Search Results for Tag : Shiksha Karmis
Supreme Court: Split Verdict Delivered on Appointment of Shiksha Karmis in Madhya Pradesh(08.04.2024)
Supreme Court has delivered a split verdict in a case regarding the appointment of Shiksha Karmis in Madhya Pradesh. While Justice JK Maheshwari uphel.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Shiksha Karmis, Split Verdict, Appointment
SC: Age Relaxation to Shiksha Karmis in Recruitment to Post of Prabodhak in Rajasthan, Upheld(09.07.2024)
Supreme Court has upheld the provision of age relaxation that has been provided for Shiksha Karmis and other government educational project employed c.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Shiksha Karmis, Age Relaxation
SC: Can’t Infer Bias if Alleged Relatives of Appointees Did Not Participate in Interview(31.01.2025)
Supreme Court while rejecting challenge to appointment of Shiksha Karmis, has held that where the members alleged to be close relatives of appointees .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Shiksha Karmis, Close Relatives