Search Results for Tag : Insertion
Notifications & Circulars
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act, 1958(14.12.2016)
Provisions of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act, 1958 and Rules, 1959 are not out dated and implemented effectively o.....
Tags : Provisions, Amendment, Insertion
Government inserts new policy condition under Chapter 87 of ITC (HS), 2017-Schedule-1 (Import Policy)(28.08.2019)
In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amend.....
Tags : Policy condition, Insertion, Vehicles, Import
Import/export policy for Human Biological Samples for commercial purposes: amendment Schedule - 1 (Import Policy) and Schedule - 2 (Export Policy) of ITC (HS), 2012.(04.08.2016)
The Central Government inserts Import Policy for Human Biological Samples for commercial purposes under General Notes 17 to Schedule - 1 (Import Polic.....
Tags : Import Policy, Insertion, Human Biological Samples, Commercial purposes
Insertion of Policy condition in Chapter 85 and 94 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy)(17.09.2020)
1. In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as am.....
Tags : Insertion, Policy condition