
Ministry : Securities and Exchange Board of India

Department/Board : Press Release

Press Release No. : 02/2023

Date : 25.01.2023

Subject: Capital Market

SEBI underlines the need for analysis and disclosure of risks of trading in F&O

Under the supervision of a working group, SEBI has conducted a study analysing the trends in both participation and in profits and losses of individual traders in the equity F&O segment. The working group had representation from academia, clearing corporations, brokers, and market experts.

To compare results in a contextual manner before and after the pandemic, the study covers the periods of FY 2018-19 and FY 2021-22. The study is based on a sample of all individual clients of all the top-10 stock brokers, accounting for 67% of the overall individual client turnover in the equity F&O segment during FY 2021-22.

Some of the major findings of the study are as under:

• There has been a significant increase of over 500% in the number of individual traders in the equity F&O segment in FY 2021-22, as compared to FY 2018-19.

• 98% of individual traders in the equity F&O segment traded in options during FY 2021-22.

• 9 out of 10 individual traders in the equity F&O segment incurred net losses during both the years FY 2018-19 and FY 2021-22.

• On average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ` 50,000 in FY 2021-22. The average absolute net loss of a loss maker was over 15 times the net profit made by a profit maker.*

• Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28%* of net trading losses as transaction costs.

• Those making net trading profits incurred between 15% to 50%* of such profits as transaction cost.

SEBI believes that periodic data analysis and disclosure of this nature can significantly enhance investor awareness around market risks. With this in mind, SEBI will shortly issue guidelines in respect of additional risk disclosures required to be made by brokers and exchanges to investors.

The study is available on SEBI website

* for active traders excluding outliers