NCLAT: Can Seek Eviction of Tenant from Corporate Debtor's Property under Tenancy Law  ||  NCLAT: For Calculating Limitation Period, Period from 15.3.2020 to 28.2.2022 shall stand excluded  ||  NCLAT: Adjudicating Authority Can’t Decide Workers' Claims for Layoff Period Dues under ID Act  ||  NCLAT: While Dismissing Appeal for Non-Prosecu., Adj. Authority Can’t Direct Dismissal on Merits Too  ||  NCLAT: Claims Subsequent to Cut-off Date to be Dealt as Per RP by Adjudicating Authority  ||  NCLAT Upholds Canara Bank’s Claims for Loans Advanced to CD on behalf of Homebuyers  ||  Allahabad HC Stays Criminal Proceedings on Ground of Inordinate Delay Caused by State  ||  Ker. HC Declares Rule 12(9) of the Kerala Paddy Land and Wetland Rules as Ultra Vires  ||  Del. HC: Support to Terrorist Organisation through Money or Networking is Prohibited under UAPA  ||  HP HC: Mentioning of Wong Provision Not Fatal to Application    

Search Results for Tag : Introduction

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Supreme Court introduces legal aid scheme for middle income group(16.02.2017)

The Supreme Court has introduced a Middle Income Group Scheme making it easier to seek legal services for citizens whose gross income is not exceeding.....

Tags : Legal aid, Scheme, Introduction

Ministry of Corporate Affairs unveils companies fresh start scheme(30.03.2020)

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has introduced the Companies Fresh Start Scheme and modified the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Settlement Scheme t.....

Tags : Scheme, Introduction, Timeline, Waiver

Common Format for Issuance of Pollution Control Certificate across the Country notified(17.06.2021)

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has issued a notification dated 14thJune, 2021 for a common format of the PUC (Pollution Under Control) Certif.....

Tags : PUC, Common format, Introduction

Centre introduces CA, CWA and CS (Amendment) Bill, 2021 in Lok Sabha(17.12.2021)

The Chartered Accountants, the Cost and Works Accountants and the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2021, was introduced in the Lok Sabha. The bil.....

Tags : Chartered Accountants, Bill, Introduction

SEBI Introduces special situation funds under Alternative Investment Funds Regulation(27.01.2022)

SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 ("AIF Regulations"), have been amended and notified on January 24, 2022, to introduce Special Si.....

Tags : Introduction, SSF, Interest, Investor


More Bills to add to Parliament's backlog(05.12.2015)

The government introduced an additional 11 Bills to Parliament: four in the Lok Sabha and seven bound for the Rajya Sabha. The Bills are in addition t.....

Tags : Parliament, backlog, introduction, bills

Notifications & Circulars

Petition for poor - filing made easy(16.02.2017)

Now, it is easier for the middle and relatively lower income group to avail and enjoy the legal services of the country. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of .....

Tags : Scheme, Introduction, Petition, Filing

New Facilities for UAN- Aadhar Linking Introduces By EPFO(27.02.2018)

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced UAN-Aadhaar linking facility for the convenience of members using EPFO Link in UMANG Mobi.....

Tags : New Facilities, UAN- Aadhar Linking, Introduction

Facility of “Basic Services Demat Account" (BSDA) with limited services introduced(10.04.2019)

1. SEBI vide circulars CIR/MRD/DP/22/2012 dated August 27, 2012 and CIR/MRD/DP/20/2015 dated December 11, 2015, introduced the facility of "Basic Serv.....

Tags : BSDA limit, Debt Securities, Introduction

Transition plan to the new GST Return(11.06.2019)

The GST Council in its 31st meeting decided that a new GST return system will be introduced to facilitate taxpayers. In order to ease transition to th.....

Tags : Transition plan, GST Return, Introduction

Introduction of a new type of semi-closed Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) - PPIs upto Rs. 10,000 with loading only from bank account(24.12.2019)

1. Please refer to the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies issued as part of Monetary Policy Statement dated December 5, 2019 as also t.....

Tags : Digital payments, PPI, Introduction

Introduction of legal entity identifier for large value transactions in centralised payment systems(05.01.2021)

1. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit number used to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions worldwide. It was conceived as a.....

Tags : Introduction, Legal Entity Identifier, Transactions

System-driven Disclosures in Securities Market(21.12.2016)

1. SEBI, vide circular dated December 01, 2015, had introduced the system-driven disclosures in securities market detailing the procedure to be adopte.....

Tags : System –driven, Disclosures, Introduction

Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020-Introduction of online deemed exports application module(28.07.2021)

1. The members of trade are hereby informed that this Directorate is introducing an online Deemed Exports Module on the DGFT website as a part of IT R.....

Tags : Introduction, Exports application, Online

Pre-ponement of introduction of BS -VI grade auto fuels in NCT Delhi(15.11.2017)

The Government of India has been making concerted efforts in line with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi's Commitment at COP 21, to reduce vehicular e.....

Tags : Introduction, BS -VI grade, Auto fuels, Delhi

Reserve Bank of India introduces the Financial Inclusion Index(17.08.2021)

As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies in the first Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2021-2022 dated April 07,.....

Tags : Financial Inclusion, Index, Introduction

Service Export from India scheme(14.12.2016)

The Government has introduced the Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) w.e.f. 01.04.2015 under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2015-20 replacing t.....

Tags : Scheme, Service Exports, Introduction

Introduction of T+1 rolling settlement on an optional basis(07.09.2021)

1. SEBI, vide circular no. SMD/POLICY/Cir-/03 dated February 6, 2003, shortened the settlement cycle from T+3 rolling settlement to T+2 w.e.f. April 0.....

Tags : Introduction, T+1 rolling settlement, Optional basis

Introduction of Options on Commodity Indices - Product Design and Risk Management Framework(24.03.2022)

1. In an endeavour to have more products in the Commodity Derivatives Market and based on the recommendation of Commodity Derivatives Advisory Committ.....

Tags : Introduction, Options, Commodity Indices

Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) to come into effect from 1st October, 2022(12.07.2022)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), has introduced Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) by amending the import policy of major paper pro.....

Tags : Introduction, PIMS, Imports

Introduction of future contracts on Corporate Bond Indices(10.01.2023)

1. In order to enhance liquidity in the bond market and also to provide opportunity to the investors to hedge their positions, SEBI had constituted a .....

Tags : Introduction, future contracts, Corporate Bond

Introduction of credit risk based single issuer limit for investment by mutual fund schemes in debt and money market instruments(29.11.2022)

1. As per Regulation 44(1) read with clause 1 of Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 ("MF Regulation"), a mutual fund scheme sha.....

Tags : Introduction, Credit risk, Investment

Introduction of an online E-EPCG Committee module for accepting applications seeking relaxation in policy/procedure in terms of para 2.58 of FTP 2015-20(19.05.2021)

1. The members of trade are hereby informed that this Directorate is introducing an online e-EPCG Committee module on the DGFT website, a new module a.....

Tags : Introduction, Online, E-EPCG Committee

Introduction of Issue Summary Document (ISD) and dissemination of issue advertisements(15.02.2023)

1. In order to facilitate consumption of data by stakeholders such as researchers, policy makers, market analysts, and market participants, in respect.....

Tags : Introduction, ISD, Issue advertisements

Introduction of a Searchable Database for Ad-hoc Norms fixed under Para 4.07 of HBP(17.07.2023)

1. Reference the subject as mentioned attention is drawn to Para 4.12(vi) of the Handbook of Procedure (HBP) 2023, wherein it is stated that: Norms ra.....

Tags : Introduction, Searchable Database, Ad-hoc Norms

Ministry of I&B introduces key amendments to Cable Television Network Rules, 1994(28.09.2023)

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has yesterday issued a notification amending the Cable Television Network Rules, 1994, thereby introducin.....

Tags : Amendments, Rules, MSO, Introduction

Introduction of Interest Rate Options in India(29.12.2016)

As announced in the fourth bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement 2016-17, it has been decided to introduce Interest Rate Options in India. The Reserve .....

Tags : Options, Interest rate, Introduction

Import policy of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs)/drones(27.07.2016)

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amend.....

Tags : Policy Condition, Imports, Introduction

Introduction of additional settlement batches in National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) System(08.05.2017)

The Reserve Bank of India in its First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2017-18 has announced the introduction of additional settlements in th.....

Tags : NEFT, Additional settlement, Introduction

Secretary, DEA inaugurates the Workshop on the involvement of Multilateral Agencies in developing the capacity of Finance Departments of the States and Union Territories(11.09.2017)

Shri Subhash Chandra Garg, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India inaugurated here today the familiariza.....

Tags : Workshop, Introduction, Multilateral Agencies, Finance Departments, Development

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) System for Digital Payments(06.08.2020)

1. This is with reference to the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated August 6, 2020 wherein the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had a.....

Tags : ODR, Digital Payments, Introduction

Introduction of Online Facility of Requesting Appointment for Virtual Meeting/Personal Hearing to the Exporters From Offices of DGFT W.E.F. 01.06.2023(31.05.2023)

1. With the objective of Trade Facilitation and to extend proactive hand-holding and support to the exporting community, it is informed that an online.....

Tags : Introduction, Online facility, Exporters

SEBI introduces online system for Investment Advisers and Research Analysts(20.10.2016)

SEBI has introduced an online system for Investment Advisers and Research Analysts to promote ease of operations in terms of e-registration, complianc.....

Tags : Online system, Introduction, Investment Advisers

Introduction of a new proforma for filing applications for revalidation of SCOMET export authorisation(27.07.2021)

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy(FTP) 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby.....

Tags : Introduction, New proforma, SCOMET

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