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NGT bans open burning of waste across the country - (23 Dec 2016)


In a significant move towards a cleaner environment, the National Green Tribunal has directed that there shall be complete prohibition on open burning of waste on lands, including at the landfill sites. As per the order of the Green Tribunal, the violators shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 25,000 on each incident of bulk waste burning and Rs. 5,000 in case of simple burning.  The green tribunal has also directed that the Ministry  of  Environment,  Forest  and  Climate  Change  and all States to pass appropriate directions in relation to ban on short-life Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and chlorinated plastics within a period of six months. The green tribunal has further directed all States and Union Territories to enforce and implement Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in order to curb pollution.

The national green Tribunal by virtue of its order has mandated that Plants for processing and disposal of waste and selection and specifications of landfill sites have to be constructed, be prepared and maintained strictly in accordance with Rules of 2016 and further held that all kinds of non-biodegradable waste and non-recyclable plastic should be segregated from the landfill sites and used for construction of roads and embankments in all road projects and there shall be no unregulated open burning of plastic or rubber or such other articles anywhere in India.

The Tribunal has made it clear that all the plastic waste/scrap dealers and/or recyclers including the members of the PVC and Plastic Waste Dealers Association shall be restrained from carrying on their business of segregation of plastic waste and its eventual transfer to recyclers or disposal contrary to and without registration under the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011.The Tribunal also observed in its judgment that plastic and the waste generated from its use "need not be baneful for the environment and eventually the mankind" if it is handled properly. The new rules of solid waste management programme are aimed to cover 17,000 inhabited areas -- to benefit 45 crore people directly while as of today the solid waste management programme benefits only 15 crore people.

The said order has come amid recent incidents of alarming rise of pollution breaking all records in and around national capital territory of Delhi. However, the order will benefit the citizens across the country.


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