Ministry : Ministry of Finance
Department/Board : Financial Services
Order No. : SO1903(E)
Date of Order : 26.04.2023
Date of Publication : 26.04.2023
Subject: Finance
Central Government authorises the Chairperson of the DRAT, Chennai to discharge functions of the Chairperson of the DRAT, Mumbai for deciding the appeal in the matter of 'Pravara Renewable Energy Limited versus Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited and others'
S.O.1903(E).--In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 8 of the Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 (51 of 1993), the Central Government hereby authorises the Chairperson of the Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Chennai to discharge also the functions of the Chairperson of the Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai for deciding the appeal in the matter of 'Pravara Renewable Energy Limited versus Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited and others (Diary No. 79 of 2022 and its connected proceedings)', in addition to his being the Chairperson of the Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Chennai.
[F. No. 9/11/2022-DRT]