Search Results for Tag : Tax Deduction
Notifications & Circulars
Clarification in respect of option under Section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961(13.04.2020)
1. Section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act), inserted by the Finance Act, 2020 wef the assessment year 2021-22, inter alia, provides that .....
Tags : Clarification, Filing return, Tax deduction
Payment made by hospital to consultant doctors requires deduction of tax at source under Section 194J of IT Act(12.07.2021)
The revenue is aggrieved by findings of Learned Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeal) [CIT(A)] that, the payment made by assessee hospital to certain co.....
Tags : Tax deduction, Applicability, Provision
Leave Travel Concession has to be availed by an employee within certain limitations, prescribed by the law; LTC is not for a foreign travel(04.11.2022)
The Appellant (State Bank of India) has challenged the judgement passed by a Division Bench of the High Court which has dismissed the appeal filed by .....
Tags : Payment, LTC, Tax deduction
No Income Tax Deduction to Law Firm for Expenses Incurred for Pleasure Tour by Counsels: ITAT(08.01.2019)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi, has held that no income tax deduction can be given to the law firm, Luthra & Luthra, for the expenses inc.....
Tags : ITAT, Income Tax Deduction to Law Firm,Pleasure Tour by Counsels
DIRECT TAXATION - Salary Recd. By Missionaries/Nuns Subject To TDS Under Section 192 of IT Act: Madras HC(25.03.2019)
Madras High Court has ruled that Canon Law does not bind Income Tax Act and so salaries received by missionaries and nuns of Catholic Church for teach.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Tax Deduction at Source, Section 192 of the Act
Madras High Court: No Tax Deduction for Replacement of Machineries(15.01.2020)
Madras High Court has held that the replacement of the machineries as a whole cannot be held to be current repairs or allowable revenue expenditure.
Tags : Madras High Court, Tax Deduction, Replacement of Machineries
ITAT, Bangalore: Royal Challengers Eligible for Tax Deduction for Contribution(18.02.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Bangalore has allowed tax deduction to Royal Challengers Sports Pvt. Ltd. on its contribution of Rs. 15 Crores t.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Tax Deduction for Contribution, Royal Challengers
SC Stays Madras HC Judgment on TDS Liability of Christian Nuns & Missionaries(10.05.2019)
Supreme Court has stayed Madras HC judgment which had ruled that salaries received by missionaries and nuns of Catholic Church are liable to be subjec.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Tax Deduction at Source, IT Act, 1961, Section 192
Bombay High Court: No TDS on Payments made for Providing SMS Services(09.08.2017)
Bombay High Court has held that there is no Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) liability on payment for providing SMS services under Section 194J of the In.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Tax Deduction at Source
CBDT Notifies Scrapping of Certain Forms for Income Tax Deductions(05.04.2021)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified that Form 10G, 56, 3CF-I, 3CF-II and 3CF-III under the Income Tax Act, 1961 ceased to be effective o.....
Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Forms for Income Tax Deductions
ITAT: Employers Must Deposit Contribution Towards EPF/ESI on Time to Avail IT Deduction(18.03.2023)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi bench has held that employers have to deposit employees' contributions towards EPF/ESI on time to avail of.....
Tags : ITAT, EPF/ESI, Income Tax Deductions, EPF/ESI
ITAT, New Delhi: Interest on Enhanced Compensation Does Not Come u/s 56 IT Act(08.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal( ITAT ), New Delhi has observed that received interest on enhanced compensation does not comes under income from other s.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, received interest, enhanced compensation, Tax Deduction at Source, section 194A of the income tax act, 1961
ITAT, Bangalore: Payment of Sub Contracting Charges to Subsidiary Liable to TDS(18.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has observed that payment of sub-contracting charges to subsidiary is liable to Tax Deduction at Source.
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Tax Deduction at Source, sub-contracting charges
Madras HC: No TDS on Monetary Benefits of Nuns/Priests(26.12.2016)
Madras High Court has ruled that Nuns, Priests, Monks and other religious persons who are attached to religious orders and whose salaries and monetary.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Tax Deduction At Source, Priests, Monks, Nuns
Pune ITAT: Higher Education Abroad Is No Bar for Claiming Interest on Edu Loans for Tax Deduction(02.12.2015)
Pune Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that deduction for interest paid on educational loans taken for higher studies will be allowed from.....
Tags : Pune Income-tax Appellate Tribunal , Edu Loans for Tax Deduction
ITAT, Bangalore: TDS Not Applicable to Commission for Professional Service by Non Resident(04.05.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has ruled that Tax Deduction at Source is not applicable to commission for professional service by Nonresiden.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Tax Deduction at Source, professional service
ITAT: Salary Reimbursement based on Cost to Cost Cannot Attract TDS Liability u/s 195(09.05.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has ruled that Tax Deduction at Source is not applicable to reimbursement of salary based on the cost to cost.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Section 195, Income Tax Act,1961, Tax Deduction at Source
#Budget 2025 – TDS and TCS(01.02.2025)
#Limit for tax deduction on interest for senior citizens to be doubled from Rs 50,000 to Rs. 1 lakh #The annual limit for TDS on rent will be increase.....
Tags : Tax Deduction, Annual Limit