
Ministry : Securities and Exchange Board of India

Department/Board : Commodity Derivatives Market Regulation Department

Circular No. : SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DOP/CIR/P/2019/135

Date : 14.11.2019

Notification/ Circulars Referred : No. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/CIR/2016/88 dated September 20, 2016 MANU/SDER/0020/2016;No. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2016/90 dated September 21, 2016 MANU/SMIS/0007/2016

Subject: Capital Market

Industry: Trading

Citing Reference:
No. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/CIR/2016/88 dated September 20, 2016 MANU/SDER/0020/2016  Referred

No. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2016/90 dated September 21, 2016 MANU/SMIS/0007/2016  Referred


The Managing Directors/Chief Executive Officers
All Recognized Stock Exchanges having Commodity Derivatives Segment


Modifications in the contract specifications of commodity derivatives contracts

1. SEBI vide its circular ref. no. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/CIR/2016/88 dated September 20, 2016 had inter-alia prescribed at Para 3(c) provisions regarding permission to allow modifications in contract specifications at the exchange level.

2. In order to streamline the process and after consultation with the exchanges, it has been decided to categorise the modifications in contract specification parameters in the following three categories:

a. Category A: Non-material modifications which can be made at the exchange level in yet to be launched and running contracts.

b. Category B: Material modifications which can be made at the exchange level in yet to be launched contracts or running contracts which have nil open interest. These modifications shall require approval from Product Advisory Committee and approval of Regulatory Oversight Committee to be obtained post facto.

c. Category C: Material modifications which can be made only after approval from SEBI. These modifications shall require deliberations and approval from Product Advisory Committee and Regulatory Oversight Committee before seeking permission from SEBI.

3. The list of various contract specification parameters as per the above stated categories along with the timelines for advance intimation of modification to SEBI and market participant is given at Annexure I.

4. The permission to modify contract specification parameters of commodity derivatives contracts is subject to the condition that before introduction of any modification in contract specifications the Exchanges shall inform SEBI and market participants along with reasons for the modifications as per the timeline mentioned in Annexure I. However, this shall not apply to certain modifications which are required to be effected immediately considering the exigencies of the situation as per surveillance measure.

5. The Circular ref. no. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/CIR/2016/88 dated September 20, 2016 stands amended to this effect.

6. The provisions of this circular shall be effective from December 01, 2019.

7. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with Section 10 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.

8. This circular is available on SEBI website. under the category 'Circulars' and "Info for Commodity Derivatives".

Yours faithfully,
Priyanka Mahapatra
Deputy General Manager
Division of Products
Commodity Derivatives Market Regulation Department

Annexure I

Categorisation of contract specification parameters in commodity derivatives contracts


Type of Modification


Number of days of advance intimation to be given to SEBI and market participants

Category A

Non-material modifications which can be made at the exchange level in yet to be launched and running contracts



Contract Commencement Day (Y/L)

Quotation/Base value (Y/L)

Maximum Order Size

Tick Size (Minimum Price Movement)

Strike Interval (Y/L)

Number of Strikes

Initial Margin

Extreme Loss Margin

Delivery Period Margin

Pre-expiry Margin

Other Margins

Underlying Quotation (Y/L)

10 days

Category B

Material modifications which can be made at the exchange level in yet to be launched contracts or running contracts which have nil open interest. These modifications shall require approval from Product Advisory Committee and approval of Regulatory Oversight Committee to be obtained post facto.

Last Trading Day/Due Date/Expiry Date#

Trading Unit

Price Quote (Basis)

Delivery Centre

Delivery Unit

Additional Delivery Centre(s)

Quality Specifications

Quantity Variation

Tolerance Limit

Trading Session


Underlying Price Quote (basis)

Maximum Allowable Open Position

30 days

Category C

Material modifications which can be made only after approval from SEBI. These modifications shall require deliberations and approval from Product Advisory Committee and Regulatory Oversight Committee before seeking permission from SEBI.

Contract Launch Calendar

Trading Period

Daily Price Limit

Delivery Logic

Settlement of Contract/Settlement Logic/Final settlement Method Exercise of Options

Mechanism of Exercise

Due Date Rate (Final Settlement Price)

Tender Period

Start Date of Near Month Staggered Delivery Period/Tender Period

Option Type

30 days

(Y/L)-Modification can only be carried out in yet to be launched contracts

#-Changes in due date/expiry date may be required to be done in the running contracts in the event of sudden closure of markets on expiry date. SEBI Circular ref. no. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2016/90 dated September 21, 2016 prescribes that Exchange may advance expiry date of running contract in case physical market is closed in the notified basis centre on the expiry day of the contract, due to festivals, strikes, erratic weather conditions, etc. Decision about advancing expiry of running contract shall be intimated to the trade participants at least 10 days before the revised expiry date.