Department/Board : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Press Release No. : 39/2016
Date : 06.06.2016
Subject: Media and Communication
Industry: Telecom
TRAI releases Consultation Paper on "In-building Access by Telecom Service Providers"
Technological developments are enhancing demand for telecom services (both wireless and wireline). Due to ever-increasing urbanization i.e. rural population moving to urban areas for economic opportunities, there is a huge pressure on the urban areas for infrastructure development. Therefore, a robust telecom infrastructure is indispensable for providing reliable services to the consumers.
2. The Authority in the past has dealt with many infrastructures related issues, however, there are issues related to In-building access that are still faced by the TSPs. There is a requirement to evolve a framework applicable to in-building facilities to enable the telecom operators to obtain efficient access on reasonable terms and conditions. Therefore, the Authority has suo-motu released a Consultation Paper on In-building Access by Telecom Service Providers'. In the Consultation Paper, issues related to In-building Telecom infrastructure have been discussed.
3. The consultation paper has been placed on TRAI's website. Written comments on the issues raised in the consultation paper are invited from the stakeholders by 7th July 2016 and counter-comments by 14th July 2016.
4. The comments and counter-comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form at For any clarification/ information Shri Sanjeev Banzal, Advisor (NSL-II), TRAI may be contacted at Tel. No. +91-1123210481 Fax No. +91-11-23232677.
(S. K. Gupta)