Chhattisgarh HC: Husband’s Unnatural Sex with Wife is not an Offence  ||  NCLT: No Establishment of Creditor-Debtor Relation from Arrangement Involving Joint Profit-Sharing  ||  NCLAT: Project Management Committee Constituted under Agreement Doesn’t Absolve CD from Obligations  ||  NCLAT: When S. 54C App. is Filed 14 Days after S.7 Application, the Latter should be Decided First  ||  Del. HC: There Must be Full Co-operation of Police with Municipal Bodies to Implement Traffic Plans  ||  Cal. HC: Installation of CCTV Cameras in Residential Portion without Consent Violates Privacy Right  ||  All HC: Restaurant Not Responsible for Quality of Raw Material Purchased from Registered Manufac.  ||  Guj. HC: Grievance Related to MGNREGA Scheme to be Raised under Statutory Scheme Provided Therein  ||  Delhi HC: DU and BCI to Evolve Mechanism for Online Classes  ||  SC: No Liability on Lottery Distributor to Pay Service Tax    

Search Results for Tag : Co-Operative Banks


Gujarat HC Seeks RBI’s Response over its Power to Ban DCCB Transactions & Restricts Withdrawal Limits(06.12.2016)

Gujarat High Court has asked Reserve Bank of India (RBI) whether it has powers to ban transactions at District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCB) or res.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, demonetization, Co-Operative Banks

Bombay HC Refuses to Hear Co-operative Banks Plea on Demonetization Issue(25.11.2016)

Bombay High Court has said that it cannot hear petitions filed by District Co-operative Banks on demonetization issue or grant any relief to them, and.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Co-operative Banks, demonetization

Gujarat HC Seeks Centre’s, RBI’s Response over DCCBs Note Exchange Ban(30.11.2016)

Gujarat High Court has sought replies from Centre and RBI on a petition challenging legality of their notifications banning District Central Co-Operat.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, demonetization, Co-Operative Banks

Supreme Court Directs Centre to List Out Measures Taken to Ease Inconvenience of Rural People(05.12.2016)

Supreme Court has asked Centre to spell out measures taken to ease sufferings and inconvenience of people in rural areas, who are mostly dependent on .....

Tags : Supreme Court, demonetisation, Co-operative banks

PMGKD Scheme Amended to Exclude Co-operative Banks From Accepting Deposits(23.01.2017)

Central Government has amended Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS), 2016 to exclude Co-operative Banks from accepting deposits under P.....

Tags : Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme, Co-operative Banks

Bombay HC Seeks RBI’s Response Over Inconsistencies in Demonetization Directives to Co-operative Bank(22.11.2016)

Bombay HC, while observing that prima facie there were some inconsistencies in two circulars issued by Reserve Bank to District Co-Operative Banks on .....

Tags : Bombay HC, Reserve Bank, Co-Operative Banks, demonetisation


SARFAESI Act is applicable to Cooperative Banks(05.05.2020)

In present case, the question relates to the scope of the legislative field covered by Entry 45 of List I viz. ‘Banking’ and Entry 32 of List II of th.....

Tags : SARFAESI Act, Co-operative banks, Applicability

Notifications & Circulars

Prudential Treatment of Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve by Co-operative Banks(02.08.2024)

1. Under the provisions of the respective State Co-operative Societies Acts, or otherwise, on prudential consideration, several co-operative banks hav.....

Tags : Prudential Treatment, Doubtful Debt Reserve, Co-operative Banks

Non-applicability of the provisions of section 31 read with clause (t) of section 56 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 to primary co-operative banks till 31st December, 2020(29.09.2020)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 53 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), the Central Government, on the .....

Tags : Non-applicability, Provisions, Co-operative banks

RBI releases Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks' Outlook 2015-2016(29.12.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India today released the third volume of the annual publication titled 'Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks' Outlook 2015-16'. The .....

Tags : Co-operative Banks, Urban, Publication, Release

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