
Department/Board : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Press Release No. : 95/2016

Date : 23.09.2016

Subject: Media and Communication

Industry: Telecom

Hosting of ITU Regional Standardization Forum for Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG)-Asia and Oceania and Opening of SG3RG AO meeting by TRAI at New Delhi (20th to 23rd September 2016)

A week of international meetings focusing on economic and policy issues under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is being hosted this week in New Delhi by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, India's telecommunication regulatory authority.

These meetings demonstrate the leadership of TRAI in highlighting the importance of regional collaboration in the development of standards related to telecommunications policy and economic matters. They are also in line with one of the highest priorities of the ITU, to provide a platform that encourages innovation in the public interest through international dialogue and the exchange of knowledge and know-how. In this context, ITU standardization has a development dimension and international standards increase competition and reduce costs, enabling companies in developing countries to access the global marketplace, and also enabling global players to access emerging markets where the growth is strongest.

The Regional Standardization Forum was held under ITU's Bridging the Standardization Gap Programme ( go/bridging) on 20th September 2016.

It is most fitting for India to host this Standardization Forum, especially as just last month, it was revealed that India jumped 15 spots in the Global Innovation Index and continued to maintain top spot in the Central and South Asia regions. Mr. R.S. Sharma, Chairman TRAI speaking at the inaugural session highlighted the successful implementation of the Aadhar, Digital Identity Program. It is an example of innovation which is also frugal, cost-wise, which is of importance to developing countries. The Regional Standardization Forum discussed a number of other important issues currently facing the telecoms industry, ranging from international mobile roaming and mobile money to international internet connectivity and the rise of artificial intelligence. The full programme is available here: http: / /wwwituint/ en /ITU-Ti Workshops-and Seminars/ bsg/ 201609/ Pages/ Programme. aspx

Following the Forum, the ITU-T Study Group 3 Regional Group Meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. Byoung Nam Lee, Chairman, ITU-T, Study Group (SG) 3 Regional Group (RG)-Asia Oceania (AO) opened and SG3RG AO will be meeting until the end of the week, 23rd September 2016. Delegates from a number of countries from the Asia-Pacific region hope to make progress on developing standards related to tariff and policy issues, including on issues related to, among others, spectrum sharing, OTTs, and digital identity.

About ITU: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies - ICTs.