Search Results for Tag : Financial Institutions
Notifications & Circulars
AIFIs to submit balance sheets, consolidated prudential reports(23.06.2016)
RBI introduced the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements of All India Financial Institutions - Presentation, Disclosure and Reporting) Direction.....
Tags : all india financial institutions, disclosure, balance sheet, yearly
Reporting of U.S. Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) for pre-existing accounts by Financial Institutions(15.01.2018)
India and USA have signed the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) under FATCA in 2015. To enhance the effectiveness of information exchange and transpa.....
Tags : Tax Identification Numbers, (TINs), Accounts, Financial Institutions
RBI Allows Financial Institutions to Conduct Business in Indian National Rupee in IFSC(20.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed the Financial Institutions to conduct businesses in Indian National Rupees in International Financial Services Centr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Financial Institutions, Business in Indian National Rupee
Allahabad HC: Private Financial Institutions Performing Public Duties Not ‘State’(02.12.2020)
Allahabad High Court has reiterated that private financial institutions, carrying business or commercial activity, may be performing public duties, bu.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Private Financial Institutions
Supreme Court Bars Lenders from Making Claims in Arbitration Tribunals(25.01.2021)
Supreme Court has barred banks and financial institutions from making a claim in an arbitration tribunal to recover their money stating that holding t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Claims of Banks and Financial Institutions
Karnataka HC: Frauds Committed by Employees with Financial Institutions Serious Offence(07.12.2021)
Karnataka High Court has said that frauds, even if negligible, committed by employees associated with financial institutions have to be viewed very se.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Employees with Financial Institutions
IFSCA Guidance framework on sustainable and sustainability linked lending by financial institutions in IFSCs - Draft(02.03.2022)
The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) has been established as a unified regulator to develop and regulate financial products,.....
Tags : IFSCA Guidance, Lending, Financial institutions
Conference of Statutory Auditors and Chief Financial Officers of Commercial Banks and All India Financial Institutions(09.07.2024)
The Reserve Bank held a Conference for the Statutory Auditors and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of Commercial Banks and All India Financial Institut.....
Tags : Conference, Statutory Auditors, Financial Institutions