Search Results for Tag : Permissibility
Tribunal could only correct clerical or arithmetical errors after adjudication(08.08.2016)
In present case, Appellant claimed occupancy rights in the land by filing an application in Form 7 under Karnataka Land Reforms Rules, 1974 and invoki.....
Tags : Land, Occupancy rights, Amendment, Permissibility
International Cases
Impermissible disclosure of confidential information is no less impermissible because information is passed on in confidence, or “off the record”(19.10.2016)
Claim by Ingenious Media and Mr McKenna was brought by way of an application for judicial review, it was a straightforward claim for breach of a duty .....
Tags : Information, Disclosure, Permissibility
Review is permissible if there is a discovery of a new or important facts or evidence, which was not within applicant's knowledge(18.01.2019)
Present Review Application, filed by the applicant of the OA No. 17/2018, is directed against the order of present Tribunal dismissing the Original Ap.....
Tags : Review, Permissibility, Valid ground