Notifications & Circulars SEBI clarifies on reports regarding T+0 settlement cycle (Securities and Exchange Board of India) (31.07.2024)At an NSE event on July 30, 2024 the SEBI Chairperson released a report on "Indian Capital Markets: Transformative shifts achieved through technology ....MANU/SPRL/0014/2024Capital MarketAmendment to Circular for mandating additional disclosures by FPIs that fulfil certain objective criteria (Securities and Exchange Board of India) (01.08.2024)1. SEBI vide Circular No. SEBI/ HO/ AFD/ AFD-PoD-2/CIR/P/2023/148 dated August 24, 2023 mandated additional disclosures for FPIs that fulfil objective....MANU/SMIS/0027/2024Capital MarketGST collections and other relevant data will henceforth be available on the GST Portal (Press Information Bureau) (01.08.2024)The monthly data regarding the Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections (gross and net) and IGST settlement state wise for the month of July, 2024 has....MANU/PIBU/0593/2024Goods and Services TaxTRAI releases revised Standards of Quality of Service for Access and Broadband Services (Press Information Bureau) (02.08.2024)Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) releases revised Regulations namely 'The Standards of Quality of Service of Access (Wirelines and Wireles....MANU/PIBU/0600/2024Media and CommunicationPrudential Treatment of Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve by Co-operative Banks (Reserve Bank of India) (02.08.2024)1. Under the provisions of the respective State Co-operative Societies Acts, or otherwise, on prudential consideration, several co-operative banks hav....MANU/RMIC/0095/2024BankingHarmonisation of Chapters 40 to 98 of Schedule-II (Export Policy) to ITC(HS) codes (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) (02.08.2024)1. DGFT is in the process of harmonising the extant Schedule-II (Export Policy) to the 8-digit ITC(HS) codes, in lieu of the description-based Export ....MANU/DGFT/0110/2024Customs