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Govt. relaxes operation of Sec. 10(1) r/w Sec. 14A(1) of Tobacco Board Act, 1975 in State of Andhra Pradesh for auctions during crop season 2022-2023- (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) (04 Jul 2023)



WHEREAS, the Central Government is satisfied that circumstances have arisen rendering it necessary in the public interest, to relax the restrictions imposed by the Tobacco Board Act, 1975 (Act 4 of 1975);

AND, WHEREAS, the Central Government considers it necessary in the public interest to dispose of the excess flue cured virginia tobacco of registered growers and flue cured virginia tobacco of unregistered growers at the authorised auction platforms of the Tobacco Board in the State of Andhra Pradesh;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 30, of the Tobacco Board Act, 1975, the Central Government in the public interest hereby relaxes the operation of the provisions of sub- section (1) of section 10 read with sub-section (1) of section 14A of the said Act in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the auctions during the crop season 2022-2023, and permits the sale of excess flue cured virginia tobacco crop of the registered growers and unauthorised flue cured virginia tobacco crop of the unregistered growers at the auction platforms authorised by the Tobacco Board.


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