Search Results for Tag : Lakshmi Vilas bank
Bombay High Court Refuses to Stay RBI Scheme for Lakshmi Vilas Bank Merger with DBS Bank(27.11.2020)
Bombay High Court has rejected a prayer for ad-interim stay on Reserve Bank of India's amalgamation scheme for the merger of Lakshmi Vilas Bank with t.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Lakshmi Vilas Bank Merger with DBS Bank
Notifications & Circulars
Order of moratorium in respect of the Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited(17.11.2020)
1. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 45 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), the Central Government, afte.....
Tags : Moratorium, Lakshmi Vilas bank, Proceedings
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd branches to operate as DBS Bank India Ltd. branches from November 27, 2020(25.11.2020)
The Government of India has today sanctioned the Scheme for the amalgamation of the Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd. with DBS Bank India Ltd. The amalgamation .....
Tags : Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Scheme, Amalgamation
SC: Can’t Prosecute Directors to DBS Bank for Acts of Lakshmi Vilas Bank Before Amalgamation(12.09.2023)
Supreme Court has held that DBS Bank and its directors cannot be held criminally liable for actions attributed to directors of Lakshmi Vilas Bank befo.....
Tags : Supreme Court, DBS Bank, Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Amalgamation, Criminal Liability