Search Results for Tag : Autonomy
Del. HC: Constitution Gives Every Individual the Autonomy to Choose Life Partners(19.09.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that when Constitution of India guarantees to each individual the right to freely practice, profess and propagate any religi.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Marriage, Autonomy
Indian Trusts (Amendment) Bill, 2015(13.08.2015)
The Bill, introduced in the Lok Sabha, makes amendments to the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. The Bill suggests changes to update the Act, 1882 by removing .....
Tags : trusts, autonomy, trustee, bill
Notifications & Circulars
Autonomy for Central Bank, within the Framework of the RBI Act, Is an Essential and Accepted Governance Requirement: Says Government(31.10.2018)
The autonomy for the Central Bank, within the framework of the RBI Act, is an essential and accepted governance requirement. Governments in India have.....
Tags : Autonomy, Central Bank, Governance