Del. HC: Foreigners Can’t Seek Release from “Executive Detention” by Invoking Foreigners Act  ||  Ker. HC: Can’t Say Sexual Abuse Survivor is of Deviant Character Merely because he Smokes  ||  Mad. HC: Court Has to Independently Deal With Bail Application on its Own Merits  ||  MP HC Directs Police to Take Action against Companies Wholesaling Banned Contraband Drugs Online  ||  Ker. HC: If One Accused Given Bail, Co-Accused is Entitled to Bail Unless Sufficient Reasons are Give  ||  Del. HC: Trademark’s Sporadic Use in India Not a Ground to Assume Goodwill/Reputation  ||  SC: State Can Levy Royalty on Mining of Brick Earth as per Punjab Minor Mineral Concession Rules  ||  Supreme Court: To Transfer Complaint, Lack of Territorial Jurisdiction is No Ground  ||  Supreme Court Issues Notice on Plea on Difficulties Faced by Blind Persons to Complete E-KYC  ||  Supreme Court: Article 14 Does Not Envisage Negative Equality    

Search Results for Tag : Methodology


ITAT, Chennai: Subscription Money received From Customers Shall be Treated as Deferred Income(29.04.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Chennai has ruled that the subscription monies received in advance by the Company shall be treated as deferred income a.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, subscription monies, deferred income, methodology

Notifications & Circulars

Methodology for Linkage Rationalization for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)(16.05.2018)

An Inter-Ministerial Task Force (IMTF) was constituted to undertake a comprehensive review of existing coal sources of Independent Power Producers (IP.....

Tags : Methodology, Linkage, IPPs

EAC-PM releases a detailed analysis on robustness of India's GDP estimation methodology(19.06.2019)

The Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister today released a detailed note titled 'GDP estimation in India- Perspectives and Facts'. The note .....

Tags : Analysis, GDP estimation, Methodology

Authority decides that Product Control Numbers (PCN) methodology need not be notified(03.01.2023)

Please refer to the proposed Product Control Numbers (PCNs) methodology by the Applicant published in the Initiation Notification dated 30th September.....

Tags : PCN, Methodology, Notification

Notification regarding PCN methodology and filing of questionnaire responses in specified Anti-dumping investigation(10.04.2024)

1. The investigation was initiated on 13th February 2024 vide Initiation Notification No. 6/29/2023-DGTR. The non-confidential version of the applicat.....

Tags : PCN methodology, Anti-dumping, Investigation

Methodology Issued for Rationalization of Linkages/ Swapping of Coal(09.06.2020)

The coal linkages from coal companies have been rationalized in order to reduce the distance in transportation of coal from the coal mines to the cons.....

Tags : Methodology, Rationalization, Linkages

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