
Department/Board : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Press Release No. : 16/2016

Date : 22.02.2016

Subject: Media and Communication

Industry: Telecom

TRAI issues Draft "The Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulations, 2016"

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today issued a draft 'The Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulations, 2016'.

TRAI had earlier issued "The Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulation, 2012" (hereinafter referred as ASR 2012) on 10th April 2012, mandating submission of audited Accounting Separation Reports by telecom service providers. These reports provide segregated information on revenue, costs, capital employed and financial performance/ profitability of products and services.

The existing system of accounting separation reports was introduced four years back. During the submission of reports under ASR 2012, telecom service providers have pointed out some difficulties/ concerns with regard to the requirements/ reporting under ASR, 2012 vis-a-vis applicability criteria, list of products/network elements, financial and non-financial proformae, periodicity and time period of submission of ASRs etc.

In order to review the Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulations, 2012', a notice was uploaded on TRAI's web site on 1st April 2015, inviting comments from the stakeholders on the possible areas which need relook and revision. The Authority has prepared the draft of The Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulations, 2016' after taking into account stakeholder's views and comments and analysis thereof.

The Authority has also prepared draft guidelines on 'The Reporting System on Accounting Separation Regulations, 2016'. These draft guidelines provide broad methodology and principles to be followed by telecom service providers while preparing reports under Accounting Separation Regulations, 2016.

The draft Regulations and Guidelines are available on TRAI website. Your comments/views on the same may kindly be conveyed to us at email and, Fax No. 011-23236650 on or before 14th March, 2016. Please contact Ms. Vinod Kotwal, Advisor (F&EA) (Phone No. 01123230752) for any clarification.

(S. K. Gupta)
Secretary (I/C), TRAI