Search Results for Tag : Bank of India
RBI Eases NBFC Loan Restructuring Norms(31.07.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted non-bank lenders to retain the 'standard asset' tag on a restructured loan for an extended period if an infr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
RBI Strikes Down Registration Certificate of Seven NBFCs(18.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled certificate of registration of seven Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including that of Religare Fina.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,NBFCs
RBI Clears 11 Payments Banks(20.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given 'in principle' clearance to 11 entities to set up 'payments banks'. These entities include department of posts, .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Payments Banks
RBI Withdraws Banks' 25% Compensation(28.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has withdrawn 25 per cent compensation to banks for detecting fake notes.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,25 per cent compensation
RBI Cancels Sahara's NBFC Licence for Flouting Know-Your-Customer Norms(15.09.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled licence of Sahara India Financial Corporation Ltd (SIFCL), Sahara group’s Non-Banking Financial Co.(NBFC), e.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sahara
RBI Orders Concurrent Auditors to Submit Reports on Non-Performing Loans Directly to Banks(25.09.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed concurrent auditors of commercial banks to submit their review of non-performing loans directly to the banks .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,concurrent auditors of commercial banks
RBI Cut Repo Rate by 50 bps(29.09.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cut its repo rate by 50 basis points to 6.75%, while keeping the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) unchanged at 4%. This was fo.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Repo Rate
RBI Permits Companies to Raise $750 mn through Rupee Bonds(30.09.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted companies to raise up to $750 million from overseas markets under automatic route, through rupee-denominated.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,companies
Sebi Exempts 3 PSBs From Takeover Code Obligations(30.09.2015)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has exempted Centre from discloser of takeover code obligations for its investment in Dena Bank, Bank of.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India,Dena Bank, Bank of India, Corporation Bank.
RBI: No Foreign Exchange Act Action against Declarant for Disclosure Under Black Money Window(01.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said no action under FEMA will be taken against declarations under one-time black money compliance window. RBI has alr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,FEMA ,black money compliance window
RBI Eases MFI Norms to Provide Cheaper Loans to SCs Below Double Poverty Line(05.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased micro finance norm of maximum 4 % variance in interest rates for small loans offered to Scheduled Castes (SCs ).....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , SC
RBI Notifies Increase in FPI Holding Limits(07.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified that Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) would be able to hold up to R1.66 lakh crore worth of government secur.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,Foreign Portfolio Investors
RBI Boosts Affordable Housing(09.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that banks could provide home loans up to 90% for properties that cost up to Rs 30 lakh, giving a boost to low-co.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,banks
RBI Turns Net Seller of Foreign Currency in August(13.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the first time in the past one year has turned net sellers of foreign currency in August to help arrest the slide in t.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India (RBI),Foreign Currency
Yes Bank Gets RBI Approval for MF and AMC(13.10.2015)
Yes Bank has received Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approval to set up a mutual fund asset management company and trustee company as wholly owned subsid.....
Tags : Yes Bank, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Issues Revised Guidelines for FIF(16.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued revised guidelines for scope of activities and objectives of its Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF). The corpus of .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, FIF
RBI: No Relaxation in CRR, SLR Norms(19.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has junked the plea of entities that have secured licences to set up small finance banks that they be given some leeway in.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, small finance banks
RBI Issues Guidelines for the Gold Monetisation Scheme(23.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines for the Gold Monetisation Scheme. RBI has issued directions for banks on implementation of the gold .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Gold Monetisation Scheme
RBI Says No Fresh Permission to Foreign Law Firms for Liaison Office(30.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said it would not grant fresh or renewed permission to any foreign law firm to open a liaison office in the country.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Law Firms
RBI Permits Custodians or Banks to Short-Sell in Govt. Bond Market(30.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted custodians or banks to short-sell in Government Bond Market with primary members or individual bank customer.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Government Bond Market, Custodians , Banks
RBI Allows NRIs to Investment in National Pension Schemes(30.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to subscribe to pension scheme, which is governed, administered by Pension Fund Re.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Resident Indians, National Pension Schemes
RBI Grants NBFCs More Power to Change Ownership in Stressed Firms(30.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) to upgrade credit facilities extended to borrowing entities whose owners.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Banking Finance Companies
Deepak Singhal Takes Over as RBI Executive Director(04.11.2015)
Deepak Singhal has taken over as new Executive Director at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
RBI Issues Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines(05.11.2015)
Reserve Bank has issued operational guidelines for Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 and mandated some operational procedures for Commercial banks and pos.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Commercial banks , post offices, Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines
RBI Includes Bandhan Bank in Second Schedule List(06.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that Bandhan Bank is now included in the second schedule list, making it eligible for loans from the central bank.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Bandhan Bank
RBI Stop to Barter Trade on Indo-Myanmar Border(06.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to officially stop barter system, which is trading of goods without exchange of money, at Indo-Myanmar border......
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Barter Trade , Indo-Myanmar Border
RBI Clears Way for Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking Industry(20.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that it permit promoters/investors to own more than 10% if applicant meets certain conditions including if `it is.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking Industry
RBI Permits Regional Rural Banks (RRB) to Launch Internet Banking(20.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed strong regional rural banks to launch online transaction through internet banking. Profitable RRBs with minimu.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , RRB
RBI’s Nod Mandatory to Buy 5% or More in Banks(20.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that its prior approval will be required for acquisition of shares or voting rights in a private bank for increas.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , private bank
RBI Postpones Issue Date of Sovereign Gold Bonds(25.11.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has postponed issue date of sovereign gold bond by four days to November 30 to enable their smooth uploading into the cent.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sovereign Gold Bonds
RBI Relaxes ECB Norms for Accessing Foreign Loans(01.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has unveiled a revised External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) policy, entailing, among other things, a more liberal approach.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, External Commercial Borrowing
RBI Revises Priority Sector Lending Norms for RRBs(04.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised the priority sector lending target for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) to 75% of total outstanding loans from 60% .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks
RBI Cancels License of 56 NBFCs(07.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled a bulk of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Licence, for either violating regulatory norms or surrende.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Non-Banking Financial Companies
RBI Announces Timetable Reduction in SLR(11.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a reduction in share of government securities known as Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) that banks have to ma.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Statutory Liquidity Ratio
RBI Revises Norms for 'When issued' Security(11.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in order to encourage trading in ‘When Issued’ transactions in government securities, has allowed banks to take short posi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , ‘When Issued’ transactions
SC: RBI Must Disclose All Info About Banks Under RTI(17.12.2015)
Supreme Court has ruled that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is bound in law to give information regarding private and public banks under the Right To Inf.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Right To Information , Reserve Bank of India
RBI Issues New Guidelines for Banks to Fix Lending Rate(18.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines on how banks can calculate their lending rates in a bid to make them more closely based on marke.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , lending rates
RBI to Banks: Allow Mobile Banking Registration at ATMs(18.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked all National Financial Switch (NFS) member banks to make changes in ATM switches by March 2016 to help customers.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, National Financial Switch
RBI: Small Finance Banks Can Join Payment System(23.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that entities who received in-principle approval for setting up payments banks and small finance banks can join a.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, payment system
RBI Says No Deadline for Resolving Complaints under Banking Ombudsman Scheme(23.12.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that there is no time limit for resolution of complaints under Banking Ombudsman scheme, aimed at seeking redress.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Ombudsman scheme
RBI Tightens Norms for Banks Lending to Overseas Subsidiary of Indian Companies(04.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened norms for banks lending to overseas subsidiary of Indian companies by raising the provisions substantially a.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , subsidiary of Indian companies
RBI Issues 17 Master Directions Related to FEMA(05.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued 17 Master Directions covering foreign exchange transactions on various regulatory issues in order to simplify .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Master Directions
RBI Allows IFSCs Bank Branches to Open Foreign Currency Current Accounts(08.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted bank branches at International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) to open foreign currency current accounts .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , International Financial Services Centres
RBI Allows Banks to Extend Non-Fund Based Credit(08.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to extend non-fund based credit, not the usual form of normal loans and thereby lifted the old age ban.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, non-fund based credit
RBI Tightens Provisions for Yet to Fail CDR Accounts(12.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked lenders to increase provisioning for accounts that may not have yet failed Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) bu.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Corporate Debt Restructuring
RBI Permits Banks to Offer More Services Via Offsite ATMs(15.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that banks are now free to offer all their products and services through the ATM channels provided technology per.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ATM
RBI: Aadhaar is Not Mandatory for DBT Scheme(15.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said in a clarification on Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme that use of Aadhaar cards and seeding of bank accounts.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Direct Benefit Transfer, Aadhaar
Govt.: MUDRA Not to Regulate Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)(18.01.2016)
Government has said that Reserve Bank of India would continue to regulate MFIs registered as Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) with central bank. .....
Tags : Government ,R eserve Bank of India , MFIs, MUDRA
RBI Simplifies Gold Monetisation Scheme(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has simplified Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS) for bulk depositors, in order to help temple boards to do so and also allowe.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Gold Monetisation Scheme
RBI Nods to Hike Service Charge on Deposits by Non-Chest Branches(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said currency chest holding branches can raise service charges to be levied on cash deposited by non-chest bank branch.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Chest Branches
RBI Asks Banks to Extend loans to Women SHGs at 7 % Rate(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans up to Rs 3 lakh at 7 per cent interest rate to Women Self-Help Group (SHG) under the Nati.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Women Self-Help Group
RBI Operationalise CFR(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in order to minimize frauds, has operationalised a Central Fraud Registry (CFR) with effect from January 20.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Central Fraud Registry
Delhi HC Asks RBI to Submit its Latest Circular on FDI Policy(27.01.2016)
While hearing a public interest litigation seeking a thorough investigation against all firms that have received FDI, Delhi High Court has sought a re.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, FDI policy
RBI Cancels Rs 9k crore T-bill Auction(28.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled a Rs 9,000-crore auction of Government's 91-day Treasury Bills (T-bills) as it was not willing to accede to .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, T-bills
RBI Mandates Online Filing of FDI Forms from February 8(02.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to file forms related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) only online on the e-Biz portal from February 8.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Direct Investment
RBI Eases FDI Norms to Boost Start-Ups(03.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed several rules including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms to boost start-up activity in the country.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Direct Investment , Start-Ups
RBI Updates Norms of Fema(05.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), with an aim to promote ease of doing business, has come out with nine updated rules under the Foreign Exchange Management.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , oreign Exchange Management Act (Fema), 1999
RBI Announces Rs 10,000 Crore OMO Purchases(05.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced an Open Market Operation (OMO) purchase of government securities worth Rs 10,000 crore on February 8.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Open Market Operation
SC to RBI: Disclose Names of India's Biggest Loan Defaulters(17.02.2016)
SC has sought list of companies from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) who have defaulted in paying back loan to PSU banks and have contributed to massive l.....
Tags : SC, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Revises Norms for NBFC Factor Firms(19.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has came out with clarifications for NBFC factor companies to remove any possible regulatory arbitrage with banks that pro.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , NBFC factor companies
RBI Revises SDR Norms(26.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks going in for Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) scheme to make sufficient provisions to the tune of 15 per.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Strategic Debt Restructuring
RBI Issues Draft Norms for Account Aggregators(04.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued draft guidelines for setting up of Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) that would act as account aggregators a.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Non-Banking Finance Companies
RBI to Banks: Pay Interest on Savings Account Every Quarter(16.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to pay interest on their customers’ savings accounts on a quarterly basis or shorter duration.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, savings accounts
RBI Issues Norms for PDs in Exchange-Traded Currency Futures(18.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines permitting standalone Primary Dealers (PDs) to participate in exchange-traded currency futures on ap.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Primary Dealers, Currency Futures
RBI Revises Rules for Resolution of Stressed MSME Loans(18.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised rules pertaining to revival of advances to small businesses and asked lenders to form district-level committee.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , MSME
RBI Permits Banks to Adjust Excess Pension(18.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to adjust excess or wrongful payments to pensioners with their accounts. In case the entire amount could.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Pension
RBI Relaxes Reporting Requirement of NEFT Transactions(18.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said it is discontinuing provision where banks had to submit data pertaining to NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfe.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT Transactions
RBI Eases LCR Norm(25.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given bankers more flexibility in maintenance of Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) under Basel III by tweaking certain no.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Liquidity Coverage Ratio
RBI: Fixed Rate Loans up to 3 Years to be Based on Marginal Cost(30.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to price fixed rate loans of up to three years based on their marginal cost of fund from April 1.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Fixed Rate Loans
RBI Increases Investment Limit of FPIs(30.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased investment limit of Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) in central government bonds to Rs 2 lakh crore, from .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Portfolio Investors
RBI Extends E-Payment Deadline and Banking Hours(30.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued instructions wherein it has been decided that all agency banks shall keep counters of their designated branches.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, E-Payment
RBI Relaxes ECB Norms for Infrastructure Sector(31.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed all companies engaged in infrastructure sector to raise external commercial borrowings with a minimum maturity.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ECB Norms
RBI Releases First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17(05.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17, lowered key interest rates by 25 basis points to 6.5 per.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17
RBI Issues Guidelines on PSLCs(08.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has released guidelines for Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs), where banks can buy and sell instruments to man.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Priority Sector Lending Certificates
RBI Amends Norms on Bank Frauds(19.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), while amending disclosure norms, has asked banks to disclose fraud cases and make provisions for them not exceeding four .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank Frauds
Delhi HC Seeks Centre's Response over RBI's Circular on E-Retail(22.04.2016)
Dellhi HC has sought Centre's response on petition challenging a circular by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as per which retail trading in any form thro.....
Tags : Dellhi HC , Reserve Bank of India
RBI Relaxes Deposit Norms for Foreign Missions, Diplomats(06.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has repealed and superseded regulations under the Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000, in consultation.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000,
RBI Issues Shareholding Norms for Private Sector Banks(13.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines on ownership in private sector banks by bundling shareholding patterns into two broad categories.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Private Sector Banks
RBI Issues Guidelines for Voluntary Surrender of Licence by PSOs(13.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines for voluntary surrender of licence by Payment System Operators (PSOs) under Payment & Settlements Sy.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , PSOs
RBI’s Nod to FPIs to Invest in Unlisted Debt Securities(17.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to invest in unlisted debt securities as well as in securitised debt instru.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Portfolio Investors
RBI Eases Norms on FDI in CICs(20.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased norms around Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in credit information companies (CICs) in India.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, FDI
RBI: SDR Norms Applicable to NBFCs Too(27.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that modifications made to Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) mechanism by RBI in February this year will now be .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NBFCs, SDR
RBI Relaxes Stressed Asset Restructuring Rules for Banks(14.06.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed guidelines for restructuring of large stressed assets by lenders in a move that would allow the banks to more .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Asset Restructuring Rules
RBI Permits Start-Ups to Open Currency Account Abroad(24.06.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed startups with an overseas subsidiary to open foreign currency accounts abroad to credit foreign exchange earni.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, startups
RBI Relaxes Rules for ECBs(01.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said eased rules for External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) and said that Indian companies will need to submit for appr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ECBs
RBI Notifies Rates for Small Saving Schemes for Q2(08.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified the interest rates for different small savings schemes for the quarter ending September. The interest rates h.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, small savings schemes
RBI Sets Rupee Reference Rate against US Dollar and Euro(08.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has fixed reference rate of the rupee at 67.4972 against the US dollar and 74.8274 for the euro.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, reference rate
Delhi HC Issues Restraining Orders on Bank Strike(12.07.2016)
Delhi HC has issued interim orders restraining staff and officers associations from going on strike against proposed merger of associate banks with St.....
Tags : Delhi HC, State Bank of India
RBI Imposes Penalty on 3 Banks in Forex Scam(26.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed penalties of Rs.5 crore on Bank of Baroda, Rs.3 crore on Punjab National Bank and Rs.2 crore on HDFC Bank, in .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex Scam
Gujarat HC Dismisses PIL against Sudhir Mankad’s Appointment to RBI(26.07.2016)
Gujarat HC has junked PIL challenging appointment of ex-Chairman of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT-City) Sudhir Mankad as a Non-Officiat.....
Tags : Gujarat HC, Sudhir Mankad , Reserve bank of India
Bombay HC Issues Contempt Notice to RBI Regional Director(27.07.2016)
Bombay HC has issued contempt notice to Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Regional Director in a contempt plea filed by Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari.....
Tags : Bombay HC , Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari Sanghatna, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Imposes Rs 27-Crore Penalty on 13 Banks for FEMA Violations(28.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has penalized 13 banks and slapped a fine of Rs 27 crore for violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) provision.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , FEMA, banks
RBI: Retail Investors can Access G-Sec Market(29.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that retail investors can access Government Securities (G-Sec) market, in a seamless manner from August 16.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, G-Sec, retail investors
RBI Launches Website “Sachet” to Tackle Fraud(05.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched a website named “Sachet” from which anyone can obtain information regarding entities that are allowed to acce.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sachet
RBI Relaxes Norms in Cheque Dishonour Cases(05.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms in cheque dishonour cases of Rs 1 crore and above.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Cheque Dishonour Cases
RBI Authorises Select Bank Branches to Collect Advance Tax(16.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has authorised various bank branches, including those of SBI, ICICI, HDFC Bank, PNB and Bank of Baroda, to collect income .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Advance Tax
RBI to Banks: Provide Loans to Women SHGs at 7%(26.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans to women self-help groups (SHGs) at 7 per cent per annum, as per the government's revised.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, self-help groups
RBI to CICs: Give FFCR to Individuals Once a year(02.09.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed Credit Information Companies (CICs) to provide access to one Free Full Credit Report (FFCR), including credit.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, CICs, FFCR t
Delhi HC Allows RBI to Intervene in Tata-NTT Docomo Case(06.10.2016)
Delhi HC has allowed the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to file an intervention application in the enforcement proceedings initiated by NTT Docomo to rea.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Reserve Bank of India, Tata-NTT Docomo
RBI Issues Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks(07.10.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed payments banks and small finance banks to use digital banking to open bank accounts while streamlining their r.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, finance banks, payments banks, Guidelines
Reserve Bank Asks to Replace 17.5 Lakh Debit Cards(20.10.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to replace debit cards whose security is suspected to have been compromised after being used in some Autom.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Automated Teller Machines
RBI Permits 100% FDI in Regulated Financial Services(21.10.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted 100 % foreign direct investment in 'Other Financial Services' carried out by NBFCs, a move which will help a.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 100% FDI , Regulated Financial Services
RBI Allows Banks to Raise Funds Via Masala Bonds(04.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to issue Rupee-Denominated Bonds, or Masala Bonds, in overseas market to shore up their capital base as .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Masala Bonds
RBI Permits Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs to Hedge Forex Exposure(07.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Indian subsidiaries of multinational companies to hedge their foreign currency exposure through derivatives, O.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Indian subsidiaries, foreign currency
RBI: New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes From November 10(09.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, Urjit Patel has said that Apex Bank will launch new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 currency notes from November 10.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes
RBI Eases Stressed Asset Resolution Norms(11.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased rules for various stressed asset resolution schemes and expanded scope of a loan recast plan previously limited .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , infrastructure sector, Stressed Asset Resolution
CIC: Records of Loans to Adani Groups Cannot be Disclosed under RTI(28.11.2016)
Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that records related to loans given to industries promoted by Gautam Adani cannot be disclosed as these .....
Tags : Central Information Commission, Gautam Adani , State Bank of India , Loans
RBI Capped Withdrawal From Jan Dhan Accounts to Rs. 10000 Per Month(30.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a notification saying that Jan Dhan Account Holders will be allowed to withdraw only Rs 10,000 a month, as a te.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Jan Dhan Account, money laundering, withdraw
Delhi HC Notices TATA, Docomo over RBI Application(02.12.2016)
Delhi High Court has asked NTT Docomo Inc. and Tata Sons Ltd to respond to a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) application seeking to be heard in a dispute .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Docomo, Tata, Reserve Bank of India
Karnataka High Court Summons Vijay Mallya in Contempt Case(05.12.2016)
Karnataka High Court has ordered Businessman Vijay Mallya to appear before Court on 19 January for charges to be framed in a contempt case filed by pu.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Vijay Mallya, State Bank of India
RBI Eases Authentication Rules for Online Card Transactions(07.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has removed two-factor authentication for online card transactions involving sums up to Rs2,000 in a move aimed at simplif.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Online Card Transactions
RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17; Kept Repo Rate Unchanged(07.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17 wherein it has kept Repo rate unchanged at 6.25 percent, .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Monetary Policy, Reverse Repo, Repo rate
RBI Allows Use of OTP for Account Opening(09.12.2016)
To quicken the process of opening of bank account, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has amended its know your customer (KYC) rules to allow banks to open n.....
Tags : RBI, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Relaxes Deposits Norm of More Than Rs 5,000 in Old Denominations For KYC A/Cs(21.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India has relaxed its notification, specifying that deposits of over 5000 rupees could be made only after furnishing a satisfactory re.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Old Denominations, Deposits, KYC A/Cs, demonetisation
RBI Eases Bad Loan Classification Norms For Small Borrowers, Farmers(29.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms for bad loan classification for small borrowers, including farmers, giving them additional 30 days to re.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, loan, repayment, Small Borrowers
RBI Extends Note Exchange Deadline for NRI’s till June 30(02.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has said that Non-resident Indians (NRIs) can exchange old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes till June 30, 2017.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000, Demonetisation
RBI Enhances Withdrawal Limits From ATMs From Rs. 4500 to Rs 10,000 Per Day(16.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enhanced limit on withdrawals from ATMs from current limit of Rs.4,500 to Rs.10,000 per day per card.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Withdrawal Limits, ATMs
RBI Bans Investments in ‘Non-cooperative Countries’(27.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has prohibited Indian entities from making direct investments in any entity located in 'non co-operative countries and ter.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-cooperative Countries, investments
RBI Rejects EC Request to Enhance Withdrawal Limits For Poll Candidates(30.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has rejected request of Election Commission (EC) to enhance weekly cash-withdrawal limit, imposed after demonetisation, fo.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Election Commission
RBI: No Restrictions on ATM Withdrawals From Feb 01(31.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that limits on ATM withdrawals will further be eased from February 1 and curbs on branch withdrawals from current.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ATM Withdrawals
Bombay HC Slams RBI For Not Exchanging Old Notes in Deceased’s Locker(03.02.2017)
Bombay High Court came down heavily on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for not complying with its order to change demonetised currency notes totalling Rs .....
Tags : Bombay High Court , Reserve Bank of India
RBI Directs Banks to Report Cyber Crimes within 6 Hours(03.02.2017)
RBI, while asking banks to report any cyber security incident within two to six hours of its happening, has warned lenders that any delay in reporting.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cyber security
RBI Allows NRIs to Access ETCS Market(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed NRIs access to Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives (ETCD) market to hedge currency risk arising out of their .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives
RBI Issues Revised Guidelines For Commercial Papers(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued revised guidelines for commercial papers, including mandating that the issuer must disclose end-use of such fun.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, commercial papers
RBI Allows Banks to Use Statutory Reserves for AT1 Bond Coupon Payment(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks to use statutory reserves to pay coupon (interest) on additional Tier-I bonds, subject to certain riders.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Tier-I bonds
RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, Maintains Status Quo on Repo Rate(08.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued its sixth Bi-monthly Policy Statement for the year, wherein Apex Bank decided to hold on to repo rate at 6.25 p.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-monthly Policy Statement, repo rate
RBI: No Cash Withdrawal Limits Post March 13(09.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that cash withdrawal limits, currently in place for savings bank accounts will be removed in two stages, initiall.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Cash Withdrawal
RBI Signs MOU on Information Exchange With Bank of Zambia(16.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has inked an information exchange pact with Bank of Zambia aimed at forging greater cooperation.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Zambia
RBI Releases Draft MDR Norms(17.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released draft norms for revamping Merchant Discount Rate (MDR), with an aim to make it more cost effective and appeal.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Merchant Discount Rate
RBI: Now Withdraw Rs 50,000/Week From Your Saving Accounts(21.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enhanced withdrawal limit on saving accounts from February 20, 2017 to Rs 50,000 per week.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, withdrawal limit
Supreme Court Notices Centre Over RBI's Refusal to Exchange Demonetised Notes(06.03.2017)
Supreme Court has issued a notice to Central Government on a plea challenging Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) refusal to accept Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 note.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Says ‘Banks Can Accept Coloured Notes’ Appeals to Avoid Dirtying Them(10.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has clarified that banks can accept colour-stained notes amid messages circulating on WhatsApp that public sector banks have bee.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Coloured Notes
Reserve Bank of India Lifts All Limit on Cash Withdrawals(14.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted all limits on cash withdrawals from banks and ATMs.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cash withdrawals
Delhi HC Grants One More Day to RBI For Finalizing Stand on Tata-Docomo Arbitration Award(15.03.2017)
Delhi High Court has allowed Reserve Bank of India (RBI) a further day to finalise its stand on enforcement of $ 1.18 billion Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo arb.....
Tags : Delhi High Court , Reserve Bank of India, Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo
Kerala High Court Dismisses Plea Challenging Bank Merger(27.03.2017)
Kerala High Court has dismissed a batch of Public Interest Petitions challenging decision of State Bank of India (SBI) to acquire State Bank of Travan.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, State Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India to Allow Exchange of Rs 4500 in Old Notes in Nepal(27.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will allow exchange of up to Rs 4,500 in banned Indian currency notes to each Nepali national.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Demonetisation
RBI: Banks to Remain Closed on April 1(31.03.2017)
Reversing its earlier order, Reserve Bank (RBI) has said that the bank branches dealing in government businesses need not remain open on April 1 in vi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, April 1
Status Quo on MDR: RBI(31.03.2017)
RBI has said that its mid-December 2016 ‘special measures’ on rationalisation of merchant discount rate (MDR) will continue whereby MDR for transactio.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, merchant discount rate
Madras High Court Orders Status Quo on Service Conditions of Migrant Bank Employees(13.04.2017)
Madras High Court has ordered status quo on service conditions linked to terminal benefits, pension and seniority of migrant employees of five banks w.....
Tags : Madras High Court , State Bank of India
RBI Revises Norms For Action Against Weak Banks(14.04.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened rules that trigger regulatory action on lenders when they fall short of capital or exceed bad loan limits.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Weak Banks
RBI: Banks Cannot Refuse to Accept Scribbled, Coloured, Faded Bank Notes(01.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has clarified by its notification dated 25th April 2017 that bank branches cannot refuse to accept scribbled/coloured/fade.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Scribbled, Coloured, Faded Bank Notes
RBI Issues Norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds(29.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has issued norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds making it mandatory for corporate bonds to have rating by a m.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Partial Credit Enhancement
RBI Revises Guidelines on Rationalization of Branch Authorization Policy(29.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has liberalised Branch Authorization Policy and has also widened role of bank boards, making them responsible for complyin.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Branch Authorization Policy
RBI Maintains Status Quo, Keeps REPO Rate Unchanged at 6.25%(07.06.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has held on to policy rate at 6.25 percent in its monetary policy review on June 7, 2017, the second bi-monthly review for.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, REPO Rate
CIC Directs RBI To Appoint Nodal CPIO(14.06.2017)
Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed Reserve Bank of India to appoint a Nodal Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), in addition to c.....
Tags : Central Information Commission, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Widens Scope of Ombudsman Scheme, Mobile And Electronic Banking Brought Under Purview(26.06.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has widened scope of its Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, to include inter alia deficiencies arising out of sale of insurance/ mut.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006
SC Notices RBI, FM Over Plea For Exchange of Old Notes Found in Dead Parents’ Bank Locker(24.07.2017)
Supreme Court has issued notice to RBI and Finance Ministry on a fresh plea seeking permission to deposit Rs 60 lakh in old notes which were lying in .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India
#RBI Monetary Policy: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Cut by 25 bps(02.08.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has reduced its repo rate by 25 bps to 6% and the reverse repo rate by 25 bps to 5.75%.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Monetary Policy
RBI Notifies P2P Lending Platforms as NBFCs(21.09.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has notified that Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending platforms will fall under the ambit of a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Banking Financial Company
RBI Amends Investment, Trading Rules for Banks(26.09.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred banks from investing in category III Alternative Investment Funds, specified norms for their participation in c.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Alternative Investment Funds
RBI Keeps Repo Rate Unchanged at 6%, Raises Inflation Forecast for Next Two Quarters(06.12.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has kept repo rate unchanged at 6 percent. The inflation forecast for the next two quarters has been increased from 4.2 - .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
RBI Notifies Levy of Penal Interest on Banks for Delayed Reporting of Transactions(12.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has issued a notification regarding levy of penal interest on the Banks for delayed reporting of transactions.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency
RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency
RBI Refuses to Extend Deadline for PPIs to Complete Customer Verification(27.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has refused to extend the 28 February deadline for prepaid payment instruments (PPIs) such as mobile wallets to complete k.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, prepaid payment instruments, know-your-customer
RBI Imposes Penalty on Equitas for Selling MF, Insurance Products Without Approval(09.03.2018)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on Equitas Small Finance Bank for distributing mutual fund (MF), insurance and wealth .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Equitas Small Finance Bank
RBI Hikes Repo Rate by 25 bps to 6.5%(01.08.2018)
Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) monetary policy committee (MPC) has raised repo rate by 25 basis points (bps) to 6.5%.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Repo Rate
COMPANY - NCLAT Slams RCom's Lender SBI over Rs. 37,000 Crore Asset Sale(12.03.2019)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has slammed lenders of Reliance Communications, State Bank of India, for painting a rosy picture of Anil Amban.....
Tags : NCLAT, State Bank of India, Reliance Communication
BANKING - Bombay HC Refuses Interim Relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Promoter Stake Issue(13.03.2019)
Bombay High Court has refused to grant any interim relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Reserve Bank of India’s direction to dilute promoter shareholding .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Reserve Bank of India
SC Strikes Down RBI Circular on Defaulting Firms, Calls it Unconstitutional(02.04.2019)
Supreme Court has quashed a Reserve Bank of India circular of February 12, 2018, asking banks to classify a loan account as stressed if there was even.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Releases First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20(04.04.2019)
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced its resolution under first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2019-.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20
Reserve Bank Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)
Madras High Court has observed that the employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees.
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)
Madras High Court has held that employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees and also observed that fact that Central G.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India Removes Charges on NEFT, RTGS Transfers(07.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that it is waiving off charges that are applied on bank transfers carried out either by National Electronic .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS
Reserve Bank of India Revises Stressed Asset Norms(10.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a new prudential framework for resolution of stressed assets, effectively replacing its 12 February 2018 circul.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Stressed Asset
Reserve Bank of India Eases Norms for No-Frills Accounts(11.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has eased the norms for the Basic Savings Bank Deposit (BSBD) accounts popularly known as no-frills accounts by allowing banks t.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, No-Frills Accounts
Reserve Bank of India to Lift All Charges on Fund Transfers via RTGS and NEFT from July 1(12.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it will lift all charges on fund transfer through popular RTGS and NEFT systems from July 1, 2019 and asked banks .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS
SAT Sets Aside Rs 3 Lakh Penalty on Central Bank of India(10.09.2019)
Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside a penalty of Rs 3 lakh levied by markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) on C.....
Tags : SAT, Central Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India Permits Banks to Trade in Forex Outside of Market Hours(07.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it has permitted category–I banks to offer foreign exchange prices to users at all times, out of their Indian book.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex
Reserve Bank of India Revises PCA Regime for UCBs Facing Financial Stress(07.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has decided to revise its Supervisory Action Framework to place restrictions on urban cooperative banks (UCBs) for deterioration.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, PCA Regime
Reserve Bank of India Rejects Request to Extend Jan 7 Deadline(08.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has rejected banks’ demand to extend the January 7 deadline to come up with resolution plans under Inter-Creditor Agreements on .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Deadline
Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restrictions on Catholic Syrian Bank on Opening Branches(15.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted a restriction that was imposed on the Catholic Syrian Bank for opening new branches, given the delayed initial public.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Catholic Syrian Bank
RBI Allows Financial Institutions to Conduct Business in Indian National Rupee in IFSC(20.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed the Financial Institutions to conduct businesses in Indian National Rupees in International Financial Services Centr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Financial Institutions, Business in Indian National Rupee
Reserve Bank of India Cancels Vodafone’s Certificate of Authorization for M- Pesa(22.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it has cancelled the Certificate of Authorization of Vodafone M- Pesa on account of voluntary surrender of authori.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Vodafone
Reserve Bank of India Raises Investment Cap for FPIs in Corporate and Government Debt Instruments(24.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has raised the investment limit for foreign portfolio investors in Government and Corporate Bonds, in a bid to bring in more for.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Investment Cap for Foreign Portfolio Investors
Reserve Bank of India Issues Directions for Permitting Rupee Derivatives to be Traded in IFSCs(24.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has released directions under Section 45 W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 permitting Rupee derivatives to be traded in I.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Trading of Rupee Derivatives in IFSCs
Reserve Bank of India Penalizes HDFC Bank Rs 1 Crore for Failing Know Your Customer Norms(30.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has imposed a penalty of Rs 1 Crore on Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) Bank for failing to comply with the Centra.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, HDFC, KYC Norms
Reserve Bank of India Allows Kotak Bank to Retain 26% Promoter Stake(31.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed Kotak Mahindra Bank’s founder Uday Kotak to retain 26 % promoter stake in a dispute over the bank’s promoter shareho.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding
Reserve Bank of India Extends Deadline to Opt for Oversight Cadre(03.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has extended the cut-off date for its officers to opt for the specialized supervisory and regulatory cadre till July 31.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Oversight Cadre
Calcutta High Court Asks Reserve Bank of India to Act Against Bank of Baroda(17.02.2020)
Calcutta High Court has asked the Reserve Bank of India to consider “appropriate steps” against the Bank of Baroda, including cancelling its banking l.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Baroda
Reserve Bank of India Approves Kotak Mahindra’s Proposal to Trim Stake of Promoters(20.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has given final approval to Kotak Mahindra Bank’s proposal on reducing promoters’ stakes and capping their voting rights.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding
Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restriction on Bandhan Bank(26.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted the restriction on Bandhan Bank to expand its branch network after considering the efforts made by the private lender.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bandhan Bank
RBI Permits Lending Institutions to Allow 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans(27.03.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced that all commercial banks and non-banking financial companies are permitted to allow 3-month moratorium on the pay.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans
RBI Announces Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate(27.03.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a 75 basis points cut in repo rates, 90 basis points cut to 4% in reverse repo rate as a measure to counter .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate
Delhi HC: RBI's Intention is to Maintain Status Quo on Account Classification as on March 1(15.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has provided interim relief to an account from being declared a Non Performing Asset by the Punjab & Sind Bank in light of the morato.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Status Quo on Account Classification
RBI: 90-Day NPA Norm Shall Exclude Moratorium Period for Standard Accounts as on March 1(17.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced that the moratorium permitted by it on 27th March, 2020 due to COVID-19 situation can be excluded from the 90-day .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Moratorium Period for Standard Accounts
RBI Increases Short-Term Borrowing Capacity of Central Government(21.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has increased the short-term borrowing capacity of the Central Government by over 65% to temper market fears that excessive borr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Short-Term Borrowings of Government
RBI Opens Rs 50kcr Flexible Liquidity Window to Aid MFs(28.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has opened a Rs 50,000 Crores flexible liquidity window to help mutual funds cope with redemption pressure, tempering inve.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Liquidity Window
RBI Slashes Key Rate 40 Basis Points to New All-Time Low(25.05.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has cut key interest rates by 40 basis points to a new low of 4%, citing an assessment of Gross Domestic Product contraction in .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Interest Rates
Reserve Bank of India Keeps Lending Rate Unchanged in the Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy(06.08.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has come out with the Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy whereby the key lending rate has remained unchanged. The Committee has kept rep.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy
#Major Changes Implementing From Today: RBI’s New Credit and Debit Card Rules(01.10.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines which will become effective from 1st October, 2020 to secure debit and credit cards, whereby car.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Credit and Debit Card Rules
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Anil Ambani's Plea Seeking Impleadment of Chinese Banks(13.10.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice in an application moved by Anil Ambani seeking the impleadment of Chinese banks in his pending Petition challenging.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Anil Ambani, State Bank of India
RBI Extends Debt, Currency Trading Hours from November 9(03.11.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced phased restoration of trading hours for various debt as well as currency market from 9th November, 2020.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Restoration of Trading hours
RBI Directs Banks Not to Grant/Renew Permissions to Foreign Law Firms for Opening Liaison Offices(24.11.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has directed the banks not to grant fresh permissions/ renewal of permission to any foreign law firm for opening of Liaison Offi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Permissions to Foreign law Firms
Delhi HC Directs RBI to Reconsider Jindal Steel and Power Ltd Application(07.12.2020)
Delhi High Court has remanded to the Reserve Bank of India, an application by Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) to transmit $300 million to its wholly.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd
Delhi HC Directs RBI to Reconsider Jindal Steel and Power Ltd Application(07.12.2020)
Delhi High Court has remanded to the Reserve Bank of India, an application by Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) to transmit $300 million to its wholly.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd
RBI Implements ‘Positive Pay’ System for Cheque Transactions(31.12.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has implemented ‘Positive Pay’ system for cheque transactions above Rs 50,000, to enhance security and reduce instances of.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Positive Pay System
RBI Rejects Demand of Online Merchants to Store Customers’ Credit Card Data(26.02.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has rejected the demand of top online merchants like Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Flipkart and Zomato to store customers’ credit .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Customers’ Credit Card Data
Calcutta High Court: Reserve Bank of India is 'State' Under Article 12(11.03.2021)
Calcutta High Court has held that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is "State" under Article 12 of the Constitution of India, 1949. The Court has furthe.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reserve Bank of India
ITAT, Mumbai Denies Refund of Foreign Taxes Paid by Bank of India(12.03.2021)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has denied in a recent order a refund in respect of foreign taxes aggregating to Rs 182.6 crore paid by B.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bank of India
Delhi HC Directs SBI to Open FCRA Accounts of NGOs Within 10 Days of Receiving Centre's Approval(24.05.2021)
Delhi High Court has directed the State Bank of India (SBI) to ensure that applications for opening the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (F.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, State Bank of India, FCRA Accounts
RBI Issues Review of Instructions on Interest on Overdue Domestic Deposits(06.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the review of instructions on Interest on overdue domestic deposits. The RBI has directed Banks to refer to dir.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Interest on Overdue Domestic Deposits
RBI Allows Bank to Offer Lower Rate on Matured Fixed Deposits(06.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks to offer the lower of either the savings deposit rate or fixed deposit rate on matured Fixed Deposits in a bid.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Rate on Matured Fixed Deposits
RBI Penalizes Fourteen Banks for Non-Compliance with Provisions on Lending to Non-bank Lenders(08.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has penalised fourteen banks including State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, IndusInd Bank and Bandhan Bank for non-compliance wi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Compliance with Provisions on Lending to Non-bank Lenders
RBI Imposes Restrictions on Mastercard from On-Boarding New Customers in India from July 22(15.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) while taking supervisory action on Mastercard Asia / Pacific Pte. Ltd. has imposed the restrictions on Mastercard from On-.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Restrictions on Mastercard from On-Boarding New Customers
MP HC Imposes Rs. 2 Lakh Exemplary Cost on SBI for 'Inhuman Approach'(29.07.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has imposed exemplary cost of Rs. 2 lakhs on the State Bank of India (SBI) for adopting a very 'inhuman approach' while deal.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Cost on State Bank of India
RBI Proposes Penalties for Banks Failing to Replenish Bank ATMs Within Time(11.08.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed penalties for banks and White Label ATM operators if their ATMs are found to be lying without replenishment f.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Penalties for Banks Failing to Replenish Bank ATMs
RBI Imposes Fine on SBI for Failure to Comply with Fraud Classification Rules(19.10.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has slapped a fine of Rs 1 crore on State Bank of India for failing to comply with fraud classification rules. The regulator sai.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India
Supreme Court: Any Direction Issued by RBI Derived from Statutory Power is Binding(05.01.2022)
Supreme Court has stated that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has wide supervisory powers over financial institutions like SIDBI, in furtherance of which,.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India, Supervisory Powers
ITAT, Bangalore: No Rationale in Making Additions to Income on Violation of RBI Notifications(11.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has observed that there is no rationale in the action of the Assessing Officer of making additions to income .....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, rationale, Assessing Officer, assesse, Section 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, Reserve Bank of India
SC: NBFCs Cannot be Regulated by State Enactments(11.05.2022)
Supreme Court has ruled that state laws cannot govern Reserve Bank of India-regulated non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The top court stated th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-banking financial companies, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Hikes Key Rate By 0.50% To Pre-Pandemic Levels(05.08.2022)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased its key lending rates by 50 basis points to pre-pandemic levels of 5.40 per cent in an attempt to control th.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Lending Rates, Inflation
SC Issues Notice on Swamy's Plea for Probing RBI Official in Bank Scams(18.10.2022)
Supreme Court has agreed to examine BJP leader Dr Subramanian Swamy's plea seeking a probe into the alleged role of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) offici.....
Tags : Supreme Court, probe, Reserve Bank of India, banking scams
Bombay HC: Administrator Could Not Have Taken Policy Decision After Reconstruction of Yes Bank(23.01.2023)
Bombay High Court has set aside Yes Bank’s decision to write of Additional Tier 1 bonds Rs. 8415 Crore value observing that the Reserve Bank of India .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Yes Bank, Reserve Bank of India
RBI: Rs. 2000 Notes Withdrawn from Circulation; Will Continue as Legal Tender(22.05.2023)
Reserve Bank of India in pursuance of its Clean Note Policy has announced the withdrawal of Rs. 2000 banknotes from circulation. The notes to be conti.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Clean Note Policy, Rs. 2000, Legal Tender
Delhi HC Rejects PIL Challenging Notifications Permitting Exchange of Rs. 2000 Notes Without ID Proof(29.05.2023)
Delhi High Court has dismissed public interest litigation (PIL) challenging Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and State Bank of India's (SBI) notifications .....
Tags : Delhi High Court,Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India
SC: SBI’s Application for Extension of Time for Furnishing Electoral Bonds Details Dismissed(11.03.2024)
Supreme Court has dismissed the State Bank of India’s (SBI) application that was filed for an extension of time for furnishing electoral bond details .....
Tags : Supreme Court, State Bank of India, Electoral Bonds, Extension of Time
Electoral Bonds Data Uploaded on Election Commission of India’s Website(15.03.2024)
The Election Commission of India has uploaded on its website data related to electoral bonds that was supplied by the State Bank of India.
Tags : Election Commission of India, Electoral Bonds, State Bank of India