Search Results for Tag : Cross Examination
Re-examination of a witness by party calling the witness is a right conferred under statute and unless such a right is declined, a party cannot be denied the opportunity to re-examine witness(11.06.2019)
Present Petition had been preferred against the order passed by the learned Sessions Judge, by means of which the learned trial Court had allowed the .....
Tags : Recall, Witness, Cross examination, Legality
Madhya Pradesh HC: Re-Cross Examination of Witnesses After Closure of Evidence ‘Permissible’(20.03.2017)
Madhya Pradesh High Court held re-cross examination of witnesses under Order 18 and Rule 17 of Civil Procedure Code after evidence is closed is permis.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Re-Cross Examination
Del. HC: Cross Examination of Overseas/Outstation Witnesses can be Done Through VC(23.10.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that in the case of overseas/outstation witnesses if for any reason such witnesses cannot travel and the reason is found to .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Cross Examination, Overseas/Outstation Witnesses
If law provides for a particular manner in which a particular thing is to be done, it should be done in that way only and none other(22.02.2019)
The present petitions is preferred for quashing the impugned orders passed by the Respondent No. 2 and restore the order dated April 10, 2017. Consequ.....
Tags : Cross examination, Right, Expert witnesses
SC: Suggestions to Witness by Defence Counsel in Cross Examination is Part of Evidence(03.04.2023)
Supreme Court has held that suggestions made to witness by defence counsel and reply to such suggestions would definitely form part of evidence and ca.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Cross Examination, Evidence, Suggestions
SC: Right to Cross Examination Can’t be Denied to Accused for Failure To Deposit Interim Compensation(03.08.2022)
Supreme Court has held that right to cross-examine the witnesses examined on behalf of the complainant cannot be denied to an accused for his failure .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Cross Examination, Compensation, Negotiable Instruments
Confession though retracted is an admission and binds the Petitioner(31.03.2022)
Present appeal has been filled against the Order-in- Original adjudicating authority vide which the request for cross examination of panch-witnesses a.....
Tags : cross examination, Panch-witnesses, Request
Non grant of an opportunity to cross examine a witness may attract the doctrine of fairness and even held to be violative of principles of natural justice(13.09.2018)
In facts of present case, the Appellant is engaged in manufacture of chewing tobacco falling under Chapter 24 of Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. The .....
Tags : Cross examination, Request, Denial, Validity
Madras HC: Rigidity of Section 33(5) of POCSO Act Gets Diluted Once Victim Attains Majority(04.07.2022)
Madras High Court has held that Section 33 (5) of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was introduced to ensure that child is n.....
Tags : Madras High Court, POCSO, Cross Examination
Kar. HC: S.33(5) POCSO Doesn’t Imply Accused Won’t be Given Opportunity of Cross Examination(03.03.2023)
Karnataka High Court while observing that as per Section 33 of POCSO Act, victim shall not be called frequently for cross examination by the Court, ha.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, POCSO, Cross Examination
Madras HC Apologises to Women Litigants for Insensitive Questions by a Lawyer(25.11.2022)
Madras High Court while observing that purpose of cross-examination is not to create indelible scars in minds of litigants or to humiliate them, has a.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Cross Examination, Apologised
Pat HC: Evidence of Witness Doesn’t Become Inadmissible Merely Because it Couldn’t be Cross Examined(09.02.2023)
Patna High Court while observing that evidence untested by cross-examination can have no value but the evidence cannot be rejected as inadmissible, ha.....
Tags : Patna High Court, Cross Examination, Evidence
Delhi HC: Cross-Examination Can’t Encompass Questions Which Intend to Cause Humiliation to Witness(03.08.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that the cross-examination cannot encompass questions that are scandalous or intended to cause humiliation to the witness.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Cross Examination, Humiliation
JKL HC: Can’t Fastened Liability Based on Chief Exam. Without Affording Opportunity to Cross Examine(09.06.2023)
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that it shall be highly unsafe to consider the chief examination of a witness, who is not subjected t.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Chief Examination, Cross Examination, Witness
SC: Recording Examination-in-Chief of Witness Without Recording Cross Examination, Contrary to Law(27.03.2024)
Supreme Court has observed that only recording the examination-in-chief of a witness without recording their cross-examination is contrary to law.
Tags : Supreme Court, Examination-in-Chief, Cross Examination
Supreme Court: Try To Complete Cross-Examination of Witness on Same Day(07.04.2022)
Supreme Court has held that once the witness is in the witness box for cross examination, every endeavour must be made to make sure that the cross exa.....
Tags : Supreme Court, cross examination