert opinion without the fear of legal repercussions in matters where legal.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Expert Opinion, Termination of Pregnancy, Medical Professionals

Bombay HC Asks if a Woman with Below Average IQ has No Right to Become a Mother(09.01.2025)

Bombay High Court while hearing a plea by a couple seeking termination of pregnancy of their mentally ill daughter, has asked if a woman with below av.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Termination of Pregnancy

Bombay HC: Women Entitled to End Pregnancy Regardless of Reason(21.09.2016)

Bombay HC has held that scope of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act should extend to "mental health" of a woman and she should be "allowed to opt ou.....

Tags : Bombay HC , Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act

SC: Arbitrary Termination of Contract Erode Trust of Private Parties from Public Procurement Process(11.07.2024)

SC has held that when public authorities enter into contracts, they create legitimate expectations that the State will honour its obligations. Arbitra.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Public Procurement Process, Termination of Contract

Central Government extended term of office of Pachmarhi Cantonment Board for a further period from 6th June, 2017 to 31st December, 2017 or till the date of constitution of the Board(03.05.2017)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) and sub-Section (4) of Section 13 of the Cantonments Act, 2006 (41 of 2006), the .....

Tags : Declaration, Extension, Term

MP HC: Punishment of Termination of Employee for Single Clerical Mistake ‘Excessive’(13.01.2025)

MP High Court has observed that for singular negligence in entire service career of the employee the harsh punishment of termination from service is e.....

Tags : MP High Court, Termination of Employee, Clerical Mistake

MP HC: Necessary that Allegation of Rape be Proved for Medical Termination of Pregnancy(08.09.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that it is not necessary that the allegation of rape be proved before Section 3 of the Medical Termination of Pregn.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Honeypreet Played a Key Role in Panchkula Violence After Dera Chief's Conviction, Says Chargesheet(29.11.2017)

Honeypreet Played a Key Role in Panchkula Violence After Dera Chief's Conviction, Says Chargesheet

Tags : The chargesheet, accessed by CNN-News18, says Honeypreet played a major role before and during the riots that occurred in the aftermath of the verdict by a special CBI court in Panchkula on August 25, killing over 40 people.

CIVIL - Calcutta HC Allows Woman to Terminate 29-Week Pregnancy(19.02.2019)

Calcutta High Court has allowed a 42-year-old woman to terminate her 29-week pregnancy since the foetus was suffering from Down Syndrome.

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Terminate 29-Week Pregnancy

Uttarakhand HC Stays Termination of Ad hoc Employees In Vidhan Sabha(18.10.2022)

Uttarakhand High Court has stayed termination of several ad hoc employees of the legislative assembly and directed the Vidhan Sabha Secretariat to per.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, termination, Vidhan Sabha, remuneration

Compensation towards loss of love and affection not to be awarded as a separate head(30.06.2020)

In facts of present case, the deceased was residing in Doha, Qatar since 1984. The deceased was visited India in November, 1998, he was riding a scoot.....

Tags : Accident, Compensation, Determination

Bombay HC: Can't Force Rape Victim to Mother a Child(01.07.2022)

Bombay High Court while allowing termination of a 16 weeks' pregnancy of minor who was victim of sexual abuse and was in custody for a crime under Sec.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Pregnancy, Termination, Choice

Manipur HC Directs State to Indicate Steps Taken for Long-Term Plan to Tackle Covid 19(28.05.2021)

Manipur High Court has directed the State Government to indicate the steps taken by it to put in place a "long-term plan" for meeting future challenge.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Long-Term Plan to Tackle Covid-19

Supreme Court Spares Man of Life Term Almost After 40 Years(17.07.2019)

Supreme Court has concluded that a man who was imprisoned for a period of more than 10 years since 1980 has finally earned his freedom concluding that.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Life Term

Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea Moved by Air India Pilots Challenging Their Termination(20.08.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued notice in a plea moved by certain pilots of national carrier Air India challenging the termination of their services with .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of Air Pilots

SC: Res Judicata Applicable Only on Fundamental Determinations and not Incidental Findings(03.08.2023)

Supreme Court has held that only determinations which are fundamental would result in the application of the doctrine of res judicata, and no incident.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Res Judicata, Fundamental Determinations

Hyderabad High Court Says Daughters Are Eligible for Father's Terminal Benefits(14.01.2016)

Hyderabad High Court has held that an employer is not at fault if he decides to distribute the terminal benefits of a deceased employee in equal parts.....

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, Daughters , Father's Terminal Benefits

Delhi High Court Directs AIIMS to Constitute Medical Board Within a Day to Decide on Termination(24.09.2021)

Delhi High Court has issued directions to the Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, to immediately constitute a medical board and examine the feasibility of .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Delhi HC: Scrutiny Must While Examining Question of Determination of Age of Accused(25.11.2021)

Delhi High Court has observed that scrutiny, inspection and analysis is a must while examining the question of determination of age of the accused und.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Determination of Age of Accused

Uttarakhand High Court Allows Termination of Foetus of Rape Victim(07.02.2022)

Uttarakhand High Court has allowed the termination of a 28 weeks foetus of a rape victim, granting relief to the victim. The Court has held that there.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Termination of Foetus of Rape Victim

Delhi HC Quashes Life Term for In-laws in 1991 Murder Case(05.12.2016)

Delhi High Court has quashed a Trial Court order sentencing a couple and their daughter to life for allegedly setting ablaze their daughter-in-law in .....

Tags : Delhi High Court , prolonged incarceration, Life Term

#Budget 2025 – For MSMEs and Startups(01.02.2025)

#Rs 2-crore term loan scheme will be introduced for first-time women, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs to promote inclusive growth. .....

Tags : MSME, Credit Cover, Term Loans

Kerala HC Extends Term of Present Judicial Members in Kerala Administrative Tribunal(16.07.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the term of the present judicial members in the Kerala Administrative Tribunal, permitting them to continue to hold the.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Term of Present Judicial Members in Kerala Administrative Tribunal

Madras HC: Removal from Service for Alleged Past Misconduct Unsustainable(11.04.2022)

Madras High Court has ruled that a past misconduct of the employee can’t be a reason for imposing a major penalty such as removal from service under I.....

Tags : Madras High Court, misconduct, removal, service, Indian Maritime University Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees (Terms and Conditions of Services) Rules)

SAT Sets Aside SEBI Approval to Set up SRO for MF Distributor(04.11.2015)

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside an approval granted by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to Institution for Mutual Fund .....

Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Institution for Mutual Fund Intermediaries, Self-Regulatory Organization

Rajasthan HC Allows Termination of Sex-Worker's Pregnancy, Deeming Her Akin to Victim of Rape(13.04.2020)

Rajasthan High Court has allowed the plea of a forced sex-worker to abort her foetus treating her mental agony to be equal to that of a victim of rape.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Termination of Sex-Worker's Pregnancy

Del. HC: Can File or Sustain Revocation Petition after Expiry of Term of Patent(16.01.2025)

Delhi High Court has held that Revocation Petition can be filed or sustained after expiry of term of patent and merely because the term of patent has .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Revocation Petition, Term of Patent

Gujarat HC: Supply of Services Outside India by "Intermediaries" Not Export(04.08.2020)

Gujarat High Court has ruled that supply of services outside India by "intermediaries" in India is not an export, thereby continuing their liability o.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Supply of Services Outside India by "Intermediaries”

Mad. HC: In MTP Cases, SP or DCP to be Personally Responsible if Identity of Minor Gets Leaked(16.07.2024)

Madras High Court has observed that in cases of medical termination of pregnancy if the identity of the minor is leaked SPs or DCP will be held accoun.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Medical Termination, Minor

Power Ministry revises terms of reference of National Committee on Transmission (NCT) to fast-track ISTS process(28.10.2021)

Transformative reform towards fast-tracking ISTS Planning and Approval process to further facilitate R E Development

As one more step in the .....

Tags : Terms, Reference, NCT

MeitY: Social Media Intermediaries to Take Permission Before Launching AI Products in Country(04.03.2024)

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) has issued advisory to social media intermediaries and artificial intelligence platforms an.....

Tags : Ministry of Electronics and IT, Social Media Intermediaries, AI Products

Karnataka HC Quashes KSLU Notification for Conducting Intermediate Semester Exams(17.12.2021)

Karnataka High Court has quashed the notification issued by Karnataka State Law University, by which it was to conduct offline examinations for the st.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Conducting Intermediate Semester Exams

Consider Full Term Pregnancy for Own Safety: Bombay HC to Woman(10.04.2019)

Bombay High Court has directed a woman seeking to terminate her 30-week pregnancy, to consider completing term for her own medical safety after follow.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Full Term Pregnancy

AAR, Karnataka: Supply of Intermediary Export Services Taxable under Forward Charge Mechanism(03.04.2020)

Authority of Advance Ruling (AAR), Karnataka has ruled that the supply of intermediary export services is taxable under forward charge mechanism and n.....

Tags : Authority of Advance Ruling, Supply of Intermediary Export Services

An order of dismissal of writ petition on merits would ensue, if no case of breach of a statutory provision is made out(16.06.2017)

In facts of present case, Petitioner has been working as Assistant Accountant of Suri Friend's Union Co-operative Bank Limited, a registered cooperati.....

Tags : Resolution, Termination, Validity

SC: Communication of Acceptance of Resignation Not Mandatory Unless Rules or Guidelines Prescribe it(27.04.2024)

SC has held that termination of employment is deemed to be in effect from the date on which resignation is accepted by the authority. Non-communicatio.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination, Non-communication, Resignation

Karnataka HC Allows Woman to Terminate Her 25 Week Pregnancy(04.05.2020)

Karnataka High Court has allowed a plea filed by a 32-year-old woman seeking to terminate her 25 week pregnancy, due to anomalies in the foetus.

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Termination of Pregnancy

NGT Directs Inspection of Area Near Kaushambi Bus Terminal(15.03.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered inspection of area near Kaushambi Bus Terminal, on Delhi border.

Tags : NGT, Kaushambi Bus Terminal

SC: Taluk Land Board's Determination Has Evidentiary Value In Proceedings(02.11.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that determination arrived by the Land Board about the character of lands, under the Kerala Land Reforms Act, 1963 becomes .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Taluk Land Board's Determination

Bombay HC: Simpliciter Termination of Probationer Judge, Principles of Natural Justice Not Necessary(05.02.2020)

Bombay High Court has held that in case the order of termination of a probationer judge is simpliciter termination, it is not necessary to follow the .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Simpliciter Termination of Probationer Judge

While construing a contract of insurance, it is not permissible for a Court to substitute the terms of the contract(24.04.2020)

The present appeals arise from a judgment of the National Commission which in first appeal upheld the judgment of the State Commission. The SCDRC held.....

Tags : Insurance policy, Terms, Interpretation, Legality

It is not permissible to rewrite the contract while interpreting the terms of the Insurance Policy(29.10.2021)

In facts of present case, Pradeep Kumar, the husband of the Respondent (original complainant) had taken/purchased a life insurance policy under the Je.....

Tags : Terms, Insurance policy, Revival

Delhi High Court Permits Termination of Minor Rape Victim's 24-week Pregnancy(07.02.2020)

Delhi High Court has allowed termination of 24-week pregnancy of a minor rape victim, after a medical board set up by the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital s.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination, Pregnancy

Supreme Court: Termination of Woman Nursing Officer on Grounds of Her Marriage is Unconstitutional(20.02.2024)

Supreme Court has held that termination of a woman nursing officer from the Military Nursing Service on grounds of marriage undermines human dignity, .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Woman Nursing Officer, Termination, Compensation

Delhi HC Gives Relief to Professor Whose Services were Terminated for Taking Maternity Break(08.05.2020)

Delhi High Court has quashed the termination letter of an ad-hoc Professor whose contract was not renewed by the College as she had taken a maternity .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of Service for Taking Maternity Break

BCI: End-Term Examination Mandatory in All Law Schools or Universities(10.06.2021)

Bar Council of India has notified its decision that an end-term examination is mandatory to be conducted by all Law Schools or Universities, and the U.....

Tags : Bar Council of India, End-Term Examination

Supreme Court Upholds Life Term of 16 Persons Convicted For Killing Eight Family Members(14.12.2016)

Supreme Court has upheld life imprisonment awarded to 16 persons convicted for killing eight members of a family, including a one-and-half-year-old in.....

Tags : Supreme Court, life term, life imprisonment

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act 2021 Comes Into Force from September 24(27.09.2021)

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021, has come into force with effect from 24th September 2021. The amendment inter alia modifies Se.....

Tags : Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act 2021, Upper Limit for Medical Termination of Pregnancy

SC: Contract Can be Concluded Only When All Parties Are in Agreement on All Essential Terms(23.11.2022)

Supreme Court has held that a contract can be said to be concluded only when parties are in agreement on all the essential terms of the contract.

Tags : Supreme Court, Essential Terms, Contract

SC: Regular Inquiry Needed When Termination of Employee's Service is Stigmatic and Punitive(30.01.2020)

Supreme Court has held that a regular inquiry as per the service rules is necessary for the termination of the services of an employee when it is stig.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination of Employee's Service

Del. HC: Don't Disclose Identity Of Minors Seeking Termination Of Pregnancy In Report To Police(24.01.2023)

Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Government to issue a circular directing that the identity of a minor girl, who is seeking medical termination.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delhi Government, minor, termination, pregnancy

Delhi HC: Centre Asked to Issue Instructions Regarding Identity of Victims in MTP Cases(11.09.2024)

Del. HC has directed Director General, Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to issue suitable instructions to a.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Ministry of Health, Termination of Pregnancy

Delhi HC: Sex-Determination Based Abortion Perpetuates Gender Inequalities, Misogyny(25.04.2023)

Delhi High Court while observing that sex-determination based abortion is a powerful method of perpetuating gender inequalities and is directly relate.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Sex-Determination, Gender Inequalities, PCPNDT Act

Delhi High Court Lets Teen Rape Survivor Terminate Pregnancy Despite Warning(05.12.2018)

Delhi High Court has allowed a 16-year-old rape survivor, who was 22 weeks pregnant, to terminate her pregnancy even after the medical board constitut.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Teen Rape Survivor Terminate Pregnancy

NGT Raps UP for Failure to Control Traffic at Kaushambi Bus Terminal(12.02.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has rapped Uttar Pradesh Government for its failure to control traffic chaos near Kaushambi Bus Terminal on Delhi border.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , Kaushambi Bus Terminal

Rajasthan HC: Magistrate Empowered to Sentence Defaulter to Separate Terms of Imprisonment(06.12.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has held that a Magistrate is empowered under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 to pass separate sentences over.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Separate Terms of Imprisonment

Government Notifies Fixed-Term Jobs for All Sectors(21.03.2018)

Government has notified that fixed term workmen will be entitled to benefits similar to the permanent workforce like EPF, ESIC, defined working hours,.....

Tags : Government, Fixed-Term Jobs

Delhi HC: Chance of More Money Can’t be Sole Criteria for Terminating Contract(17.01.2023)

Delhi High Court while allowing petitions challenging NHAI’s decision to invite fresh bids for collection of user fee at two toll plazas has held that.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Public Contract, Termination, NHAI

Orissa HC Refuses Termination of Mentally-Challenged Rape Survivor's Pregnancy(24.09.2020)

Orissa High Court has refused to allow the termination of the pregnancy of a physically and mentally-challenged rape survivor.

Tags : Orissa High Court, Termination of Pregnancy

Delhi HC: Arbitrator Must Primarily Decide Construction of Terms of Contract(05.02.2025)

Delhi High Court has held that it is primarily for the Arbitrator to decide construction of the terms of the contract unless it is found that such con.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Terms of Contract, Arbitrator

MP HC:Depending on Facts, Wife Terminating Pregnancy without Husband Consent may be Termed as Cruelty(02.09.2024)

The Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a family court's order dissolving the marriage of a couple, has observed that depending on the "facts of.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Pregnancy termination

All. HC Stays Judgment that Read Down Regulation 40 (?) of U.P Intermediate Education Act(19.07.2023)

Allahabad High Court has stayed operation of May 2023 single judge judgment that read down Regulation 40(?) of Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Education Ac.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Intermediate Education Act, Stayed, Arbitrary

Bom. HC Criticizes Maharashtra Govt. for Opposing Termination of Pregnancy of Unmarried Woman(08.10.2024)

Bombay High Court has criticized the Maharashtra Government for opposing medical termination of pregnancy of an 'unmarried' woman on the ground that t.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Maharashtra Government, Termination of Pregnancy, Unmarried Woman

SC Extends Term of ED Director SK Mishra's Till September 15(28.07.2023)

Supreme Court has extended the term of the Director of the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) SK Mishra till September 15 and added that no further appli.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Directorate of Enforcement, Director, Term

Allahabad HC Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Termination of Services of Dr. Kafeel Khan(03.02.2022)

Allahabad High Court has issued notice to the Uttar Pradesh Government on the plea filed by Dr. Kafeel Khan challenging the termination of his service.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Termination of Services of Dr. Kafeel Khan

ITAT, Bangalore: Long Term Capital Loss to be Computed from Date of Possession of Property(22.06.2021)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Bangalore has held that long term capital loss is to be computed from the date of possession of Property and not.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Long Term Capital Loss

Delhi HC: Safe Harbour Protection Available to Intermediaries Unless Active Role is Disclosed(18.08.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that unless an active role is disclosed in the commission of the offences as complained of, an intermediary would be entitle.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Safe Harbour, Intermediary

Del HC: HC can Pass ‘Pro-Term Security’ Order if Implementer Fails to Make Payment to SEP Holder(04.07.2023)

Delhi High Court has held that High Court can pass ‘pro-tem security deposit’ order if the implementer fails to make payments to a Standard Essential .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, SEP Holder, Pro-Term Security

Kerala HC Permits Termination of 15-Week Pregnancy of Mentally Challenged Rape Victim(27.07.2021)

Kerala High Court has permitted termination of an over 15-week pregnancy of a mentally challenged rape victim citing that it was in her best interests.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of 15-Week Pregnancy

JKL HC: JKSRRDA Exempted from TDS Deduction on interest on Term Deposit Accounts(20.07.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that J&K State Rural Roads Development Agency (JKSRRDA) is exempted from TDS deduction on interest in.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Term Deposit, TDS Deduction

Delhi HC: Film Can’t Project, Prohibited Pre-Birth Sex-Determination is Available With No Fetters(10.05.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that Ranveer Singh starrer Yashraj film Jayeshbhai Jordaar based on female foeticide, though intends to give a good message .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Ranveer Singh, female foeticide, Jayeshbhai Jordaar, pre-natal sex-determination

#Budget 2025 – For MSMEs and Startups(01.02.2025)

#For MSME, credit cover will increase from Rs 5 crore to Rs 10 crore. For startups it will increase to Rs 10 crore and for well-run exporter MSME, ter.....

Tags : MSME, Credit Cover, Term Loans

Del HC: HC can Pass ‘Pro-Term Security’ Order if Implementer Fails to Make Payment to SEP Holder(04.07.2023)

Delhi High Court has held that High Court can pass a ‘pro-term security deposit’ order if the implementer fails to make payments to a Standard Essenti.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, SEP Holder, Pro-Term Security

ITAT: Short Term Capital cannot be carried forward as it has not been claimed through a Return filed(21.06.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai Bench has held that short term capital cannot be carried forward as it has not been claimed through a ret.....

Tags : ITAT, Short Term Capital, Income-Tax Act

Supreme Court: Court Can Look Into the Real Reason Behind Termination of Employee(26.08.2024)

Supreme Court has held that the mere non-mention of the background situation in termination order cannot, by itself, be determinative of the nature of.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination Order, Background Situation

DGFT Changes Watermelon Seeds Import from Restricted to Free Till 30 September, 2022(24.06.2022)

Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has notified an amendment to the Import Policy Condition under the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 to allow th.....

Tags : Director General of Foreign Trade, Import Policy, Watermelon Seeds

An applicant for a final interdict must show a clear rightan injury actually committed or reasonably apprehended and absence of similar protection by any other remedy(12.06.2024)

The central issue in present appeal is whether the first Appellant, Mrs. Polo Susan Pitso (Mrs Pitso), the widow and executrix in the estate of the la.....

Tags : Attorney, Mandate, Termination

All. HC: Decision of Continuation or Termination of Pregnancy is Up to the Woman(25.07.2024)

All. HC while hearing a case of a 15 years old pregnant rape victim, has opined that a woman's decision in whether or not to go ahead with termination.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Pregnant Rape Victim

There must be a voluntary and intentional relinquishment of a right and voluntary choice is essence of waiver(27.08.2019)

The instant appeal is directed against the final judgment passed by the High Court whereby the High Court while dismissing the Arbitration Petition he.....

Tags : Award, Arbitral proceedings, Termination

Supreme Court Dismisses CBSE-ICSE Students' Plea Seeking Hybrid Option for Class X-XII Term Exams(18.11.2021)

Supreme Court has dismissed a writ petition filed by students seeking urgent directions to conduct Class X and XII CBSE and ICSE Term I exams in hybri.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Hybrid Option for Class X-XII Term Exams

Calcutta HC Directs State Government to Hand Over Terminally Ill Prisoners to Next of Kins(11.01.2021)

Calcutta High Court has directed State Government to hand over Terminally Ill Prisoners identified by it in its affidavit dated 09th October, 2020 to .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Terminally ill Prisoners

Bombay HC: Work Performed by Workman Prior to Accident Relevant to Determine Disability(02.02.2022)

Bombay High Court has reiterated that the work that a victim was performing before the accident has relevance to the determination of the question as .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Determine Disability

SC Extends Term of Judicial Member of Delhi State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission(05.08.2020)

Supreme Court has extended the term of Mr. O.P. Gupta, a judicial member of the Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, pursuant to the ap.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Term of Judicial Member

Termination of Anti-dumping investigation on the imports of "Self-adhesive Polyvinyl Chloride Film" originating in or exported from China PR(03.08.2021)

A. Introduction

1. Having regard to the Customs Tariff Act 1975 as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred as the Act) and the Custom.....

Tags : Termination, Anti-dumping investigation, Imports

Advances against Term Deposits of Non-members(01.09.2016)

Pursuant to the deliberations in the 32nd Standing Advisory Committee meeting held on December 14, 2015, it has been decided to permit SEBs to grant a.....

Tags : Term deposits, Non-members, Advances

Delhi HC Directs AIIMS to Constitute Medical Board for Medical Termination of 22 Weeks Old Foetus(30.07.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed All India Institute of Medical Sciences to constitute a medical board in order to submit its report on medical terminati.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Termination of 22 Weeks Old Foetus

Madras HC Directs State Government to Ensure Proper Terminal Benefits to Ex-Employees(24.10.2016)

Madras High Court has directed State Government to ensure that terminal benefits due to all eligible former employees were paid in 12 equated monthly .....

Tags : Madras High Court, terminal benefits,

Delhi High Court: Termination Does not Amount to Retrenchment(29.08.2019)

Delhi High Court has ruled that a probationer is not a workman within the meaning of Section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and that the se.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination

SEBI Imposes a Fine on M/s Asit C Mehta Investment Intermediaries Ltd.(22.01.2021)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has imposed a fine of Rs. 27 lakhs on M/s Asit C Mehta Investment Intermediaries Ltd. for a series of vi.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, M/s Asit C Mehta Investment Intermediaries Ltd.

SC Directs Serving of Copy on UOI in PIL Seeking Termination of MOU with Chinese Counterparts(09.11.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the Petitioners to serve Union of India a copy in a Public Interest Litigation seeking for directions to terminate any Memo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination of MOU with Chinese Counterparts

Karnataka HC: Intermediary Not Liable for Action on Part of Vendor/Seller Using Its Facilities(11.01.2021)

Karnataka High Court has ruled that an intermediary as defined under the Information Technology Act, 2000 or its directors/officers would not be liabl.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Intermediary

Kerala High Court Dismisses Plea Seeking Termination of 31 Week Pregnancy(06.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has held that when a Medical Board opines that the termination of pregnancy may result in a live baby and that the foetal abnormalit.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of 31 Week Pregnancy

Bombay High Court upholds BCCI’s age determination test(18.11.2015)

While public documents provide a right to vote, travel and open bank accounts, they may not be sufficient to permit playing cricket. A Division Bench .....

Tags : Cricket, age determination, bone, test

Karnataka HC Issues Notice on Law Student's Plea Challenging BCI, KSLU Circulars(10.12.2020)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the Bar Council of India, Karnataka State Law University and the state government on a petition filed by a l.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Intermediate Semester Examination

Central Government Introduces Social Media Guidelines for Facebook, Twitter and Others(25.02.2021)

Central Government has introduced Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 for digital content, socia.....

Tags : Central Government, Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021

Supreme Court: Ban on Online Info On Prenatal Sex Determination Curtails 'Right to Know'(12.04.2017)

Supreme Court has observed that a general ban on all online content about prenatal sex determination will curtail fundamental right to know of a genui.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Prenatal Sex Determination, Right to Know

SC Upholds Termination of Judicial Officer Who Suppressed Criminal Case in Application Form(27.02.2023)

Supreme Court while upholding termination of services of a judicial officer for suppressing the pendency of a criminal case at the time of making appl.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Termination, Judicial Officer

Madhya Pradesh HC Denies Termination of 24 Weeks Old Foetus(02.04.2020)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has dismissed the Petition of a B.A. student, seeking termination of her 24 weeks old pregnancy.

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Termination of 24 Weeks Old Foetus

SC: It is Up to the Arbitral Tribunal to Adjudicate Upon Construction of Terms of Contract(10.05.2024)

SC has held that it is for Arbitral Tribunal to adjudicate upon construction of terms of a contract. If Arbitral Tribunal takes a particular view on i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Terms of Contract, Arbitral Tribunal, Section 34 of A&C Act

Bombay HC Orders Tighter Norms on Long-Term Capital Gains from Property Sale(15.09.2016)

Bombay HC has held that an exemption from long-term capital gains where sale proceeds of original asset are invested in a new residential property, wi.....

Tags : Bombay HC, long-term capital gain, Property Sale

Delhi HC Allows Plea Seeking Termination of 23 Weeks Old Pregnancy(15.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has allowed the plea moved by a woman seeking termination of her 23 weeks old pregnancy on the ground of abnormalities and co-morbidi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of 23 Weeks Old Pregnancy

Delhi HC Directs AIIMS to Constitute Medical Board for Examining 25 Weeks Foetus Abnormalities(04.01.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Medical Superintendent of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to constitute a board for examining the co.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Termination of 25 Weeks Pregnancy

P&H HC: Subcontracting for a Service is Not an Intermediary Service(15.11.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court while quashing a demand by the GST Department against Genpact India, has held that subcontracting for a service is not a.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Intermediary Service, GST

Delhi HC Seeks Reply on IndiaMart's Plea for Contempt of Order on Copyright Infringement(24.03.2021)

Delhi High Court has issued notice to Just Dial Ltd and its Managing Director seeking their replies to a contempt application by IndiaMart InterMesh L.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Just Dial Ltd, IndiaMart InterMesh Ltd

Shri Om Birla Elected as Lok Sabha Speaker for Second Term(26.06.2024)

NDA candidate Shri Om Birla has become the speaker of Lok Sabha for the second consecutive time after defeating INDIA bloc's K Suresh via voice vote.

Tags : Lok Sabha Speaker, Second Term

Kerala HC Extends Term of Judicial Members of State Administrative Tribunal by Three Weeks(01.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the term of the present Judicial Members of the Kerala Administrative Tribunal (KAT) by another three weeks, during whi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Term of Judicial Members of State Administrative Tribunal

SC to HCs: Set up Panel to Monitor Sex-Test Cases(10.11.2016)

Supreme Court has stepped up efforts to punish sex-determination of fetuses under PNDT Act and said India could ill-afford a socially explosive situat.....

Tags : Supreme Court , sex-determination, PNDT Act

Supreme Court to Search Engine Companies: Block Pre-Natal Sex Determination Ads(16.11.2016)

Supreme Court has directed companies that operate search engines like Google India, Yahoo India and Microsoft Corp. India Pvt. Ltd to block advertisem.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Google India, Yahoo India, Microsoft, Pre-Natal Sex Determination Ads

Bombay HC: Retrospective Termination of Chandra Kochhar is Prima Facie Valid(10.11.2022)

Bombay High Court has held that the retrospective termination of former Chief Executive of the ICICI Bank Chanda Kochhar's from the bank in 2019 is a .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Retrospective Termination, Chanda Kochhar

Karnataka HC Quashes Bar Council Decision Imposing Examination on Intermediate Law Students(09.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has quashed and set aside the decision of the Bar Council of India and subsequent circular issued by the Karnataka State Law Univ.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Examination for Intermediate Law Students

ITAT, Kolkata Allows Long-Term Capital Loss from Sale of Government Securities(23.03.2021)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Kolkata has allowed the Long-Term Capital Loss arising from the sale of Government Securities after applying the.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Long-Term Capital Loss from Sale of Government Securities

SC Seeks Reply from Centre on Termination of UPA-Appointed Governors(28.01.2016)

Supreme Court has issued notice and sought response from Government on the issue of sacking of UPA-appointed governors of Uttarakhand and Pudducherry .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Governors, Termination

Madras HC: Children’s Terminal Benefits Should Go to Parents Too(06.07.2016)

Madras HC has said that parents should also be given a share in terminal benefits of their deceased children even if their names are not in the list o.....

Tags : Madras HC, terminal benefits

SC: Can’t Assign Ordinary Meaning of ‘Cruel’ in Exception 4 to Section 300 of IPC(28.07.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that if Court assigns a meaning to the word ‘cruel’ used in exception 4 which is used in common parlance, in no case except.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Cruel, IPC, Relative Term

Gujarat HC Denies Permission to Rape Survivor for Terminating Pregnancy(13.09.2016)

Gujarat HC has denied permission for termination of pregnancy of a 14-year- old rape survivor, citing medical reports which said the 28-week foetus is.....

Tags : Gujarat HC , Rape Survivor, Terminating Pregnancy

Kerala High Court Rejects Termination of Teachers in Self-Financing Institutions(04.07.2019)

Kerala High Court has upheld the formation of the Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies (CPAS) by the State Government and approved by the Maha.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of Teachers

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