News Del. HC: Fundamental Rights of Foreigners Limited to Right to Life and Personal Liberty Under A. 21 (12.01.2024)Delhi High Court has held that the Fundamental Right of any foreigner or suspected foreigner is limited to the one declared under Article 21 of the Co....All. HC: No Sympathy for Person Getting Appointment Based on Forged Documents (12.01.2024)Allahabad High Court has held that a person, who has acquired an appointment as Teacher based on forged educational documents, cannot be entitled to a....All HC: Notice of Proceedings under CGST Act must be Served on Address of Assessee (12.01.2024)Allahabad High Court has held that once the GST Registration of the assessee is canceled, the Department must serve notices u/s 74 GST Act at the addr....Ker. HC: Commercial Courts Act Does Not Provide For Second Appeals (12.01.2024)Kerala High Court has held that the legislature introduced a non-obstante clause in sub-section (2) of S. 13 of the Commercial Courts Act limiting the....SC to Centre: Frame Policy for Phasing Out Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles (12.01.2024)Supreme Court has directed Central Government to formulate a policy of phasing out heavy duty diesel vehicles and replacing them with BSVI vehicles ....Bom HC: Inaction in Deciding Appeals for Suspensions Violate the Right to Carry Out Trade Practices (12.01.2024)Bombay High Court has held that in the circumstances where there is inaction on the part of authorities to decide appeals, the non-passing of an appro....SC: Specific Performance of Sale Deed Can Only be Availed When Buyer Adheres to Specific Condition (11.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that when there is a specific condition in a contract with regard to the time frame in which the consideration is to be paid, t....Ker. HC: Unintended Mistake of Magistrate Cannot Attract Prosecution u/s 228 IPC (11.01.2024)Kerala High Court while observing that inadvertent mistake on part of Magistrate can’t lead to action u/s 228 IPC, has held that judicial officers are....SC: Motor Vehicles Hired from a Contractor not Sale of Goods, Won’t Attract Sales Tax or VAT (11.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that hiring of motor vehicles/cranes from a contractor can’t be considered as sale of goods as sale involves possession and con....All. HC: Prior Notice to Tenants Not Required if Eviction Appln. is for Personal Use of Premises (10.01.2024)Allahabad High Court has held that u/s 21(2)(m) of UP Regulation of Urban Premises Tenancy Act, 2021 there is no requirement of prior notice to the te....Orissa HC: For Divorce on Ground of Adultery, Joinder of Paramour as Defendant is Not Mandatory (09.01.2024)Orissa High Court has held that though Hindu Marriage & Divorce (Orissa HC) Rules mandate making of paramour a necessary party but exceptions have bee....SC: SERC Can Reject Adoption of Tariff if Not Aligned With Market Prices (09.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) has authority to reject adoption of tariff if it isn’t aligned with market ....All. HC: Person Firing Pistol for Self Defence Does Not Violate Arms License Conditions (09.01.2024)Allahabad High Court has held that firing a pistol in self-defense is not a violation of the license condition and does not appear to be an offence un....MP HC: Compassionate Appointment of a Person Rules Out his/her Claim of a Higher Post (09.01.2024)Madhya Pradesh High Court held that once an individual has accepted the appointment on a compassionate basis, he/she cannot claim an appointment at a ....SC: Cheque Dishonour Proceedings to be Quashed Once Settlement Deed is Signed by the Complainant (09.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that once settlement has been arrived at and the complainant has signed the deed accepting a particular amount in full and fina....SC: Benefit of Doubt to be Given to Accused on Failure to Prove Guilt Beyond Reasonable Doubt (08.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that where evidence indicates that prosecution has failed to prove guilt of accused beyond reasonable doubt and that a view dif....SC: Modifying an Award u/s 34 and 37 Impermissible under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (08.01.2024)Supreme Court has held that interference with an order u/s 37 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 can’t travel beyond restrictions laid down u/s 34....Raj. HC: Department Can’t Deny Immunity Benefit Merely on Initiation of Penalty u/s 270A of IT Act (08.01.2024)Rajasthan High Court has held that the department's action of denying the benefit of immunity merely on the ground that the penalty was initiated unde....Del. HC: Employee not Responsible for Non-Deposit of Deducted Tax Amount to Government (08.01.2024)Delhi High Court has held that once the employee has accepted the salary after deduction of Income Tax he has no further control over the tax to be pa....Ker. HC: Minor Quarrels Due to Differences of Opinion Don’t Constitute Cruelty (08.01.2024)Kerala High Court held that minor quarrels between spouses in ordinary life because of differences of opinion or mere sporadic incidents of ill-treatm....