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Clarification with respect to submission of Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate- (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) (06 May 2020)



1. The Import policy of metallic scrap and waste requires importers to furnish Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate (PSIC) for customs clearance of metal scrap and waste imports in accordance with the conditions laid out in Para 2.54 of Handbook of Procedures, 2015-2020. It has come to the notice of this Directorate that importers have been finding it difficult to submit the original copy of PSIC document due to the prevailing situations during COVID-19 related lock down.

2. In view of the above, it has been decided that a scanned copy of the PSIC document may be accepted in place of a physical copy for the purpose of Customs clearance. However, the importer has to provide an undertaking to the concerned Custom Authority at the time of the clearance as given in the Annexure to this Trade Notice.

3. Customs Authorities may take scanned copy of the PSIC document submitted by the importers for clearance without asking for the physical copy. The original physical copy of the PSIC needs to be submitted to Customs within 60 days of the clearance.

4. This facility is allowed only till 30th June 2020 in view of the present situation of documents movement interruption due to COVID-19. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.


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