
Authority : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

Circular No. : IRDA/IT/CIR/MISC/215/10/2016

Date : 31.10.2016

Subject: Insurance

Industry: Insurance


CEO's of all Insurers

Cyber Security framework

Cyber security in financial sector has gained importance, more so with the advent of technological innovations.

IRDAI has decided to beef up its efforts on a comprehensive cyber security framework for Insurance sector of India in the wake of recent cyber-attacks and also implement appropriate mechanism to mitigate cyber risks.

In this connections, you are hereby requested to submit in brief, the present status and future plan of action to meet the challenges related to cyber security.

The broad areas in the action plan should relate to securing of Data, Applications, operating systems and Network layers in case of cyber security attacks such as denial of service, phishing, hacking, man-in-middle, malware acts, sniffing and spoofing etc.

Insurers are requested to submit the present status and the future plan of action on cyber security framework by 7th November 2016 to