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Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2019-20 - Series I/II/III/IV - Operational Guidelines- (Reserve Bank of India) (30 May 2019)



This has reference to the GoI notification F.No.4(7)-W&M/2019 dated May 30, 2019 and RBI circular IDMD.CDD.No.3392/14.04.050/2018-19 dated May 30, 2019 on the Sovereign Gold Bonds. FAQs in this regard have been placed on our website. Operational guidelines with regard to this scheme are given below:

1. Application

Application forms from investors will be received at branches during normal banking hours on the weeks of subscription. Receiving Offices need to ensure that the application is complete in all respects as incomplete applications are liable to be rejected. Relevant additional details may be obtained from the applicants, where necessary. The Receiving Offices may make arrangements to enable the investors to apply online, in the interest of better customer service.

2. Joint holding and nomination

Multiple joint holders and nominees (of first holder) are permitted. Necessary details may be obtained from the applicants as per practice. An individual Non - resident Indian may get the security transferred in his/her name on account of he/she being a nominee of a deceased investor provided that:

i. the Non-Resident investor shall need to hold the security till early redemption or till maturity; and

ii. the interest and maturity proceeds of the investment shall not be repatriable.

3. Know-Your-Customer (KYC) requirements

Every application must be accompanied by the 'PAN details' issued by the Income Tax Department to the investor(s). It may be ascertained from the investor, if he/she has made a previous investment in SGBs or IINSC-C and hence in possession of an Investor ID. If so, the investments may be made under the unique Investor ID only.

4. Cancellation

Cancellation of application is permitted till the closure of the issue, i.e. until Friday of the particular week of subscription. Part cancellation of submitted request for purchase of gold bonds is not permitted.

5. Lien marking

As the bonds are government securities, lien marking, etc. will be as per the extant legal provisions of Government Securities Act, 2006 and rules framed there under. The lien shall be marked by the Receiving Offices/Public Debt Offices of RBI in case of financing by agencies other than the Receiving Offices.

6. Agency arrangement

Receiving Offices may engage NBFCs, NSC agents and others to collect application forms on their behalf. Banks may enter into arrangements or tie-ups with such entities. Commission for distribution shall be paid at the rate of Rupee one per hundred of the total subscription received by the Receiving Offices on the applications received and Receiving Offices shall share at least 50% of the commission so received with the agents or sub-agents for the business procured through them.

7. Processing through RBI's e-Kuber system

Sovereign Gold Bonds will be available for subscription at the Receiving Offices through RBI's e- Kuber system. The e-Kuber system can be accessed either through INFINET or Internet. The Receiving Offices need to enter the data or carry out bulk upload for the subscriptions received by them. They may ensure accuracy of entry of data to prevent occurrence of any inadvertent errors. An immediate confirmation will be provided to them for receipt of application. In addition, a confirmation scroll will be provided for file uploads to enable the Receiving Offices to update their database. On the date of allotment, Certificates of Holding will be generated for all the subscriptions in the name of the sole/principal holder. The Receiving Offices can download the same and take printouts. The Certificates of Holding will also be sent through e-mail to the investors who have provided their email address. The securities will be credited in their demat accounts by the depositories in due course subject to matching of particulars furnished in the application with the depositories' records.

8. Printing Certificates of Holding

Holding Certificate needs to be printed in colour on A4 size 100 GSM paper.

9. Servicing and follow up

Receiving Offices will "own" the customer and provide necessary services with regards to this bond e.g. update contact details, receive requests for premature encashment, etc. Receiving Offices will be required to preserve applications till the bonds are matured and are repaid.

10. Tradability

The Bonds shall be eligible for trading on a date notified by the Reserve Bank of India. (It may be noted that only bonds held in demat form with depositories can be traded in stock exchanges)

11. Contact details

Any queries/clarifications may be e-mailed to the following:

(a) Sovereign Gold Bond related: Please click here to send email.

(b) IT related: Please click here to send email.


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