Search Results for Tag : Suppliers
Notifications & Circulars
Price-Fixing Cartel amongst suppliers of Electric Power Steering Systems to automobile Original Equipment Manufacturers(15.08.2019)
The Competition Commission of India ('CCI') passed a final order with respect to cartelisation amongst NSK Limited, Japan ('NSK') and JTEKT Corporatio.....
Tags : Price-Fixing, Cartel, Suppliers
ITAT, Mumbai: Depreciation Allowable on Marketing Information and Non-Compete Fee(11.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has observed that the depreciation is allowable on intangible assets such as marketing information comprising of.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, depreciation, intangible, marketing information, Commercial information, Customer data, Distribution network, Suppliers contract, Non-compete fees
NAA Directs GST Officers to Collect Evidence Against Suppliers Denying GST Rate Cut Benefits(25.06.2021)
National Anti-Profiteering Authority (NAA) has directed Goods and Services Tax officers to collect evidence against suppliers denying GST Rate Cut ben.....
Tags : National Anti-Profiteering Authority, Suppliers Denying GST Rate Cut Benefits