Search Results for Tag : Governance
Notifications & Circulars
Digitalization of Supreme Court and High Court Records(10.08.2023)
Digitization of court records is an administrative matter falling under the domain of the respective High Courts and the Supreme Court of India and th.....
Tags : Digitalization, Records, E-Governance
Format for compliance report on Corporate Governance to be submitted to stock exchanges(24.09.2015)
In addition to the submission of the quarterly compliance report on corporate governance every quarter by listed entities, the Securities Exchange Boa.....
Tags : Corporate governance, format, report, quarterly
RBI releases Discussion Paper on 'Governance in Commercial Banks in India'(11.06.2020)
1. The Reserve Bank of India today released on its website a Discussion Paper on 'Governance in Commercial Banks in India' for public comments.
Tags : Discussion Paper, Governance, Commercial Banks
Autonomy for Central Bank, within the Framework of the RBI Act, Is an Essential and Accepted Governance Requirement: Says Government(31.10.2018)
The autonomy for the Central Bank, within the framework of the RBI Act, is an essential and accepted governance requirement. Governments in India have.....
Tags : Autonomy, Central Bank, Governance
SEBI Board Strengthens Corporate Governance Norms(29.03.2018)
Securities and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI) has accepted 40 out of 80 recommendations that were suggested by the Uday Kotak committee on corporate .....
Tags : SEBI, Corporate Governance