Ministry : Reserve Bank of India
Department/Board : RBI
Press Release No. : 2015-2016/946
Date : 19.10.2015
RBI signs MoU on "Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Supervisory Information" with the Central Bank of UAE
The Reserve Bank of India, today, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on "Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Supervisory Information" with the Central Bank of UAE, United Arab Emirates.
The MoU was signed by Mr. Saeed Abdulla Al Hamiz, Assistant Governor for Banking Supervision Affairs on behalf of Central Bank of UAE and Mrs. Meena Hemchandra, Executive Director on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India at the Head Office of Central Bank of UAE at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Mr. T.P. Seetharam, Indian Ambassador to UAE graced the occasion.
The Reserve Bank has entered into Memorandam of Understanding, Letter for Supervisory Co-operation and Statement of Co-operation with supervisors of a few countries to promote greater co-operation and share supervisory information. With the signing of the MoU with the Central Bank of UAE, the reserve Bank has signed 29 such MoUs, one Letter for Supervisory Co-operation and one Statement of Cooperation.
Alpana Killawala
Principal Chief General Manager