Search Results for Tag : Refunds-Mechanism
Notifications & Circulars
IGST refunds-mechanism to verify the IGST payments for goods exported out of India in certain cases(17.06.2019)
The procedure for claiming IGST refunds is fully automated as provided under Instruction 15/2017-Cus dated 09.10.2017. It has come to the notice of th.....
Tags : Refunds-mechanism, Payments, Verification
IGST Refunds-Mechanism to verify the IGST payments for goods exported out of India in certain cases(27.08.2019)
In an earlier Board's earlier Circular 12/2018-Customs dated 29.05.2018, an interim solution was provided to tide over the difficulty faced by exporte.....
Tags : Refunds-Mechanism, Verification, IGST payments