Baby Apoorva Rai v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. and Ors. - (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission) (03 Sep 2015)
Insurer not liable to pay upon death while intoxicated if excluded in insurance policy
In a case where the insurer denied payout on the death of the insured by drowning while under the influence of alcohol, the NCDRC dismissed the complaint of his family members. It relied on various international blood-alcohol limits within which it was permissible to drive a vehicle, and on public medical journals and opinion in determining that the deceased had consumed sufficient alcohol to render him inebriated. It added that the insurance policy excluded an obligation to compensate for the death of the deceased if alcohol was present in the deceased's blood at the time of death, irrespective of a nexus between intoxication and death.
Relevant : Life Insurance Corporation of India and Anr. vs. Smt. Ranjit Kaur MANU/CF/0194/2011
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