Ministry : Reserve Bank of India
Department/Board : Internal Debt Management Department
Circular No. : IDMD.CDD.2730/14.04.050/2019-2020
Date : 13.04.2020
Notification/ Circulars Referred : Circular IDMD.CDD.No.1569/14.04.050/2016-17 dated December 23, 2016 MANU/IDMC/0044/2016 Circular IDMD.CDD.No.1569/14.04.050/2016-17 dated December 23, 2016 MANU/IDMC/0044/2016
Citing Reference:
Circular IDMD.CDD.No.1569/14.04.050/2016-17 dated December 23, 2016 MANU/IDMC/0044/2016 Referred
All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs)
Designated Post Offices
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (SHCIL)
Depositories/Depository Participants
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme of the Government of India (GoI)-Procedural Guidelines - Consolidated
The Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme was first launched by Government of India (GOI) on October 30, 2015. So far 37 tranches of the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme have been issued. The detail of these issuances till date is given in Annex I. As the "Receiving Offices" (RO), are entrusted with the responsibility of performing certain functions relating to receipt of applications and servicing of the bonds, RBI has also issued operational guidelines from time to time and Procedural Guidelines vide circular IDMD.CDD.No.1569/14.04.050/2016-17 dated December 23, 2016 for guidance to the Receiving Offices.
2. With a view to facilitate availability of all the current operative instructions on the above subject at one place, it has been decided to issue consolidated procedural guidelines. The rules and regulations applicable for servicing of these bonds have been updated with instructions issued till date and are given in
Annex II. The same will be updated suitably and simultaneously whenever there is a change in the rules/regulations governing the operation of the Scheme.
3. This circular supersedes all operational/procedural guidelines issued till date. With the issuance of these instructions, no separate procedural/operational instructions will be issued henceforth. All the Receiving Offices shall be guided by these instructions while dealing with servicing of these bonds.
4. These Guidelines are issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 29(2) of the GS Act 2006, to the Receiving Offices, BSE/NSE, Depositories/Depository Participants.
Yours faithfully,
(Raksha Mishra)
General Manager