Tags : Deposits, Release, Commercial bank
RBI Tightens Provisions for Yet to Fail CDR Accounts(12.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked lenders to increase provisioning for accounts that may not have yet failed Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) bu.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Corporate Debt Restructuring
Madras HC Appoints Wife as Husband’s Guardian to Deal with Assets of Husband in Coma(13.01.2016)
Madras High Court, while providing relief to a 40-year old woman struggling to meet mounting treatment cost of her husband who is in coma for the past.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Wife as Husband’s Guardian t
RBI Relaxes Deposits Norm of More Than Rs 5,000 in Old Denominations For KYC A/Cs(21.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India has relaxed its notification, specifying that deposits of over 5000 rupees could be made only after furnishing a satisfactory re.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Old Denominations, Deposits, KYC A/Cs, demonetisation
Bombay HC Permits Mangroves Trimming for Metro Project(22.12.2016)
Bombay High Court has granted permission for cutting mangroves at Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) and Malwani for Metro Line II project.
Tags : Bombay High Court, mangroves , Bandra Kurla Complex, Metro Line
Bombay HC: Forcing Husband to Stay Away From His Parents Amounts to Cruelty(26.12.2016)
Bombay High Court has held that any pressure on part of wife on husband to stay away from his parents without any justifiable cause amounts to cruelty.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Husband, Cruelty
Hyderabad HC Suspends Circular Proposing Ban on Flexies Manufacturing(29.12.2016)
Hyderabad High Court has suspended circular issued by Director of Municipal Administration of Telangana proposing to ban manufacture of flexies and ba.....
Tags : Hyderabad HC, flexies, banners
RBI Eases Bad Loan Classification Norms For Small Borrowers, Farmers(29.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms for bad loan classification for small borrowers, including farmers, giving them additional 30 days to re.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, loan, repayment, Small Borrowers
Prudential Treatment of Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve by Co-operative Banks(02.08.2024)
1. Under the provisions of the respective State Co-operative Societies Acts, or otherwise, on prudential consideration, several co-operative banks hav.....
Tags : Prudential Treatment, Doubtful Debt Reserve, Co-operative Banks
RBI Updates Norms of Fema(05.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), with an aim to promote ease of doing business, has come out with nine updated rules under the Foreign Exchange Management.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , oreign Exchange Management Act (Fema), 1999
RBI Announces Rs 10,000 Crore OMO Purchases(05.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced an Open Market Operation (OMO) purchase of government securities worth Rs 10,000 crore on February 8.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Open Market Operation
NGT Seeks Health Ministry’s, MoEF’s Response over Plea Seeking Ban on Mercury Equipments(08.02.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has sought Government's Response over plea seeking ban of mercury-based equipments in hospitals to prevent spillage of t.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Ban on Mercury Equipments
Delhi Court Dismisses Plea Against 2nd Husband, As Earlier Marriage Was in Subsistence(12.02.2016)
A Delhi Court, while dismissing a woman's plea seeking relief in a domestic violence case filed against her second husband, has said that woman who ti.....
Tags : Delhi Court, 2nd Husband
Allahabad HC Seeks Reply From BHU over Magsaysay’s Petition(15.02.2016)
Allahabad High Court has asked Banaras Hindu University (BHU) authorities to file a counter affidavit on a petition filed by Magsaysay Award-winning s.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Banaras Hindu University
Karnataka HC Slams State Over Nomination to Syndicate of Bangalore University(17.01.2017)
Karnataka High Court has expressed its displeasure over State and its bureaucracy for their inaction to take a final decision on certain allegations m.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Bangalore University, Syndicate
Bombay HC Directs Railways to Make Suburban Stations Disabled-Friendly(19.01.2017)
Bombay High Court has warned Railways that it will initiate contempt proceedings against General Managers of Central and Western Railways if it does n.....
Tags : Bombay High Court , Railways, Suburban Stations, Disabled-Friendly
Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit - July 2023(31.08.2023)
Data on sectoral deployment of bank credit for the month of July 20231 collected from 40 select scheduled commercial banks, accounting for about 93 pe.....
Tags : Sectoral Deployment, Bank Credit, July 2023
Reserve Bank of India imposes monetary penalty on DCB Bank Limited(28.10.2020)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated October 28, 2020, imposed a monetary penalty of Rs. 22 lakh (Rupees Twenty Two lakh only) on DC.....
Tags : Penalty, Imposition, DCB Bank Limited
Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - November 2023(30.11.2023)
Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) received during the mo.....
Tags : Lending rates, Deposit Rates, Commercial Banks
Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit - September 2023(31.10.2023)
Data on sectoral deployment of bank credit for the month of September 20231 collected from 40 select scheduled commercial banks, accounting for about .....
Tags : Sectoral Deployment, Bank Credit
Reserve Bank of India imposes monetary penalty on Syndicate Bank(05.02.2019)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, by an order dated January 30, 2019, a monetary penalty of Rs. 10 million on Syndicate Bank (the bank) for.....
Tags : Penalty, Imposition, Syndicate Bank
Central Government declares the services engaged in the Banking industry to be a public utility service(14.12.2023)
Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that public interest so requires that the services engaged in the 'Banking', which is covered under item 2.....
Tags : Declaration, Banking industry, Public utility
Order of moratorium in respect of the Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited(17.11.2020)
1. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 45 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), the Central Government, afte.....
Tags : Moratorium, Lakshmi Vilas bank, Proceedings
Unity Small Finance Bank Limited commences operations(01.11.2021)
Unity Small Finance Bank Limited has commenced operations as a small finance bank with effect from November 1, 2021. The Reserve Bank has issued a lic.....
Tags : Finance Bank, Operations, Commencement
Central Government hereby declares the services in the Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited, Mysore, Karnataka to be a public utility service for the purposes of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947(11.02.2021)
Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that the public interest so requires that the services in the Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited, .....
Tags : Bank Note Paper Mill, Public utility, Industrial Disputes Act
RBI Revises SDR Norms(26.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks going in for Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) scheme to make sufficient provisions to the tune of 15 per.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Strategic Debt Restructuring
RBI Issues Draft Norms for Account Aggregators(04.03.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued draft guidelines for setting up of Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) that would act as account aggregators a.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Non-Banking Finance Companies
RBI Rejects EC Request to Enhance Withdrawal Limits For Poll Candidates(30.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has rejected request of Election Commission (EC) to enhance weekly cash-withdrawal limit, imposed after demonetisation, fo.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Election Commission
RBI: No Restrictions on ATM Withdrawals From Feb 01(31.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that limits on ATM withdrawals will further be eased from February 1 and curbs on branch withdrawals from current.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ATM Withdrawals
Bombay HC Slams RBI For Not Exchanging Old Notes in Deceased’s Locker(03.02.2017)
Bombay High Court came down heavily on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for not complying with its order to change demonetised currency notes totalling Rs .....
Tags : Bombay High Court , Reserve Bank of India
TRAI Gives Clean Cheat to Jio’s Happy New Year Plan(03.02.2017)
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has given a clean chit to billionaire Mukesh Ambani-run firm Jio’s free voice calling and data plan on it.....
Tags : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. JIO, Mukesh Ambani
RBI Issues Guidelines on PSLCs(08.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has released guidelines for Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs), where banks can buy and sell instruments to man.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Priority Sector Lending Certificates
Rajasthan Passes Bills to Ease Land Acquisition(08.04.2016)
Rajasthan has passed the Rajasthan Urban Land (Certification Of Titles) Bill, 2016 and Rajasthan Land Pooling Schemes Bill, giving a landmark legislat.....
Tags : Rajasthan Urban Land (Certification Of Titles) Bill, 2016
NGT Seeks Report on Groundwater Quality Near Defunct Bandhwari Waste Treatment Plant(18.04.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed Central Ground Water Authority to submit a report on the quality of groundwater near the defunct Bandhwari .....
Tags : National Green Tribunal , Central Ground Water Authority , Bandhwari municipal waste treatment plant
RBI Amends Norms on Bank Frauds(19.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), while amending disclosure norms, has asked banks to disclose fraud cases and make provisions for them not exceeding four .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank Frauds
Delhi HC Seeks Centre's Response over RBI's Circular on E-Retail(22.04.2016)
Dellhi HC has sought Centre's response on petition challenging a circular by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as per which retail trading in any form thro.....
Tags : Dellhi HC , Reserve Bank of India
Supreme Court Notices Centre Over RBI's Refusal to Exchange Demonetised Notes(06.03.2017)
Supreme Court has issued a notice to Central Government on a plea challenging Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) refusal to accept Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 note.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India
SC Asks Centre to Fence Indo-Bangla Border to Check Infiltration(09.03.2017)
Supreme Court has asked Centre to release funds for fencing of India-Bangladesh border to prevent a cross-border influx of illegal Bangladesh national.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Indo-Bangla Border
Reserve Bank of India imposes monetary penalty on South Indian Bank Limited(19.06.2019)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, by order dated June 13, 2019, monetary penalty of Rs.1 million on South Indian Bank Limited (the bank) fo.....
Tags : Monetary penalty, Imposition, South Indian Bank Limited
Permitting non-scheduled payments banks to register as bankers to an issue(03.08.2021)
1. SEBI vide notification dated July 30, 2021, amended the SEBI (Bankers to an Issue) Regulations, 1994 (BTI Regulations) thereby permitting such othe.....
Tags : Non-scheduled payments banks, Registration, Permission
Press Release regarding draft regulations under FEMA and directions to Authorised Dealer banks(02.07.2024)
Over the years, the Reserve Bank has been progressively liberalising policies governing foreign exchange transactions, under FEMA, 1999. In continuati.....
Tags : FEMA, Reserve Bank
TRAI releases revised Standards of Quality of Service for Access and Broadband Services(02.08.2024)
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) releases revised Regulations namely 'The Standards of Quality of Service of Access (Wirelines and Wireles.....
Tags : Revised Standards, Quality, Broadband Services
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is allowed to perform Aadhaar authentication(15.06.2023)
1.In pursuance of sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-section (4) of section 4 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Be.....
Tags : National Bank, Aadhaar authentication, Agricultural loan
RBI Relaxes Stressed Asset Restructuring Rules for Banks(14.06.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed guidelines for restructuring of large stressed assets by lenders in a move that would allow the banks to more .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Asset Restructuring Rules
RBI Permits Start-Ups to Open Currency Account Abroad(24.06.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed startups with an overseas subsidiary to open foreign currency accounts abroad to credit foreign exchange earni.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, startups
Bombay HC: Mere Repayment of Loan Amount ‘No Ground’ For Quashing Cheating Case(29.03.2017)
Bombay High Court has held that re-payment of loan amount will not have any adverse effect on a criminal prosecution and observed that offences involv.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, banking and loan transactions
RBI: Banks to Remain Closed on April 1(31.03.2017)
Reversing its earlier order, Reserve Bank (RBI) has said that the bank branches dealing in government businesses need not remain open on April 1 in vi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, April 1
Status Quo on MDR: RBI(31.03.2017)
RBI has said that its mid-December 2016 ‘special measures’ on rationalisation of merchant discount rate (MDR) will continue whereby MDR for transactio.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, merchant discount rate
Supreme Court Reduces Highway Liquor Ban Distance from 500m to 220m in Small Towns(03.04.2017)
Supreme Court has partially modified its order banning liquor vendors in the vicinity of 500 metres on National and State highways. However it refused.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Liquor Ban
RBI Issues Shareholding Norms for Private Sector Banks(13.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines on ownership in private sector banks by bundling shareholding patterns into two broad categories.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Private Sector Banks
RBI Issues Guidelines for Voluntary Surrender of Licence by PSOs(13.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines for voluntary surrender of licence by Payment System Operators (PSOs) under Payment & Settlements Sy.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , PSOs
RBI’s Nod to FPIs to Invest in Unlisted Debt Securities(17.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to invest in unlisted debt securities as well as in securitised debt instru.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Portfolio Investors
RBI Eases Norms on FDI in CICs(20.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased norms around Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in credit information companies (CICs) in India.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, FDI
Bombay High Court Scraps 97 of 99 Allotments Under Urban Land Ceiling Norms(16.03.2017)
Bombay High Court has scrapped 97 of 99 allotments made between 1990 and 2007 of land declared surplus under Urban Land Ceiling Act (ULCA) in Nagpur.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Urban Land Ceiling Act
ITAT, Mumbai Allows Tax Deductions to SRK on Earnings From Kaun Banega Crorepati(23.03.2017)
ITAT, Mumbai has allowed SRK a deduction of Rs 10 crore that was paid to him for Kaun Banega Crorepati and also of Rs 7 crore the actor had charged fr.....
Tags : ITAT, Mumbai, Shah Rukh Khan, Kaun Banega Crorepati
Kerala High Court Dismisses Plea Challenging Bank Merger(27.03.2017)
Kerala High Court has dismissed a batch of Public Interest Petitions challenging decision of State Bank of India (SBI) to acquire State Bank of Travan.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, State Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India to Allow Exchange of Rs 4500 in Old Notes in Nepal(27.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will allow exchange of up to Rs 4,500 in banned Indian currency notes to each Nepali national.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Demonetisation
RBI Relaxes Rules for ECBs(01.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said eased rules for External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) and said that Indian companies will need to submit for appr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ECBs
RBI Notifies Rates for Small Saving Schemes for Q2(08.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified the interest rates for different small savings schemes for the quarter ending September. The interest rates h.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, small savings schemes
RBI Sets Rupee Reference Rate against US Dollar and Euro(08.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has fixed reference rate of the rupee at 67.4972 against the US dollar and 74.8274 for the euro.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, reference rate
Delhi HC Issues Restraining Orders on Bank Strike(12.07.2016)
Delhi HC has issued interim orders restraining staff and officers associations from going on strike against proposed merger of associate banks with St.....
Tags : Delhi HC, State Bank of India
SC to Sikh Bodies: Create Mechanism to Curb ‘Santa-Banta’ Jokes(13.07.2016)
SC, while hearing petitions seeking ban on circulation of jokes about Sikh community, has asked bodies representing the community to create a mechanis.....
Tags : SC, ‘Santa-Banta’ Jokes
RBI: Banks Cannot Refuse to Accept Scribbled, Coloured, Faded Bank Notes(01.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has clarified by its notification dated 25th April 2017 that bank branches cannot refuse to accept scribbled/coloured/fade.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Scribbled, Coloured, Faded Bank Notes
SCDRC Directs Bank to Pay 1L Compensation For Failure to Inform Loan Applicant of Rejection(02.05.2017)
State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Maharashtra has held that failure to inform an applicant about rejection of his loan application constit.....
Tags : State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Loan, Bank
Delhi HC Seeks Delhi Govt.’s Response on Plea over Beef Ban(14.07.2016)
Delhi HC has issued notice to Delhi Government on plea challenging law that criminalizes possession and consumption of beef in the National Capital Re.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Delhi Government, Beef Ban
Bombay High Court Raps CBI in Bilkis Bano Case(18.07.2016)
Bombay High Court has rapped the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for “not being prepared” in the 2002 Bilkis Bano gang rape case.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Bilkis Bano
NGT Orders to De-Register Over 10-Year Old Diesel Vehicles in Delhi(18.07.2016)
National Green Tribunal has directed the Regional Transport Office, Delhi to de-register all diesel vehicles which are more than ten years old.
Tags : NGT, Ban, Diesel
RBI Imposes Penalty on 3 Banks in Forex Scam(26.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed penalties of Rs.5 crore on Bank of Baroda, Rs.3 crore on Punjab National Bank and Rs.2 crore on HDFC Bank, in .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex Scam
Gujarat HC Dismisses PIL against Sudhir Mankad’s Appointment to RBI(26.07.2016)
Gujarat HC has junked PIL challenging appointment of ex-Chairman of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT-City) Sudhir Mankad as a Non-Officiat.....
Tags : Gujarat HC, Sudhir Mankad , Reserve bank of India
Bombay HC Issues Contempt Notice to RBI Regional Director(27.07.2016)
Bombay HC has issued contempt notice to Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Regional Director in a contempt plea filed by Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari.....
Tags : Bombay HC , Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari Sanghatna, Reserve Bank of India
Govt: Specified Notes Confiscated on or before 30.12.2016 Can be Deposited in Any RBI Branch(17.05.2017)
Govt has notified rules regarding deposit of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 Currency Notes confiscated on or before 30.12.2016 which makes it possible for enfor.....
Tags : Specified Bank Notes (Deposit of Confiscated Notes) Rules, 2017
ITAT: TDS Applicable to Payments Towards Channel Carriage Fees, Up-Linking, Bandwidth Charges(17.05.2017)
ITAT Kolkata has held that payments on account of channel carriage fees, up-l inking charges and Bandwidth charges are not in nature of payment toward.....
Tags : ITAT, Kolkata, Carriage Fees, Up-Linking, Bandwidth Charges
RBI Clears 11 Payments Banks(20.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given 'in principle' clearance to 11 entities to set up 'payments banks'. These entities include department of posts, .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Payments Banks
RBI Withdraws Banks' 25% Compensation(28.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has withdrawn 25 per cent compensation to banks for detecting fake notes.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,25 per cent compensation
Bombay HC Asks State Excise, PWD To Decide Whether SC’s Booze Ban Order is Applicable to Bars, Hotels(14.06.2017)
Bombay High Court has directed Secretary (Road) PWD and Commissioner for State Excise to decide whether certain bars, hotels and permit rooms are cove.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, highway liquor ban
CIC Directs RBI To Appoint Nodal CPIO(14.06.2017)
Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed Reserve Bank of India to appoint a Nodal Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), in addition to c.....
Tags : Central Information Commission, Reserve Bank of India
IBBI Notifies Inspection And Investigation Regulations(19.06.2017)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has notified Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Inspection and Investigation) Regulations, 2017 which .....
Tags : Inspection And Investigation Regulations, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
Insolvency And Bankruptcy Board Notifies Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process(19.06.2017)
IBBI has notified IBBI (Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2017 which provide process from initiation of ins.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Fast Track, Insolvency Resolution Process
ITAT, Bangalore: Income of Minor Beneficiaries Can be Clubbed to Income of Parents(19.06.2017)
ITAT, Bangalore has held that income of minor beneficiaries can be clubbed to income of parents under section 64(1)(a) of Income Tax Act, 1961.
Tags : ITAT, Bangalore, Minor, Income
Delhi High Court Upholds Ban on Ola Cab Service(12.08.2015)
Delhi High Court has upheld ban on Ola Cab Service. Futher making it clear that no diesel taxis are permitted to make point-to-point metered rides wi.....
Tags : Delhi High Court , Ban
NGT Denies to Modify its Order on Ban on 10 Year Old Vehicles(13.08.2015)
National Green Tribunal has refused to modify its order which has banned running of diesel vehicles which are over 10 years old in Delhi-NCR.
Tags : National Green Tribunal,Ban on 10 Year Old Vehicles
Bombay High Court Criticises BJP City Chief Over Banner Appeals in Newspapers(14.08.2015)
Bombay High Court has criticised public appeal published by BJP City Chief Ashish Shelar to party workers not to put up illegal banners and hoardings .....
Tags : Bombay High Court,BJP City Chief Ashish Shelar,Banner Appeals in Newspapers
RBI Strikes Down Registration Certificate of Seven NBFCs(18.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled certificate of registration of seven Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including that of Religare Fina.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India,NBFCs
RBI to Banks: Provide Loans to Women SHGs at 7%(26.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans to women self-help groups (SHGs) at 7 per cent per annum, as per the government's revised.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, self-help groups
NCLAT Rules 'Dispute' As Defined in IBC is Illustrative and Not Exhaustive(25.05.2017)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that the term “dispute” as defined in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (S. 9) is illustrative and not e.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Federal Court of Appeals Upholds Block on Trump's Travel Ban(29.05.2017)
Virginia-based 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a lower Court ruling against President Donald Trump’s revised executive order banning entry to .....
Tags : Federal Court of Appeals, Trump's Travel Ban
RBI Issues Norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds(29.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has issued norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds making it mandatory for corporate bonds to have rating by a m.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Partial Credit Enhancement
SC Notices Maharashtra Govt. over Beef Ban(02.09.2016)
SC has issued notice to Maharashtra Government on its complete ban on beef and its export in the State.
Tags : SC, Beef Ban
Delhi HC to JNU: Don't Take Action against Umar, Anirban for A Week(06.09.2016)
Delhi HC has directed JNU to not to implement for a week order passed by its appellate authority holding some students including Umar Khalid and Anirb.....
Tags : Delhi HC , JNU , Umar Khalid , Anirban Bhattacharya
US Supreme Court Partially Allows President Trump’s Executive Order On Travel Ban(27.06.2017)
United States Supreme Court has partially allowed President Trump’s Travel Ban order that imposes a ban on entry of individuals from six countries nam.....
Tags : United States Supreme Court, Travel Ban
NCLAT Widens Definition of “Dispute” to Resist an Action for Insolvency Under Bankruptcy Code(29.06.2017)
NCLAT has widened definition of 'dispute' u/s 8,9 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code to include, apart from existing suits and arbitrations, any other .....
Tags : NCLAT, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Highway Booze Ban: SC Refuses to Stay Denotification of Highways in Punjab(04.07.2017)
Supreme Court has declined to stay Punjab government’s recent declassification of state highways saying 'driving within city is different from outside.....
Tags : Highway Liquor Ban, Supreme Court
Supreme Court on Highway Booze Ban: Drivers Shouldn't Be Drunk In Fast Moving Traffic(06.07.2017)
Supreme Court has said that the idea behind its verdict banning sale of liquor along highways was that a driver should not be under influence of liquo.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Liquor Ban
CBDT: Rs 2 Lakh Cash Ban Shall Not Apply on One Installment for Loan for NBFCs(06.07.2017)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has clarified that prohibition on cash transactions upto Rupees 2 lakhs under section 269ST of Income Tax Act doe.....
Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Cash Ban
RBI Operationalise CFR(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in order to minimize frauds, has operationalised a Central Fraud Registry (CFR) with effect from January 20.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Central Fraud Registry
Delhi HC Asks RBI to Submit its Latest Circular on FDI Policy(27.01.2016)
While hearing a public interest litigation seeking a thorough investigation against all firms that have received FDI, Delhi High Court has sought a re.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, FDI policy
RBI Cancels Rs 9k crore T-bill Auction(28.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled a Rs 9,000-crore auction of Government's 91-day Treasury Bills (T-bills) as it was not willing to accede to .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, T-bills
RBI Mandates Online Filing of FDI Forms from February 8(02.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to file forms related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) only online on the e-Biz portal from February 8.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Direct Investment
RBI Eases FDI Norms to Boost Start-Ups(03.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed several rules including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms to boost start-up activity in the country.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Direct Investment , Start-Ups
Supreme Court Stays Patna HC Proceedings on Plea Against Liquor Ban(03.01.2017)
Supreme Court has stayed proceedings in Patna High Court in cases challenging Bihar’s new liquor prohibition law.
Tags : Supreme Court, Patna HC, Liquor Ban
Paytm Payments Bank Receives Final Approval From RBI(04.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given final approval to formally launch Paytm Payments Bank.
Tags : RBI, Paytm Payments Bank
Supreme Court: All Petitions on Beef Ban In M’rashtra Must Be Listed Before One Bench(21.11.2017)
Supreme Court has said that all petitions relating to beef ban in Maharashtra should be listed before one bench only and sent the batch of pleas to be.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Beef Ban
RBI Asks Banks to Extend loans to Women SHGs at 7 % Rate(22.01.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans up to Rs 3 lakh at 7 per cent interest rate to Women Self-Help Group (SHG) under the Nati.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Women Self-Help Group
NGT Imposes Nationwide Ban on Use of Manja for Kite Flying(15.12.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has banned nylon and glass-coated cotton kite strings or manja across the country in view of its threat to humans, anima.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Ban , Manja
Punjab and Haryana HC Directs Haryana DGP to Initiate SIT Probe over Honour Killing of Banur Youth(15.12.2016)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has directed Haryana Director General of Police (DGP) to get alleged honour killing of Banur youth case investigated by.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Banur youth, honour killing
Centre Notifies Regulations for Liquidation Process Under New Bankruptcy Code(19.12.2016)
Central Government has notified rules by which companies can go through liquidation under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016.
Tags : Central Government, liquidation, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Wipes Out Travel Ban Appeal(25.10.2017)
U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed the last remaining appeal in a pair of cases challenging President Trump’s executive order, issued in March, that sou.....
Tags : U.S. Supreme Court , Travel Ban
Madras High Court: Don't Erect Banner, Hoarding of a Living Person(25.10.2017)
Madras High Court has imposed a blanket ban on erecting hoardings, flex banners and signboards from the state's skyline with images of individuals who.....
Tags : Madras High Court, hoardings, flex banners, signboards
ITAT, Bangalore: Addition Cannot be Made If Gift is Invalid(06.11.2017)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has ruled that if the gift is invalid then no addition can be done in respect of the same under the provision.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore
Delhi HC Notices TATA, Docomo over RBI Application(02.12.2016)
Delhi High Court has asked NTT Docomo Inc. and Tata Sons Ltd to respond to a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) application seeking to be heard in a dispute .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Docomo, Tata, Reserve Bank of India
Supreme Court Directs Centre to List Out Measures Taken to Ease Inconvenience of Rural People(05.12.2016)
Supreme Court has asked Centre to spell out measures taken to ease sufferings and inconvenience of people in rural areas, who are mostly dependent on .....
Tags : Supreme Court, demonetisation, Co-operative banks
Karnataka High Court Summons Vijay Mallya in Contempt Case(05.12.2016)
Karnataka High Court has ordered Businessman Vijay Mallya to appear before Court on 19 January for charges to be framed in a contempt case filed by pu.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Vijay Mallya, State Bank of India
Bombay HC Directs to Break Bank Lockers to Unveil Demonetised Notes(05.12.2016)
Bombay High Court has appointed a court receiver to break open two bank lockers belonging to estate of the late classical singer and Sangeet Natak Aca.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, bank lockers , demonetised notes
NGT Bans Disposable Plastics in Delhi-NCR From January 01, 2017(05.12.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has banned use of disposable plastic, which is mainly used in grocery and plastic tea cups like items in Delhi and Natio.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, disposable plastic, Ban
US Supreme Court Allows Full Enforcement of Trump Travel Ban(05.12.2017)
US Supreme Court has allowed President Donald Trump's travel ban to take full effect pending appeal, for people coming from six Muslim-majority countr.....
Tags : US Supreme Court, Travel Ban
RBI Keeps Repo Rate Unchanged at 6%, Raises Inflation Forecast for Next Two Quarters(06.12.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has kept repo rate unchanged at 6 percent. The inflation forecast for the next two quarters has been increased from 4.2 - .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
Patna HC Notices Bihar Govt Over Proposed Human Chain Programme(19.01.2017)
Patna High Court has directed Bihar Government to reply on school children being roped in for proposed human chain programme in support of prohibition.....
Tags : Patna High Court , Human Chain Programme, Liquor Ban
Government: Bank Deposits Before April 01, 2016 Can be Declared Under PMGKY(19.01.2017)
Govt has clarified that deposits in bank accounts made before 1 April 2016 can also be declared under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY), the .....
Tags : Bank Deposits, Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, income disclosure scheme
Patna HC Gives Nod to 'Human Chain Event' On Condition of Making Children's Participation Voluntary(20.01.2017)
Patna High Court has given its nod to Bihar Govt 'Human Chain Event', after Government gave an undertaking for making children's participation volunta.....
Tags : Patna High Court, Human Chain Event, liquor ban
PMGKD Scheme Amended to Exclude Co-operative Banks From Accepting Deposits(23.01.2017)
Central Government has amended Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS), 2016 to exclude Co-operative Banks from accepting deposits under P.....
Tags : Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme, Co-operative Banks
RBI Bans Investments in ‘Non-cooperative Countries’(27.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has prohibited Indian entities from making direct investments in any entity located in 'non co-operative countries and ter.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-cooperative Countries, investments
Supreme Court Rejects Plea Seeking Complete Ban on Cow Slaughter(27.01.2017)
Supreme Court has dismissed Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking a complete ban on cow slaughter in every State.
Tags : Supreme Court, Cow Slaughter, Beef Ban
RBI Notifies Levy of Penal Interest on Banks for Delayed Reporting of Transactions(12.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has issued a notification regarding levy of penal interest on the Banks for delayed reporting of transactions.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India
RBI Releases First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17(05.04.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17, lowered key interest rates by 25 basis points to 6.5 per.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17
RBI Signs MOU on Information Exchange With Bank of Zambia(16.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has inked an information exchange pact with Bank of Zambia aimed at forging greater cooperation.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Zambia
RBI Releases Draft MDR Norms(17.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released draft norms for revamping Merchant Discount Rate (MDR), with an aim to make it more cost effective and appeal.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Merchant Discount Rate
Bombay High Court Sets Aside Liquor Ban For Civic Polls(20.02.2017)
Bombay High Court has set aside ban on sale of liquor in Thane district on February 19 evening for civic elections.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Thane district, Liquor Ban
RBI: Now Withdraw Rs 50,000/Week From Your Saving Accounts(21.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enhanced withdrawal limit on saving accounts from February 20, 2017 to Rs 50,000 per week.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, withdrawal limit
RBI Refuses to Extend Deadline for PPIs to Complete Customer Verification(27.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has refused to extend the 28 February deadline for prepaid payment instruments (PPIs) such as mobile wallets to complete k.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, prepaid payment instruments, know-your-customer
Supreme Court to Unemployed Husband: You Say You're a Homemaker But Where's the Home(01.03.2018)
"You say you are a homemaker but where is the home to make?" the Supreme Court asked a man while hearing a bunch of matrimonial dispute cases.
Tags : Supreme Court, Unemployed Husband
RBI Imposes Penalty on Equitas for Selling MF, Insurance Products Without Approval(09.03.2018)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on Equitas Small Finance Bank for distributing mutual fund (MF), insurance and wealth .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Equitas Small Finance Bank
RBI Revises Guidelines on Rationalization of Branch Authorization Policy(29.05.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has liberalised Branch Authorization Policy and has also widened role of bank boards, making them responsible for complyin.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Branch Authorization Policy
Kerala HC Notices Union Over Plea Challenging Ban on Sale of Cattle For Slaughter(30.05.2017)
Kerala High Court has asked Central Government to respond to petitions challenging ban on sale of cattle for slaughter.
Tags : Kerala High Court, Beef Ban
Madras High Court Suspends Centre's Ban on Cattle Trade for Slaughter, Issues Show Cause Notice(31.05.2017)
Madras High Court has put on hold Centre's restrictions on sale and purchase of cattle for slaughter for four weeks and has asked it to respond within.....
Tags : Madras High Court, slaughter, slaughter ban
Supreme Court Says 'No' to Pleas Seeking Stay on Conviction of IPS Officer in 2002 Bilkis Case(31.05.2017)
Supreme Court has refused to stay conviction of an IPS officer in sensational 2002 Bilkis Bano case.
Tags : Supreme Court, Bilkis Bano
Kerala High Court: No Need to Interfere With New Rules on Cattle Slaughter Ban(01.06.2017)
Kerala High Court has said that there is no need for it to interfere with new rules proposing ban on cattle slaughter as it doesn't violate the Consti.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Cattle Slaughter Ban
Bombay High Court Rejects Plea to Let Bars, Permit Rooms Reopen After Highway Booze Ban(01.06.2017)
Bombay High Court has refused to allow more than a dozen hotels and permit rooms that had been sealed after Supreme Court’s ban on sale of liquor with.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Highway Booze Ban
ITAT Bangalore: Expenditure Incurred on Issuance of Debentures is Revenue Expenditure(01.06.2017)
ITAT Bangalore has directed the AO to allow expenditure incurred in relation to issuance of debentures as it constitute revenue expenditure under the .....
Tags : ITAT Bangalore, Revenue Expenditure
Bombay High Court Raps Animal Husbandry Department Over ‘poor quality food’(26.07.2018)
Bombay High Court while observing that it is only concerned with the ‘quality’ of food being served to the public, the Bombay High Court has rapped th.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Animal Husbandry
Govt: Aadhaar Mandatory for Opening Bank Accounts, Transactions Over Rs. 50,000(19.06.2017)
Government, through a notification amending a prevention of money laundering law, has made it mandatory to provide Aadhaar to open a bank account and .....
Tags : Government, Bank Accounts
#GST: CBEC Notifies Aadhaar/ Bank Account Based Verification for Purpose of CGST Rules(21.06.2017)
Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) has notified Aadhaar based Electronic Verification Code (EVC) or Bank account based One Time Password as mo.....
Tags : Goods and Services Tax, GST, CGST Rules, Aadhaar/ Bank Account
RBI Widens Scope of Ombudsman Scheme, Mobile And Electronic Banking Brought Under Purview(26.06.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has widened scope of its Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, to include inter alia deficiencies arising out of sale of insurance/ mut.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006
Punjab Assembly Amends Definition Of ‘Sale’ And ‘Supply’ Of Liquor To Circumvent SC Order(26.06.2017)
Punjab Assembly has passed Punjab Excise (Amendment) Bill, 2017 to allow sale of liquor at hotels, clubs and restaurants, located within 500 metres of.....
Tags : Punjab Assembly, Highway liquor ban
Delhi HC Asks Canara Bank To Pay Rs. 2.62-Lakh Compensation For Wrongful Attachment of Property(26.06.2017)
Delhi High Court has directed bank to compensate petitioner for trauma and humiliation caused due to wrongful attachment of his property because of ba.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Canara Bank
RBI Hikes Repo Rate by 25 bps to 6.5%(01.08.2018)
Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) monetary policy committee (MPC) has raised repo rate by 25 basis points (bps) to 6.5%.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Repo Rate
Supreme Court: Time Constraints of Land Acquisition are Not Applicable to BDA Act(06.08.2018)
Supreme Court, while reiterating that the time constraints of land acquisition are not applicable to Bangalore Development Authority Act, has set asid.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bangalore Development Authority
RBI Permits Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs to Hedge Forex Exposure(07.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Indian subsidiaries of multinational companies to hedge their foreign currency exposure through derivatives, O.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Indian subsidiaries, foreign currency
Bombay HC Grants Interim Stay on Week-Long Ban on Care World TV Channel(09.11.2016)
Bombay High Court has granted interim stay on week-long Government ban on Care World TV Channel for allegedly showing objectionable content.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Care World TV Channel, ban
SC Defers NDTV India Ban Hearing till Dec 5(09.11.2016)
Supreme Court has adjourned hearing of a plea challenging a day’s ban on NDTV India to December 5 as Attorney General informed Court that Government w.....
Tags : Supreme Court, NDTV India, Ban
RBI: New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes From November 10(09.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, Urjit Patel has said that Apex Bank will launch new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 currency notes from November 10.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes
RBI Eases Stressed Asset Resolution Norms(11.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased rules for various stressed asset resolution schemes and expanded scope of a loan recast plan previously limited .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , infrastructure sector, Stressed Asset Resolution
RBI Notifies P2P Lending Platforms as NBFCs(21.09.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has notified that Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending platforms will fall under the ambit of a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Banking Financial Company
RBI Amends Investment, Trading Rules for Banks(26.09.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred banks from investing in category III Alternative Investment Funds, specified norms for their participation in c.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Alternative Investment Funds
Limitation Act Applicable to Applications Filed Under Sec 7 and 9 of IBC from Inception of Code: SC(12.10.2018)
Supreme Court has held that the Limitation Act is applicable to applications filed under Sections 7 and 9 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code From the i.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
RBI Eases Authentication Rules for Online Card Transactions(07.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has removed two-factor authentication for online card transactions involving sums up to Rs2,000 in a move aimed at simplif.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Online Card Transactions
RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17; Kept Repo Rate Unchanged(07.12.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17 wherein it has kept Repo rate unchanged at 6.25 percent, .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Monetary Policy, Reverse Repo, Repo rate
RBI Allows Use of OTP for Account Opening(09.12.2016)
To quicken the process of opening of bank account, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has amended its know your customer (KYC) rules to allow banks to open n.....
Tags : RBI, Reserve Bank of India
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Relaxes Norms for Information Utilities(06.10.2017)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has relaxed norms for information utilities, paving way for Indian companies listed on the stock exchanges to.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Information Utilities
Karnataka High Court Issues Notice to Centre, RBI over Plea to Cancel Axis Bank’s Licence(12.10.2017)
Karnataka High Court on Wednesday ordered issue of notices to the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India on a petition seeking cancellation.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Axis Bank
Financial Service Providers Outside Purview of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: NCLAT(24.10.2018)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that financial service providers such as non-banking financial companies are outside the purview of t.....
Tags : NCLAT, Financial Service Providers, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Financial Service Providers Outside Purview of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: NCLAT(24.10.2018)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that financial service providers such as non-banking financial companies are outside the purview of t.....
Tags : NCLAT, Financial Service Providers, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
SC to RBI: Disclose Names of India's Biggest Loan Defaulters(17.02.2016)
SC has sought list of companies from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) who have defaulted in paying back loan to PSU banks and have contributed to massive l.....
Tags : SC, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Revises Norms for NBFC Factor Firms(19.02.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has came out with clarifications for NBFC factor companies to remove any possible regulatory arbitrage with banks that pro.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , NBFC factor companies
SC: Anti-Graft Act Covers All Pvt. Bank Staff Too(24.02.2016)
SC, in a move to expand scope of the Prevention of Corruption Act, has brought all private bank employees within the ambit of the anti-graft law, whic.....
Tags : SC, anti-graft law, Pvt. Bank
RBI Enhances Withdrawal Limits From ATMs From Rs. 4500 to Rs 10,000 Per Day(16.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enhanced limit on withdrawals from ATMs from current limit of Rs.4,500 to Rs.10,000 per day per card.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Withdrawal Limits, ATMs
Rajya Sabha Passes Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Amendment Bill(03.01.2018)
Rajya Sabha has passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2017, which bars unscrupulous persons from misusing the provisions of the .....
Tags : Rajya Sabha, Insolvency, Bankruptcy
Supreme Court Says BHU ‘Curfew Timings’ Are for Safety of Girl Students(05.01.2018)
Supreme Court has refused to examine the validity of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) rules that fixed a deadline for girl students on staying outside t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Banaras Hindu University
It’s Neglect on Part of Husband to Maintain Wife if She Leaves Him due to Assault: Bombay HC(22.11.2018)
Bombay High Court has observed that if due to physical assault or unbearable mental harassment wife is compelled to leave house of husband, then it's .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Neglect on Part of Husband to Maintain Wife
Will Not Allow Hadiya’s Husband to Meet Her, Says Hadiya’s Guardian and College Principal(29.11.2017)
Will Not Allow Hadiya’s Husband to Meet Her, Says Hadiya’s Guardian and College Principal
Tags : The Supreme Court ordered the college administration to treat Hadiya like any other student and as per hostel rules, but remained silent on whether Shafin Jehan, Hadiya’s husband, or her parents would be allowed to meet her while she completes her studies.
Wife Not Personal Possession, Husband Cannot be Guardian, Supreme Court Tells Hadiya(29.11.2017)
Wife Not Personal Possession, Husband Cannot be Guardian, Supreme Court Tells Hadiya
Tags : When the bench asked Hadiya to name any relative or any near acquaintance to be named as her local guardian in college at Salem in Tamil Nadu, she said her husband could be her guardian and she does not want anyone else in that role.
Supreme Court Grants Time to Gujarat For Action Report Against Cops in Bilkis Bano Case(29.11.2017)
Supreme Court Grants Time to Gujarat For Action Report Against Cops in Bilkis Bano Case
Tags : The Supreme Court bench, however, made it clear that the separate plea, seeking enhancement of compensation to be awarded to Bilkis Bano, would be taken up next week for hearing.
Supreme Court Rejects Plea of Axis Bank Against Release of Arbitral Award Money to Daiichi(14.12.2018)
Supreme Court has refused to entertain an Axis Bank plea opposing release of Rs 9.39 crore, which is part of Rs 3,500 crore awarded by a Singapore tri.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Axis Bank, Daiichi Sankyo
NCLT Approves Merger of Capital First with IDFC Bank(14.12.2018)
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) has approved the amalgamation of Capital First, Capital First Home Finance, and Capital First Securities with IDF.....
Tags : NCLT, IDFC Bank
Bombay HC Refuses to Stay RBI Deadline to Kotak Mahindra Bank to Dilute Promoter Stake(18.12.2018)
Bombay High Court has refused to stay the Reserve Bank of India’s deadline of December 31 for dilution of promoter stake in Kotak Mahindra Bank.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Kotak Mahindra Bank
Madras HC Restrains Political Parties from Erecting Digital Banners on Roads in TN(20.12.2018)
Madras High Court has restrained all the political parties in Tamil Nadu from erecting digital banners and hoardings on arterial roads posing a risk t.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Erecting Digital Banners
RBI Extends Note Exchange Deadline for NRI’s till June 30(02.01.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has said that Non-resident Indians (NRIs) can exchange old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes till June 30, 2017.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000, Demonetisation
Government Extends Aadhaar-Bank A/C Linking Deadline to March 31, 2018(14.12.2017)
Government has decided to notify 31st March, 2018 or six months from the date of commencement of bank account based relationship by the client, whiche.....
Tags : Aadhaar, Bank
Lawyer Can Issue Demand Notice of Unpaid Operational Debt on Behalf of Operational Creditor: SC(18.12.2017)
Supreme Court has held that a lawyer on behalf of the operational creditor can issue a demand notice of an unpaid operational debt.The court also held.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
UK Supreme Court: Smoking Ban Cannot be Enforced in Jails(20.12.2017)
UK Supreme Court has ruled that smoking ban cannot be enforced in publicly run jails in England and Wales along with other government sites such as jo.....
Tags : UK Supreme Court, Smoking Ban
Supreme Court Finds ‘No Merit’ in Plea Seeking Ban on Liquor(21.12.2017)
Supreme Court has found ‘no merit’ in a plea seeking a ban on liquor across the country claiming that it caused death, health problems, rise in crime .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Liquor Ban
Wife Slapping Husband Not an Instigation to Commit Suicide: Delhi High Court(10.01.2019)
Delhi High Court has said that mere act of slapping a man by his wife in front of others does not tantamount to instigating the husband to commit suic.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Wife Slapping Husband Not an Instigation to Commit Suicide
Plastic ban: Madras High Court Says Authorities can Seize Only 14 Items Listed in Government Order(11.01.2019)
Madras High Court has directed government officials in Tamil Nadu not to seize plastic products other than the 14 items listed in the June 25, 2018 go.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Plastic Ban
RBI Says ‘Banks Can Accept Coloured Notes’ Appeals to Avoid Dirtying Them(10.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has clarified that banks can accept colour-stained notes amid messages circulating on WhatsApp that public sector banks have bee.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Coloured Notes
Reserve Bank of India Lifts All Limit on Cash Withdrawals(14.03.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted all limits on cash withdrawals from banks and ATMs.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cash withdrawals
Delhi HC Grants One More Day to RBI For Finalizing Stand on Tata-Docomo Arbitration Award(15.03.2017)
Delhi High Court has allowed Reserve Bank of India (RBI) a further day to finalise its stand on enforcement of $ 1.18 billion Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo arb.....
Tags : Delhi High Court , Reserve Bank of India, Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo
Bangladesh Supreme Court Cancels Khaleda Zia’s Bail(19.03.2018)
Bangladesh's Supreme Court has halted the release of opposition leader Khaleda Zia on bail, deepening a political crisis ahead of a national election .....
Tags : Bangladesh Supreme Court, Khaleda Zia
CIVIL - IBC Reigns Supreme Over Other Civil Laws: Delhi High Court(25.02.2019)
Delhi High Court on Friday upheld the supremacy of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) over other civil laws such as those of contracts and guarantee.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, IBC
CIVIL - IBC Reigns Supreme Over Other Civil Laws: Delhi High Court(25.02.2019)
Delhi High Court has upheld supremacy of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) over other civil laws such as those of contracts and guarantees and said.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, IBC
PROPERTY - Civil Suit for Land that is Subject to Proceedings Under Urban Land Ceiling Act Not Maintainable: SC(27.02.2019)
Supreme Court has held that a Civil Court has no jurisdiction to try civil suit in relation to land which is subject to ceiling proceedings under Urba.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Urban Land Ceiling Act
RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency
RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)
Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency
Supreme Court Upholds Validity of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code(28.01.2019)
Supreme Court has upheld the two-year old insolvency code in its entirety, quashing petitions which challenged the law saying it was discriminatory.
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code
Gujarat HC Quashes Rape Charges Against Ex-Husband for having Sexual Relations After Alleged Divorce(30.01.2019)
Gujarat High Court recently quashed rape charges levelled by a woman against her ex-husband who allegedly cohabited with her even after the dissolutio.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Rape Charges Against Ex-Husband
Gujarat HC Quashes Rape Charges Against Ex-Husband for having Sexual Relations After Alleged Divorce(30.01.2019)
Gujarat High Court has quashed rape charges levelled by a woman against her ex-husband who allegedly cohabited with her even after the dissolution of .....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Rape Charges Against Ex-Husband
#Budget2019: 2% Interest Subvention to Farmers Pursuing Animal Husbandry and Fisheries(01.02.2019)
Government has announced 2% interest subvention to farmers pursuing animal husbandry and fisheries and all farmers severely affected by severe natural.....
Tags : #Budget2019, Budget 2019, Farmers Pursuing Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
SC Asks SIT to Look into BoB Scam(27.04.2016)
Supreme Court has directed Special Investigation Team (SIT) on black money to look into a fresh plea seeking a probe into the recent Bank of Baroda (B.....
Tags : Supreme Court , Bank of Baroda
RBI Relaxes Deposit Norms for Foreign Missions, Diplomats(06.05.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has repealed and superseded regulations under the Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000, in consultation.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000,
Lok Sabha Passes Bankruptcy Bill(06.05.2016)
Lok Sabha has passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016 with all the amendments proposed by the joint committee of Parliament being accepted by t.....
Tags : Lok Sabha , Bankruptcy Bill
Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Bill, 2017 Receives President Assent(01.03.2017)
Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Bill, 2017 that provides for cessation of liabilities on specified bank notes has received assent fr.....
Tags : Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Bill, 2017
Top Pvt Banks Slap Charges on Cash Transactions, Caps Free Transactions(02.03.2017)
Banks including HDFC, ICICI, Axis began charging a minimum amount of Rs 150 per transaction for cash deposits and withdrawals beyond four free transac.....
Tags : Banks, Cash Transactions
Madras HC Allows ICICI Bank to Recover Rs. 222 Crore Dues from Subhiksha Trading Services(07.02.2019)
Madras High Court, in a reprieve to ICICI Bank, has ruled that it finds no ground to interfere in order of Chennai Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Subhiksha Trading Services, ICICI Bank
SC Dismisses Plea Against Ban on Mics and Loudspeakers in Residential Areas(12.02.2019)
Supreme Court has rejected a plea by West Bengal BJP to set aside Calcutta High Court's 2013 order which had banned use of loudspeakers in residential.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Mics and Loudspeakers
INSOLVENCY - NCLT Admits ICICI Bank's Insolvency Plea Against Punj Lloyd(11.03.2019)
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) has admitted an insolvency plea against Punj Lloyd filed by ICICI Bank Ltd. for a default of Rs. 853.83 crore.
Tags : NCLT, Punj Lloyd, ICICI Bank
BANKING - SC Stays Bombay HC Order Directing Federal Bank to Pay Rs. 4 cr to Harshad Mehta's Wife(12.03.2019)
Supreme Court has stayed order of Bombay High Court that directed Federal Bank to pay Rs. 4 crore with 18 per cent interest from 1992 to the wife of l.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Federal Bank, Harshad Mehta
COMPANY - NCLAT Slams RCom's Lender SBI over Rs. 37,000 Crore Asset Sale(12.03.2019)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has slammed lenders of Reliance Communications, State Bank of India, for painting a rosy picture of Anil Amban.....
Tags : NCLAT, State Bank of India, Reliance Communication
CIVIL - Crackers Should be Regulated, Not Banned: SC(13.03.2019)
Supreme Court has expressed concerns over rising unemployment in country and said that it is not in favour of a complete ban on crackers and instead s.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Cracker ban, Unemployment
CIVIL - Bombay HC Gives Nod to Cut 14 Mangrove Trees for Building New Flyovers in Bandra(13.03.2019)
Bombay High Court has allowed Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) to remove 14 mangrove trees, paving the way for the constructio.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Mangrove Trees, Flyovers, Bandra
BANKING - Bombay HC Refuses Interim Relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Promoter Stake Issue(13.03.2019)
Bombay High Court has refused to grant any interim relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Reserve Bank of India’s direction to dilute promoter shareholding .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Authorises Select Bank Branches to Collect Advance Tax(16.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has authorised various bank branches, including those of SBI, ICICI, HDFC Bank, PNB and Bank of Baroda, to collect income .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Advance Tax
SC Issues Notice to Maharashtra on Beef Ban in the State(17.08.2016)
SC has issued notice to Maharashtra Government on a petition challenging a Bombay High Court order permitting consumption of beef brought from states .....
Tags : SC, Beef Ban
Delhi High Court Slams Civic Bodies for Turning Delhi into 'Urban Slum'(05.06.2017)
Delhi High Court has issued show cause notices to Commissioners of all three wings of Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), seeking their response on .....
Tags : Delhi High Court , Urban Slum
RBI Maintains Status Quo, Keeps REPO Rate Unchanged at 6.25%(07.06.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has held on to policy rate at 6.25 percent in its monetary policy review on June 7, 2017, the second bi-monthly review for.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, REPO Rate
Supreme Court Annuls Allahabad HC Verdict Quashing Institutional Preference in AMU, BHU(08.06.2017)
Supreme Court has quashed Allahabad High Court’s judgment that quashed institutional preference in Aligarh Muslim University and Banaras Hindu Univers.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court, Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University
US Supreme Court Says Trump's Travel Ban is Legal(27.06.2018)
US Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of President Trump's travel ban.
Tags : US Supreme Court, Travel Ban
Bombay HC Quashes Special Court's Land Probe Order Against Maharashtra CS(23.04.2019)
Bombay High Court, in a relief to Maharashtra chief secretary U P S Madan, has quashed and set aside a special court order directing state Anti-Corrup.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Drive-in Theatre, Bandra-Kurla Complex
RBI Imposes Rs 27-Crore Penalty on 13 Banks for FEMA Violations(28.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has penalized 13 banks and slapped a fine of Rs 27 crore for violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) provision.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , FEMA, banks
RBI: Retail Investors can Access G-Sec Market(29.07.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that retail investors can access Government Securities (G-Sec) market, in a seamless manner from August 16.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, G-Sec, retail investors
Kerala HC: No Ban on Journalists from Reporting Court Proceedings(01.08.2016)
Kerala HC has said that there is no ban on journalists reporting court proceedings but the judges would be at liberty to decline access to any person .....
Tags : Kerala HC , Ban on Journalists
SC to Centre: File Status Report on Seized Contraband, Rehab Centres(02.08.2016)
SC has asked Centre to file status report on implementation of the court’s guidelines for foolproof storage and disposal of seized drugs to prevent th.....
Tags : SC , Seized Contraband, Rehab Centres, Centre
RBI Releases Guidelines for On-Tap Licensing of Universal Banks in Private Sector(02.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released final guidelines for on-tap licensing of universal banks in private sector, under which it ring-fenced bankin.....
Tags : RBI , On-Tap Pvt Sector Bank Licences
Punjab and Haryana HC Dismisses Plea By Hotel, Restaurant Owners on Renaming of State Highways(19.04.2017)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has dismissed a plea by seven hotel and restaurant owners challenging UT Administration’s decision to not rename Madhya .....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, State Highways, Liquor Ban
Delhi Court Sends 2 Sacked SC Staffers to 7 Days PC for Posting Wrong Info on Website(09.04.2019)
A Delhi court has sent two sacked Supreme Court staffers to seven days in police custody for allegedly posting wrong information on Supreme Court's we.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Supreme Court Staffers, Anil Ambani
TRUSTS & SOCIETIES - Gujarat HC Stays Anandiben Patel's Appointment as Trustee of Education Trust(28.03.2019)
Gujarat High Court has stayed an order of the Ahmedabad charity commissioner by which former Chief Minister Anandiben Patel, who is presently the Gove.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Anandiben Patel, Palanpur, Banaskantha District
CIVIL - SC Refuses to Stay Merger of Vijaya, Dena Banks with Bank of Baroda(29.03.2019)
Supreme Court has refused to stay amalgamation of three public sector lenders Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank and Bank of Baroda and dismissed applications fil.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank
BANKING - SC Refuses to Stay Merger of Vijaya, Dena Banks with Bank of Baroda(29.03.2019)
Supreme Court has refused to stay amalgamation of three public sector lenders Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank and Bank of Baroda and dismissed applications fil.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank
CRIMINAL - SC Gives Gujarat Govt. 2 Weeks to Finish Proceedings in Bilkis Bano's Case(30.03.2019)
Supreme Court has given two weeks to Gujarat Government to complete disciplinary proceedings against erring officials, including policemen, who were i.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bilkis Bano
BANKING - CBI Court Convicts Ex Indian Bank CMD for Fraud(30.03.2019)
A Special CBI Court has convicted and sentenced former Indian Bank Chairman and Managing Director M Gopalakrishnan and 11 others to three years Rigoro.....
Tags : CBI Court, Ex Indian Bank CMD, M Gopalakrishnan
CRIMINAL - CBI Court Convicts Ex Indian Bank CMD for Fraud(30.03.2019)
A Special CBI Court has convicted and sentenced former Indian Bank Chairman and Managing Director M Gopalakrishnan and 11 others to three years Rigoro.....
Tags : CBI Court, Ex Indian Bank CMD, M Gopalakrishnan
Bombay HC Directs Institute to Issue Certificate to Woman Without Husband’s Name(01.04.2019)
Bombay High Court has directed an institute in Parel to issue a 31-year-old doctor from Jalgaon her diploma certificate in dermatology and venereology.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Certificate Without Husband's Name
NGT Seeks Centre’s Submission on Banning of Plastic Packaging of Food and Drugs(31.08.2015)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed Centre and various stakeholders to file their submissions on a proposal that there should be a complete pro.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal,Banning of Plastic,Centre
Bombay HC: No Need to ‘Recall’ Witnesses in Bilkis Bano Gang Rape Case(23.09.2016)
Bombay HC has rejected plea made by defence team to recall two witnesses, including a child witness, then merely 8 years old and a CBI Officer to test.....
Tags : Bombay HC , Bilkis Bano Gang Rape Case
Bombay HC Grants Bail to Men Charged under Maharashtra Government's Beef Ban Law(26.09.2016)
Bombay HC has granted bail to two brothers who were charged under Maharashtra Government's beef ban law for transporting a young bull and attempting t.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Beef Ban
Supreme Court Dismisses Appeals of 4 cops, 2 doctors in Bilkis Bano Case(11.07.2017)
Supreme Court has dismissed appeals of two doctors and four policemen including an IPS officer challenging their conviction by Bombay High Court in th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bilkis Bano Case
Highway Booze Ban: SC Exempts Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman-Nicobar Islands(13.07.2017)
Supreme Court has relaxed 500-metre cap on liquor vends across the national and state highways in
Arunachal Pradesh and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Liquor Ban
Supreme Court: No Re-Election in Uncontested Panchayat Seats in WB(24.08.2018)
In a relief for Mamata Banerjee, Supreme Court has turned down the pleas of CPI(M) and BJP seeking cancellation of elections on uncontested local body.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Mamata Banerjee, West Bengal
Supreme Court: Woman Gets Nod to Stay With In-Laws While Husband is in jail(03.06.2019)
Supreme Court has permitted a 22-year-old woman to stay with the family of her husband who is serving a life sentence for murder, setting aside a Madr.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Husband
SC Notices RBI, FM Over Plea For Exchange of Old Notes Found in Dead Parents’ Bank Locker(24.07.2017)
Supreme Court has issued notice to RBI and Finance Ministry on a fresh plea seeking permission to deposit Rs 60 lakh in old notes which were lying in .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India
NCLT: Proceedings u/s 138 NI Act Have Nothing To Do With Insolvency Application Under I&B Code(28.07.2017)
National Company Law Tribunal has ruled that disclosure of fact of initiation of proceedings u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act in not necessary wh.....
Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
CESTAT Bangalore: Restoration and Painting of Cylinders not subject to Tax as ‘Maintenance and Repair(10.09.2018)
Bangalore bench of CESTAT has held that activity of restoration and painting of cylinders is not subject to Service Tax under the head ‘Maintenance a.....
Tags : CESTAT Bangalore. Painting of Cylinders
Madhya Pradesh High Court Upholds Total Prohibition of Plastic Carry Bags in State(17.09.2018)
MP HC has dismissed writ petitions challenging the total prohibition brought vide Madhya Pradesh Jaiv Anaashya Apashishta (Niyantran) Sanshodhan Adhin.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Plastic Bags Ban
Bombay High Court Refuses to Lift Ban on DJs, Dolby Speakers in Festivals(17.09.2018)
Bombay High Court has refused to lift the blanket ban on use of DJ and high-volume sound systems during the Ganesh Chaturthi and Navaratri festivals.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Ban on DJ, Ganesh Chaturthi
Illegal Banquet Halls: NGT Directs Forfeiture of Performance Guarantee Submitted by Delhi Govt(12.07.2019)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed forfeiture of performance guarantee of Rs 5 crore deposited by the Delhi Government, expressing dissatisfac.....
Tags : NGT, Illegal Banquet Halls
Madras High Court Allows Plastic Ban in Tamil Nadu(12.07.2019)
Madras High Court while rejecting a batch of 37 litigations by different plastic bag and paper cup manufacturers has urged the State Government of Tam.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Plastic Ban
IBC Will Override Provisions of Other Enactments Inconsistent With It : Supreme Court(16.08.2018)
Supreme Court has observed that Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) will override anything inconsistent contained in any other enactment, including t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency, Bankruptcy
ITAT Bangalore: Income from Sale of Cocoons Taxable as “Other Income”(12.06.2019)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Bangalore has noted that the income received from the sale of cocoons is not agricultural income and is taxable .....
Tags : ITAT Bangalore, Other Income
Reserve Bank of India to Lift All Charges on Fund Transfers via RTGS and NEFT from July 1(12.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it will lift all charges on fund transfer through popular RTGS and NEFT systems from July 1, 2019 and asked banks .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS
Meghalaya High Court: Indiscipline by Bankers Cannot be Overlooked(13.06.2019)
Meghalaya High Court has observed that indiscipline by bankers cannot be overlooked as they deal with public money. The Court held that "No organisati.....
Tags : Meghalaya High Court, Bankers
Bombay High Court:Vague And General Allegations Not Enough to Incriminate Remote Relatives of Husband(14.06.2019)
Bombay High Court has noted that in cases where overt acts are attributed to persons other than the husband, such accusations need to be proved beyond.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Husband
ITAT Bangalore Deletes Addition Against Flipkart India(20.06.2019)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT Bangalore) has granted relief to the e-com giants Flipkart India by deleting the additions made by the Income Tax .....
Tags : ITAT Bangalore, Flipkart India
Supreme Court: High Way Booze Ban Not Applicable to Bars, Outlets Within Municipal Areas(24.08.2017)
Supreme Court has clarified that high way liquor ban imposed by it is not applicable to licenced bars and beverages outlets within municipal area.
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Liquor Ban
NCLAT: Pendency of Appeal Under Arbitration Act Does Not Bar Insolvency Process Under IBC(01.09.2017)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that pendency of S.37 appeal under Arbitration Act cannot be treated as an ‘existence of dispute’.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Supreme Court: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Prevails Over State Laws(04.09.2017)
Supreme Court has ruled that the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code), being a central statute, will prevail over the state laws that are repug.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Supreme Court Extends Stay on Construction Ban in Mumbai(27.09.2018)
Supreme Court has extended stay on construction ban in the city for a month and cleared that BMC can give permission to proposals submitted by builder.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Mumbai, Construction Ban
Madras High Court Asks AIADMK to Remove Illegal MGR Banners from Chennai(01.10.2018)
Madras High Court has directed removal of all unauthorised banners erected across the city in connection with the valedictory function of the centenar.....
Tags : Madras High Court, MGR Banners
RCom default: NCLAT Rejects Contempt Petition Against Anil Ambani(24.07.2019)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has rejected contempt petitions filed against Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani and other officials .....
Tags : NCLAT, Anil Ambani
Lok Sabha Passes Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019(25.07.2019)
Lok Sabha has passed the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019 in a bid to save gullible investors from ponzi schemes. The Bill seeks to p.....
Tags : Lok Sabha, Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019
NGT Forms Committee to Check Pollution in Delhi During Functions at Banquets, Hotels(14.11.2018)
National Green Tribunal has formed a committee to stop activities that lead to degradation of the environment due to functions at banquet halls, farmh.....
Tags : NGT, Banquets
NGT Gives Approval for Construction of India’s Future Largest Dam(16.11.2018)
National Green Tribunal has given its nod to construction of 2,880 MW Dibang Multipurpose Project (DMP) in Lower Dibang Valley district of Arunachal P.....
Tags : NGT, Dibang Multipurpose Project
Corporate Debtor can’t Maintain Appeal Under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code: NCLAT(16.11.2018)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has dismissed an appeal filed by M/s Radius Infratel Pvt. Ltd. and held that corporate debtor cannot maintain .....
Tags : NCLAT, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code
Bank Scam: Supreme Court Refuses to Stop Probe Against Ajit Pawar and Seventy Others(02.09.2019)
Supreme Court has refused to interfere with the Bombay High Court's direction for the police to register an FIR against NCP leader Ajit Pawar and over.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Scam
Delhi High Court: Finance Ministry Dept's Fine on Banks Reversed(09.09.2019)
Delhi High Court has dismissed 15 appeals by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Finance Ministry against an order of the Appellate Tribunal of th.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Banks
SAT Sets Aside Rs 3 Lakh Penalty on Central Bank of India(10.09.2019)
Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside a penalty of Rs 3 lakh levied by markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) on C.....
Tags : SAT, Central Bank of India
SEBI Fines ICICI Bank, Compliance Officer Rs 12 lakh for Disclosure Lapses(13.09.2019)
SEBI has levied a total fine of Rs 12 lakh on ICICI Bank Ltd and its compliance officer for disclosure lapses, including delayed disclosure of binding.....
Tags : SEBI, ICICI Bank
Supreme Court Dismisses Plea Against Bangladeshi Migrants(03.04.2017)
Supreme Court has junked a PIL seeking action against illegal Bangladeshi migrants whose influx has affected the sovereignty and integrity of the coun.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bangladeshi migrants
Bombay HC Rejects Review Petition Filed by Victoria Owners(04.04.2017)
Bombay High Court has dismissed the review petition filed by horse carriage owners calling for the Victoria ban to be overturned.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Victoria Ban
Karnataka High Court: Act Against Those Calling for Bandhs(11.04.2018)
Karnataka High Court has asked the State Government to submit its response by Wednesday on a batch of PILs that accuse the state government of not tak.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Bandhs
CONTEMPT OF COURT - Ericsson case: SC Holds Anil Ambani Guilty of Contempt, Asks Him to Pay Rs. 453 cr or Face Jail(20.02.2019)
Supreme Court has held Reliance Group chairman and its two directors guilty of contempt for willfully not paying Rs. 550 crore to Ericsson and asked A.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Anil Ambani, Erricson Case
CONTEMPT OF COURT - Ericsson Case: SC Holds Anil Ambani Guilty of Contempt, Asks Him to Pay Rs. 453 cr or Face Jail(20.02.2019)
Supreme Court has held Reliance Group chairman and its two directors guilty of contempt for willfully not paying Rs. 550 crore to Ericsson and asked A.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Anil Ambani, Erricson Case
CIVIL - Bombay HC Raps Anil Ambani Firms for 'Attempt to Mislead'(22.02.2019)
Bombay High Court has described arguments of Reliance group companies regarding alleging misconduct on part of Edelweiss group companies in sale of pl.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Anil Ambani Firm, Reliance Group Companies, Edelweiss group
Bombay High Court Rejects PMC Bank Depositors' Plea for Lifting Withdrawal Cap(06.12.2019)
Bombay High Court has rejected pleas of the depositors of the crisis-hit Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank, seeking lifting of restriction.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, PMC Bank
Non-Residents Not Required to Disclose Their Foreign Bank Accounts: ITAT(26.11.2018)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has held that the non-residents are not required to disclose the details of their foreign bank accounts a.....
Tags : ITAT, Non Residents Bank Accounts
First Time Dispute in Reply of Demand Notice Doesn't Constitute Pre Existing Dispute Under IBC: NCLAT(30.11.2018)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that a dispute raised for the first time in reply to demand notice or in response to Adjudicating Aut.....
Tags : NCLAT, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Bombay High Court Restricts Canara Bank from Taking Possession of Worli Bungalow(09.10.2019)
Bombay High Court has restricted Canara Bank from taking over a bungalow in Worli locality of Mumbai from one of its borrowers and guarantor of a loan.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Canara Bank
SAT Reduces Market Ban on Inventure Growth(11.10.2019)
Securities Appellate Tribunal has reduced the market ban period on Inventure Growth and Securities to three years as well as set aside restrictions on.....
Tags : SAT, Market Ban
RBI Raises Withdrawal Limit to Rs. 40,000 for PMC Bank Account Holders(15.10.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has raised withdrawal limit for account holders of the stressed Punjab and Maharashtra Co-Operative Bank to Rs. 40,000 from ear.....
Tags : RBI, PMC Bank
US Supreme Court Allows Full Enforcement of Trump Travel Ban(11.12.2017)
US Supreme Court has allowed the Trump administration to fully enforce a ban on travel to the United States by residents of six mostly Muslim countrie.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Trump Travel Ban
Application Under Sec. 7 of IBC can’t be Admitted After Settlement Between Parties: NCLAT(06.12.2018)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has declared admission of application under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code after settlement b.....
Tags : NCLAT, Section 7 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
PMLA Appellate Authority: IBC Prevails Over Prevention of Money Laundering Act(24.09.2019)
In an important decision, the Appellate Authority of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 has upheld the prevalence of the Insolvency and Bank.....
Tags : Appellate Authority of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, PMLA
NGT: Make Rules for Regulation of Banquet Halls(26.09.2019)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Delhi Government to formulate guidelines pertaining to the regulation of banquet halls across the city,.....
Tags : NGT, Banquet Halls
Supreme Court: Non Production of Entire Contraband is no Ground for Acquittal by Itself(30.09.2019)
Supreme Court has ruled that non-production of contraband material by itself is not a ground for acquittal in case its seizure is otherwise proved. Th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Contraband
Bilkis Bano Case:Apex Court Directs Gujarat Govt to Pay Compensation and Provide Job Within Two Weeks(30.09.2019)
Apex Court has directed Gujarat Government to pay compensation and provide job to Bilkis Bano within two weeks. The Court had awarded a compensation o.....
Tags : Apex Court, Bilkis Bano Case
No Right with Bank Employee to be Associated with Decision Making Process for Fixation Of Salary: SC(13.02.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that the employee of a Bank has no right that he should be associated with the decision-making process in respect of the fi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Employee, Fixation Of Salary
Kerala HC Dismisses Plea to Ban Organ Donation Even to Save Life(13.02.2019)
Kerala High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation filed by a lawyer seeking prohibition of donation of organs such as liver, kidneys, heart.....
Tags : Kerela High Court, Ban Organ Donation
SC Dismisses Two Officials for Tampering With Order Directing Personal Appearance of Anil Ambani(14.02.2019)
Supreme Court has summarily dismissed two court masters- Manav Sharma and Tapan Kumar Chakraborty- for tampering with the January 7 order directing pe.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Anil Ambani
Madras HC Says No to Banners on Jayalalithaa Birth Anniversary(14.02.2019)
Madras High Court has refused to permit two AIADMK district office bearers to erect digital banners in view of former Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Banners on Jayalalithaa Birth Anniversary
UK HC: Anil Ambani’s Evidence in Case Filed by Chinese Banks Incomplete(17.12.2019)
United Kingdom High Court has termed the evidence provided by Reliance Communications chairman Anil Ambani as “inexplicably incomplete, implausible an.....
Tags : UK HC, Anil Ambani
SAT Refuses Relief to Axis Bank in Karvy Case, Asks it to Approach SEBI(18.12.2019)
Securities Appellate Tribunal has refused relief to Axis Bank in the Karvy case. The private lender had approached the Tribunal seeking the shares ple.....
Tags : SAT, Axis Bank
Bombay High Court: HDIL, its Promoters have to Repay Loan to PMC Bank(20.12.2019)
Bombay High Court has observed that HDIL and its promoters will have to repay their loan to crisis-hit Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank a.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, PMC Bank
RBI Directs Banks to Report Cyber Crimes within 6 Hours(03.02.2017)
RBI, while asking banks to report any cyber security incident within two to six hours of its happening, has warned lenders that any delay in reporting.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cyber security
RBI Allows NRIs to Access ETCS Market(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed NRIs access to Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives (ETCD) market to hedge currency risk arising out of their .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives
RBI Issues Revised Guidelines For Commercial Papers(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued revised guidelines for commercial papers, including mandating that the issuer must disclose end-use of such fun.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, commercial papers
RBI Allows Banks to Use Statutory Reserves for AT1 Bond Coupon Payment(03.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks to use statutory reserves to pay coupon (interest) on additional Tier-I bonds, subject to certain riders.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Tier-I bonds
Supreme Court: Restaurants with Live Band, Discos Should Obtain Licence(29.01.2018)
Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of ‘The Licensing and Controlling of Places of Public Entertainment (Bangalore City) Order 2005’ issued.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Live Band, Discos
RBI Imposes Rs 1.75-Crore Penalty on Indian Bank for Non-Compliance(21.11.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of a total of Rs 1.75 crore on Indian Bank for non-compliance with its various directions. The no.....
Tags : RBI, Indian Bank
CIVIL - Bangalore Court Vacates Order Restraining 'The Wire' from Publishing Article Against BJP MP(15.03.2019)
A Bangalore City Civil Court has vacated the ex-parte order of interim injunction passed against online news portal "The Wire" restraining it from pub.....
Tags : Bangalore Court, The Wire, BJP MP Rajveev Chandrasekhar
RBI Allows Financial Institutions to Conduct Business in Indian National Rupee in IFSC(20.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed the Financial Institutions to conduct businesses in Indian National Rupees in International Financial Services Centr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Financial Institutions, Business in Indian National Rupee
Supreme Court Indicts Indian Bank for Negligence(20.01.2020)
Supreme Court has directed the Indian Bank to pay Rs. 25 lakhs as compensation to Dayanand Anglo Vedic Public School in West Bengal for negligence lea.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Bank
Calcutta HC: Application to Set Aside Arbitral Award Cannot Be Put on Hold Due to Invocation of IBC(20.01.2020)
Calcutta High Court has stated that an application to set aside an arbitral award under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 cannot be kept in a.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Set Aside of Arbitral Award, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Provisions
NCLAT Stays NCLT’s Order Prohibiting Appointment of Ex- Bankers as Resolution Professional(21.01.2020)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has stayed National Company Law Tribunal’s Order which prohibited appointing a former bank official as indepen.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Appointment of Ex- Bankers
Karnataka HC Restrains New Development Activity Near Bannerghatta National Park(21.01.2020)
Karnataka High Court has restrained any new commercial or development activities, within 10 kilometres radius of Bannerghatta National Park, until the.....
Tags : DKarnataka High Court, Bannerghatta National Park
CIVIL - Kerala HC Directs District Collectors to be Present in Proceedings Regarding Formation of Kerala Bank(06.03.2019)
Kerala High Court has directed seven District Collectors to be present in person during meeting to be held at district banks concerning finalising the.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala Bank
CIVIL - Bombay HC Asks Authority to Clear Roads of Abandoned Vehicles Where Metro Work is On(06.03.2019)
Bombay High Court has directed state and Mumbai traffic police to crack down on illegally parked and abandoned vehicles on roads where Metro construct.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Clear Roads of Abandoned Vehicles
INSOLVENCY - NCLT Rejects Karur Vysya Bank’s Plea Against ArcelorMittal Plan for Essar Steel(08.03.2019)
National Company Law Tribunal has rejected Karur Vysya Bank’s plea to quash Rs 42,000-crore resolution plan of ArcelorMittal for distressed Essar Stee.....
Tags : NCLT, Essar Steel, Karur Vysya Bank
CIVIL - Unnatural Sex, Excess Sexual Act of Husband Not Instigation for Wife's Suicide: Chhattisgarh HC(11.03.2019)
Chhattisgarh High Court, while discharging a man accused of instigating his wife's suicide, has observed that excess sexual acts by a husband and unna.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Unnatural Sex, Excess Sexual Act of Husband, Instigation for suicide,
CRIMINAL - Unnatural Sex, Excess Sexual Act of Husband Not Instigation for Wife's Suicide: Chhattisgarh HC(11.03.2019)
Chhattisgarh High Court, while discharging a man accused of instigating his wife's suicide, has observed that excess sexual acts by a husband and unna.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Unnatural Sex, Excess Sexual Act of Husband, Instigation for suicide,
SC Issues Notice to Union Government on Petitions Challenging Constitutionality of IBC Ordinance(14.01.2020)
Supreme Court has issued a notice to the Union Government on Petitions Challenging Constitutional Validity of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendmen.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Ordinance
Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restrictions on Catholic Syrian Bank on Opening Branches(15.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted a restriction that was imposed on the Catholic Syrian Bank for opening new branches, given the delayed initial public.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Catholic Syrian Bank
CIVIL - Sikkim HC Stays Bandh Called by Sikkim Krantikari Morcha(27.02.2019)
Sikkim High Court has barred, in an interim order, state's opposition party, Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM), from going ahead with its proposed bandh .....
Tags : Sikkim High Court, Bandh Called by Sikkim Krantikari Morcha
MRTP/ COMPETITION LAWS - CCI Clears SoftBank’s 22.44% Stake Buy in Delhivery(28.02.2019)
Competition Commission of India (CCI) has said it has approved acquisition of 22.44 % stake in logistics firm Delhivery by SoftBank Vision Fund.
Tags : Competition Commission of India, Delhivery, SoftBank Vision Fund
CRIMINAL - Pulwama Terror Attack Remarks: Gauhati HC Grants Interim Anticipatory Bail to Papri Banerjee(05.03.2019)
Gauhati High Court has granted interim anticipatory bail to Papri Banerjee, Assistant Professor at Icon College, accused of posting a controversial co.....
Tags : Gauhati High Court, Papri Banerjee, Pulwama Terror Attack
RBI Issues Norms to Shore Up Governance Standards at Urban Cooperative Banks(02.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has released the final guidelines for setting up a board of management for such banks. According to the guidelines, UCBs, with d.....
Tags : RBI, Urban Cooperative Banks
CESTAT Bangalore: No Service Tax Would be Applicable on VSAT Hire Charges and VSAT Usage Fee(06.01.2020)
Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has held that Very Small Aperture Terminal equipment Hire Charges and Very Small Aperture.....
Tags : CESTAT Bangalore, VSAT
Reserve Bank of India Permits Banks to Trade in Forex Outside of Market Hours(07.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it has permitted category–I banks to offer foreign exchange prices to users at all times, out of their Indian book.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex
Reserve Bank of India Revises PCA Regime for UCBs Facing Financial Stress(07.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has decided to revise its Supervisory Action Framework to place restrictions on urban cooperative banks (UCBs) for deterioration.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, PCA Regime
Madras High Court Orders Status Quo on Service Conditions of Migrant Bank Employees(13.04.2017)
Madras High Court has ordered status quo on service conditions linked to terminal benefits, pension and seniority of migrant employees of five banks w.....
Tags : Madras High Court , State Bank of India
Supreme Court Defers Hearing on Liquor Ban Till Summer Recess(14.04.2017)
Supreme Court has said that it would hear after vacations a matter challenging decision to denotify highways to overcome liquor ban.
Tags : Supreme Court, Liquor Ban
RBI Revises Norms For Action Against Weak Banks(14.04.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened rules that trigger regulatory action on lenders when they fall short of capital or exceed bad loan limits.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Weak Banks
ITAT, Pune Allows Claim for Set-off of Loss by Husband Invested in Wife’s Business(30.01.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Pune has held that the wife’s separate income can be clubbed into husbands total income and in the case of any loss inc.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Clubbing of Husband and Wife's Incomes
Reserve Bank of India Allows Kotak Bank to Retain 26% Promoter Stake(31.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed Kotak Mahindra Bank’s founder Uday Kotak to retain 26 % promoter stake in a dispute over the bank’s promoter shareho.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding
Reserve Bank of India Extends Deadline to Opt for Oversight Cadre(03.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has extended the cut-off date for its officers to opt for the specialized supervisory and regulatory cadre till July 31.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Oversight Cadre
Supreme Court Seeks Centre and State Government’s Reply on Plea to Regulate Blood Banks(04.02.2020)
Supreme Court has sought response from Centre and all the State Governments on a plea seeking direction to strengthen and regulate blood banks and blo.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Blood Banks
Reserve Bank of India Cancels Vodafone’s Certificate of Authorization for M- Pesa(22.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has said that it has cancelled the Certificate of Authorization of Vodafone M- Pesa on account of voluntary surrender of authori.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Vodafone
Securities Appellate Tribunal Maintains Status Quo in Axis- Karvy Case(22.01.2020)
Securities Appellate Tribunal has extended its status quo order in the case of Axis Bank and Karvy Stock Broking till January 31.
Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Axis Bank, Karvy Stock Broking Case
Bombay HC Sets Aside Goods and Services Tax Authority's Order on Power to Attach Bank Accounts(23.01.2020)
Bombay High Court has quashed and set aside an order by the Directorate General of Goods and Services Tax Intelligence holding that the said order of .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Power to Attach Bank Accounts
National Green Tribunal Seeks Status from CPCB on Kite String Ban Implementation(24.01.2020)
National Green Tribunal has asked Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to submit a compliance report on the status of implementation of the ban on m.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Kite String Ban Implementation
Reserve Bank of India Raises Investment Cap for FPIs in Corporate and Government Debt Instruments(24.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has raised the investment limit for foreign portfolio investors in Government and Corporate Bonds, in a bid to bring in more for.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Investment Cap for Foreign Portfolio Investors
Reserve Bank of India Issues Directions for Permitting Rupee Derivatives to be Traded in IFSCs(24.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has released directions under Section 45 W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 permitting Rupee derivatives to be traded in I.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Trading of Rupee Derivatives in IFSCs
RBI Relaxes Norms in Cheque Dishonour Cases(05.08.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms in cheque dishonour cases of Rs 1 crore and above.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Cheque Dishonour Cases
Madras HC Refuses to Grant Bail to Bank Lawyer for ‘Defrauding’ Money(10.08.2016)
Madras HC has refused to grant anticipatory bail to M.P. Venkatakrishnan, Assistant Manager (Legal) of HDFC Bank in Tirunelveli district, in two cases.....
Tags : Madras HC, Bank Lawyer, M.P. Venkatakrishnan
Supreme Court Revokes Suspension Orders Against 8 BHU Students, Orders Special Exam for Semester(05.05.2017)
Supreme Court has revoked suspension orders against eight students by Banaras Hindu University (BHU), who sat for a dharna in University campus demand.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Banaras Hindu University
Banking Regulation Ordinance, 2017: RBI Gets Power to Initiate Insolvency Process Against Defaulters(05.05.2017)
President Pranab Mukherjee has approved Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017 which gives power to Reserve Bank of India to initiate insolven.....
Tags : President Pranab Mukherjee, Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017
Supreme Court: Expect Modified Order on Highway Liquor Ban in Mid July(10.05.2017)
Supreme Court has said that it is likely to announce modification order in second week of July on plea by hotels and clubs seeking changes in its orde.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Liquor Ban
RBI Guidelines on Banking Regulation Act Stresses on Timeline for CAP in Joint Lenders Forum(10.05.2017)
RBI has issued directions u/s 35AB of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 stressing on timelines to be followed while finalizing a Corrective Action Plan (“C.....
Tags : RBI, Banking Regulation Act, 1949
Supreme Court: Union Government Cannot Freeze Assets of Punjab National Bank in Nirav Scam Case(20.02.2020)
Supreme Court had ordered that the Union Government could not have moved under company law for freezing the assets of ex-Managing Director of Punjab N.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Punjab National Bank, Nirav Scam Case
Permission to Construct Casting Yard at Juhu Beach Illegal: Bombay HC(29.04.2019)
Bombay High Court has held that permission granted by Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) to construct a casting yard for Versova-Ba.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Versova-Bandra Sea Link Project at Juhu beach
Bank Employee Working in its Legal Branch Ineligible to Become Judge: Gujarat HC(30.04.2019)
Gujarat High Court has dismissed a plea of a 'banker' who aspired to become a judicial officer and observed that a bank employee, could not be treated.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Bank Employee, Judge
NCLT Orders Insolvency Proceedings Against Karur KCP Packkagings(30.04.2019)
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) has ordered insolvency process against Tamil Nadu-based publicly-listed packaging company Karur KCP Packkagings o.....
Tags : NCLT, KCP Packkagings, Karur Vysya Bank
Delhi HC Asks Sikh Body to Clear Dues of School Staff(30.04.2019)
Delhi High Court has asked city’s Sikh Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) to take steps to clear unpaid dues of those employed in schools run by the.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Sikh Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC)
Manager of Nationalized Bank Though a Public Servant Can't Claim Protection U/S 197 CrPC: SC(01.05.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that a public servant working in a nationalized bank cannot claim benefit of Sanction under Section 197 of the Criminal Pro.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Nationalized Bank, Section197 CrPC
Manager of Nationalized Bank Though a Public Servant Can't Claim Protection U/S 197 CrPC: SC(01.05.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that a public servant working in a nationalized bank cannot claim benefit of Sanction under Section 197 of the Criminal Pro.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Nationalized Bank, Section197 CrPC
Delhi HC Stays Bank Guarantees' Invocation(21.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has passed an interim order restraining the invocation of bank guarantees, observing that the lockdown was prima facie in the nature .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank Guarantees
ITAT, Bangalore: Payments in Foreign Currency For Travel Etc. Excludable From Export, Total Turnover(18.05.2017)
ITAT, Bangalore has held that payments made in foreign currency towards foreign travel, telecommunication expenses & ex-pat salary are excludable from.....
Tags : ITAT, Bangalore, Export, Total Turnover
Barabanki District Court Acquits Former AMU Scholar Gulzar Wani in Sabarmati Express Blast Case(22.05.2017)
Barabanki District Court has acquitted two accused in Sabarmati Express Blast Case of 2000.
Tags : Barabanki District Court, Sabarmati Express Blast Case
NCLAT: 14 Days Timeline to Admit or Reject Case Under IBC a 'Mere Directive'(22.05.2017)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has said that 14-day timeline for rejecting or admitting a case under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Kerala High Court Refuses to Lift Festival Ban on Celebrity Elephant Who Killed 13 Amid Protests(10.05.2019)
Kerala High Court has refused to intervene in the matter related to allowing a partially blind celebrity elephant to take part in the State's largest .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Elephant Ban
Delhi HC Directs SIT to Complete Investigation in Plea Seeking Inquiry into Banking Fraud(18.03.2020)
Delhi High Court has directed the Special Investigation Team to conclude investigation into banking frauds as expeditiously as possible and in all cir.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Banking Fraud Cases
Delhi HC Asks Kunal Kamra to Move Appropriate Authority with Challenge Against Travel Ban(20.03.2020)
Delhi High Court has refused to entertain the Petition filed by the comedian, Kunal Kamra challenging the travel ban imposed on him by Indigo Airlines.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Kunal Kamra, Travel Ban
Delhi HC Seeks Response of Centre, DGCA on Ban on Passenger Travel from EU, UK(23.03.2020)
Delhi High Court has sought response of the Centre and Directorate General of Civil Aviation on a plea challenging the Centre's circular prohibiting t.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Passenger Travel Ban
Reserve Bank of India Approves Kotak Mahindra’s Proposal to Trim Stake of Promoters(20.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has given final approval to Kotak Mahindra Bank’s proposal on reducing promoters’ stakes and capping their voting rights.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding
ITAT, Mumbai: Interest on Investments in Co-operative Bank Eligible for Deduction(24.02.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has held that the interest income earned by a co-operative society on its investments held with a co-oper.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Interest on Investments in Co-operative Bank
Delhi High Court Seeks DGCA Response on Kunal Kamra's Plea Against Flying Ban(25.02.2020)
Delhi High Court has asked Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to respond to comedian and activist Kunal Kamra's plea challenging his travel .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Kunal Kamra Flying Ban
Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restriction on Bandhan Bank(26.02.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has lifted the restriction on Bandhan Bank to expand its branch network after considering the efforts made by the private lender.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bandhan Bank
Delhi High Court Directs Supreme Court Registry to Supply Necessary Documents to Police(26.02.2020)
Delhi High Court has directed the Supreme Court's Registry to supply documents required for the investigation in a plea seeking quashing of First Info.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Anil Ambani Contempt Case
Kerala High Court Bans Agitation on Campuses(27.02.2020)
Kerala High Court has banned all forms of agitation by students groups in schools and colleges that disrupt the functioning of educational institution.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban of Agitation on Campuses
Delhi HC Directs DGCA to Deal with Kunal Kamra's Complaint Within 8 Weeks(27.02.2020)
Delhi High Court has disposed of comedian and activist Kunal Kamra's plea challenging his travel ban, directing the Directorate General of Civil Aviat.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Kunal Kamra Flying Ban
Supreme Court Rejects Plea for Nationwide Liquor Ban(30.09.2016)
Supreme Court has dismissed Bharatiya Janata Party leader Ashwani Upadhaya’s plea, seeking a complete ban on liquor across the nation.
Tags : Supreme Court, Liquor Ban
#Bangalore_Blast: Supreme Court Allows Maudany To Attend Son’s Wedding In Kerala(01.08.2017)
Supreme Court has allowed Bangalore blast accused and People’s Democratic Party Chairman Abdul Nazar Maudany , lodged in a Bangalore jail to travel to.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bangalore blast
#RBI Monetary Policy: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Cut by 25 bps(02.08.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has reduced its repo rate by 25 bps to 6% and the reverse repo rate by 25 bps to 5.75%.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Monetary Policy
Delhi HC Upholds Extradition of NRI to United States in Bank Fraud Conspiracy Case(10.08.2017)
Delhi High Court has upheld order of extradition of an NRI to United States in a case alleging bank fraud conspiracy.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank Fraud Conspiracy
#Highway Booze Ban: Supreme Court Says 'No Need to Clarify Order'(11.08.2017)
Supreme Court has said that there was no need to further clarify its order on prohibiting liquor vends within 500 metre of National and State Highways.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Highway Booze Ban
Make Plans for Urban Homeless by October 31: Supreme Court to States(19.09.2018)
Supreme Court has asked all states and Union Territories to prepare action plans for the urban homeless by October 31 and while setting the deadline, .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Urban Homeless
Gujarat High Court Stays Kutch DM’s Order on Livestock Export Ban From Tuna(21.09.2018)
Gujarat High Court has stayed the order of Kutch District Magistrate prohibiting the movement of livestock at Tuna port after complaints of alleged vi.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Kutch DM, Livestock Export Ban
Bombay HC: Contraband Found During Income Tax Search Does Not Amount to Seizure(25.05.2020)
Bombay High Court has held that when officers stumble upon a contraband during an income tax raid, it does not amount to 'seizure' under the Narcotics.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Contraband Found During Income Tax Raid
Supreme Court: Is Size of Turban Part of Sikh Religion?(06.08.2018)
Supreme Court has sought to know if the topknot/ half or bun turban (patka) can be worn by Sikh athletes with helmets during participation in sporting.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Turban, Sikh
Bandipora Rape Case: Jammu and Kashmir High Court Directs IGP to File Status Report by Friday(15.05.2019)
J & K HC took suo moto cognizance of the Bandipora rape case of a three-year-old girl and directed IG of Police (Kashmir zone) to file a status report.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir, Bandipora
J & K High Court Orders Social Media Platforms to Delete Posts Identifying Bandipora Rape Victim(20.05.2019)
Jammu and Kashmir High Court has ordered Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to remove all posts from their platforms which disclosed the identity of a thre.....
Tags : J & K High Court, Bandipora, Social Media
Delhi High Court Stays Lower Court Proceedings Against Bank Executives(27.05.2019)
Delhi High Court has stayed the lower court proceedings against Punjab National Bank its former Managing Director & CEO Usha Ananthasubramanian and 11.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank
Delhi HC Restores 'Status Quo Ante' for Loan Classified as NPA by Yes Bank(08.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has held that YES Bank should not have classified a loan account as Non-Performing Asset (NPA) when a delay in payment of installment.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Loan Classified as NPA by Yes Bank
Delhi HC Allows Interim Reoccupation to Debtor of Property Securitized by Bank(13.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has allowed a family to reoccupy a floor of the property, which was securitized by IIFL Home Finance Limited under Section 14 of Secu.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reoccupation to Debtor of Property Securitized by Bank
Bombay HC Allows Budget Approval for Universities Before Polls(01.04.2019)
Bombay High Court has allowed all state universities to get their annual budgets approved before upcoming Lok Sabha election from the Maharashtra Gove.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Certificate Without Husband's Name
SC Strikes Down RBI Circular on Defaulting Firms, Calls it Unconstitutional(02.04.2019)
Supreme Court has quashed a Reserve Bank of India circular of February 12, 2018, asking banks to classify a loan account as stressed if there was even.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Releases First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20(04.04.2019)
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced its resolution under first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2019-.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20
CESTAT, New Delhi: Banking Services are Related to Collection of Export Proceeds(05.03.2020)
Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi has held that banking services are related to the collection of export proceeds and has a.....
Tags : Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Banking Services
Allahabad HC Directs UP Government to Remove Banners of Riot-Accused(11.03.2020)
Allahabad High Court has directed the Lucknow administration to remove banners containing pictures and details of the riot accused, stating that the m.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Banners of Riot-Accused
Madras HC Grants Interim Relief to Singer 'Mahanadhi' Shobana in Copyright Infringement Suit(11.03.2020)
Madras High Court has restrained Symphony Recording Company Ltd from distributing, manufacturing or selling the songs of the famous Tamil singer 'Maha.....
Tags : Madras High Court, 'Mahanadhi' Shobana
Rajya Sabha Approves Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2020(13.03.2020)
Rajya Sabha has passed amendments to the insolvency law in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2020 that will help ring-fence success.....
Tags : Parliament, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2020
Causing Loss of Rs. 38K, Bank Peon’s Conviction Upheld by SC After 24 Years(04.10.2018)
Supreme Court has upheld the conviction of bank’s peon after 24 Years, who doubled as cash clerk due to shortage of staff, for corruption and causing .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Peon
What Protection is Available to a Depositor if Bank Fails: Delhi High Court asks Centre(09.10.2018)
Delhi High Court has asked Centre that what is the protection available to customers having deposits of over Rs 1 lakh if a bank fails and said that i.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Banks
Reserve Bank Cuts Key Lending Rates by 0.35%(07.08.2019)
Reserve Bank of India's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has cut key interest rate for the fourth consecutive time by 35 basis points or 0.35 per cent .....
Tags : Reserve Bank, Lending Rates
Delhi HC Rejects Plea Challenging Ban on Army Officers Using Social Media(05.08.2020)
Delhi High Court has rejected a plea challenging the policy of the Indian Army which requires all members of the armed forces to delete their social m.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Ban on Army Officers Using Social Media
Delhi HC Upholds Ban on Social Media Use by Defence Staff(06.08.2020)
Delhi High Court has upheld the ban on social media for defence personnel, observing that it is a policy decision by the Government based on feedback .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Ban on Social Media Use
Reserve Bank of India Keeps Lending Rate Unchanged in the Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy(06.08.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has come out with the Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy whereby the key lending rate has remained unchanged. The Committee has kept rep.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy
Delhi HC Orders Removal of Construction Around 300 Year Old Banyan Tree(10.08.2020)
Delhi High Court has ordered removal of construction and concrete around a 300 year old tree in Chandni Chowk, as a step to protect the Banyan Tree.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Banyan Tree
Urban Improvement Trusts Not Entitled to Income Tax Exemptions: Supreme Court(15.10.2018)
Supreme Court has held that Urban Improvement Trust constituted under the Rajasthan Urban Improvement Act, 1959 is not a local authority within the me.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Urban Improvement Trusts
Madras High Court Bans Online Sale of Firecrackers Till Nov 15(17.10.2018)
Madras High Court has passed an interim order staying online sale of firecrackers till November 15.
Tags : Madras High Court, Firecrackers Ban
Bombay High Court Stays Decision on DJ Ban(22.10.2018)
Bombay High Court has turned down a petition filed in the court to uplift the DJ ban which was implemented this year during Ganesh Chaturthi.
Tags : Bombay High Court, DJ BAN
Rajya Sabha Passes Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019(30.07.2019)
Rajya Sabha has passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019. This Bill if passed will , ease the process of corporate restructuri.....
Tags : Rajya Sabha, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019
ITAT, Mumbai: Interest Income Earned by HSBC Bank Not Eligible to Tax(14.07.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has ruled that interest income of Rs 1,498 crore earned by HSBC Bank during the assessment year 2015-16 f.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, HSBC Bank
Delhi HC Asks Centre to Submit Its Policy on Social Media Ban in Army(15.07.2020)
Delhi High Court has directed the Central Government to submit in a sealed cover its policy regarding the use of social media by members of armed forc.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Social Media Ban in Army
SC Wants All Information on Reliance, Sistema, Aircel & Videocon Bankruptcy Cases(21.07.2020)
Supreme Court has asked for all records pertaining to the bankruptcy proceedings of Reliance Communications, Sistema Shyam Teleservices, Aircel and Vi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Information on Bankruptcy Cases
RBI Issues New Guidelines Over Private Bank CEO Remuneration(05.11.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has told private banks to raise the variable portion of remuneration to at least half of the total for their chief executives a.....
Tags : RBI, Private Bank CEO
RBI Increases Withdrawal Limit from PMC Bank to Rs 50,000(06.11.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has enhanced the withdrawal limit of PMC Bank depositors to Rs 50,000 from the previous cap of Rs 40,000. RBI further said that .....
Tags : RBI, PMC Bank
Gujarat High Court: Order of Attachment of Bank Account is Prima Facie without Authority of Law(08.11.2019)
Gujarat High Court has observed that the order of attachment of bank account is prima facie without the authority of law and the order of blocking of .....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Bank Account
MP HC: Export Ban on N95 Masks/PPE Kits Not Violation of Right of Trade/Business(15.10.2020)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has ruled that ban of export in respect of KN95 Masks, Personal Protective Equipment Kits and other products does not amount.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Export Ban on N95 Masks/PPE Kits
Bandra Court Orders FIR Against Kangana Ranaut for Allegedly Promoting Communal Disharmony(19.10.2020)
Bandra Court has ordered a First Information Report to be registered against actor Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel for allegedly trying .....
Tags : Bandra Court, Kangana Ranaut, Rangoli Chandel
SC Allows Caretaker Trust to Operate Bank Accounts Towards Philanthropic Causes(22.10.2020)
Supreme Court has allowed the Maharawal Khewaji Trust that manages the Rs 20,000 Crores worth property of the last ruler of the erstwhile princely sta.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Operation of Bank Accounts
RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, Maintains Status Quo on Repo Rate(08.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued its sixth Bi-monthly Policy Statement for the year, wherein Apex Bank decided to hold on to repo rate at 6.25 p.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-monthly Policy Statement, repo rate
RBI: No Cash Withdrawal Limits Post March 13(09.02.2017)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that cash withdrawal limits, currently in place for savings bank accounts will be removed in two stages, initiall.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Cash Withdrawal
SC Stays NCLAT Order That Said Limitation Act Doesn’t Apply To Proceedings Under IBC(11.01.2018)
Supreme Court has stayed the order of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal which said the provisions of the Limitation Act were not applicable .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
SC: Bangalore Club Not Liable to Pay Wealth Tax(09.09.2020)
Supreme Court has held that 'Bangalore Club', one of the oldest club in Bangalore, is not liable to pay Wealth tax under the Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
Tags : Supreme Court, Bangalore Club
Supreme Court Inquires if Convicted Netas Should Get Lifetime Poll Ban(11.09.2020)
Supreme Court has asked the Centre to respond to a new prayer in a pending Public Interest Litigation seeking a life ban on politicians convicted of h.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Lifetime Poll Ban
P&H HC Imposes Cost on Woman for Failing to Provide Reason for Leaving Her Husband(15.09.2020)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has imposed a cost of Rs 25,000 on a woman for failing to explain why she had left her husband against whom she had appr.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Reason for Leaving Husband
SC Rejects SBI Plea Seeking Vacation of Stay on Insolvency Proceedings Against Anil Ambani(18.09.2020)
Supreme Court has declined to vacate a stay granted by Delhi High Court towards the ongoing Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 proceedings against R.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Anil Ambani
NGT Directs Gurugram Municipal Corp to Clear Waste at Bandhwari Landfill(22.11.2019)
National Green Tribunal has directed the Gurugram Municipal Corporation to clear 25 lakh tonnes of legacy waste at Bandhwari landfill within six month.....
Tags : NGT, Bandhwari Landfill
Patna High Court to State Government: Courts Clogged with 2 Lakh Booze Ban Cases(22.11.2019)
Patna High Court has pulled up the State Government for leaving an already burdened judiciary saddled with more than 2 lakh booze prohibition related .....
Tags : Patna High Court, Booze Ban Cases
Housing Ministry Directs CPIO to Remove Personal Details of RTI Applicants(10.12.2020)
Union Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (Housing Ministry) has directed all the Central Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities under .....
Tags : Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Personal Details of RTI Applicants
Uttarakhand HC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Ban on Private Shooters to Kill ‘Man-Eaters’(11.12.2020)
Uttarakhand High Court has issued notices to the State Government, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (wildlife), chief wildlife warden and direct.....
Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Ban on Private Shooters
Supreme Court Vacates Blanket Ban Restraining Courts From Hearing Disputes Related to BCCI(14.12.2020)
Supreme Court has vacated its nearly two-year old blanket ban restraining other courts from hearing disputes related to the Board of Control for Crick.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disputes Related to BCCI, Blanket Ban
Madras High Court Allows Welcome Banners to be Put Up for Modi-Xi Summit(04.10.2019)
Madras High Court has permitted the State Government to erect banners from the Chennai airport till Mahabalipuram town (60kms away) to welcome Prime M.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Banners
SC Asks 2002 Gujarat Riots Victim Bilkis Bano to Approach Authorities for Job and Accommodation(27.10.2020)
Supreme Court has asked Bilkis Bano, who was gang- raped when she was five months pregnant during the 2002 Gujarat riots, to approach the authorities .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bilkis Bano
SC Stays Madhya Pradesh HC’s Ban on Election Rallies(27.10.2020)
Supreme Court has stayed a Madhya Pradesh High Court order which had directed virtual campaigning for assembly by-elections in Madhya Pradesh, overrid.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Election Rallies
Supreme Court Stays FIR Registered Against Journalist Who Was Covering 2018 Bharat Bandh(29.10.2020)
Supreme Court has stayed a First Information Report registered against Yogesh Kumar Holkar, a journalist who had covered the 2018 Bharat Bandh protest.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Journalist Covering 2018 Bharat Bandh
HP High Court Denies Bail to Husband Accused of Posting Nudes of Wife(29.10.2020)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has denied the benefit of Anticipatory Bail to a Husband accused of posting and uploading nude photographs of his wife in .....
Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Husband Accused of Posting Nudes of Wife
Gujarat HC Set Aside Provisional Attachment of Bank Accounts of Person Accused of Tax Evasion(03.11.2020)
Gujarat High Court has quashed the order for provisional attachment of the five bank accounts of a person accused of tax evasion under Section 74(1) o.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Provisional Attachment of Bank Accounts
SC Declines to Entertain Plea by PMC Bank Account Holders for Lifting Cash Withdrawal Restrictions(18.10.2019)
Supreme Court has declined to entertain plea by Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank account holders seeking directions to Reserve Bank of India aga.....
Tags : SC, PMC Bank
MP HC: Charge of Bank on Leasehold Plot Mortgaged as Security Towards Loan to Have Priority(05.11.2020)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that a charge of Bank on the leasehold plot mortgaged as security towards loan will have priority over other charge.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Charge of Bank on Leasehold Plot
Calcutta HC Imposes Blanket Ban on Fireworks to Curb Air Pollution Amid Covid Pandemic(06.11.2020)
Calcutta High Court has clamped a blanket ban on fireworks to curb pollution amid the Covid-19 pandemic in Bengal till the end of November, 2020 “for .....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Ban on Fireworks
NGT Bans Sale/ Use of Firecrackers in Delhi NCR And Places All Over India with Poor/ Worse AQI(09.11.2020)
National Green Tribunal has imposed a total ban on sale/ use of all kinds of firecrackers in Delhi NCR from the midnight of November 9-10, 2020 to the.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Ban on Sale/Use of Firecrackers in Delhi
SC Affirms Calcutta High Court's Ban on Sale & Bursting of Firecrackers in West Bengal(11.11.2020)
Supreme Court has affirmed the Calcutta High Court order banning the sale and bursting of firecrackers during Diwali, Chatt Puja, Kali Puja, etc. in t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Firecrackers
Telangana HC Directs State to Immediately Ban Sale/Use of Fireworks During Diwali(13.11.2020)
Telangana High Court has directed the State to immediately ban the sale and use of fireworks by the people and by organisations noting that uncontroll.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, Ban Sale/Use of Fireworks
P&H HC Denies Quashing Chandigarh Administration's Order Putting Ban on Sale or Use of Crackers(17.11.2020)
Punjab & Haryana High Court on has denied granting any relief to Chandigarh Cracker Dealers Association, which had challenged the Union Territory, Cha.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Ban on Sale or Use of Crackers
RBI Grants Approval for First Conversion from Urban Cooperative Bank to Small Finance Bank(07.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has granted ‘in-principle’ approval to Saharanpur-based, Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank to convert from an Urban Cooperat.....
Tags : RBI, Small Finance Bank
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Disqualifies Parties Barred from Liquidation Process(08.01.2020)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has issued a notification whereby promoters or related parties disqualified from taking part in the insolvenc.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Liquidation
Reserve Bank of India Rejects Request to Extend Jan 7 Deadline(08.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has rejected banks’ demand to extend the January 7 deadline to come up with resolution plans under Inter-Creditor Agreements on .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Deadline
RBI Implements ‘Positive Pay’ System for Cheque Transactions(31.12.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has implemented ‘Positive Pay’ system for cheque transactions above Rs 50,000, to enhance security and reduce instances of.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Positive Pay System
Delhi HC Directs RBI, SBI to Maintain Status Quo on Reliance Accounts(07.01.2021)
Delhi High Court has directed Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of India to maintain status quo on the classification of Anil Ambani's Reliance Com.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reliance Bank Accounts
NCDRC: Bank Liable for Fraudulent Online Transaction if Account Holder's Fault Not Proved(11.01.2021)
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has held that in case of fraudulent transactions leading to withdraw of money from a person's .....
Tags : National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Fraudulent Online Banking Transaction
Reserve Bank Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)
Madras High Court has observed that the employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees.
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India
RBI Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)
Madras High Court has held that employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees and also observed that fact that Central G.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Reserve Bank of India
Allahabad High Court Prohibits Raising of Banners and Posters in Court Premises(12.02.2020)
Allahabad High Court has prohibited the raising of banners and posters in the Court premises, during elections to the High Court Bar Association, keep.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Raising of Banners and posters in Court Premises
NCLAT: CIRP Against Real Estate Company to Affect the Only Project Concerned(13.02.2020)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held that an insolvency process against a real estate company will impact only the project concerned and n.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Appointment of Ex- Bankers
Calcutta High Court Asks Reserve Bank of India to Act Against Bank of Baroda(17.02.2020)
Calcutta High Court has asked the Reserve Bank of India to consider “appropriate steps” against the Bank of Baroda, including cancelling its banking l.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Baroda
Supreme Court: SMS for Hot Seat Contest in Kaun Banega Crorepati Not Unfair Trade Practice(18.02.2020)
Supreme Court has held that the Short Message Service (SMS) for the purpose of the Har Seat Hot Seat (HSHS) contest in Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) bei.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Kaun Banega Crorepati
Kerala High Court Quashes Ban on Compostable Plastic Carry Bags(18.02.2021)
Kerala High Court has quashed an order of the State Government, prohibiting the manufacture, stocking and sale of compostable plastic bags in the stat.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban on Compostable Plastic Carry Bags
IBBI Amends Regulations Related to Corporate Insolvency Proceedings(19.11.2020)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) amended Regulations relating to corporate insolvency proceedings which came to be known as the Insolve.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Regulations Related to Corporate Insolvency Proceedings
Tamil Nadu Government Brings Ordinance Banning Online Games Involving Betting(23.11.2020)
Tamil Nadu Government has signed an ordinance to "ban online gaming" involving betting in the backdrop of rise in number of suicides by gamers, who al.....
Tags : Tamil Nadu Government, Ordinance Banning Online Games Involving Betting
RBI Directs Banks Not to Grant/Renew Permissions to Foreign Law Firms for Opening Liaison Offices(24.11.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has directed the banks not to grant fresh permissions/ renewal of permission to any foreign law firm for opening of Liaison Offi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Permissions to Foreign law Firms
Bombay High Court Refuses to Stay RBI Scheme for Lakshmi Vilas Bank Merger with DBS Bank(27.11.2020)
Bombay High Court has rejected a prayer for ad-interim stay on Reserve Bank of India's amalgamation scheme for the merger of Lakshmi Vilas Bank with t.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Lakshmi Vilas Bank Merger with DBS Bank
Kerala High Court Stays Plastic Ban in Sabarimala(30.11.2020)
Kerala High Court while rejecting the plea of the Special Commissioner seeking to lift the ban observed that in fighting the pandemic, while permittin.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Plastic Ban
Dog Meat Ban: Gauhati High Court Stays Government Ban on Sale of Dog Meat in Nagaland(30.11.2020)
Gauhati High Court has stayed the carpet ban on the sale of dog meat in Nagaland that was imposed on July 2. This would mean that the commercial impor.....
Tags : Gauhati High Court, Dog Meat Ban
Securities Appellate Tribunal Grants Interim Relief to Axis Bank(16.01.2020)
Securities Appellate Tribunal has granted interim relief to Axis Bank in the Appeal seeking status quo on the Order passed by the Securities and Excha.....
Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Axis Bank, Karvy Stock Broking Case
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI): Unclaimed Dividend to Go to IBBI Account(17.01.2020)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has notified an amendment to the Voluntary Liquidation Process Regulation, 2017, whereby all unclaimed divide.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Amendment in Voluntary Liquidation Process Regulation, 2017
Karnataka HC: Bangalore Turf Club, Mysore Race Club are Public Authorities Under RTI Act(18.01.2021)
Karnataka High Court has held that Bangalore Turf Club Limited, Mysore Race Club Limited, The Institution Of Engineer (India) Karnataka State and Ladi.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Bangalore Turf Club, Mysore Race Club
Supreme Court Upholds Sections 3, 4 & 10 of IBC Amendment Act 2020(20.01.2021)
Supreme Court has upheld the constitutional validity of Sections 3, 4 and 10 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act 2020.
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act 2020
Karnataka HC Directs State to Decide on Complete Ban on Use of Firecrackers(25.01.2021)
Karnataka High Court has directed the State Government to within 3 months decide on the prayers made in two petitions, seeking a complete ban on use o.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Ban on Use of Firecrackers
CIC: Husband Not Entitled to Seek Information Regarding Bank Details & ITR of His Wife(25.01.2021)
Central Information Commission has said that a husband is not entitled to seek information regarding bank details & income tax returns of his wife und.....
Tags : Central Information Commission, Bank Details and ITR of Wife
Karnataka HC Directs State to Come Out with Rehabilitation Scheme for Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants(28.02.2020)
Karnataka High Court has granted one week to the State Government to come out with a scheme for rehabilitation and grant of monetary compensation to t.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Rehabilitation Scheme for Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants
ITAT Chennai: Urban Land Leased Out to Educational Trust Cannot be Treated as ‘Vacant Land’(04.03.2021)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Chennai has held that wealth tax is not applicable on lands held by a trust for charitable purposes.
Tags : ITAT Chennai, Urban Land
SC Seeks Centre's Response on Plea Against Blanket Ban on Blood Donation by Transgenders(05.03.2021)
Supreme Court has sought response from the Central Government on a writ petition challenging the blood donor guidelines in so far as they impose a bla.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Blanket Ban on Blood Donation by Transgenders
Calcutta High Court Directs Administration to Issue Protective Orders Retraining All Illegal Activiti(08.03.2021)
Calcutta High Court has directed the local administration to issue protective orders retraining all illegal activities in Sundarbans, observing that t.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Illegal Activities in the Sunderbans
Bombay HC: Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd. is Not a 'State' Under Article 12(08.03.2021)
Bombay High Court has held that the Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd. is not a 'State' nor does it fall within the ambit of 'any other authority' for th.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd.
SC Rejects Woman’s Plea to Live with Husband 14 Years After Deserting Him(09.03.2021)
Supreme Court has rejected a woman’s plea to live with her husband 14 years after she deserted him and scotched reconciliation efforts by slapping fal.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Woman’s Plea to Live with Husband
Reserve Bank of India Removes Charges on NEFT, RTGS Transfers(07.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that it is waiving off charges that are applied on bank transfers carried out either by National Electronic .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS
Reserve Bank of India Revises Stressed Asset Norms(10.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a new prudential framework for resolution of stressed assets, effectively replacing its 12 February 2018 circul.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Stressed Asset
Reserve Bank of India Eases Norms for No-Frills Accounts(11.06.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has eased the norms for the Basic Savings Bank Deposit (BSBD) accounts popularly known as no-frills accounts by allowing banks t.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, No-Frills Accounts
RBI Slashes Key Rate 40 Basis Points to New All-Time Low(25.05.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has cut key interest rates by 40 basis points to a new low of 4%, citing an assessment of Gross Domestic Product contraction in .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Interest Rates
Kerala High Court Upholds Ordinances Merging District Cooperative Banks(29.04.2021)
Kerala High Court has upheld Ordinances amending the Kerala Cooperative Society Act, 1969 to merge District Cooperative Banks in the state with the Ke.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ordinances Merging District Cooperative Banks
Kerala HC: Right of Creditor to Have Bank Guarantee Invoked Only During Currency of Bank Guarantee(29.04.2021)
Kerala High Court has held that the right of a creditor to have the Bank Guarantee invoked is only during the currency of the Bank Guarantee and not d.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Bank Guarantee
Delhi HC: RBI's Intention is to Maintain Status Quo on Account Classification as on March 1(15.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has provided interim relief to an account from being declared a Non Performing Asset by the Punjab & Sind Bank in light of the morato.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Status Quo on Account Classification
RBI: 90-Day NPA Norm Shall Exclude Moratorium Period for Standard Accounts as on March 1(17.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced that the moratorium permitted by it on 27th March, 2020 due to COVID-19 situation can be excluded from the 90-day .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Moratorium Period for Standard Accounts
IBBI Exempts Lockdown Period from Time Line of Activity in Relation to Liquidation Process(20.04.2020)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has stated that the period of lockdown imposed by the Central Government shall not be counted for the purpose.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Time Line of Liquidation Process
Calcutta HC Dismisses Bail Plea by Bangladeshi National(20.04.2020)
Calcutta High Court has denied bail to a Bangladeshi national, who has been in custody for 270 days, arrested under Sections 411 and 414 of the Indian.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Bail Plea by Bangladeshi National
Karnataka HC Upholds Order Banning Sand Extraction from Rivers During Rainy Seasons(19.05.2021)
Karnataka High Court has upheld the order of the Department of Mines and Geology prohibiting sand extraction from rivers during rainy season, observin.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Order Banning Sand Extraction from Rivers
RBI Increases Short-Term Borrowing Capacity of Central Government(21.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has increased the short-term borrowing capacity of the Central Government by over 65% to temper market fears that excessive borr.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Short-Term Borrowings of Government
RBI Opens Rs 50kcr Flexible Liquidity Window to Aid MFs(28.04.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has opened a Rs 50,000 Crores flexible liquidity window to help mutual funds cope with redemption pressure, tempering inve.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Liquidity Window
Delhi HC Temporarily Restrains 6 PSU Banks from Taking Coercive Action Against Company(29.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has temporarily injuncted 6 Public Sector Units banks from taking any coercive action against Eastman Auto Limited for defaults arisi.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Coercive Action, PSU Banks
Calcutta HC Passes Injunction Order Restraining Activities on River Banks, Alluvial Landscapes Etc(20.04.2021)
Calcutta High Court has passed an order of an injunction restraining any activity on the lands which are river banks or alluvial landscapes or alluvia.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Activities on River Banks, Alluvial Landscapes Etc
Madras HC Dismisses PIL Seeking Exemption to Fishermen from Using Banned Purse Seine Nets(22.04.2021)
Madras High Court has dismissed a public interest litigation petition, which sought to exempt a section of fishermen from using the banned purse seine.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Use of Banned Purse Seine Nets
Centre Totally Bans Non-Medical Use of Liquid Oxygen(26.04.2021)
Union Ministry of Home Affairs has imposed a total ban on the use of liquid oxygen for non-medical purposes in view of the acute shortage of medical o.....
Tags : Union Ministry of Home Affairs, Ban on Non-Medical Use of Liquid Oxygen
Kerala High Court: Don’t Misconstrue Court Order On Highway Liquor Ban(18.08.2017)
Kerala High Court has held that with regard to prohibition of liquor outlets near national highways, relevant distance is to be measured from outer ed.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Highway Liquor Ban
NCLT Directs Bandhan Bank to Seek Shareholders’ Nod(24.06.2019)
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) has directed Bandhan Bank to convene a meeting of its equity shareholders to approve the proposed merger with Gr.....
Tags : NCLT, Bandhan Bank
SC: SARFAESI Act Applicable to Cooperative Banks(06.05.2020)
Supreme Court has held that the co-operative banks under the State legislation and multi-State co-operative banks are 'banks' under Section 2(1)(c) of.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Cooperative Banks
Delhi HC: Haryana’s Ban on Transit Violates Basic Rights(11.05.2020)
Delhi High Court has observed that the order by Haryana authorities preventing movement of doctors, nurses, Court staff and trucks to and from Delhi t.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Haryana's Ban on Transit
SEBI Eases Norms on Consolidated Numbers for Banks, Insurance Companies(13.05.2020)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has exempted banks and insurance companies from publishing consolidated financial results for the June q.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Banks, Insurance Companies
Rajasthan HC: Condition to Submit Bank Guarantee Against Annual Fees as Illegal(01.06.2021)
Rajasthan High Court has held that the condition imposed by private medical institutions requiring students seeking admission to MBBS Course to submit.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Bank Guarantee Against Annual Fees
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea Seeking Direction to PMC Bank to Allow Withdrawals(21.07.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice in a plea seeking a direction to be issued to the Punjab & Maharashtra Cooperative Bank to allow its depositors to .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Punjab & Maharashtra Cooperative Bank
Bombay HC Asks Maharashtra Government on Ban of Cast, Crew Over 65 Years(22.07.2020)
Bombay High Court has asked the Maharashtra Government the basis for the rule to not allow cast and crew above the age of 65 on film and television sh.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Ban of Cast, Crew Over 65 Years
P&H HC Denies Bail to Accused Found in Possession of Contraband Intoxicant Tablets(02.07.2021)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that showing sympathy towards alleged drug peddlers at the time of granting bail often proves counterproduc.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Accused Found in Possession of Contraband Intoxicant Tablets
Madras HC Declines PIL Seeking Ban on Online and Offline Video Games(02.07.2021)
Madras High Court has declined to entertain a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking a ban on all online and offline video games that children and y.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Ban on Online and Offline Video Games
Madras HC Directs State to Pay Compensation to Husband of Woman Who Died(02.07.2021)
Madras High Court has directed the State Government to pay Rs. 5,00,000/- compensation to the husband of a woman who died due to non-availability of a.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Compensation to Husband of Woman Who Died
NGT Bans Use of Music Systems in Sunderbans(23.11.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has banned use of music systems by tourists in Sunderbans.
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Sunderbans, music systems
National Green Tribunal Lifts Ban on Construction, Entry of Trucks in Delhi-NCR(20.11.2017)
National Green Tribunal has lifted the ban on construction activities in Delhi-NCR after the Central Pollution Control Board and the Delhi Pollution C.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Construction, Ban
Uttarakhand High Court Gives State Govt Six Months to Take Policy Decision on Liquor Ban(30.08.2019)
Uttarakhand High Court has given the State Government six months to formulate a policy to implement provisions of the Excise Act, 1910 which provide f.....
Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Liquor Ban
Bombay HC Dismisses Yes Bank Petition Against Zee Promoters(20.08.2020)
Bombay High Court has rejected a Yes Bank Petition that sought to prevent Zee Entertainment Enterprises from selling shares and disposing of assets, s.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Yes Bank
NCLT, Mumbai Initiates Insolvency Process Against Anil Ambani Over Personal Guarantee(24.08.2020)
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai has allowed an application filed by State Bank of India to initiate insolvency proceedings against Reliance Comm.....
Tags : National Company law Tribunal, Anil Ambani
DGFT: Importer Not Required to Furnish Quarterly Returns for Import of Water-Mark Bank Note Paper(14.07.2021)
Director-General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has notified that the importer is no longer required to furnish quarterly returns for import of Water-mark Ba.....
Tags : Director General of Foreign Trade, Import of Water-Mark Bank Note Paper
Karnataka HC Seeks Response on Failure to Bring Regulation Banning Online Gambling(05.07.2021)
Karnataka High Court has directed the Chief Secretary to within a week file an affidavit setting out the reasons why the State Government has not abid.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Ban on Online Gaming
RBI Issues Review of Instructions on Interest on Overdue Domestic Deposits(06.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the review of instructions on Interest on overdue domestic deposits. The RBI has directed Banks to refer to dir.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Interest on Overdue Domestic Deposits
CESTAT, Delhi Directs Department to Allow Refund of Excise Duty Paid by Ray-Ban India(06.07.2021)
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Delhi has directed the central excise department to allow refund of excise duty paid by t.....
Tags : Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ray-Ban India
RBI Allows Bank to Offer Lower Rate on Matured Fixed Deposits(06.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks to offer the lower of either the savings deposit rate or fixed deposit rate on matured Fixed Deposits in a bid.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Rate on Matured Fixed Deposits
RBI Penalizes Fourteen Banks for Non-Compliance with Provisions on Lending to Non-bank Lenders(08.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has penalised fourteen banks including State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, IndusInd Bank and Bandhan Bank for non-compliance wi.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Compliance with Provisions on Lending to Non-bank Lenders
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Anil Ambani's Plea Seeking Impleadment of Chinese Banks(13.10.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice in an application moved by Anil Ambani seeking the impleadment of Chinese banks in his pending Petition challenging.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Anil Ambani, State Bank of India
Allahabad HC Dismisses Husband's Plea to Quash FIR Filed for Causing Injuries to Wife(14.10.2020)
Allahabad High Court has dismissed a plea filed by the husband to quash the First Information Report under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Dismissal of FIR, Injuries to Wife by Husband
MP HC Imposes Rs. 2 Lakh Exemplary Cost on SBI for 'Inhuman Approach'(29.07.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has imposed exemplary cost of Rs. 2 lakhs on the State Bank of India (SBI) for adopting a very 'inhuman approach' while deal.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Cost on State Bank of India
IBBI Clarifies Disciplinary Committee May Impose Monetary Penalty(30.07.2021)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has issued a circular wherein it was clarified that the Disciplinary Committee of an Insolvency Profes.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Disciplinary Committee, Monetary Penalty
Delhi HC Directs to Depute Lady Constable to Escort Wife Detained by Parents to Husband(03.08.2021)
Delhi High Court has directed the Uttar Pradesh Police to depute a lady constable, in a habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of a husband alleging t.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Escort Wife to Husband
NGT Imposes Ban on Use and Sale of Fire Crackers During COVID19 Pandemic(03.12.2020)
National Green Tribunal has imposed a total ban on sale and use of all kinds of fire crackers during COVID-19 pandemic in the National Capital Region .....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, Ban on Use and Sale of Fire Crackers
ITAT, Mumbai: Data Processing Cost Paid by KBC Bank Branch to Head Office Isn’t Royalty(04.12.2020)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has upheld the order passed by CIT(A) holding that the Data Processing Cost paid by the KBC Bank Branch t.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, KBC Bank Branch
Delhi HC Directs RBI to Reconsider Jindal Steel and Power Ltd Application(07.12.2020)
Delhi High Court has remanded to the Reserve Bank of India, an application by Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) to transmit $300 million to its wholly.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd
Delhi HC Directs RBI to Reconsider Jindal Steel and Power Ltd Application(07.12.2020)
Delhi High Court has remanded to the Reserve Bank of India, an application by Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) to transmit $300 million to its wholly.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd
Madras High Court Dismisses Plea Seeking Ban on Chanting of Mantras in Tamil in Temples(06.09.2021)
Madras High Court has rejected a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking directions to be issued to the Tamil Nadu government to withdraw the 'Annai .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Ban on Chanting of Mantras in Tamil in Temples
P&H HC: Possession of Contraband Need Not Necessarily Attract NDPS Provisions(07.09.2021)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has reiterated that possession of contraband by a person is not necessary to attract the rigors of the Narcotic Drugs an.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Possession of Contraband
RBI Extends Debt, Currency Trading Hours from November 9(03.11.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced phased restoration of trading hours for various debt as well as currency market from 9th November, 2020.
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Restoration of Trading hours
Supreme Court Denies Bank Peon Job for Overqualified Candidate(04.11.2020)
Supreme Court has upheld the cancellation of the candidature of a candidate by Punjab National Bank on the ground that he was overqualified for the po.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Peon Job
Madras HC Directs State to Ensure IIT Campus Does Not Become Dumping Ground for Abandoned Dogs(20.09.2021)
Madras High Court has directed the State of Tamil Nadu to ensure that IIT Madras Campus does not become a dumping ground for abandoned dogs and to tak.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Dumping Ground for Abandoned Dogs
Chhattisgarh HC: Existence of Serious Dispute Between Husband and Wife Not Prerequisite for Divorce(21.09.2021)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that the existence of a serious dispute between husband and wife is not a prerequisite for the grant of divorce by mu.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Existence of Serious Dispute Between Husband and Wife
Delhi HC Refuses to Grant Interim Relief to Abhishek Banerjee in Plea Seeking Quashing of Summons(22.09.2021)
Delhi High Court has refused to grant interim relief to All India Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee and his wife in their plea seeking quashing .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Abhishek Banerjee
SC: Bail Cannot be Granted Merely on Finding of Absence of Possession of Contraband(23.09.2021)
Supreme Court has observed that bail cannot be granted to an accused under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 merely on a finding of.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Absence of Possession of Contraband
Karnataka High Court to Pass Directions on Providing Shelters for Urban Homeless(11.03.2021)
Karnataka High Court has said it would issue interim directions for implementation of the Operational Guidelines for the Scheme of Shelter for Urban H.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Providing Shelters for Urban Homeless
Calcutta High Court: Reserve Bank of India is 'State' Under Article 12(11.03.2021)
Calcutta High Court has held that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is "State" under Article 12 of the Constitution of India, 1949. The Court has furthe.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reserve Bank of India
ITAT, Mumbai Denies Refund of Foreign Taxes Paid by Bank of India(12.03.2021)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has denied in a recent order a refund in respect of foreign taxes aggregating to Rs 182.6 crore paid by B.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bank of India
Madras HC Tells TN Election Commission to Videograph Every Stage of Urban Local Body Polls(04.01.2022)
Madras High Court has asked the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (TNSEC) to videograph the entire election process during the upcoming urban local.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Urban Local Body Polls
Delhi HC Dissolves Marriage on Husband Treating Wife as Overseas Wife for Temporary Companionship(05.01.2022)
Delhi High Court has dissolved marriage between a couple on the ground of cruelty, observing that the husband treated the wife as his overseas wife, o.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Husband Treating Wife as Overseas Wife
Supreme Court Bars Lenders from Making Claims in Arbitration Tribunals(25.01.2021)
Supreme Court has barred banks and financial institutions from making a claim in an arbitration tribunal to recover their money stating that holding t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Claims of Banks and Financial Institutions
Delhi High Court Refuses To Issue Form ‘F’ To HDFC Bank Due To Default In Paying Central Sales Tax(17.11.2021)
In a major setback to the HDFC Bank, the Delhi High Court has refused to issue Form ‘F’ in respect of inter-state stock transfers due to default in pa.....
Tags : Delhi HC, HDFC Bank, Form F
Yes Bank Case: Bombay HC Discharges DHFL(18.11.2021)
Bombay HC has discharged Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. (DHFL) and dropped the proceedings against it in a case of cheating and corruption reg.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., Yes Bank
Rajasthan HC Suo Moto Exercises Writ Jurisdiction Directing Husband to Pay Monthly Maintenance(19.11.2021)
Rajasthan High Court has exercised its extraordinary writ jurisdiction and directed a man to pay monthly maintenance to his deserted wife and children.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Husband to Pay Monthly Maintenance
Supreme Court Re-Imposes Construction Ban in Delhi-NCR(25.11.2021)
Supreme Court has re-imposed the ban on construction activities in Delhi-NCR until further orders, taking note of the air quality crisis in the nation.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Construction Ban in Delhi-NCR
Reserve Bank of India Penalizes HDFC Bank Rs 1 Crore for Failing Know Your Customer Norms(30.01.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has imposed a penalty of Rs 1 Crore on Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) Bank for failing to comply with the Centra.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, HDFC, KYC Norms
Bombay HC Rejects Bail Application of YES Bank Promoter Rana Kapoor(08.02.2021)
Bombay High Court has rejected the bail application of YES Bank promoter Rana Kapoor, a prime accused in the Rs 5050 crore money laundering scam being.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, YES Bank Promoter Rana Kapoor
SC: Bank Officers Dealing in Public Money to be Vigilant(09.02.2021)
Supreme Court has said bank officers dealing in public money need to be vigilant and any deviation from the procedural guidelines for disbursing loans.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Officers Dealing in Public Money
SC: Shifting of Baner Garbage Plant is in Public Interest(09.02.2021)
Supreme Court has observed that given the number of residences around the Pune Municipal Corporation’s wet garbage processing plant on Sus Road in Ban.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Baner Garbage Plant
Kerala High Court Calls for Ban on Nokkukooli, Calls It Illegal & Unconstitutional(21.12.2021)
Kerala High Court has pronounced an elaborate judgment observing that the practice of demanding gawking charges, often referred to as nokkukooli in Ma.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban on Nokkukooli
Delhi HC: Employees and Officials Working in Banks Have Larger Responsibility of Ensuring Integrity(20.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has observed that the employees and officials working in banks have a larger responsibility of ensuring the integrity of the banking .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Employees and Officials Working in Banks
RBI Permits Lending Institutions to Allow 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans(27.03.2020)
Reserve Bank of India has announced that all commercial banks and non-banking financial companies are permitted to allow 3-month moratorium on the pay.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans
RBI Announces Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate(27.03.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a 75 basis points cut in repo rates, 90 basis points cut to 4% in reverse repo rate as a measure to counter .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate
Delhi HC Directs Accused to Do Community Service at Gurudwara Bangala Sahib(15.03.2021)
Delhi High Court has directed a young accused of 21 years to do one month community service at Gurudwara Bangala Sahib while quashing the First Inform.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Community Service at Gurudwara Bangala Sahib
Special Court Remands Sachin Waze to NIA Custody in Case of Explosives Found Near Ambani’s House(15.03.2021)
Special Court has remanded Mumbai Police officer Sachin Waze to the National Investigating Agency's (NIA) custody till March 25, in connection with hi.....
Tags : Special Court, Sachin Waze, Mukesh Ambani
Calcutta HC: No Activity Involving Human Intervention to Take Place in Sundarban Biosphere Area(17.03.2021)
Calcutta High Court has directed to prohibit all activities in the areas, namely, Sundarban Biosphere Area, Sundarban Tiger Reserve, and the adjoining.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Sundarban Biosphere Area
Chhattisgarh HC: Bank Can be Restrained from Enforcement of Unconditional Bank Guarantee(25.01.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that the bank can be restrained from enforcement of unconditional and absolute performance bank guarantee by interim .....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Unconditional Bank Guarantee
Bombay HC Dismisses NIA's Appeal to Set Aside Bail Granted to Bookie in Ambani Terror Scare Case(21.12.2021)
Bombay High Court has dismissed the National Investigation Agency's (NIA) appeal and refused to set aside the order granting bail to bookie Naresh Gau.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Ambani Terror Scare Case
Delhi HC Seeks Response on Steps Taken to Ensure NGT Orders Banning Sale of Chinese Manjha(23.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has sought response of the Centre as well as the Delhi Government over the steps taken by them to ensure that the orders of National .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, NGT Orders Banning Sale of Chinese Manjha
Delhi HC Disposes Plea Challenging Ban on Religious Gatherings on Christmas, New Year(27.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has disposed of the plea challenging the orders of Delhi Government imposing a complete ban on religious gatherings during Christmas .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Ban on Religious Gatherings on Christmas, New Year
Delhi High Court Orders Stay on DRT Proceedings Against Yes Bank Over Dish TV shares(27.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has ordered a stay on proceedings against Yes Bank by the Debt Recovery Tribunal, Jaipur (DRT) in a petition filed by Essel Group aff.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, DRT Proceedings Against Yes Bank Over Dish TV shares
Supreme Court: Money Deposited by Customer in Bank is Not Held as Trustee(28.12.2021)
Supreme Court has observed that the money that is deposited by the customer in the bank is not held by it as a trustee but it becomes a part of the ba.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Money Deposited by Customer in Bank
Madras HC Imposes Temporary Ban on Liquor Sale in Puducherry(30.12.2021)
Madras High Court has asked the Union Territory of Puducherry to temporarily ban the supply of alcohol from 10 PM on New Year's Eve till 1 AM on 1st J.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Temporary Ban on Liquor Sale
Bombay High Court Acquits Husband and Inlaws of Deceased Wife(15.04.2021)
Bombay High Court has acquitted husband and in laws of a deceased wife who committed suicide within two months of marriage after observing that just b.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Husband and Inlaws of Deceased Wife
Madras HC Directs Implementation of Night Travel Ban in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve(08.02.2022)
Madras High Court has directed that the restriction should come into force from February 10, 2021, in a public interest litigation filed for effective.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Night Travel Ban in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve
SC Stays Chhattisgarh HC Order Granting Partial Interim Relief to Pharmacy Colleges(09.02.2022)
Supreme Court has stayed the order of Chhattisgarh High Court granting partial Interim Relief to Pharmacy colleges challenging the 5-year ban imposed .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Pharmacy Colleges Ban
Karnataka High Court Uploads Interim Order Banning Religious Dress in Colleges(11.02.2022)
Karnataka High Court has uploaded the interim order passed in the petitions challenging Hijab ban in colleges in the state. The Court has requested th.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Banning Religious Dress in Colleges
Karnataka High Court Strikes Down Law Banning Online Gaming with Stakes(14.02.2022)
Karnataka High Court has held certain provisions of the Karnataka Police (Amendment) Act 2021, by which the state government had banned online games w.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Banning Online Gaming with Stakes.
Kerala HC Refuses Stay on Kerala Government Notification Banning Online Rummy for Stakes(09.04.2021)
Kerala High Court has refused to interfere with a Kerala Government Notification 'banning online playing of rummy when played for stakes' in plea by t.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Notification Banning Online Rummy for Stakes
SC Issues Notice in Plea Against Alleged Use of Banned Chemicals by Firework Manufacturers(09.04.2021)
Supreme Court has issued notice to the manufacturers in application filed against alleged use of banned chemicals by firework manufacturers, mislabell.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Alleged Use of Banned Chemicals by Firework Manufacturers
Gujarat HC Issues Notice on PIL Seeking Direction on Ban on Use of Loudspeakers(16.02.2022)
Gujarat High Court has issued notice to the Gujarat Government on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) plea seeking a direction to the state government .....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Ban on Use of Loudspeakers
Delhi HC Seeks Response in Bail Plea Filed by Yes Bank Founder in Money Laundering Case(17.02.2022)
Delhi High Court has sought response of the Enforcement Directorate in the bail plea filed by Yes Bank founder Rana Kapoor in a money laundering case .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Yes Bank Founder, Money Laundering Case
Kerala HC Stays Demand Notice Asking State Co-Operative Bank to Pay Outstanding Amount(22.02.2022)
Kerala High Court has stayed the demand notice issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax asking the State Co-operative Bank to pay the outstandi.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, State Co-Operative Bank
Karnataka HC Refuses Interim Relief to Permit Degree College Students to Wear Headscarves(22.02.2022)
Karnataka High Court has refused to grant any interim relief to two degree college students of Bhandarkar College of Arts and Science, Udupi, who soug.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Hijab Ban
#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Banking System(31.01.2022)
The banking system is well capitalized and the overhang of Non-Performing Assets seem to have structurally declined.
Tags : Economic Survey, Banking System
Kerala High Court Temporarily Defers Centre's Ban on News Channel MediaOne(01.02.2022)
Kerala High Court has deferred the order issued to popular Malayalam news channel MediaOne by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting revoking it.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban on News Channel MediaOne
Chhattisgarh HC Restrains NTPC from Invoking Bank Guarantee Against Contracting Party(01.02.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has directed the National Thermal Power Corporation [NTPC] to try and amicably resolve a contractual dispute before proceeding.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Bank Guarantee Against Contracting Party
#Union Budget 2022-2023: Finance Minister Informs on Central Bank Digital Currency(01.02.2022)
Finance Minister has stated that the introduction of a central bank digital currency will give boost to digital economy leading to cheaper currency ma.....
Tags : Union Budget, Finance Minister, Central Bank Digital Currency
#Union Budget 2022-2023: Post Office to Come Under Core Banking Systems(01.02.2022)
Finance Minister has said that 100% of 1.5 lakh Post Offices will come on Core banking systems to help farmers and senior citizens in rural areas. Go.....
Tags : Union Budget, Finance Minister, Core Banking Systems
AP HC Issues Notice on Imposition of Blanket Ban on Stage Play Chintamani(03.02.2022)
Andhra Pradesh High Court has issued notices be served on the government, CEO of the AP State Creative and Culture Commission and AP Arya Vysya Mahasa.....
Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Blanket Ban on Stage Play Chintamani
Madras HC Disposes of Plea Filed by Plea Challenging Election Notice by REPCO Bank(04.02.2022)
Madras High Court has disposed of a batch of writ petitions filed by candidates challenging the election notice issued by the returning officer of Rep.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Election Notice by REPCO Bank
Delhi High Court Issues Notice in Plea Challenging IBC Ordinance(30.07.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to the Ministry of Law and Justice and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India in a plea challenging the validity .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Ordinance, 2020
Allahabad High Court Refuses to Give Custody of Minor Husband to Wife(17.06.2021)
Allahabad High Court has refused to give custody of a minor 'husband' to his 'wife', noting that if a minor boy would be placed under the custody of h.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Custody of Minor Husband
NCLAT: No Bar in Pendency of Execution Proceedings u/s 9 IBC(07.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that the pendency of an execution petition does not bar the operational creditor from filing a pe.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, execution petition, Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
NCLAT Delhi: Resolution Professional Cannot Decide Eligibility Under Section 29A IBC(07.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that the Resolution Professional is not required to take a decision in regard to the ineligibili.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Resolution Professional, Section 29A of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Resolution Applicant
NCLT, Bengaluru Dismisses Insolvency Petition Against Café Coffee Day(07.04.2022)
National Company Law Tribunal, Bengaluru has dismissed the insolvency petition filed against the parent company of Cafe Coffee Day namely Coffee Day G.....
Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, parent company, Cafe Coffee Day, Coffee Day Global Limited, Cooperative Rabobank U.A
Bombay HC Dismisses Plea Against Burial of COVID-19 Victims in Bandra Cemeteries(25.05.2020)
Bombay High Court has dismissed the writ Petition filed by few Mumbai residents challenging the permission granted by Municipal Corporation of Greater.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Bandra Cemeteries
Bombay HC Dismisses Plea Against Burial of COVID-19 Victims in Bandra Cemeteries(25.05.2020)
Bombay High Court has dismissed the writ Petition filed by few Mumbai residents challenging the permission granted by Municipal Corporation of Greater.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Bandra Cemeteries
Allahabad HC Asks UP Govt to Reconsider Ban Imposed by Fee Hike in Private Schools(17.03.2022)
Allahabad High Court has asked the Uttar Pradesh Government to reconsider the ban imposed by it on fee hike in private schools. The Court has ordered .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Ban Imposed by Fee Hike in Private Schools
Madras HC: Notice to Accused Not Necessary for Freezing Bank Account Under Section 102 CrPC(21.03.2022)
Madras High Court has dismissed a plea made by the wife of controversial PUBG gamer Madan seeking the defreezing of her bank account at Axis Bank Limi.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Freezing Bank Account
Calcutta HC Issues Notice on Questions Related to Aviation Security of CM Mamata Banerjee(22.03.2022)
Calcutta High Court has sought the Centre's response on questions related to aviation security of West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee. The Cour.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Aviation Security of CM Mamata Banerjee
Madras HC Directs I-T Dept to Attach Bank Accounts of Actor Tadimalla Gautami(24.03.2022)
Madras High Court has directed Income Tax (I-T) department to lift its order attaching six bank accounts of actor Tadimalla Gautami after she pays 25%.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Bank Accounts of Actor Tadimalla Gautami
SC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Absolute Ban on Use of Sanitization Tunnels(10.08.2020)
Supreme Court has issued notice to Union of India on a Public Interest Litigation seeking complete ban on sanitization tunnels being used across the c.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Use of Sanitization Tunnel
Madras HC Dismisses Plea Seeking No Disturbance to CM on Sundays With Costs(09.06.2021)
Madras High Court has dismissed a plea with Rs. 10,000/- cost which sought directions the Chief Secretary and other officials not to circulate any fil.....
Tags : Madras High Court, No Disturbance to CM
Bombay HC: No Bar on Court Exercising Jurisdiction Even When Application U/S 7 of IBC is Filed(27.04.2022)
Bombay High Court has ruled that since application under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is filed, which is pending for consider.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Section 7, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 11, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
NCLAT: Interest Free Security Deposit is an Operational Debt(28.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that an interest free security deposit towards advance license fee will qualifies as an operation.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, interest free, security deposit, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
NCLAT: Territorial Jurisdiction Cannot be Taken Away by Agreement Between Parties(28.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that the territorial jurisdiction of NCLT to decide a case under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Co.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, territorial jurisdiction
Supreme Court: Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code is Not for Money Recovery Proceedings(28.04.2022)
Supreme Court has reiterated that the provisions of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 are basically intended to bring the corporate debtor to its f.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
RBI Imposes Restrictions on Mastercard from On-Boarding New Customers in India from July 22(15.07.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) while taking supervisory action on Mastercard Asia / Pacific Pte. Ltd. has imposed the restrictions on Mastercard from On-.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Restrictions on Mastercard from On-Boarding New Customers
Calcutta HC Issues Notice in Mamata Banerjee's Election Petition Against Nandigram Results(15.07.2021)
Calcutta High Court has issued notice to Suvendu Adhikari, the elected candidate of BJP on the election petition filed by West Bengal Chief Minister M.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Suvendhu Adhikari, Mamata Banerjee, Nandigram Election Results
SC Sets Aside Allahabad High Court's Blanket Ban on DJ Services in Uttar Pradesh(16.07.2021)
Supreme Court has set aside the 2019 order of the Allahabad High Court imposing a blanket ban on the use of DJ services in the state of Uttar Pradesh......
Tags : Supreme Court, Blanket Ban on DJ Services
Calcutta HC Restrains Special Audit of Bank Headed by BJP MLA Suvendu Adhikari(19.07.2021)
Calcutta High Court has held that the West Bengal government's Co-operative Department shall not conduct a special audit of the Contai Cooperative Ban.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Special Audit of Bank Headed by BJP MLA Suvendu Adhikari
NCLAT: NCLT Doesn't Have Power to Classify Transaction As Preferential Transaction(16.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Law Tribunal, has observed that NCLT does not have the power to suo-moto classify a transaction as a Preferential Trans.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Law Tribunal, Section 44, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Preferential Transaction
SAT Upholds SEBI Order Imposing Fine on Former YES Bank CEO, Rana Kapoor(22.06.2021)
Securities Appellate Tribunal has upheld the order by the Securities and Exchange Board of India imposing fine of Rs. 1 Crore on former YES Bank CEO, .....
Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Former YES Bank CEO, Rana Kapoor
Calcutta HC Directs Rahul Shivshankar in Probe Over 'Defamatory' Audiotape on Abhishek Banerjee(29.06.2021)
Calcutta High Court has directed Times Now news channel's Editor-in-Chief, Rahul Shivshankar to appear through Video Conferencing mode in probe over t.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, 'Defamatory' Audiotape on Abhishek Banerjee
Karnataka HC: Husband's Extra-Marital Partner Not Respondent in Domestic Violence Proceedings(29.06.2021)
Karnataka High Court has held that a wife cannot make the woman with whom her husband is having an illegal relationship as a respondent in the applica.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Husband's Extra-Marital Partner
Allahabad HC Directs on Woman’s Representation on Husband’s Blindness Due to Vaccine(30.06.2021)
Allahabad High Court has directed District Magistrate, Budaun to decide on a woman's representation in writ petition seeking direction to respondents .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Woman’s Representation on Husband’s Blindness Due to Vaccine
Calcutta HC Allows Applications Filed by WB Govt, CM Mamata Banerjee for Accepting Affidavits(30.06.2021)
Calcutta High Court has allowed the applications filed by State of West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, and the State Law Minister Moloy Ghata.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Applications Filed by WB Govt, CM Mamata Banerjee
NCLT, Chennai: No Conflict Among Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act and IBC, 2016(06.05.2022)
National Company Law Tribunal, Chennai has ruled that there is no conflict between the Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 1988 and the In.....
Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 1988, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, attachment of property
SEBI Allows Payments Banks to Carry Out Activities of Investment Bankers(04.08.2021)
Securities and Exchange Board of India has allowed payments banks to carry out the activities of investment bankers to provide easy access to investor.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Activities of Investment Bankers
Madras High Court Strikes Down Tamil Nadu's Law Banning Online Games with Stakes(04.08.2021)
Madras High Court has struck down the Tamil Nadu Gaming and Police Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021 which imposes a ban on playing of games such as rummy an.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Tamil Nadu's Law Banning Online Games with Stakes
NCLAT Upholds Dismissal of Petition Filed During Prohibited Period(24.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal while adjudicating an appeal has upheld that Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process cannot be initiated over .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process, Insolvency and Bankruptcy
'Child Witness Prone to Tutoring': Calcutta HC Acquits Man Convicted for Murdering His Wife(25.05.2022)
Calcutta High Court has set aside the order convicting husband for the murder of his wife on the ground that the child witness being of extremely tend.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Murder, Husband, Child Witness
NCLAT: Article 1 of Limitation Act,1963 not Apply to Proceedings Under IB Code, 2016(26.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) Principal Bench has held that the Article 1 of Limitation Act, 1963 is not applicable to the Petition .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Limitation
Delhi HC: Pendency of Insolvency Petition Is Not Bar to Appointment of Arbitrator(16.05.2022)
Delhi High Court has observed that the mere pendency of an insolvency petition under Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is not a ba.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Section 9, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Arbitrator
NCLAT: Salary Incrementation is Valid by Employment Agreement or Board Resolution(16.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, (NCLAT) has observed that salary incrementation is valid only by an employment agreement or board resolution .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 9
NCLAT: Insolvency Cannot be Initiated on Basis of Unpaid LTC And Leave Encashment Dues(16.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, has ruled that the welfare claims such as Leave Encashment, superannuation dues are not operational debt for .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Leave Encashment, Corporate Debtor, Section 9, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, superannuation dues
NCLAT: Salary Incrementation is Valid by Employment Agreement or Board Resolution(16.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, (NCLAT) has observed that salary incrementation is valid only by an employment agreement or board resolution .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 9
SC to Bank: ‘You Don't Go After Big Fish, But You Harass Poor Farmers’(17.05.2022)
Supreme Court has pulled up the Bank of Maharashtra for challenging an order of the Madhya Pradesh High Court directing it to accept the One Time Sett.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank of Maharashtra, One Time Settlement, Madhya Pradesh High Court
J&K&L HC: No Previous Sanction Required to Prosecute Bank Officials Regarding IPC/RPC Offences(17.05.2022)
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has observed that there is no need to obtain the previous sanction to prosecute bank officials in connection w.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, bank, Indian Penal Code, 1860, Ranbir Penal Code, 1932
#Major Changes Implementing From Today: RBI’s New Credit and Debit Card Rules(01.10.2020)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines which will become effective from 1st October, 2020 to secure debit and credit cards, whereby car.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Credit and Debit Card Rules
SC Upholds Rajasthan HC Order Dismissing PIL Seeking Ban on ‘Dream 11’ Game(05.08.2021)
Supreme Court has upheld a Rajasthan High Court order dismissing a Public Interest Litigation that sought ban of online game known as "Dream 11".
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on ‘Dream 11’ Game
RBI Proposes Penalties for Banks Failing to Replenish Bank ATMs Within Time(11.08.2021)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed penalties for banks and White Label ATM operators if their ATMs are found to be lying without replenishment f.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Penalties for Banks Failing to Replenish Bank ATMs
MP HC Dismisses Plea Challenging Ban on Inter- State Bus Transportation Amid Covid -19(16.08.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has dismissed a plea challenging ban on inter-state bus transportation amid Covid-19, by observing that prohibition on vehic.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Ban on Inter- State Bus Transportation
SC Stays Tripura HC Order Calling for MHA Files on Security Cover to Ambani Family(29.06.2022)
Supreme Court has stayed the orders passed by the Tripura High Court seeking the production of files of the Ministry of Home Affairs relating to the s.....
Tags : Supreme Court, MHA Files, Security, Mukesh Ambani
Delhi HC Issues Notice to UOI on Women Plea Seeking Information on Missing Husband(17.08.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to the Union of India on the woman's plea seeking verified information about her husband's whereabouts and repatria.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Information on Missing Husband
SC Asks Wife to Seek Financial Assistance for Husband’s Surgery Under National Policy(17.08.2021)
Supreme Court has asked a wife seeking financial assistance for her husband's lung transplant to make a representation under the National Policy formu.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Financial Assistance for Husband’s Surgery
Bombay HC: No Interference with Unconditional Bank Guarantee Except When Fraud Established(20.08.2021)
Bombay High Court has observed that there can be no interference with an unconditional bank guarantee except when fraud is established or apprehension.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Unconditional Bank Guarantee
Kar. HC: Able-Bodied Husband Having Earning Capacity Can't Seek Permanent Alimony from Wife(11.07.2022)
Karnataka High Court has held that an able bodied man having the capacity to earn cannot seek for permanent alimony on divorce from his wife.
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Alimony, Husband
Guj. HC: Promissory Estoppel Applies if Customer Acts on Basis of Bank's One Time Settlement Scheme(12.07.2022)
Gujarat High Court has held that once a customer acts on the basis of offer made by a Bank under its One Time Settlement scheme, the principle of prom.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Promissory Estoppel, Bank
Orissa HC: Possession Not Proved Merely by Sitting in Vehicle from Which Contraband is Seized(13.07.2022)
Orissa High Court has held that a person merely sitting in a vehicle from which contrabands were seized does not necessarily point to the fact that th.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Possession, Contrabands
Apex Court Directs Bank to Compensate School who Lost Money in Online Banking Fraud(20.12.2019)
Apex Court has directed a Bank to give compensation of Rs 25 Lakhs to a school whose money from the bank account was siphoned out by the miscreants. T.....
Tags : Apex Court, Online Banking
Karnataka High Court Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Ban on Traffic Movement Within Cubbon Park(23.12.2020)
Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the State government and other respondents on a public interest litigation filed by a five-month-old infant,.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Ban on Traffic Movement Within Cubbon Park
Odisha AAR: 18%GST Applicable on Construction of Faculty Quarters in IIT, Bhubaneshwar(29.12.2020)
Odisha Authority of Advance Ruling (AAR) has ruled that 18% Goods and Services Tax applicable on the construction of the Director’s Bungalow and the c.....
Tags : Odisha Authority of Advance Ruling, Construction of Faculty Quarters in IIT, Bhubaneshwar
RBI Imposes Fine on SBI for Failure to Comply with Fraud Classification Rules(19.10.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has slapped a fine of Rs 1 crore on State Bank of India for failing to comply with fraud classification rules. The regulator sai.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India
ITAT: Father Can’t be Taxed for Cash Deposit in Bank Account Opened in The Name of Major Son(25.07.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune Bench while deleting an addition for cash deposit, has held that the clubbing of income under the provision.....
Tags : ITAT, Minor Children, Income-Tax, Bank Account
Gujarat HC: Yes Bank is a Private Entity And Not Amenable to Writ Jurisdiction(28.07.2022)
Gujarat High Court has held that 30% shareholding of State Bank of India (SBI) cannot make Yes Bank a State under Article 12 of Constitution, and ther.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Yes Bank, Writ Jurisdiction, State
Rajasthan High Court Refuses to Interfere with Firecracker Ban Order(17.11.2020)
Rajasthan High Court has refused to interfere with Rajasthan Government's Firecracker ban order, remarking that right to life embodies a constitutiona.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Cracker Ban
Calcutta HC Dismisses Challenge to ECI Decision to Prioritize Bye-Elections of Bhabanipur Assembly(28.09.2021)
Calcutta High Court has dismissed a challenge made to the decision of the Election Commission of India (ECI) to prioritize the bye-elections of Bhaban.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court , Bhabanipur Assembly Constituency
Delhi HC to State: Ensure Strict Compliance of Orders Banning Sale of Chinese Manjha for Kite Flying(10.08.2022)
Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Government to ensure strict compliance of the orders passed by it as well as the National Green Tribunal (NGT).....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Chinese Manjha, Kite Flying, Ban
Madras HC: If Removal of Husband Only Way to Ensure Domestic Peace, He Must be Asked to Leave House(16.08.2022)
Madras High Court has held that if removing the husband from the house alone ensures domestic peace, courts should pass such orders regardless of whet.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Domestic Peace, Husband
Kar. HC: Husband Asking Wife to Pursue Education, Expressing Views About Having Child Not Cruelty(17.08.2022)
Karnataka High Court while setting aside conviction under Section 498A of Indian Penal Code has held that husband suggesting to his wife or asking her.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Cruelty, Husband
CIC to CPIO: Provide Generic Details of Gross Income of Husband for Claiming Maintenance(18.08.2022)
Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed the Centre Public Information Officers (CPIO) to provide the generic details of the net taxable inco.....
Tags : CIC, Gross Income, Husband, Maintenance
Supreme Court Stays Bombay High Court Order Directing Sale of HDIL Assets to Repay Dues of PMC Bank(10.02.2020)
Supreme Court has stayed the Bombay High Court order directing sale of bankrupt Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd (HDIL) to ensure repayment .....
Tags : Supreme Court, PMC Bank
UK Court: Anil Ambani to Pay USD 100 Million in Conditional Order for Chinese Banks(10.02.2020)
UK Court has directed Reliance Group chairman Anil Ambani to pay USD 100 million within six weeks towards a conditional order granted to three Chinese.....
Tags : UK Court, Anil Ambani
ITAT, Delhi Deletes Adjustments of TPO on AMP Expenses of Ray-Ban(27.01.2021)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi has given relief to Ray-Ban deleting the adjustments made by the Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO) on account.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ray-Ban
Centre Notifies Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Scheme, 2021(29.01.2021)
Central Government has notified the Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Scheme, 2021 which seeks to amend the Natio.....
Tags : Central Government, Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Scheme, 2021
Delhi HC: Weight of Neutral Substance Not to be Ignored While Determining Quantity of Contraband(19.09.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that if contraband seized falls within provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, the weight of neu.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Contraband, Narcotics, Commercial Quantity
Supreme Court Sets Aside Calcutta HC's Total Ban of Firecrackers in West Bengal(02.11.2021)
Supreme Court has set aside the order of the Calcutta High Court which imposed a complete ban of use of firecrackers in the State of West Bengal.
Tags : Supreme Court, Total Ban of Firecrackers in West Bengal
Karnataka High Court Dismisses PIL Seeking Ban on Online Betting And Gambling(02.11.2021)
Karnataka High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation seeking direction to State government on ban of online betting and gambling, keeping i.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Ban on Online Betting And Gambling
Delhi HC Dismisses Challenge Against Prohibition on Chhath Puja at Yamuna River Banks(11.11.2021)
Delhi High Court has dismissed a petition challenging the Delhi Government's decision that prohibited devotees to perform Chhath Puja on the banks of .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Prohibition on Chhath Puja at Yamuna River Banks
Delhi HC: Wife Making Serious Allegations of Criminal Conduct, Unable to Prove, Amounts to Cruelty(12.11.2021)
Delhi High Court has observed that a wife making serious allegations of criminal conduct against her husband and his parents, which she was unable to .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Cruelty Against Husband
SC Refuses Urgent Listing for Plea Against Firecrackers Ban in Delhi-NCR(13.10.2022)
Supreme Court while refusing to grant urgent listing for matter pertaining to bursting of green crackers on Diwali, has stated that the matter shall b.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Urgent Listing, Firecracker Ban
SC Issues Notice on Swamy's Plea for Probing RBI Official in Bank Scams(18.10.2022)
Supreme Court has agreed to examine BJP leader Dr Subramanian Swamy's plea seeking a probe into the alleged role of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) offici.....
Tags : Supreme Court, probe, Reserve Bank of India, banking scams
Apex Court Gives Mamata Banerjee's Critic 7-Day Protection from Arrest(31.05.2019)
Supreme Court has granted a seven-day interim protection to Anirban Das, a social activist who is apprehending arrest in a criminal case filed in Beng.....
Tags : Apex Court, Mamata Banerjee
Karnataka HC Stays Auction of Properties by Banks During 21-Day Lock Down Period(31.03.2020)
Karnataka High Court has stayed for three weeks the process of auction and e-auction of mortgaged properties, during the 21-day lock-down period, obse.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Auction of Properties by Banks
Delhi HC Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Coercive Action Proposed by YES Bank(02.04.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to YES Bank Limited in a plea challenging the email sent by YES Bank, wherein the bank has proposed to take coerciv.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, YES Bank
RBI Rejects Demand of Online Merchants to Store Customers’ Credit Card Data(26.02.2021)
Reserve Bank of India has rejected the demand of top online merchants like Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Flipkart and Zomato to store customers’ credit .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Customers’ Credit Card Data
Centre Appoints Delhi HC Judge Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma as Presiding Officer of UAPA Tribunal(06.10.2022)
Central Government has appointed Delhi High Court judge Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma as the Presiding Officer of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) T.....
Tags : Central Government, UAPA, PFI Ban
Guj. HC: Banners of Committees Become Immaterial, When Citizens are Permitted to Celebrate Festivals(10.10.2022)
Gujarat High Court has held that what is important is that the festivals are allowed to be celebrated, and it is immaterial under whose banner the sam.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Festivals, Banners
Tripura HC Stays Investigation Against Trinamool Congress General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee(24.09.2021)
Tripura High Court has stayed investigation against Trinamool Congress General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee, MP Dola Sen, West Bengal Minister Bratya B.....
Tags : Tripura High Court, Trinamool Congress General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee
Delhi HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Declaration of Divorce by Muslim Husband as Unconstitutional(27.09.2021)
Delhi High Court has dismissed a petition seeking declaration to declare the "assumed absolute discretion" of the Muslim husband to give divorce (tala.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Declaration of Divorce by Muslim Husband
Kerala High Court Lifts Ban on Online Rummy, Finds It Unconstitutional(27.09.2021)
Kerala High Court has quashed an amendment to a government notification issued under Section 14A of the Kerala Gaming Act, 1960 banning online rummy i.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban on Online Rummy
Kerala HC Allows Woman Separated from Husband to Terminate 21-Week Pregnancy(27.09.2022)
Kerala High Court while permitting a woman claiming to be separated from her allegedly abusive husband to terminate her 21-week-old pregnancy, has hel.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, Husband’s Consent
SC: Able-Bodied Husband Should Earn by Legitimate Means And Maintain His Wife And Minor Child(29.09.2022)
Supreme Court has held that husband is required to earn money even by physical labour, if he is an able-bodied, and must maintain his wife and minor c.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Husband, Maintain
Supreme Court: Any Direction Issued by RBI Derived from Statutory Power is Binding(05.01.2022)
Supreme Court has stated that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has wide supervisory powers over financial institutions like SIDBI, in furtherance of which,.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India, Supervisory Powers
Telangana High Court Releases BJP State President Bandi Sanjay for Alleged Violation of Covid Norms(06.01.2022)
Telangana High Court has released BJP State President Bandi Sanjay Kumar who was sent to a 14-day judicial remand for allegedly violating Covid-19 nor.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, BJP State President Bandi Sanjay
Supreme Court Issues Notice in Woman's Habeas Corpus Plea to Trace Missing Husband(12.01.2022)
Supreme Court has issued notice to the High Commissioner of Malaysia in a habeas corpus petition filed by a wife seeking to trace her husband who had .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Habeas Corpus Plea to Trace Missing Husband
Karnataka HC Asks State to Strictly Implement SOP Banning Rallies, Dharnas Amid Covid Surge(14.01.2022)
Karnataka High Court has directed the state government to strictly execute the standard operating procedure (SOP) issued on January 4 in all districts.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, SOP Banning Rallies, Dharnas Amid Covid Surge
P&H HC: Husband Not Entitled to Retain Dowry Items After Convicted for Murdering Wife(21.12.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that a husband convicted for murdering his wife shall not be entitled to claim ownership over the dowry items r.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Husband, Dowry, Murder
All. HC to State: Protect Ancient Temples in the Vicinity of Banke Bihari Temple(22.12.2022)
Allahabad High Court has directed Uttar Pradesh Government to protect the ancient temples situated in the vicinity of the Banke Bihari temple in Mathu.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Banke Bihari Temple, Revamp
NCLAT: Resolution Professional Can Submit An Additional Report Under Section 99 I&B Code(29.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that the Resolution Professional can submit an additional report under Section 99 of the Insolven.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Section 99, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
NCLAT: If Credit Facility Agreement is Unstamped, Petition U/S Section 7 is Maintainable(29.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has observed that if a credit facility agreement is unstamped, then petition under Section 7 of the Insolvency.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, credit facility, Section 7, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Madras HC: Asian Paints to Furnish Bank Guarantee for GST Department to Release Detained Goods(02.05.2022)
Madras High Court has directed the Goods and Services Tax department to discharge the detained goods on furnishing of the bank guarantee by Asian Pain.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Goods and Services Tax, bank guarantee, Asian Paints
SC Stays Madras HC Order That Set Aside Notification Banning Sale of Chewing Tobacco in Tamil Nadu(26.04.2023)
Supreme Court has stayed the Madras High Court’s order setting aside notification imposing a ban on sale of Gutka, Pan Masala, flavoured or scented fo.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Chewing Tobacco, Ban, Sale
SC: Practice of Seeking Pre-Deposit of Bank Guarantee for Grant of Bail is Unsustainable(26.04.2023)
Supreme Court has held that the practice whereby pre-condition of furnishing bank guarantee is imposed on the accused by the Trial Court and the High .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Guarantee, Bail, Unsustainable
SC: Under NDPS Act, ‘Ganja Seeds’ are Not a Banned Contraband(28.04.2023)
Supreme Court while granting bail to a man accused of supplying ganja seeds for cultivation, has observed that as per NDPS Act, Ganja seed is not a ba.....
Tags : Supreme Court, NDPS Act, Ganja Seeds, Banned, Contraband
Calcutta HC Refuses Contempt Action Against TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee for Alleged Derogatory Remarks(31.05.2022)
Calcutta High Court dismissed a petition seeking initiation of suo motu contempt proceedings against TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee for his alleged derogato.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Abhishek Banerjee, contempt, TMC
RBI: Rs. 2000 Notes Withdrawn from Circulation; Will Continue as Legal Tender(22.05.2023)
Reserve Bank of India in pursuance of its Clean Note Policy has announced the withdrawal of Rs. 2000 banknotes from circulation. The notes to be conti.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Clean Note Policy, Rs. 2000, Legal Tender
J&K&L HC Stays Gurdwara Board Elections(22.05.2023)
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has stayed the operation of a notification pertaining to the conduct of elections to the Gurdwara Parbandhak B.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Gurdwara Parbandhak Board
Ker. HC: Acts Done by Bank Officials While Taking Possession are Protected Under SARFAESI Act(25.05.2023)
Kerala High Court while observing that action taken by the officials of the bank under the SARFAESI Act is neither unquestionable nor treated as sacro.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Bank Officials, SARFAESI, Prosecution
Ker. HC: Local Self Governments Who Can’t comply with Directions Must Step Down(25.05.2023)
Kerala High Court while warning government on the issue State’s inaction pertaining to unauthorized banners in public places, has stated that if Local.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Local Self Governments, Unauthorized Banners
Delhi HC Rejects PIL Challenging Notifications Permitting Exchange of Rs. 2000 Notes Without ID Proof(29.05.2023)
Delhi High Court has dismissed public interest litigation (PIL) challenging Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and State Bank of India's (SBI) notifications .....
Tags : Delhi High Court,Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India
Bombay HC: Wife Best Suited to be Guardian of a Husband in Vegetative State(31.08.2020)
Bombay High Court has held that in a marriage, husband and wife are equal partners and the wife is best suited to be the guardian of her husband who i.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Guardian of a Husband in Vegetative State
Finance Minister Introduces Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021(27.07.2021)
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has introduced the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021, which amends the Insolvency and Ban.....
Tags : Finance Minister, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021
IBBI Amends Guidelines on Technical Standards for Performance of Core Services(29.07.2021)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has notified the Guidelines for Technical Standards for the Performance of Core Services and Other Ser.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Guidelines on Technical Standards for Performance of Core Services
Allahabad HC: Non-Reporting of Seizure of Bank Account to Magistrate Doesn't Make Seizure Illegal(06.06.2022)
Allahabad High Court has observed that non-reporting of the seizure of a bank account, seized by police under Section 102 Code of Criminal Procedure, .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, bank account, Illegal
Delhi HC: Husband’s Changed Circumstances Must be Considered While Determining Maintenance(13.06.2022)
Delhi High Court has held financial capacity of the husband with reasonable expenses for his own maintenance, and dependant family members whom he is .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Husband
Del HC: Pattern of Marrying Rape Victim to Evade Charges & Later Abandoning her is Disturbing(06.07.2023)
Delhi High Court has observed that it is shocking that numerous cases have come to light where the accused deceitfully enters into a marriage under th.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Rape Victim, Marriage, Abandon
Court of Arbitration for Sport Cuts Down Four-Year Ban on Russia from World Athletic Events(18.12.2020)
Court of Arbitration for Sport has cut the four-year ban on Russia competing in international athletic competition because of its state-sponsored dopi.....
Tags : Court of Arbitration for Sports, Ban on Russia from World Athletic Events
Delhi High Court: World Bank Not A Govt Agency Within Article 12 Of Constitution(25.10.2021)
Delhi High Court has held that the World Bank is not a Government agency for the purposes of Article 12 of the Constitution of India, 1949 which defin.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, World Bank
MP HC Denies Anticipatory Bail to Man Who Allegedly Called RSS As Taliban Terrorist Organization(27.10.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has denied anticipatory bail to one Atul Pastor who has been accused of making certain comments alleging Rashtriya Swayam Se.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Taliban Terrorist Organization
Delhi Court Denies Bail to Avantha Group Promoter Gautam Thapar in Yes Bank Loan Fraud Case(01.11.2021)
Delhi Court has rejected the bail application filed by Avantha Group Promoter Gautam Thapar in connection with the Yes Bank loan fraud case.
Tags : Delhi Court, Yes Bank Loan Fraud Case
SC: Can’t Prosecute Directors to DBS Bank for Acts of Lakshmi Vilas Bank Before Amalgamation(12.09.2023)
Supreme Court has held that DBS Bank and its directors cannot be held criminally liable for actions attributed to directors of Lakshmi Vilas Bank befo.....
Tags : Supreme Court, DBS Bank, Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Amalgamation, Criminal Liability
Madras HC Directs Indian Bank to Return to Channai Port Trust Amount Following Fraudulent Transaction(25.08.2021)
Madras High Court has directed Indian Bank, Koyambedu branch, to return to Chennai Port Trust (CPT) Rs. 55.19 crore out of Rs. 100.57 crore that had g.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Bank
Delhi HC Upholds CIC Order Denying Information to Husband About Complaints Filed by Estranged Wife(31.08.2021)
Delhi High Court has upheld an order passed by Central Information Commission denying information to a husband about complaints lodged by his estrange.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Information to Husband About Complaints Filed by Estranged Wife
Madhya Pradesh High Court Stays RBI Circular on Urban Cooperative Banks(06.09.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has stayed a circular issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on June 25 which laid down several conditions related to Urb.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, RBI Circular on Urban Cooperative Banks
SC: Consumer Complaint Against Bank Maintainable Over Dispute on Encashment of FD(23.08.2022)
Supreme Court has held that consumer complaint in a dispute regarding premature encashment of Joint Fixed Deposit by bank in contravention of terms an.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Complaint, Bank
SC: Principle of Mutuality not Applicable to Income from Deposits in Member Banks(21.08.2023)
Supreme Court has held that if any income is earned by the Clubs through deposits made by clubs in banks that are members of the club, such income wou.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Principle of Mutuality, Clubs, Banks
SC Bans Felling of Mature Trees for Development Work(19.02.2021)
Supreme Court has said it would ban felling of mature, beneficial trees for development work, including laying roads and setting up industries, and or.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Felling of Mature Trees
Supreme Court Refuses Urgent Listing for Builders' Plea to Lift Construction Ban in Delhi(06.12.2021)
Supreme Court has turned down a plea made on behalf of a builders group for urgent listing of its plea to lift the blanket ban imposed on construction.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Builders' Plea to Lift Construction Ban in Delhi
Supreme Court Upholds RBI Regulations for Export Ban on PPE Kits(07.12.2021)
Supreme Court has upheld the measures adopted by the Reserve Bank of India to implement the ban imposed by the Union Government on the export of Perso.....
Tags : Supreme Court, RBI Regulations for Export Ban on PPE Kits
Supreme Court Asks Air Quality Commission to Decide on Lifting Construction Ban(10.12.2021)
Supreme Court has granted liberty to the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Regions to take a decision on the lifting the ban o.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Lifting Construction Ban
Del. HC: Wife Earning is Not an absolute Bar To Receiving Maintenance From Husband(05.12.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that the obligation of the husband to provide maintenance is on a higher pedestal than the wife, has held that the me.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Husband
Del. HC to Centre: Expeditiously Decide Plea Seeking to Ban Licence for Keeping Dangerous Dogs(07.12.2023)
Delhi High Court has directed the Central Government to expeditiously decide within three months, a plea seeking to cancel and ban the license for kee.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Dangerous Dogs, Ban
Del. HC: Law Doesn’t Permit Husband to Take Wife's Household Articles Without Her Consent(04.01.2023)
Delhi High Court while denying pre-arrest bail to a man in a complaint lodged by his wife alleging that her household articles were stolen while she w.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Husband, Wife, Consent
SC Stays Allahabad HC Direction to Conduct UP ULB Polls Without OBC Quota(05.01.2023)
Supreme Court has stayed Allahabad High Court's direction to Uttar Pradesh State Election Commission to notify the Urban Local Body (ULB) Polls withou.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Urban Local Body, OBC
SC: NBFC & Leasing Co. Not Liable to Pay Interest Tax on Installments Under Hire Purchase Agreement(05.01.2023)
Supreme Court has held that non-banking finance (NBFC) and leasing companies are not liable to pay tax on the interest component included in the hire-.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-Banking Finance, Hire Purchase Agreement
SC: Can’t Draw Adverse Inference Against Plaintiff for Merely Not Producing Bank Passbook(10.01.2023)
Supreme Court has held that adverse inference cannot be drawn against a plaintiff in a suit for specific performance for not producing his passbook un.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Inference, Bank Passbook, Specific Performance
SC: Make EIA Mandatory for Urban Development(11.01.2023)
Supreme Court while issuing directions to preserve the heritage of 'Corbusier' Chandigarh, has recommended Centre as well as the State to make necessa.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Environmental Impact Assessment, Urban Development
SC: SBI’s Application for Extension of Time for Furnishing Electoral Bonds Details Dismissed(11.03.2024)
Supreme Court has dismissed the State Bank of India’s (SBI) application that was filed for an extension of time for furnishing electoral bond details .....
Tags : Supreme Court, State Bank of India, Electoral Bonds, Extension of Time
AP HC: Bail Under Section 37 NDPS Act Not Applicable to Non-Commercial Quantity Contraband(16.02.2022)
Andhra Pradesh High Court has granted regular bail to an accused under Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, noting that the rigours .....
Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Non-Commercial Quantity Contraband
Uttarakhand HC to State: Strictly Enforce Construction Ban in Joshimath(16.01.2023)
Uttarakhand High Court has directed State to strictly enforce ban on construction in subsidence-hit Joshimath town in Chamoli district, and asked auth.....
Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Joshimath, Construction Ban
Bombay HC: Administrator Could Not Have Taken Policy Decision After Reconstruction of Yes Bank(23.01.2023)
Bombay High Court has set aside Yes Bank’s decision to write of Additional Tier 1 bonds Rs. 8415 Crore value observing that the Reserve Bank of India .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Yes Bank, Reserve Bank of India
SC Sets Aside Allahabad HC Order Refusing To Entertain YES Bank's Plea(25.01.2023)
Supreme Court has set aside the Allahabad High Court order refusing to entertain the Yes Bank plea challenging police investigation into an FIR lodged.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court, Yes Bank, Essel Group
Bombay HC: Liquor Ban for Long Period Violates Merchants' Right to Livelihood(30.01.2023)
Bombay High Court while reducing 4 day ban on liquor sale in various districts in Maharashtra due to MLC graduate constituencies elections to just the.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Liquor Ban, Right to Livelihood
Bom. HC: Banks to Show Evidence to Borrowers Before Invoking Circular on Wilful Default(27.03.2024)
Bombay High Court has held that commercial banks need to show the evidence to defaulting borrowers before invoking the master circular on wilful defau.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Wilful Default, Commercial Banks
Del. HC: Bank Customers Have No Way of Contacting Officials Who Send Emails(22.02.2023)
Delhi High Court while expressing concern over computer generated e-mails sent to customers without mention of contact details of officials under whos.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank, Accountability
SC: Provide Highest Z+ Security to Ambani & Family Throughout Indian and Abroad(01.03.2023)
Supreme Court has directed Maharashtra Government and Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure Highest Z+ Security Cover provided to Mukesh Ambani and his f.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Mukesh Ambani, Security
SC: Sessions Judge has Power to Issue Process Against Accused in Offences Under IBC, 2016(22.04.2024)
SC while upholding issuance of process by sessions judge in an offence committed under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC), has observed that S.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Sessions Judge
Del. HC: Property Given by Deceased Husband Can Only be Enjoyed by Hindu Woman Without Income(25.04.2024)
Delhi High Court has observed that a Hindu woman without income only has complete rights to enjoy the property received by her deceased husband. She c.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Hindu Woman, Deceased Husband, Absolute Right
Bom. HC: Public Sector Banks Not Empowered to Issue Look Out Circulars Against Loan Defaulters(27.04.2024)
Bombay High Court has observed that Public Sector Banks are not authorized to issue look out circulars against loan defaulters. The power exercised by.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Public Sector Banks, Look Out Circulars, Article 14 of COI, Article 21 of COI
All. HC: It’s an Obligation of Bank Officials to Fully Co-operate in Criminal Investigations(29.04.2024)
Allahabad High Court has observed that bank officials are expected to be law-abiding citizens who are under an obligation of law to cooperate in crimi.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Criminal Investigations, Bank Officials
ITAT, Bangalore: No Rationale in Making Additions to Income on Violation of RBI Notifications(11.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has observed that there is no rationale in the action of the Assessing Officer of making additions to income .....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, rationale, Assessing Officer, assesse, Section 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, Reserve Bank of India
NCLT, Kolkata: IRP Against Legal Heirs of Personal Guarantor by Financial Creditor Not Permissible(11.04.2022)
National Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata has held that the application is not maintainable against legal heirs of the Personal Guarantor under the Insol.....
Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, Financial Creditor, Personal Guarantor, Bank of Baroda
Ker. HC: Translocation of Arikomban Not Answer to Man-Animal Conflicts(04.05.2023)
Kerala High Court in case pertaining to rogue elephant 'Arikomban', observed that lack of proper waste management is a reason for increasing incidents.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Arikomban, Man-Animal Conflicts
Madras HC Refuses to Stay Release of 'The Kerala Story' Movie(05.05.2023)
Madras High Court has dismissed the PIL seeking to ban the release of 'The Kerala Story' Movie and observed that without watching the movie it cannot .....
Tags : Madras High Court, The Kerala Story, Ban
SC: NCLT Has to Admit Section 7 Petition if Debt is Due(15.05.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that even non¬-payment of a part of debt when it becomes due and payable will amount to default on part of a Corporate D.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Corporate Debtor, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Karnataka HC: Illegal to Impose Condition of Furnishing Bank Guarantee While Granting Bail(12.07.2024)
Karnataka High Court while hearing an application on modification of bail condition, has restated that it is illegal to impose a bail condition on the.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Bail Condition, Bank Guarantee
Delhi HC: Weak Financial Condition of Party Cannot be Sole Ground to Deposit Security/Bank Guarantee(09.05.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that the weak financial condition of a party cannot be the only ground to direct the party to deposit a security or bank gu.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, bank guarantee, arbitration
SC: NBFCs Cannot be Regulated by State Enactments(11.05.2022)
Supreme Court has ruled that state laws cannot govern Reserve Bank of India-regulated non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The top court stated th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-banking financial companies, Reserve Bank of India
NCLAT: Threshold of Rs.1 Crore Is Required for Initiation of CIRP(12.05.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has ruled that an application filed after 24.03.2020 under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy .....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Section 7, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, threshold, One Crore
SC Sets Aside Bail Condition to Furnish Bank Guarantee(14.06.2023)
Supreme Court has set aside a bail condition imposed by High Court to furnish Bank Guarantee worth Rs. 2 Crore by the accused and modified the same by.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bank Guarantee, Bail Bond
HP HC Upholds Guidelines by NABARD Regarding Appointment of Auditors for Cooperative Banks(26.06.2023)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has upheld guidelines issued by NABARD regarding the appointment of statutory auditors for Cooperative Banks and observed .....
Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Guidelines, NABARD, Cooperative Banks
SC: Bombay High Court Verdict Upholding Hijab Ban in College Challenged(06.08.2024)
A plea challenging verdict of Bombay High Court upholding the ban imposed on the wearing of hijab, nakab, burkha, stole, cap, etc., by students on cam.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bombay High Court, Hijab Ban, Private College
SC: Appeal Under IBC is Valid Only if it is Initiated Within 30 days From Date of Order(17.05.2022)
Supreme Court has ruled that an appeal under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) is only acceptable if it is filed within 30 days from the .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, 30 days, National Company Law Tribunal
SC Declares Noida As Operational Creditor Under IBC(18.05.2022)
Supreme Court has ruled that the NOIDA is an operational creditor under the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC).
Tags : Supreme Court, NOIDA, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, creditor
Supreme Court Reiterates Section 18 Limitation Act Is Applicable To IBC Proceedings(19.05.2022)
Supreme Court reiterates that the provisions of Section 18 of the Limitation Act are applicable to proceedings under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy C C.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 18 Limitation Act
CBIC Allows Export of Goods from Bangladesh to India by Rail in Closed Containers(20.05.2022)
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has allowed the export of goods from Bangladesh to India by rail in closed containers. The carrier will be.....
Tags : CBIC, Export, Indian Railway, Bangladesh
Manipur HC to State: Lift Internet Ban on Leased Line Connections(10.07.2023)
Manipur High Court has directed the State to lift the ban on the Internet Lease Line connections after ensuring that all the stakeholders have complie.....
Tags : Manipur High Court, Internet, Ban
NCLAT: Payment of Lease Amount, Rent & Premium Arising During CIRP Cannot Be Considered as CIRP Costs(28.10.2024)
The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has observed that the payment of lease amount, lease rent and premium arising during CIRP cannot b.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, CIRP Cost, Section 14, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
NCLAT: Dissenting Financial Creditor Entitled to Liquidation Value of its Secured Interest only(28.10.2024)
The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has observed that as per Section 30(2)(b) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC), a dissent.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Section 30(2)(b), Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
SC to Delhi Police: Cases Against Persons Bursting Firecrackers Not the Solution(15.09.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that filing cases against persons bursting firecrackers may not be the solution as there is no point in taking action af.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Firecracker Ban, Delhi Police
SC: Non Banking Cooperative Society Providing Credit to Members Eligible for Section 80P Deduction(15.09.2023)
Supreme Court has held that a co-operative society that is not a co-operative bank under Section 56 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, then such society.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Cooperative Society, Banking, Deduction
SC Upholds Arbitration Award in Favour of Anil Ambani Group Firm(10.09.2021)
Supreme Court has upheld a 2017 arbitration award worth over Rs 2,782 crores along with further interest in favour of Anil Ambani group firm, Delhi Ai.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Anil Ambani Group Firm
Delhi HC Seeks Response on Plea Challenging Provisions of Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993(13.09.2021)
Delhi High Court has sought response of the Centre on a plea challenging provisions of Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 regarding appointmen.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Provisions of Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993
Madras High Court Dismisses Plea Seeking a Ban on Chanting of Mantras in Tamil in Temples(13.09.2021)
Madras High Court has rejected a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking directions to be issued to the Tamil Nadu government to withdraw the 'Annai .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Ban on Chanting of Mantras in Tamil in Temples
SC Allows Centre to Continue Security Cover for Mukesh Ambani Family(25.07.2022)
Supreme Court while quashing the proceedings in the PIL pending before Tripura High Court challenging security cover given to Mukesh Ambani & his fami.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Security Cover, Ambani
SC: SARFAESI Doesn’t Give Any License to Bank Officers to Act Against the Scheme of Law(22.09.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that SARFAESI Act was enacted for speedy recovery and for benefitting the public at large, has held that it does not giv.....
Tags : Supreme Court, SARFAESI Act, Bank Officers
Tel. HC Stay GO Which Regularized Notarized Documents of Non-Agricultural Urban Land Sales(26.09.2023)
Telangana High Court has stayed the Government Order (GO) in as much as it seeks to regularize the notarized documents in relation to non-agricultural.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, Notarized Documents, Non-Agricultural Urban Land
RBI Hikes Key Rate By 0.50% To Pre-Pandemic Levels(05.08.2022)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased its key lending rates by 50 basis points to pre-pandemic levels of 5.40 per cent in an attempt to control th.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Lending Rates, Inflation
SC: Trail Under NDPS Act Stands Vitiated if Samples are Drawn Violating Section 52A(16.10.2023)
Supreme Court has held that once it is apparent that the seized contraband and the samples drawn therefrom were not as per the mandate of Section 52A .....
Tags : Supreme Court, NDPS, Contraband, Section 52A
ITAT: Deduction of Compensation for Breach of Contract Can’t be Allowed Based Only on Bank Statement(13.07.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune Bench has held that deduction of compensation paid for breach of contract cannot be allowed based on bank s.....
Tags : ITAT, Contract, Bank Statement
SC Denies Bail to Yes Bank Founder Rana Kapoor in PMLA Case(07.08.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that while the period undergone by accused is substantial, but this is a case that rocked the entire banking system, has.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Yes Bank, Bail, PMLA
SC: Protection U/S 197 CrPC Not Available to Nationalised Bank Employee(09.08.2023)
Supreme Court has held that although a person working in a Nationalised Bank is a public servant, yet the provisions of Section 197 CrPC wouldn’t be a.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Nationalised Bank Employee, Public Servant, Section 197 CrPC
MP HC Directs Police to Take Action against Companies Wholesaling Banned Contraband Drugs Online(23.01.2025)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the police and Narcotic Bureau as well as Drug Controller to take immediate action against the owner/stake hold.....
Tags : MP High Court, Narcotic Bureau, Contraband Drugs
Del. HC: Department Can't Hold Compliance once Court Orders Release of Bank Guarantee by Trader(24.01.2025)
Delhi High Court has observed that once the Court has ordered release of the bank guarantee furnished by a trader, Customs Department cannot hold back.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank Guarantee, Customs Department
Kerala HC: Bank Account Can be Attached under Section 281B of IT Act(29.01.2025)
Ker. HC has observed that the mere fact that Bank account is not explicitly provided under Section 281B of the IT Act, 1961 unlike the GST Act, 2017 w.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Bank Account, Section 281B
Ker. HC: Can’t Invoke Writ Against Decisions of Lender/Banker Unless There is Compelling Reason(06.11.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that Court, in exercise of its jurisdiction under Article 226 cannot replace the wisdom of lender/banker in the process of .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Lender/Banker, Writ Jurisdiction, Compelling Reason
Bom. HC: SC’s Judgment in ‘Pankaj Bansal’ Case Applies Prospectively(08.11.2023)
Bombay High Court while refusing relief to Jet Airways founder Naresh Goyal in PMLA case has observed that Supreme Court’s judgement in Pankaj Bansal’.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, PMLA, Pankaj Bansal, Prospectively
SC: PF Can’t be Withheld Without Proving Actual Loss Caused by Employee(09.11.2023)
Supreme Court has held that as per Punjab National Bank (Officers’) Service Regulations, 1979 bank could withhold the Provident Fund (PF) amount only .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Provident Fund, Punjab National Bank
SC: PF Can’t be Withheld by Bank Without Proving Actual Loss Caused by Employee(09.11.2023)
Supreme Court has held that as per Punjab National Bank (Officers’) Service Regulations, 1979 bank could withhold the Provident Fund (PF) amount only .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Provident Fund, Punjab National Bank
Delhi HC Grants Bail to Yes Bank's Former MD Rana Kapoor in Money Laundering Case(25.11.2022)
Delhi High Court has granted bail to Yes Bank co-founder Rana Kapoor in a money laundering case being probed by Enforcement Directorate with regard to.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bail, Yes Bank
Mad. HC: Can’t Keep a Shop Closed Forever Merely Because it had Banned Tobacco Product for Sale(04.01.2024)
Madras High Court while observing that sealing a shop affects the right to livelihood of a person guaranteed under Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitutio.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Shop, Livelihood, Banned Tobacco Products
Guj HC: ‘Rape’ Even if Committed by Husband Against Wife is ‘Rape’(18.12.2023)
Gujarat High Court while observing that general economic dependence on family and fear of social ostracization act as significant disincentives for wo.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Rape, Husband, Wife
SC: Judgment in Pankaj Bansal v. Union of India Does Not Apply Retrospectively(18.12.2023)
Supreme Court has held that its judgment in the case Pankaj Bansal v. Union of India (MANU/SC/1076/2023; 2023/INSC/866) wherein it was held that ED mu.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Pankaj Bansal, Retrospective
Calcutta High Court Rejects Anticipatory Bail Plea of Mamata Banerjee's Polling Agent Sheikh Sufiyan(30.11.2021)
Calcutta High Court has rejected the anticipatory bail plea moved by TMC leader Sheikh Sufiyan in the West Bengal post-poll violence case currently be.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Bail Plea of Mamata Banerjee's Polling Agent Sheikh Sufiyan
Madras HC Orders Strict Enforcement of Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies Rules, 2011(01.12.2021)
Madras High Court has ordered the strict enforcement of the Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies (Permission for Erection of Digital Banners and Placards) Ru.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Enforcement of Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies Rules, 2011
DCDRC to Municipal Corp.: Allow Maximum One Pet Dog for One Family(17.11.2022)
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (DCDRC), Gurugram while directing Municipal Corporation to require that one family will keep only one .....
Tags : DCDRC, Dog, Ban
SC: Quantity of Neutral Substance Can’t be Ignored While Labelling Recovered Contraband(21.11.2022)
Supreme Court has held that quantity of neutral substances cannot be ignored while labelling the quantity of contraband recovered as 'small quantity' .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Neutral Substance, Contraband
Kar. HC: Banks Do Not Have the Power of Retaining Passport or OCI Card of Accused as Security(17.01.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that banks do not have the authority to withhold the passport or OCI cards of an accused, even if, the accused has surre.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Passport, Banks
SC: Gujarat Govt's Response in Bilkis Bano Case 'Very Bulky'(19.10.2022)
Supreme Court has said that Gujarat government's response to petitions challenging the remission granted to 11 convicts in the Bilkis Bano case is "ve.....
Tags : Supreme Court , Bilkis Bano, convicts
Ker. HC: Constitute Committees To Check Unauthorised Use Of Banners And Boards In Public Places(20.10.2022)
Kerala High Court has ordered setting up of committees at the level of every Local-Self Government Institution to tackle the issue of putting of illeg.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, boards, banners
Kar. HC: Sufficient Bank Bal. Not Absolute Pre-requisite to Establish Readiness to Execute Agreement(24.01.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that although it is relevant to consider the bank balance of a party while considering the matters of readiness and will.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Sale Agreement, Bank Balance
Madras HC: State Vicariously Liable for Neglect, Compensation Granted to Man for Injuries Upheld(25.01.2024)
Madras High Court while upholding an order granting compensation to a man who suffered injuries during a bandh, has held that State would be vicarious.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Vicarious Liability, Bandh
Allahabad HC Enquires Over Woman Harassed Being Forced to Return to Husband(09.07.2021)
Allahabad High Court has called for an explanation from Senior Superintendent of Police, Aligarh, and the Superintendent of Police, Kasganj as to why .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Woman Harassed Being Forced to Return to Husband
IBBI Amends its Regulations on Information Utilities(20.06.2022)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has introduced second round of amendments to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Information.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Amendments
Del. HC: Wife Taking Recourse of Law Doesn’t Amount to Cruelty Against Husband(28.07.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that merely because estranged wife had taken recourse to law by initiating legal action before a court of law against husban.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Cruelty, Husband
NCLAT: Section 43(1) of IBC applicable when Corporate Debtor has given a preference in transaction(09.12.2024)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has observed that the condition precedent for attracting Section 43(1) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Co.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
SC: Ban on Firecrackers Required Not Only to Curb Air Pollution but also Noise Pollution(13.12.2024)
Supreme Court while directing Delhi government and NCR states to decide on a complete year-round ban on firecrackers, has stated that this is the requ.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Ban on Firecrackers, Noise Pollution
Del. HC: Customs Department Can’t Encash Bank Guarantee If Pre-Deposit Already Made in Appeal(13.01.2025)
Delhi High Court has affirmed that if a trader has made a pre-deposit with his appeal against the demand and penalty then the Customs Department canno.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bank Guarantee, Pre-Deposit
NCLAT: Initiation Of CIRP Not A Pre-Requisite To Initiate IRP Against The Personal Guarantor(28.01.2022)
NCLAT has held that initiation of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process is not a pre-requisite to initiate Insolvency Resolution Process (IRP) again.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, NCLAT, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process
Telangana HC: Scrutiny By IT Department Barred For The Period Covered By The Resolution Plan(28.01.2022)
Telangana High Court has observed that for the period covered by the Resolution Plan, Income Tax Department cannot carry out any scrutiny or assessmen.....
Tags : Income Tax Act, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Corporate Debtor, Financial Creditor
Allahabad HC Stays Announcement of Urban Local Body Polls Dates(13.12.2022)
Allahabad High Court has restrained State Election Commission from announcing Urban Local Body Elections notification and asked the State if the "trip.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Urban Local Body Elections, Triple Test, OBC
Delhi HC: Employer Can’t Retain Performance Bank Guarantee After Acknowledging Due Performance(14.12.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that the employer cannot withhold the performance bank guarantee after acknowledgement of the due performance of the contrac.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Performance Bank Guarantee, Counter Claims
SC Dismisses Bilkis Bano's Review Petition Against Judgment Allowing Remission of Convicts'(19.12.2022)
Supreme Court has dismissed review petition filed by Bilkis Bano seeking review of judgment which held that Gujarat Government had the jurisdiction to.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bilkis Bano, Gangrape, Remission
SC: Adj. Authority Has Power to Recall Order Approving RP Which Isn’t Submitted As Per IBC(14.02.2024)
Supreme Court has held that National Company Law Tribunal has the power under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) to recall its order approving.....
Tags : Supreme Court, NCLT, Resolution Plan, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Delhi HC Directs SBI to Open FCRA Accounts of NGOs Within 10 Days of Receiving Centre's Approval(24.05.2021)
Delhi High Court has directed the State Bank of India (SBI) to ensure that applications for opening the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (F.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, State Bank of India, FCRA Accounts
Kerala HC Upholds Telecast Ban on MediaOne Channel, Dismisses Appeal Against Judgment(02.03.2022)
Kerala High Court has dismissed the appeal moved by Malayalam news channel MediaOne against the single judge order upholding the recent ban imposed on.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Ban on MediaOne Channel
Karnataka HC Directs State to Ensure No Protest Held in Bangalore City Except at Freedom Park(04.03.2022)
Karnataka High Court has directed the state government to forthwith ensure that no protest, meetings, processions, etc. are held in the city of Bengal.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, No Protest Held in Bangalore City
Madras HC: Total Ban on Conduct of Religious Meetings Not Possible(30.01.2023)
Madras High Court while allowing Indu Makkal Katchi-Tamizhagam to conduct their State conference on 29th January 2023, has held that there could not b.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Ban, Religious Meeting
Electoral Bonds Data Uploaded on Election Commission of India’s Website(15.03.2024)
The Election Commission of India has uploaded on its website data related to electoral bonds that was supplied by the State Bank of India.
Tags : Election Commission of India, Electoral Bonds, State Bank of India
Karnataka High Court: Stay on Circular Banning Rearing of Certain Breeds of Dogs(20.03.2024)
Karnataka High Court has stayed a circular passed by the Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying department that banned rearing of.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Banning, Breeds of Dogs
Madras High Court: Party Wanting to Abandon Claim Cannot be Compelled to Continue Case(01.04.2024)
Madras High Court while allowing the State of Tamil Nadu to withdraw cases, has observed that when a party wasn’t to abandon a case without reserving .....
Tags : Madras High Court, State of Tamil Nadu, Abandon
Madras High Court: Can’t Freeze Bank Account Under UAPA in Absence of Central Government’s Order(01.04.2024)
Madras High Court has held that authorities cannot freeze the bank account of Tamil Nadu Development Foundation Trust under the Unlawful Activities Pr.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Section 7(1) of UAPA, Bank Account
Union’s Circular Banning Twenty-Three Breeds of Dogs Banned by Karnataka High Court(11.04.2024)
Karnataka High Court has quashed the circular issued by Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department that banned twenty-three.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Twenty-Three Breeds, Dogs Banned
Del HC: Invoking Penalty Proc. Based on NFAC’s Own Failure to Lodge Claim Can’t be Sustained by them(19.04.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that invocation of penalty proceedings that are based on the National Faceless Assessment Centre’s (NFAC) own failure to lod.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Penalty Proceedings, NFAC, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Ker HC: Unilateral Action of Bank of Withholding Title Document After Loan is Repaid is Illegal(20.03.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that merely because the property was transferred by the petitioner during the subsistence of the mortgage, Bank is not enti.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Bank, Loan, Security Documents
UAPA Tribunal Upholds Ban PFI And its Affiliates(22.03.2023)
UAPA Tribunal has upheld the ban imposed by the Central Government on the Popular Front of India (PFI) and its affiliated organisations.
Tags : UAPA Tribunal, Ban, PFI
SC: Before Classifying A/Cs as Fraud, Banks Must Give Borrowers Opportunity of Hearing(27.03.2023)
Supreme Court has held that principles of audi alteram partem, howsoever short, have to be applied before declaring a party as 'a fraudulent borrower'.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Audi Alteram Partem, Fraud, Bank
SEBI Imposes Fine on Axis Bank for Failure to Make Disclosures(25.03.2022)
Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed a fine of Rs. 5 lakh on Axis Bank for failing to make requisite disclosures under the merchant bank.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Axis Bank
SC Stays Uttarakhand HC Order Banning Fatwas(15.03.2023)
Supreme Court has made absolute the interim stay on the Uttarakhand High Court’s order that banned religious outfits and statutory panchayats/local pa.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Fatwas, Ban, Stay
SC: Once Area Urbanized Under Del. Municipal Corporation Act, Del. Land Reforms Act Not Applicable(16.03.2023)
Supreme Court has held that once rural area is urbanized by issuance of notification under Section 507(a) of Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957, th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Rural Area, Urbanized
Delhi HC: Not Bank’s Responsibility to Get Real Estate Project Completed(16.03.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that banks can’t be loaded with responsibility of getting real estate projects completed, has held that it is for the.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Real Estate, Bank
Delhi HC Dismisses Supertech Homebuyers’ Pleas For Stopping Banks From Charging EMIs(17.03.2023)
Delhi High Court has dismissed Supertech Urban Home Buyers Association (SUHA) Foundation and other home buyer’s petitions seeking directions for finan.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Supertech Urban Home Buyers Association, Supertech Limited
Bombay HC Directs Wife to Pay Maintenance to Husband under Sec 25 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955(01.04.2022)
Bombay High Court upheld two orders of the civil court directing a wife working as a teacher, to pay Rs 3,000 maintenance to her husband by directing .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, maintenance, Maintenance To Husband
JKL HC: No Fresh Construction Activities in Sonamarg(30.03.2023)
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while noting that its earlier clarification order with respect to renovation and repairs was being misconstrue.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Sonamarg, Blanket Ban, Construction
P&H HC: Even Professional Beggar has Moral & Legal Liability to Maintain His Wife(30.03.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that a husband has got a moral and legal liability to maintain his wife unable to maintain herself, even if.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Maintain, Beggar, Husband
SC: Press has a Duty to Speak Truth and Present Citizens With Hard Facts(05.04.2023)
Supreme Court while ruling against telecast ban imposed by Centre on news channel MediaOne using plea of National Security, observed that press has a .....
Tags : Supreme Court, MediaOne, Ban, Democracy
All. HC to State: Upload OBC Commission's Report on its Website in 4 Days(07.04.2023)
Allahabad High Court has directed State government to upload on its website the report prepared by the dedicated Uttar Pradesh Backward Classes Commis.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, OBC Commission, Report, Urban Local Body
Insolvency Proceedings Initiated Against Himalayan Mineral Water by NCLT(11.06.2024)
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) on a plea by Jammu and Kashmir Bank has ordered initiation of insolvency proceedings against Himalayan Mineral Wa.....
Tags : NCLT, Jammu and Kashmir Bank, Himalayan Mineral Water
Ker HC: Min. of Animal Husbandry to Consider Objections to Ban on ‘Dangerous & Ferocious’ Dog Breeds(12.06.2024)
Kerala High Court has directed the Ministry of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry to consider the objections that have been submitted while considering a .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Animal Husbandry, Dog Breeds
Bombay HC: Account Holder Not Liable For Unauthorized Transactions Due To Third Party Breach(17.06.2024)
Bom. HC while directing Bank of Baroda to refund Rs. 76,90,017 to a company who lost the amount in a cyber fraud involving unauthorized electronic ban.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, OTP, Bank of Baroda
Supreme Court Acquits Man for Allegedly Abandoning Lady of SC-ST Community(15.04.2022)
Supreme Court has acquitted a man who had allegedly abandoned a lady belonging to SC-ST Community with whom he was living together. The Court has obse.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Abandoning Lady of SC-ST Community
NCLAT, Delhi: Quantum of Debt Not to be Decided At Stage of Admission of S. 7 IBC Application(18.04.2022)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has observed that the quantum of debt is not to be considered at the stage of admission of a petition u.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, admission
Delhi HC Upholds Validity of Notifications Banning Manufacture & Sale of Chewing Tobacco Products(11.04.2023)
Delhi High Court while upholding notification of State banning manufacture & sale of chewing tobacco products and observed that though scheduled produ.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, COTPA, Notifications, Ban, Chewing Tobacco
Ker. HC: IO Mixes Contraband Found in Separate Packs, Bail Granted to Accused Booked Under NDPS Act(24.06.2024)
Kerala High Court has granted bail to an accused booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1985(NDPS) possessing contraband after n.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, NDPS Act, Contraband
Cal HC: Restraint Imposed on WB CM Mamata Bannerjee from Making Statements Against Governer, Lifted(29.07.2024)
Calcutta High Court has lifted the restraint imposed on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee from making statements against the Governor CV Anan.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Mamata Banerjee, CV Ananda Bose
MP HC: Police Officers Have to Follow Direction of Joining Music Band Practice(02.08.2024)
Madhya Pradesh High Court while hearing a matter where police constables were suspended for refusing to join Police Department's music band, has asked.....
Tags : MP High Court, Music Band Practice, Police Officers
Raj. HC: Plastic Coated Papers Come Within Ambit of Single-Use Plastic Items(05.06.2023)
Rajasthan High Court has held that ‘plastic coated paper’ which is also used as a raw material for laminated paper cups, will come within the ambit of.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Plastic Coated Papers, Single-Use Plastic, Ban
Rajasthan High Court: Seizure Memo Needs to be Prepared at Spot of Recovery(18.07.2024)
Raj. HC has held that seizure officer should prepare seizure memo at the place of recovery of contraband material as prescribed under the Standing Ins.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Seizure Memo, Contraband Material
SEBI: 5 Year Ban Imposed on Industrialist Anil Ambani for Diversion of Funds(26.08.2024)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has imposed a ban of five years on industrialist Anil Ambani from the securities market for the dive.....
Tags : SEBI, Anil Ambani, Reliance Home Finance
SC: Bank Employees App. Under SC Quota Entitled to Retain Post After their Caste is De-scheduled(29.08.2024)
SC has held that person who joined service of a Nationalized Bank/GOI undertaking based on a certificate that identified him/her as belonging to SC/ST.....
Tags : Supreme Court, SC Quota, Nationalized Bank
Finance Ministry Clarifies that Members of Queer Community Can Open Joint Bank Accounts(30.08.2024)
Ministry of Finance has issued a notification clarifying that members of the queer community can open a joint bank account and can also nominate their.....
Tags : Ministry of Finance, Queer Community, Joint Bank Accounts
BCI Issues Circular Suggesting Monthly Stipend to Advocates in Urban and Rural Areas(16.10.2024)
BCI has issued a circular making recommendation that junior advocates should be paid a monthly stipend of Rs. 20,000 in urban areas and Rs. 15,000 in .....
Tags : Bar Council of India, Monthly Stipend, Rural Areas, Urban Areas
Supreme Court: Hijab Ban Imposed by Mumbai Private College Stayed(12.08.2024)
Supreme Court has stayed the ban imposed by a private college in Mumbai on wearing of hijab, cap or badges by students on campus.
Tags : Supreme Court, Private College, Hijab Ban
Cal HC: For Maint. Strict Proof of Marriage not Required if Couple Living as Husband & Wife for Long(29.11.2024)
Calcutta High Court has held that where a man and woman have been living together as husband and wife for a reasonable long period of time, strict pro.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Strict Proof, Husband & Wife
Calcutta HC Allows Bail Application of Former TMC aide Ayan Sil in Recruitment Scam Case(03.12.2024)
Calcutta High Court has allowed a bail application filed by the former TMC leader, Santanu Banerjee's aide Ayan Sil in connection with the recruitment.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Santanu Banerjee, Ayan Sil, recruitment scam case
Lok Sabha passes Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024(04.12.2024)
Lok Sabha has passed the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024 which includes bank accounts to have four nominees among other changes. Under this amendm.....
Tags : Lok Sabha, Bank Account Holders, Simultaneous Nominations
NCLAT Upholds Canara Bank’s Claims for Loans Advanced to CD on behalf of Homebuyers(14.01.2025)
NCLAT New Delhi bench has upheld the claims of Canara Bank for loans advanced to the corporate debtor (CD) on behalf of the Homebuyers for the reason .....
Tags : NCLAT New Delhi, Canara Bank, Corporate Debtor
SC Asks about Union’s Purpose of Detaining Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants Indefinitely(04.02.2025)
Supreme Court has asked the Central Government about its purpose of indefinitely detaining hundreds of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants instead of depor.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Central Government, Bangladeshi Immigrants